White & Case Limited

In accordance with section 367 of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 of the Laws of Barbados, notice is given that WHITE & CASE LIMITED (the “Company”) intends to dissolve and the sole shareholder of the Company has by special resolution authorised and directed that the Company be liquidated and dissolved voluntarily.

Dated  October  23, 2023.





In the Estate of


also known as MONTELLE BARROW


NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Barbados that any person having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of MONTELLE IANTHE BARROW also known as MONTELLE BARROW deceased who died on the 29th day of April 2020 is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to GOLDA CECILIA DANIEL in care of Mr. Alwyn A. Archer, SC Attorney-at-Law whose address is Suites 2 & 7, Nation House, 38 Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados not later than the 15th day of December 2023 after which date the said Executrix will distribute the Estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she has had notice and will not, as respect the property so distributed, be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have had notice.

And all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to settle their accounts without delay.

Dated the 23rd day of October 2023. ALWYN  A. ARCHER, SC

Attorney-at-Law for


Executrix  of  the Estate  of   

MONTELLE   BARROW, deceased.

In the Estate of


also known as NORMAN DELISLE JONES also known as NORMAN DE’LISLE JONES also known as NORMAN JONES


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section  31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the  Laws of Barbados that all persons having any claim upon or affecting the Estate of NORMAN DE LISLE JONES also known as NORMAN DELISLE JONES also known as NORMAN DE’LISLE JONES also known as NORMAN JONES, late of No. 42 Ealing Park Stage 3 in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, deceased, who died at Bayview Hospital in the parish of St. Michael in this Island on the 10th day of March 2020, are required to send particulars in writing of their claims duly attested to MIGNON ELAINE JONES  and  RODNEY DE  LISLE JONES also known as RODNEY DELISLE  JONES,  the Executors of the Will dated the 6th day  of September 2016  of the said deceased, in care of Sharon C. I. Carter, Attorney-at-Law, of No. 22 Ealing Park in the parish of Christ Church in this Island on or before the 23rd day of December 2023 after which date the Executors will distribute the Estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the valid debts and claims of which they shall have had notice at the time of distribution.

AND all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to settle their accounts without delay.

Dated  this  23rd  day  of  October 2023.



for the Executors of the Estate of NORMAN DE LISLE JONES

also known as NORMAN DELISLE JONES also known as NORMAN DE’LISLE JONES also known as NORMAN JONES, deceased.


Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 (Act 2011-7)


All that land situate at Kew Land, Redman Village, St. Thomas containing 4,029.4 square metres


CLAIM NO. LTP 339/2023


AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT land situate at Kew Land, Redman Village in the parish of Saint Thomas in this Island containing by admeasurement 4,029.4 square metres or thereabouts more particularly delineated and shown on a Plan made and certified on the 15th day of February 2023 by Ronald R. Greene Land Surveyor, (hereinafter called “the said Plan”) Abutting and Bounding towards the North on lands now or formerly of Beatrice Robinson as shown on the said Plan towards East on Lot B, Bagatelle Ltd (Bucks Plantation), on the said Plan towards the South on lands now or formerly of Herbert Gibson on the said Plan towards the West on lands now or formerly of Ormande Bryan, deceased and on an Existing Access Road which leads to Kew Land in one direction and to Redman Village and in the other direction on the said Plan or however else the same may abut and bound.


ARMSTRONG of Kew Road in the parish of Saint Thomas in this Island has applied to the High Court for a declaration of her ownership and a certificate of title in respect of the property described above.

Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or interest against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown on or before the 22nd day of November 2023.

Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to give such information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown on or before the 22nd day of November 2023.

Dated the 23rd day of  October, 2023.


Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant

whose place of business and address for service is Denaz Law Chambers

“Sherwood”, Strathclyde Crescent, St. Michael.

Probate Advertisements
  NOTICE  NO. 5 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court   In the Estate of   ROMMEL  WIDMARK  BAILEY   Deceased   PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-   PROBATE  of  the  Will  dated  the  2nd  day of  July,  2016  of  ROMMEL  WIDMARK BAILEY, deceased, late of No. 16 Warrens Crescent in the parish of St. Michael in this Island who died on the 2nd day of July, 2023 in this Island by MICHELLE P. GIBSON, the named sole Executrix of the Will and daughter of the said Deceased.   An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court after the lapse of fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of advertisement.   Dated this 23rd day of October,  2023.   MICHELLE  P. GIBSON Attorney-at-Law.  NOTICE  NO. 6 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court   In the Estate of   EVELYN  YARDE   Deceased   PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-   PROBATE of the Will dated the 20th day of October 2005 of EVELYN YARDE, deceased, late of Fairy Valley No. 2 in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died on the 6th day of February, 2023 in this Island by DARLEEN  YARDE,  the  named sole Executrix of the Will and daughter of the said Deceased.   An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court after the lapse of fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of advertisement.   Dated this 23rd day of October,  2023.   MICHELLE  P. GIBSON Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.

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Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department

VOL. CLVIII      No. 109

Part C


  Contents   Acting Appointments

Mr. Alliston Seale, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, has been appointed to act in the post of Director of Public Prosecutions, Department of the Public Prosecutions, with effect from 2023-09-22 to 2023-09-29 and from 2023-09-30 until further notice but not later than 2023-10-03.

