Ecoisle Consulting Inc.

Company No. 15047

In accordance with the Companies Act, Chapter 308 of the Laws of Barbados NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the abovementioned ECOISLE CONSULTING INC. intends to dissolve.

Dated this 22nd day of May, 2024.



NOTICE  NO. 6 (third publication)


(Notice under Section 3)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it appears to the Minister responsible for Lands that the parcel of land described in the Schedule hereto and situate at Westbury Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island is likely to be needed for a purpose which in the opinion of the Minister is a public purpose, namely to provide sanitation, staff accommodation and car-parking facilities to serve the adjoining Baxter’s Road Fish-Fry Village.


ALL THAT LAND the property of the Bessie Yearwood Home situate at Westbury Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island containing by admeasurement

964.7 square metres (which is made up of 901.5 square metres and 63.2 square metres) ABUTTING AND BOUNDING on lands now or late of Percy Squires on lands now or late of Ira Jarvis on lands now or formerly of Wester Trading Co. Ltd on lands now or late of the Estate of Maude Callender Dec’d on lands now or late of Rebecca Small on lands now or late of Teckla E. Evanson and on a pavement which separates the aforesaid lands from the Public Road known as Westbury Road or however else the same may abut and bound as shown and delineated on a plan certified on the 29th day of July, 2007 by David A.D. McCollin, Land Surveyor and recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 28th day of August, 2007 as Plan No. 1232/2007.

Dated this 9th day of May Two Thousand and Twenty-Four.


Permanent Secretary (Ag.)

Ministry of Housing, Lands and Maintenance.



(Section 339)


Company No. 13451

In accordance with Section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 Notice is hereby given that the registration of the above-mentioned external company has been revived by the Registrar of Companies with effect from April 11, 2024.

Dated this 24th day of April, 2024.





(Section 339)


Company No.: 32218

In accordance with Section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 Notice is hereby given that the registration of the above-mentioned external company has been revived by the Registrar of Companies with effect from May 10, 2024.

Dated this 10th day of May, 2024. JOANNA GERAGHTY


May 23, 2024

OFFICIAL GAZETTE                                                                          3

NOTICE  NO. 3 (second publication) BARBADOS


CLAIM NO. CIV0337/2024


AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT land situate at Lot 69 Royal Palm Avenue Belleview Gardens Gemswick in the parish of Saint Philip, Barbados and shown on a Plan made and certified on the 6th day of December 2017 by Michael H. Hutchinson, Land Surveyor and containing by admeasurement 609.7 square metres ABUTTING AND BOUNDING towards the North lot 68 on lands now or formerly of Alison Gittens towards the East on a road reserve 7.92 metres wide known as Diamond Drive which leads to a Cul-de-sac in one direction and to Royal Palm in the other direction towards the South on Lot 70 on lands now or formerly of Timothy and Carmen Herbert and towards the West on another road reserve known as Royal Palm which leads to Durette Gardens in one direction and to a Public Road in the other direction or however else the same may abut and bound together with the dwellinghouse thereon.


TAKE NOTICE that DORIEL Y. KAMYA of 18 Woodfield Crescent London W5 1PD England and Lot 69, Royal Palm Avenue, Belleview Gardens Gemswick in the parish of Saint Philip Barbados has applied to the High Court for a declaration of their ownership and a Certificate of Title in respect of the property described above.

Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to give such information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 21st day of June, 2024.

Dated the day of 23rd  May 2024.

NIGEL A. WHITEHALL Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant whose place of business and address for service is

Legis Chambers, Upper Collymore Rock Saint Michael, Barbados.

4                                                                           OFFICIAL GAZETTE

May 23, 2024


Application No.: RT 129/2024



TAKE  NOTICE that an Application  has been made to  the Registrar of  Titles by PHILIP JOHN DACRE ROBINSON of 17 Fairview Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 4TH in the United Kingdom, for the Restoration of the Title Deed to Unit No. 403 Boarded Hall Green Condominium, Boarded Hall in the parish of Saint George in this Island (more particularly described in the Schedule hereto) on the grounds that the Original Title Deed to the property has been misplaced or  lost.

ALSO TAKE NOTICE that unless notification is received at the Land Registry, Warrens Office Complex, Warrens Saint Michael by 5th July 2024 that the Title Deed has not been lost or is being lawfully held by some other person, the Registrar of Titles shall immediately proceed to determine the said Application according to  law.

Dated this 23rd day of May 2024.


Justicia Chambers

Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant


  1. The Unit No. 403 Boarded Hall Condominiums, Boarded Hall, Saint George together with 2.88448% share in the common property.
  • The Title Deed to be restored is:-

Deed of Conveyance dated the 17th day of August, 2015 (recorded in the Registration Office of this Island on the 24th day of August, 2015 as Deed No. 4888 of 2015) and made between Boarded Hall Green Inc. of the First Part; Republic Bank (Barbados) Inc. of the Second Part; and Philip John Dacre Robinson and Yvette Beverly Cerene Cort of the Third  Part.

May 23, 2024

OFFICIAL GAZETTE                                                                          5


The  Change  of  Name  Act, Cap. 212A

Applications of the below-mentioned persons for a Change of Name under the Change of  Name Act, Cap. 212A have been made to the Registrar of the Supreme Court:

Name                                               Address                                   Proposed Name


Dated this 23rd day of May 2024.


for Registrar of the Supreme Court.

