S.I. 2024 No. 24

ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies Act, 2024 (Act 2024–13)


The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 4 of the ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies Act, 2024 and after consultation with the CWI gives the following Notice:

  1. This Notice may be cited as the ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies

(CWC 2024 Venues) Notice, 2024.

  1. In order to provide for the efficient and effective staging of the ICC

Cricket World Cup West Indies, the following areas are declared to be CWC 2024 venues:

Kensington Oval;

3W’s Oval;

Weymouth Cricket Ground; and

Windward Cricket Ground.

3. The areas listed in paragraph 2 are venues during the match period commencing on the 1st day of June, 2024 and ending on the 30th day of June, 2024.

4. A description of each venue is set out in the Schedule.

5. The venues referred to in paragraph 2 are, during the match period, within the control of the CWI.


(Paragraphs 2, 4 and 5)


Kensington Oval

ALL THAT land situate at Kensington Oval in the parish of Saint Michael commencing in the north at approximate Grid Coordinate (Easting 23,027.36(m), Northing 66,948.82(m)) as shown on the map and continuing in a southeasterly direction abutting and abounding on lands of Patricia Hinds, Sabrina Walcott, Daisy Goodridge, Andre Small et al, Maureen Tudor, Constance Franklin, Cameron Barnard, Gwendolyn Farley, Willis Belgrave and Abdullah Patel et ux; thence in a southerly direction abutting and abounding on a road more particularly known as Pickwick Gap; thence in a westerly then southerly then westerly direction abutting and abounding on lands now or formerly of Goddard Enterprises; thence in a northerly direction abutting and abounding on other lands of the Barbados Cricket Association to approximate Grid Coordinate (Easting 22,908.22(m), Northing 66,805.29(m)); thence in a northeasterly direction to approximate Grid Coordinate (Easting 22,914.21(m), Northing 66,873.04(m); thence in an easterly direction to the point of commencement at approximate grid  coordinate (Easting 23,027.36(m), Northing 66,948.82(m)).

3 W’s Oval

ALL THAT land situate at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, in the parish of Saint Michael commencing in the north at the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 22,034.61(m), Northing 70,246.97(m)) as shown on the map and continuing in an easterly direction along a road leading to the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 22,207.75(m), Northing 70,201.28(m)), and in a westerly direction on other lands of the University of the West Indies more particularly being UWI Sports Bar and UWI Graduation Tent leading to the approximate coordinate grid coordinate (Easting 22,117.01(m), Northing 70,095.20(m)) and continuing in a northerly direction to the original approximate grid coordinate (Easting 22,034.61(m), Northing 70,246.97(m)).

Weymouth Cricket Ground

ALL THAT land situate at Roebuck Street in the parish of Saint Michael commencing on a Public Road particular known as Roebuck Street in the east at the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 24,644.21(m), Northing 66,478.01(m)) as shown on the map and continuing in a southerly direction to the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 24,618.43(m), Northing 66,394.55(m)] then in a westerly direction to the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 24,473.40(m), Northing 66,379.58(m)) then in a northerly direction abutting and abounding lands of the Barbados Government to the intersection with a Public Road more particularly known as Roebuck Street at the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 24,453.98(m), Northing 66,546.20(m) thence in an easterly direction along a Public Road more particularly known as Roebuck Street to the point of commencement at approximate grid coordinate (Easting 24,644.21(m), Northing 66,478.01(m)).

Windward Cricket Ground

ALL THAT land situate at Lucas Street in the parish of Saint Philip commencing on a Public Road particularly known as Lucas Street in the west at the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 40,771.22(m), Northing 69,163.64(m)) as shown on the map and continuing in a northerly direction abutting and abounding on lands now or formerly Daphne Hunte, Russell Investments Ltd to the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 40,649.68(m), Northing 69,293.10(m)), and continuing in a easterly direction abutting and abounding on lands now or formerly Congo Road Plantation to the approximate grid coordinate (Easting 40,781.22(m), Northing 69,163.64(m)), continuing in a southeasterly direction abutting and bounding lands now or formerly Gilbert Nicholls, John Chafe to the intersection with a Public Road more particularly known as Lucas Street, and continuing in a southwesterly direction along a Public Road more particularly known as Lucas Street to the initial approximate grid coordinate (Easting 40,771.22(m), Northing 69,163.64(m)).

Given by the Minister this 27th day of May, 2024.


Minister responsible for Sports

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Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department