(M.P. 3/117/06C  Vol. 7)

Ms. Joelle  St. John, Senior Parliamentary Counsel, has been appointed to act as Chief Legal Officer,  National Insurance Department, Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Third Sector, with effect from 2023-09-11 until further notice but not later than 2023-10-13.

(M.P. 3/64/30 Vol. I)




Cancellation  of   Vacation Leave

The twenty-four (24) days’ vacation leave from 2nd to 25th October, 2023 previously granted to the Hon. Madam Justice Jacqueline Cornelius, Judge of the High Court, has been cancelled.

ROGER  PADMORE of Lynches, St. Philip having made sworn deposition that Policy No. B100620113 issued by British American Insurance Company and assumed by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life  of  NICKOLLI PADMORE has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.

Dated the 27th day of  July, 2023.

By Order,


Corporate Secretary.

  NOTICE  NO. 3 SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   VIJAYASREE  DEVI  JONNALAGADDA of No. 11 Joe Louis Boulevard, Enterprise, Christ Church having made sworn deposition that Policy No. B004161 issued by British American Insurance Company and assumed by Sagicor Life Inc., on her life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. Dated the 27th day of  July, 2023. By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.  NOTICE  NO. 5   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   CHIQUITA  HARRIS-GAY of #8 Mullion Lane, Gall Hill, Christ Church having made sworn deposition that Policy No. 077410107 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on her life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. Dated the 27th day of  July, 2023. By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.
NOTICE  NO. 4 SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   RUDOLPH DELICE of 20 Clapham Close, Wildey, St. Michael having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S07455668 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. Dated the 27th day of  July, 2023. By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.NOTICE  NO. 6 SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   GREGG  GODDARD of 41 Frere Pilgrim, Christ Church having made sworn deposition that Policy No. J774015931 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 27th day of  July, 2023.   By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.



ANDREW  HUTCHINSON of  Lot 2, Moncrieffe Plantation, St. John being the Administrator of the Estate of PHYLLIS HUTCHINSON (Deceased) and having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S00088674 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life  of  PHYLLIS HUTCHINSON (Deceased) has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.

Dated the 27th day of  July, 2023.

By Order,


Corporate Secretary.

  NOTICE  NO. 8   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   MARK  HOLFORD of 113 Country View Estate, Lowthers, Christ Church having made sworn deposition that Policy No. J774003454 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated  the  9th  day  of  August, 2023.   By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.  NOTICE  NO. 10   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   GLORIA SKEETE of Sharon, St. Thomas having made sworn deposition that Policy No. C1489794 issued by Confederation Life Insurance Company and assumed by Sagicor Life Inc., on her life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 11th day of August, 2023.   By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.
        NOTICE  NO. 9   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   NATASHA COLLINS of Bairds Road, Lower Carlton, St. James having made sworn deposition that Policy No. J774052816 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on her life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 10th day  of  August, 2023.   By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.        NOTICE  NO. 11   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   CHERIE MOORE of Lot 912 Mango Villas, Coverley, Christ Church having made sworn deposition that Policy No. M8064076 issued by Manufacturer’s Life Insurance Company and assumed by Sagicor Life Inc., on her life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 11th day  of  August, 2023.   By Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.

  NOTICE  NO. 12   SAGICOR  LIFE  INC.   SCOTIABANK  (BARBADOS)  LIMITED of  Haggatt  Hall,  St.  Michael  having  made  sworn deposition  that  Policy  No.  077400774  issued  by Sagicor Life Inc., on  the  life  of  CHARLES  TULL has  been  lost  and  having  made  application  to  the Directors  to  grant  a  duplicate  of  the  same,  notice  is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 10th day of August, 2023.   By  Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.   NOTICE  NO. 14   SAGICOR  LIFE  INC.   SCOTIABANK  (BARBADOS)  LIMITED  of Warrens,  St.  Michael  having  made  sworn  deposition that Policy No. S07307222 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life of KEITH INNISS has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 11th day of August, 2023.   By  Order,   ALTHEA  C. HAZZARD Corporate Secretary.         NOTICE  NO. 13   SAGICOR  LIFE  INC.   SCOTIABANK  (BARBADOS)  LIMITED  of Warrens,  St.  Michael  having  made  sworn  deposition that Policy No. 077401959 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life of KEITH INNISS has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 11th day of  August, 2023.   By  Order,   ALTHEA  C. HAZZARD Corporate Secretary.         NOTICE  NO. 15 SAGICOR  LIFE  INC.   SANDRA   LYNCH  of  225  Red  School  LN, Apt X2, Phillipsburg, NJ USA being the Administratrix of  the  Estate  of  RICHARD  LYNCH  (Deceased)  and having made sworn deposition that Policy No. C5049336 issued by Confederation Life Insurance Company and assumed by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life of RICHARD LYNCH  (Deceased)  has  been  lost  and  having  made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. Dated the 11th day of  August, 2023. By  Order,   ANDREW  C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.    

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Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department