6                                                                           OFFICIAL GAZETTE

May 23, 2024

Probate Advertisements   NOTICE  NO. 6 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court In the Matter of the Estate of JOAN ODELL also known as JOAN ILENE ODELL Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application has  been  made  for  the  following  Grant  of  Probate namely:- PROBATE  of  the  Will  dated  the  18th  day  of August, 2014 of JOAN ODELL also known as JOAN ILENE  ODELL  late  of  1st  Avenue  Bank  Hall  in  the parish  of  Saint  Michael  in  this  Island  who  died  at 1st Avenue Bank Hall in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 18th day of December, 2022 by REZA JULIET WRIGHT, one of the Executors named in the Will of the deceased. An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of   Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement. Dated this 23rd day of  May 2024. MICHAEL R. YEARWOOD, K.C. Attorney-at-Law.   Queen  Elizabeth  Hospital,  Martindales  Road  in  the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 14th day of November, 2021 by ROGER ST. CLAIR WOODING the Executor named in the Will of the said deceased.   An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court  fourteen  (14)  days  from  the  date  of  the  Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of the advertisement. Dated this 23rd day of May, 2024. DERRICK F.P. ODERSON Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.   NOTICE  NO. 7 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court – Civil Jurisdiction In the Estate of   REGINALD FITZSTANLEY WOODING Deceased   PUBLIC   NOTICE   is   hereby   given   that   an application  is  being  made  for  the  following  Grant  of Probate namely:- PROBATE   of   the   Will   dated   the   27th   day of    May    2019    of    REGINALD    FITZSTANLEY WOODING  late  of     Lot  3  Flagstaff  Road  in  the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at the    



High Court – Civil Jurisdiction

In the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE  of  the   Will   dated   the   27th  day of November 2017 of EASTON CHRISTOPHER SHEPHERD late of Lower Spooners Hill in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at Queen’s College Isolation Facility in the parish of Saint James in this Island on the 30th day of October, 2021 by TRECIA NICOLE FIELD the Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of the advertisement.

Dated this 23rd day of May, 2024. DERRICK  F.P. ODERSON

Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.

May 23, 2024

OFFICIAL GAZETTE                                                                          7



High Court

In the Estate of


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters Testamentary namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated the 13th day of December 2019 of DELCINEA HOYTE late of Hoyte’s Village in the parish of Saint James in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 14th day of September 2023 by PAMELA JO-ANNE HOYTE the Executrix named in the Will of the said Deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.

Dated this 23rd day of May 2024.





High Court Division Civil Division (Probate)

In the Estate of


also known as GERRY PHILLIPS


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated the 20th day  of July,   2011   of   GERRY  ALISTAIR   PHILLIPS  also

known as GERRY PHILLIPS, deceased, late of  “Vesta

Lodge”, Plum Tree Hill in the parish of Saint Thomas in this Island who died at “Vesta Lodge”, Plum Tree Hill in the parish of Saint Thomas in this Island on  the 4th day of February, 2021 by SHERIDAN ANASTASIA REECE the Executor named in the Will of the deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court after fourteen (14) days from the date of the second publication of this Notice.

Dated the 16 day of  May, 2024.


Attorney-at-Law /Applicant.



High Court

In the Estate of


also known as GLORIA SPRINGER

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated the 19th day of December  2022  of  GLORIA  ANGELA SPRINGER

also  known  as  GLORIA  SPRINGER  of  Block 6 601 London Bourne Towers, Bay Street in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the parish of Saint  Michael  in  Barbados on the 24th day of April 2023 by PETER GEORGE SPRINGER of St. Leonard’s Village, Upper Westbury Road in the parish of St. Micheal in this Island the Attorney to record of ELIZABETH SPRINGER the sole Executrix  named in the Will of the Deceased.

An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of notice in the Official Gazette.

Dated the  23rd day of May 2024.



8                                                                           OFFICIAL GAZETTE

May 23, 2024



High Court

In the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated the 24th day of April, 2014 of RUBY MONTAGUE late of 60 Monks Park, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 6JQ in the United Kingdom who died in London Borough of Brent  in the United Kingdom on  the  7th  day  of  July  2023 by STEPHEN DAVID MONTAGUE, MICHAEL NICHOLAS   MONTAGUE   and   SIMON    PHILIP

MONTAGUE, the Executors named in the Will of the Testatrix.

An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court no less than fourteen (14) days from the date of this Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.

Dated the 23rd day of May, 2024.




High Court

In the Estate of


also known as CECIL OSBOURNE

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated the 4th day of June,  2023  of  CECIL GODFREY OSBOURNE  also

known as CECIL OSBOURNE deceased late of Mount

Brevitor in the parish of Saint Peter in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 31st day of July 2023 by SYLVESTER GODFREY OSBOURNE the son and sole Executor named in the Will of the said deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.

Dated the 23rd day of May 2024. LIZ-ANN  F. TAYLOR

Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant

“Yorkshire House” Strathclyde Drive, Strathclyde, St. Michael.



High Court

In the Estate of


also known as GEOFFREY ODLE


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated the 11th day of March,  2024  of  GEOFFREY  IAN  GLYNE  ODLE

also known as GEOFFREY ODLE late of “Welches Lodge”, Welches, St. Michael in this Island Barbados, who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road, St. Michael in this  Island  Barbados,  on  the 28th day of March, 2024 by SARA NICOLE ODLE and    THERESE  ANNE   PHYLLIS  JAMES   the

Executrices and Trustees named in the Will of the said deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.

Dated the 23rd day of May, 2024.



May 23, 2024

OFFICIAL GAZETTE                                                                          9



High Court Civil Jurisdiction

In the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

James in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 18th day of October 2022 by DWAYNE OMAR GRIFFITH, the widower of the deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of advertisement.

Dated this 23rd day of May 2024.



PROBATE of the Last Will  and  Testament of the deceased dated the 27th day of November, 1997 of MARGARET MCDOWALL WELLS, deceased late of Villas  on the Beach Unit 305, Holetown in the  parish of Saint James in this Island who died at Bayview Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 29th day of September, 2023 by WILLIAM MCDOWALL WELLS one  of  the  Executors  named in the Will of the deceased with power reserved to the other Executor to apply.


In the Estate of

An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.

Dated this the 21st day of May 2024.


Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant.



High Court

In the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-


of TRICIA KATRINA GRIFFITH, deceased late of Hope Road No. 2, Orange Hill in the parish of Saint



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application will be made for the following Grant namely:-

Grant    of    LETTERS    TESTAMENTARY   to

the  Estate  of  OLIVER  CHARLES,  Deceased,  late of Edgecliff in the parish of Saint John in this Island who died in Barbados on the 24th day of May 2022 by FREDERICA MATTHEWS of 284 Henley Road, Reading, Berkshire RG4 6LS in the United Kingdom but formerly of Vine Street in the City of  Bridgetown in this Island the sole Executrix named in the Last Will and Testament of the Deceased dated the 16th day of January 2017.

An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second issue of this Notice in this newspaper.

Dated the 13th day of February 2024.


Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant  6 Dunscombe Plantation, St. Thomas.

10                                                                         OFFICIAL GAZETTE

May 23, 2024



High Court

In the Estate of


also known as KENNETH ASHBY

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-


of KENNETH ALPHONZO ASBHY also known as KENNETH ASHBY, late of Water Street in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died on the 7th day of January 2023 by KENÍA ASHBY who is the Daughter and Administrator of the Estate of the deceased.

An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.

Dated the 21st day of May 2024. STEVE A.H. GOLLOP




High Court – Civil Jurisdiction

In the Estate of


also known as MARIA MARSHALL also known as HAZEL MARSHALL nee BELGRAVE


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-


of   MARIA  HAZELINE   MARSHALL   also known

as MARIA MARSHALL also known as HAZEL MARSHALL  nee  BELGRAVE,  deceased  late   of Lot 28, Durants Terrace, Durants in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died in this Island on the 9th day of December, 2021 by COREY NIGEL OMAR BELGRAVE  and  ANDRE  FRANCOIS BELGRAVE,

the grandsons of the said deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.

Dated this 30th day of April, 2024.


Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicants.



High Court

In the Estate of


also known as VINCENT GIBBS

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Letters of Administration namely:-


of VINCENT MONTGOMERY GIBBS also known as VINCENT GIBBS late of 2nd Avenue  Chelsea Road in the parish of St. Michael in this Island who died at 2nd Avenue Chelsea Road in the parish of St. Michael in this Island on the 19th day of September 2023 by WINSTON NATHANIEL GIBBS, son of the deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.

Dated the 23rd day of May 2024. ANTHONY R. GIBBS

Integrity Law Chambers

Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant.

May 23, 2024


OFFICIAL GAZETTE                                                                        11



High Court

In the Matter of the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is here given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-


Estate of DAWN-MARIE MARSHALL also known DAWN MARIE MARSHALL, deceased, late of Scotts Gap, Brittons Hill in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at Scotts Gap, Brittons Hill in the parish of Saint Michael on the 13th November, 2023  by   MARQUITTA  ANITA  SEALY,   the  duly

constituted Attorney on record in this Island of GLENIS MARSHALL, the mother of the  deceased.

An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of advertisement.

Dated this 23rd day of  May 2024.




High Court

In the Matter of the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is here given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-


Estate of ARCHIBALD BURNETT also known as ARCHIBALD DUNCAN BURNETT, deceased, late of #12 Bay Street in the parish of Saint Michael who died at St. Jude’s Nursing Home, Holders Hill in the parish of Saint James on the 30th day of July, 2019 by RICHARD DUNCAN LORDE who is the son of the deceased.

An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of advertisement.

Dated this 23rd day of  May 2024.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department

23rd May, 2024


Trade Marks Act, Cap. 319


NOTICE is hereby given that it appears to me that the requirements of the Act governing registration of a trade mark have been complied with in respect of the several trade mark applications, particulars of which are set out below.

The respective applicants will be entitled to register the marks after ninety (90) days from the 23rd day of May, 2024 unless some person shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my office of opposition to such registration.

The mark can be inspected on application at the Intellectual Property Office, Warrens, St. Michael.

Dated this 17th day of May, 2024.


Director (ag.)

File No (210): 81/ 023067   Applicant (730): AMICORP HOLDING LIMITED, a company duly incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands of Marcy Building, 2 Floor Purcell Estate, Tortola, British Virgin Islands   Filing date (220): 03/05/2007                               
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Business management and organization consultancy; business administration services; business inquiries; business management assistance; business investigations; integration coordination of all business services in connection with the establishment and making operations in a cost-effective way of companies in various jurisdictions; business services relating to the establishing of different legal entities necessary estate planning; office functions namely secretarial services; rental of office machines and equipment; employment recruitment; employment agency services; professional recruitment services in International Class 35
File No (210): 81/ 023068   Applicant (730): AMICORP HOLDING LIMITED, a company duly incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands of Marcy Building, 2 Floor Purcell Estate, Tortola, British Virgin Islands   Filing date (220): 03/05/2007                               
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Fiduciary services; banking, financial consultancy; planning (Estate-) [financial]; financial services relating to the structuring of investments in a manner which reduces tax obligations; international corporate finance services; financial planning and tax planning services; financial information; financial analysis; fiscal assessments services, financial management; capital investments; rental of office space in International Class 36
File No (210): 81/ 023926   Applicant (730): MONTAGE HOTELS & RESORTS LLC a company organized and existing under the Laws of Nevada of 30801 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California 92651, U.S.A.   Filing date (220): 04/12/2007      MONTAGE
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados   Class (511): Health spa services in International Class 44
File No (210): 81/ 024291   Applicant (730): CREDIT SUISSE GROUP AG a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Switzerland of Paradeplatz 8, CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland Filing date (220): 04/03/2008 Disclaimer: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “SUISSE” apart from the mark as a whole.   Translation: The word “SUISSE” displayed on the representation of the mark is a French word which when translated means “Switzerland” in the English Language.      CREDIT SUISSE
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Educational services; training; entertainment; presentation of live performances; party planning [entertainment]; organisation of competitions [education or entertainment]; organisation of sports competitions; ticket agency services [entertainment]; providing on- line information services relating to entertainment, education and sports; publication of statistics relating to education, entertainment and sports in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 026471   Applicant (730): Apple Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California of One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California 95014, United States of America   Filing date (220): 15/01/2010   Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in Trinidad and Tobago on July 16, 2009  under No. 41168      IPAD
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Computers, computer peripheral devices, computer terminals; computer hardware; computer gaming machines, microprocessors, memory boards, monitors [computer hardware], displays, keyboards, cables, modems, printers, disk drives, adapters, adapter cards, connectors and drivers; blank computer storage media; magnetic data carriers; computer software and firmware, namely, operating system programs, data synchronization programs, and application development tool programs for personal and handheld computers; pre-recorded computer programs for personal information management, database management software, character recognition software, telephony management software, electronic mail and messaging software, paging software, mobile telephone software; database sychronization software, computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases, computer hardware and software for providing integrated telephone communication with computerized global information networks; handheld digital electronic devices and software related thereto; MP3 and other digital format audio players; hand held computers, tablet computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers, electronic notepads; mobile digital electronic devices, global positioning system (GPS) devices, telephones; handheld and mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; cordless telephones; mobile telephones; parts and accessories for mobile telephones; facsimile machines, answering machines, cameras, videophones, telephone- based information retrieval software and hardware; electronic handheld units for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages, and electronic devices that enable the user to keep track of or manage personal information; electronic communication equipment and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; computer software for the redirection of messages, Internet e-mail, and/or other data to one or more electronic handheld devices from a data store on or associated with a personal computer or a server; computer software for the synchronization of data between a remote station or device and a fixed or remote station or device; fonts, typefaces, type designs and symbols in the form of recorded data; chips, discs and tapes bearing or for recording computer programs and software; random access memory, read only memory; solid state memory apparatus; computer and electronic games; computer equipment for use with any of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with any of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive
functions for use with any of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all the aforementioned goods; user manuals in electronically readable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; apparatus for data storage; hard drives; miniature hard disk drive storage units; pre-recorded vinyl records, audio tapes, audio-video tapes, audio video cassettes, audio video discs; audio tapes (all being sold together with booklets); CD- ROMs; digital versatile discs; mouse pads; batteries; rechargeable batteries; chargers; chargers for electric batteries; headphones; stereo headphones; in-ear headphones; stereo speakers; audio speakers; audio speakers for home; monitor speakers; speakers for computers; personal stereo speaker apparatus; radio receivers, amplifiers, sound recording and reproducing apparatus, electric phonographs, record players, high fidelity stereo apparatus, tape recorders and reproducing apparatus, loudspeakers, multiple speaker units, microphones; digital audio and video devices; audio cassette recorders and players, video cassette recorders and players, compact disc players, digital versatile disc recorders and players, digital audio tape recorders and players; digital music and/or video players; radios; video cameras; audio, video, and digital mixers; radio transmitters; car audio apparatus; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain cameras and/or video cameras; mobile telephone covers; mobile telephone cases; mobile telephone cases made of leather or imitations of leather; mobile telephone covers made of cloth or textile materials; bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain MP3 players, hand held computers, tablet computers, personal digital assistants, global positioning system (GPS) devices, electronic organizers and electronic notepads in International Class 9
File No (210): 81/ 026472   Applicant (730): Apple Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California of One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California 95014, United States of America   Filing date (220): 15/01/2010   Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in Trinidad and Tobago on July 16, 2009 under No. 41168      IPAD
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Toys; playing cards; electric hand-held game units; musical toys; toy audio apparatus; toy musical boxes; toy musical instruments; toy record players for playing tunes and cassettes; musical games; battery operated toys; electronic toys; electric computer games, other than those adapted for use with television receivers; electrical and electronic amusement apparatus (automatic, coin/counter freed); electronic games being automatic, coin-freed or counter-freed (other than those adapted for use with television receivers); hand-held electronic games and apparatus (other than those adapted for use with television receiver only); video games other than those adapted for use with television receivers only; automatic and coin-operated amusement machines; computer game apparatus other than coin operated or those adapted for use with television receivers; video output toys and games; electronically operated toys; interactive computer toys and games; musical toys and games; stand alone video game machines incorporating a means of display; toy handheld electronic devices; toy computers (not working); toy mobile telephones (not working); parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods in International Class 28
File No (210): 81/ 026613   Applicant (730): Oatey Co. a company duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio, United States of America of 20600 Emerald Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio 44135, United States of America   Filing date (220): 18/02/2010      OATEY
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Attorney-at-Law, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael   Class (511): Construction and plumbing supplies, namely, solders fluxes; plastic pipe solvent cements, plastic pipe solvent primers and plastic pipe solvent cleaners in International Class 1
File No (210): 81/ 026871   Applicant (730): TRUSSARDI S.p.A., a company organized under the laws of Italy of Piazza Duse 4, Milano, Italy   Filing date (220): 06/05/2010      TRUSSARDI
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Cameras (photography), chronographs (time recording apparatus), containers for contact lenses, diving suits, electronic agendas, eyeglass cases, eyeglass chains, eyeglass cords, eyeglass frames, eyeglasses, sunglasses, goggles for sports, magnigying glasses (optics), divers’ masks, pince-nez cases, pince-nez chains, pince-nez cords, pince-nez mountings, portable telephones, spectacle cases, spectacle frames, spectacle glasses, digital electroniic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio, image, and video files, video telephones, video cameras in International Class 9
File No (210): 81/ 026872   Applicant (730): TRUSSARDI S.p.A., a company organized under the laws of Italy of Piazza Duse 4, Milano, Italy   Filing date (220): 06/05/2010      TRUSSARDI
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Alarm clocks, boxes of precious metal, bracelets [jewellery], brooches [jewellery], chains [jewellery], charms [jewellery], chronographs (watches), chronometers, clock cases, cuff links, earrings, key chains, key rings (trinkets or fobs), medallion [jewellery], necklaces [jewellery], ornamental pins, rings [jewellery], shoe ornaments of precious metal, silver ornaments, stopwatches, straps for wristwatches, tie clips, tie pins, trinkets [jewellery], watch bands, watch cases, watch chains, watches, wristwatches in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 026874   Applicant (730): TRUSSARDI S.p.A., a company organized under the laws of Italy of Piazza Duse 4, Milano, Italy   Filing date (220): 06/05/2010      TRUSSARDI
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Backpacks, beach bags, briefcases, card cases (notecases), garment bags for travel, handbags, leather leashes, leather shoulder belts, net bags for shopping, pocket wallets, pouches, of leather, for packaging, purses, rucksacks, school bags, school satchels, shopping bags, sports bags, suitcases, travelling bags, travelling trunks, trunks (luggage), valises, vanity cases, not fitted; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery in International Class 18
File No (210): 81/ 026875   Applicant (730): TRUSSARDI S.p.A., a company organized under the laws of Italy of Piazza Duse 4, Milano, Italy   Filing date (220): 06/05/2010      TRUSSARDI
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Bath linen, except clothing, bed blankets, bed clothes, bed covers, bed covers of paper, bed linen, bedspreads, canvas for tapestry or embroidery, curtains of textile or plastic, door curtains, face towels of textile, furniture coverings of plastic and furniture coverings of textile, handkerchiefs of textile, hat linings, of textile, in the piece, household linen, labels of cloth, mattress covers, pillowcases, place mats, not of paper, quilts, sleeping bags (sheeting), table linen, not of paper, table napkins of textile, tapestry (wall hangings), of textile, towels of textile, upholstery fabrics, wall hangings of textile, washing mitts in International Class 24
File No (210): 81/ 026878   Applicant (730): TRUSSARDI S.p.A., a company organized under the laws of Italy of Piazza Duse 4, Milano, Italy   Filing date (220): 06/05/2010      TRUSSARDI
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Provision of food and drinks, namely, restaurant, bar and cocktail lounge services, temporary accommodation services; hotels, motels, boarding houses, tourists homes, catering (food and drinks), cafes, restaurants, cafeterias, rental of temporary accommodation, reservations (temporary accommodation) in International Class 43
File No (210): 81/ 027061   Applicant (730): MEDLEY INDUSTRIA FARMACÊUTICA LTDA, a company organized and existing under the laws of Brazil of Rua Macedo da Costa, 55 Jardim Santa Genebra, Zip Code 1308- 180, Sâo Paulo, Brazil   Filing date (220): 05/07/2010      MEDLEY
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Pharmaceutical preparations and Veterinary preparations; hygienic preparations for medical use; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; baby food stuffs; medical plasters; material for dressings; disinfectants for hygiene purposes in International Class 5
File No (210): 81/ 028848   Applicant (730): Association of Chartered Certified Accountants a company incorporated and existing by virtue of a Royal Charter granted on 16 November 1974, under the Laws of England and Wales of 29 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3EE, United Kingdom   Filing date (220): 18/11/2011      ACCA
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Attorney-at-Law, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael   Class (511): Provision of advertising space in magazines, other print media and on the Internet; association services, namely, promotion of the interests of accounts; accountancy services; book keeping services; auditing services; tax preparation services; tax advisory services; preparation of financial reports for others for business or commercial purposes; business consultancy services relating to insolvency; business and management advice and consultancy in the field of accounting; business consultancy services in relation to the administration of information technology; company secretarial services; information and advisory services in relation to accountancy, financial reports, tax preparation, promotion of the interests of accountants, business research, preparation of accounts and economic forecasting in International Class 35
File No (210): 81/ 028849   Applicant (730): Association of Chartered Certified Accountants a company incorporated and existing by virtue of a Royal Charter granted on 16 November 1974, under the Laws of England and Wales of 29 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3EE, United Kingdom   Filing date (220): 18/11/2011      ACCA
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Attorney-at-Law, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael   Class (511): Financial services, namely, financial clearing, financial management, financial assessments, financial evaluations, financial analysis, financial assistance, financial forecasting, financial brokerage, provision of financial data, financial advisory services; provision of financial advisory services relating to insolvency of companies and individuals; financial planning services; investment and business investment services; financial consultancy services; insurance services, namely, insurance brokerage, provision of insurance information, insurance advisory services, insurance consultancy, insurance administration, insurance underwriting; credit card services; information and advisory services in relation to financial services, namely, financial clearing, financial management, financial assessment, financial evaluations, financial analysis, financial assistance, financial forecasting, financial brokerage, provision of financial data, insurance services, namely, provision of professional insurance, insurance brokerage, insurance consultancy, insurance investigation services, insurance administration and insurance underwriting in International Class 36
File No (210): 81/ 028850   Applicant (730): Association of Chartered Certified Accountants a company incorporated and existing by virtue of a Royal Charter granted on 16 November 1974, under the Laws of England and Wales of 29 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3EE, United Kingdom   Filing date (220): 18/11/2011      ACCA
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael   Class (511): Education, training and teaching services; teaching and training services in the field of accounting; vocational education training in the field of accounting; organising and conducting classes in the field of accounting; organisation of educational examinations; publishing of printed matter, namely magazines, periodicals, reports, books, newsletters and documents; arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; business training services; providing on-line training courses, seminars and workshops in the field of accounting; design of educational courses, examinations and qualifications; provision of educational examination facilities; all the aforesaid services in respect of accountancy, financial and business matters, or management and business studies; information and advisory services in respect of training and education in the field of accounting in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 029096   Applicant (730): Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC a company organised and existing under the laws of the United States of America of 285 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017, United States of America   Filing date (220): 26/01/2012                               
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; straps; garment bags, beauty-cases; backpacks, school bags; sporting bags, travelling bags, handbags, purses, attaché cases, briefcases, shopping bags and suitcases (on wheels), wallets, pocket wallets, change purses, key cases (leatherware), card cases, passport and document wallets, cases and holders for cosmetic articles; cases for manicure sets; jewelry roles, umbrellas, parasols in International Class 18
File No (210): 81/ 031742   Applicant (730): Volvo Truck Corporation, a company, organized and existing under the laws of Sweden of SE-405 08 Göteborg, Sweden   Filing date (220): 06/03/2014                                   
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Heavy duty vehicles, namely, concrete mixing trucks; rubbish trucks/garbage trucks; semi-trucks; highway trucks; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, namely, trucks and parts thereof in International Class 12
File No (210): 81/ 032326   Applicant (730): MONSTER ENERGY COMPANY, a Company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware of 1 Monster Way, Corona, California 92880, U.S.A.   Filing date (220): 21/08/2014      REHAB THE BEAST!
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Nutritional supplements in liquid form in International Class 5
File No (210): 81/ 032327   Applicant (730): MONSTER ENERGY COMPANY, a Company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware of 1 Monster Way, Corona, California 92880, U.S.A.   Filing date (220): 21/08/2014      REHAB THE BEAST!
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Ready to drink tea, iced tea and tea-based beverages; ready to drink flavored tea in International Class 30
File No (210): 81/ 032328   Applicant (730): MONSTER ENERGY COMPANY, a Company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware of 1 Monster Way, Corona, California 92880, U.S.A.   Filing date (220): 21/08/2014      REHAB THE BEAST!
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Non-alcoholic beverages in International Class 32
File No (210): 81/ 033152   Applicant (730): MODULEX INC. a company incorporated in Japan of 1-20-19, Horikiri, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, Japan   Filing date (220): 08/04/2015      MODULEX
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Lighting apparatus and installations excluding lighting apparatus for signs installed in signs in International Class 11
File No (210): 81/ 034582   Applicant (730): Gildan Activewear SRL, a company incorporated under the laws of Barbados of Newton, Christ Church BB17047, Barbados   Filing date (220): 13/05/2016      ANVIL
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael   Class (511): clothing, namely, socks, hosiery, undergarments, loungewear, sleepwear, tops, bottoms, outerwear, namely jackets, footwear [excluding orthopedic footwear]; and headwear, namely, caps being headwear, hats and headbands [clothing] in International Class 25
File No (210): 81/ 034683   Applicant (730): MAURICE LAY DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of England of Fourth Way, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 8D, England, United Kingdom   Filing date (220): 17/06/2016                         
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Lighting apparatus; sink units; hand basins; bath tubs; taps; mixer taps [faucets]; toilet bowls; toilet cisterns; toilet seats; bidets; bidet taps; electric shower apparatus; shower trays; shower heads; shower mixers; shower fittings; plumbing fittings; ventilation apparatus; microwave ovens; cookers; cooking ranges; cooking hobs, electric grills, electric ovens; electric cookers; gas hobs, grills, ovens and cookers; cooker hoods; warming drawers for cooking; refrigerators; freezers; fridge-freezers; refrigerating cabinets for wine; coffee machines; tumble dryers, not including radiators or electric heating devices for household use; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods in International Class 11
File No (210): 81/ 035018   Applicant (730): DIGICEL CARIBBEAN LIMITED a company incorporated under the laws of St. Lucia of Suite 1, 2nd Floor, No. 4 Bridge Street, Castries, St. Lucia   Filing date (220): 15/09/2016                           
Agent (740): LEX CARIBBEAN, Worthing Corporate Centre, Worthing, Christ Church, BB15008, Barbados   Class (511): Telecommunication, mobile and fixed telecommunication and telephone, satellite telecommunication, cellular telecommunication, radio and cellular telephone, radio facsimile, radio paging and radio communication services; transmission and receiving by radio; hire, leasing and rental of telecommunications, radio, radio telephone and radio facsimile apparatus; communication of electronic data by radio, telecommunications and by satellite; automatic telephone answering services; telecommunication services, namely, providing advanced calling features, namely providing the ability to record voice memos after a telephone call by leaving messages that will be recorded separately and saved online as a file which can then be emailed, shared or kept private based on user setting; loan of replacement telecommunications apparatus in the case of breakdown, loss or theft; provision of internet services, namely internet access services; telecommunication of information (including web pages), computer programs and any other electronic data; electronic mail services; providing telecommunication connectivity services for transfer of images, messages, audio, visual, audio-visual and multimedia works; provision of wireless application protocol services including those utilizing a secure communications channel; telecommunication services, namely, providing electronic message alerts via the internet notifying individuals of a changed status or condition of a sensing device in a security setting; provision of telephone directory services; electronic data interchange services; transfer of data by telecommunications; broadcast or transmission of radio or television programs; sending, receiving and forwarding messages in the form of text, audio, graphic images or video or a combination of these formats; unified messaging services; voicemail services; providing electronic data network services; video conferencing services; video telephone services; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or databases; providing access to digital music websites on the internet; providing access to MP3 web sites on the internet; delivery of digital music by telecommunications; operation of search engines; computer aided transmission of messages, electronic data and images; computer communication services; news agency services; transmission of news and current affairs information; providing chat-line services; provision and operation of electronic conferencing, discussion groups and chat rooms; provision of on-line access to exhibitions and exhibition services; provision of information relating to the aforementioned services in International Class 38
File No (210): 81/ 035302   Applicant (730): Orlebar Brown Limited, a company duly incorporated under the laws of England and Wales of 5th Floor Kinnaird House, 1 Pall Mall East, London SW1Y 5AU, United Kingdom   Filing date (220): 13/12/2016      ORLEBAR BROWN
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Retail services; namely, online retail services and retail store services, in connection with clothing, footwear, headgear, belts, scarves, towels, cosmetics, sun creams, sun lotions, aftersun creams and lotions, suntanning lotions and creams, eye gels and creams, perfumery, spectacles and sunglasses, frames for spectacles and sunglasses, luggage, bags, belt bags, waist bags, travelling bags, tote bags, satchels, shoulder bags, beach bags, gym bags, garment bags for travel, duffle bags, barrel bags, weekend bags, all- purpose carrying bags, all-purpose sports bags, all-purpose athletic bags, rucksacks, toiletry bags, wash bags, wallets, purses, key holders and cases, credit card holders of leather, credit card holders of imitation leather, watches, clocks, alarm clocks, travel clocks, jewellery, imitation jewellery, costume jewellery, wrist straps for watches, mobile phone accessories; namely, mobile phone covers, mobile phone cases, mobile phone holders, mobile phone straps, lanyards for mobile phones, cases, holders, stands and carriers adapted for mobile phones, cases and covers for electronic devices; namely, computer cases, cases and covers for laptops and tablet computers, bags adapted for carrying computers, bags adapted for carrying laptop computers and tablet computers in International Class 35
File No (210): 81/ 035304   Applicant (730): Orlebar Brown Limited, a company duly incorporated under the laws of England and Wales of 5th Floor Kinnaird House, 1 Pall Mall East, London SW1Y 5AU, United Kingdom   Filing date (220): 13/12/2016      ORLEBAR BROWN
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Bags, handbags, backpacks, rucksacks, belt bags, waist bags, tote bags, satchels, shoulder bags, beach bags, gym bags, garment bags for travel, duffle bags, barrel bags, weekend bags, all-purpose carrying bags, luggage, cosmetic cases sold empty, attaché cases, travelling bags, bumbags, all- purpose sports bags, all-purpose athletic bags, toiletry bags, wash bags (not fitted), leather envelopes for packaging and carrying, leather pouches, valises, luggage trunks, vanity cases sold empty, briefcases, wallets, purses, key holders and cases, credit card cases, credit card holders of leather and imitation leather, business card cases, passport cases, ticket bags, umbrellas, parasols; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods in International Class 18
File No (210): 81/ 035338   Applicant (730): Juventus Football Club S.p.A., an Italian corporation existing under the Laws of Italy of Corso Galileo Ferraris 32, 10128 Torino, Italy   Filing date (220): 03/01/2017   Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an Application filed in Italy on July 12, 2016 under No. 302013000096097                                 
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown   Class (511): Arranging and conducting sporting activities, namely, tournaments, soccer matches, training courses, events for sporting purposes in the field of soccer; arranging and conducting cultural activities, namely, shows, concerts, festivals, awards, exhibitions, workshops; educational services, namely, provision of courses of instruction relating to sport; arranging and conducting of training courses, refresher courses, events, symposiums, colloquiums, exhibitions, workshops for educational, training, cultural, recreational or sporting purposes; arranging and conducting of sporting events and tournaments, shows, concerts, festivals, awards; organization of awards ceremonies and ceremonies for awarding sporting and academic titles; rental of equipment for sports, except vehicles; provision of courses of instruction relating to sport; entertainment, namely, providing multimedia content, information, libraries and podcasts, not downloadable, via the internet and/or other communications networks; online publication of video, audio and digital multimedia content, not downloadable; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; publication of books in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 035387   Applicant (730): JNTL Consumer Health I (Switzerland) GmbH, a company duly organized and existing under the Laws of Switzerland of Gubelstrasse 34, CH-6300, Switzerland Filing date (220): 24/01/2017 Disclaimer: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “MARSEILLAS” apart from the mark as a whole.   Translation: The words “LE PETIT MARSEILLAIS” displayed on the representation of the mark are French words which when translated mean “THE LITTLE MARSEILLE” in the English Language.                                               
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Shower and bath products, namely, soaps, bath foam, bath gels, shower gels and shower creams; body moisturizers; hair care products, namely, shampoos, conditioners, masks, leave in treatments, dry shampoo, hair spray, hair styling products, namely, greases for cosmetic purposes, hair lotions, styling paste for hair, hair gels, hair wax, hair mousse, hair waving preparations, hair straightening preparations; hair oil treatments; liquid soap; deodorants for personal use in International Class 3
File No (210): 81/ 035388   Applicant (730): JNTL Consumer Health I (Switzerland) GmbH, a company duly organized and existing under the Laws of Switzerland of Gubelstrasse 34, CH-6300, Zug, Switzerland Filing date (220): 24/01/2017 Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “MARSEILLAIS” apart from the mark as a whole.   Translation: The words “LE PETIT MARSEILLAIS” displayed on the representation of the mark are French words which when translated mean “THE LITTLE MARSEILLE” in the English Language.      LE PETIT MARSEILLAIS
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Shower and bath products, namely, soaps, bath foam, bath gels, shower gels and shower creams; body moisturizers; hair care products, namely, shampoos, conditioners, masks, leave in treatments, dry shampoo, hair spray, hair styling products, namely, greases for cosmetic purposes, hair lotions, styling paste for hair, hair gels, hair wax, hair mousse, hair waving preparations, hair straightening preparations; hair oil treatments; liquid soap; deodorants for personal use in International Class 3
File No (210): 81/ 035391   Applicant (730): JNTL Consumer Health I (Switzerland) GmbH a company duly organized and existing under the Laws of Switzerland of Gubelstrasse 34, CH-6300, Zug, -Switzerland Filing date (220): 24/01/2017 Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “MARSEILLAIS” apart from the mark as a whole.                                   
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Shower and bath products, namely, soaps, bath foam, bath gels, shower gels and shower creams; body moisturizers; hair care products, namely, shampoos, conditioners, masks, leave in treatments, dry shampoo, hair spray, hair styling products, namely, greases for cosmetic purposes, hair lotions, styling paste for hair, hair gels, hair wax, hair mousse, hair waving preparations, hair straightening preparations; hair oil treatments; liquid soap; deodorants for personal use in International Class 3
File No (210): 81/ 035408   Applicant (730): Jiang Tai Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of People’s Republic of China of Room A-0291, Building 3, No. 20 Yong’an Road, Shilong Economic Development Zone, Mentougou District, Beijing, China, 102308,   Filing date (220): 25/01/2017   Translation: The Applicant states that the two Chinese characters on the right in the mark from left to right transliterate to “JIANG” “TAI” respectively, and “RIVER” “PEACEFUL” in English.                                         
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados   Class (511): Insurance brokerage; Insurance underwriting; Insurance consultancy; Insurance information; securities brokerage; fund investments; brokerage for capital investment; fiduciary services, namely, fiduciary representative services in International Class 36
File No (210): 81/ 035518   Applicant (730): JOHNSON & JOHNSON SURGICAL VISION, INC., a company duly organized and existing under the Laws of the State of Delaware of 1700 E. St. Andrew Place, Santa-Ana, California 92705, United States of America   Filing date (220): 27/02/2017      BLINK
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Solutions for disinfecting contact lenses; contact lenses (solutions for use with-); eye washes; artificial tears; saline solutions for use as eyedrops and for disinfecting contact lenses; ophthalmic preparations; eye drops; vitamins preparations; minerals, medicinal oils; warming, soothing, cosmetic and medicinal eye masks for medical use; medicated wipes; sanitizing wipes in International Class 5
File No (210): 81/ 035673   Applicant (730): Jack Daniel’s Properties,  Inc.,  a company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware of 4040 Civic Center Drive, Suite 528, San Rafael, California 94903, U.S.A.   Filing date (220): 12/04/2017                                   
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Attorney-at-Law, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael   Class (511): Alcoholic beverages, except beer in International Class 33
File No (210): 81/ 035723   Applicant (730): INTERCONTINENTAL GREAT BRANDS LLC a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware of 100 Deforest Avenue, East Hanover, New Jersey 07936-2813, U.S.A. Filing date (220): 03/05/2017 Translation: The word “ELOTE” which is displayed on the representation of the mark is a Spanish word which when translated means “Corn Cob” in the English Language.      VERO ELOTE
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle, yeast not for pharmaceutical purposes or for animal consumption, baking- powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces [condiments]; spices; ice in International Class 30
File No (210): 81/ 035743   Applicant (730): Merck KGaA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Germany of Frankfurter Str. 250, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany   Filing date (220): 04/05/2017      PEDLUMI
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Dietetic preparations and Dietetic food supplements; hygiene preparations and articles; medical and veterinary preparations and articles; pharmaceuticals in International Class 5
File No (210): 81/ 035821   Applicant (730): London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a British company duly formed and existing under the laws of United Kingdom of 33 Queen Street, London, EC4R 1AP, United Kingdom   Filing date (220): 17/05/2017      LCCI
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Education; providing of training; educational instruction services; educational and teaching services; educational services provided by schools and institutes of higher education; educational services relating to the teaching of foreign languages; second language educational services; technological education services; career and vocational education and training services; educational and assessment services; business related educational testing; business related standardized, global testing; business related examinations and qualifications; providing computer-delivered educational testing and assessments; providing computer-delivered educational testing and assessments; providing educational examinations and tests; teaching assessments for counteracting learning difficulties; educational achievement testing; clinical assessment of cognitive and occupational ability; assessment of educational and vocational ability for use in connection with educational and vocational instruction and placement; educational services in the nature of correspondence courses; distance learning services; computer based educational services; educational information services; educational research; educational advisory and consultancy services; development of educational materials; design of educational courses, developing training systems and learning methodologies for others; organization of educational conferences; providing on-line educational computer games (non- downloadable); publishing services; book publishing services; electronic publication services; electronic publishing services; publication of texts, books, magazines and other printed matter; publication of educational books; publication of educational materials; publication of educational texts and instructional books; providing electronic publications; providing on-line [non-downloadable] publications; providing on-line videos, not downloadable; providing custom publishing services; educational, cognitive and vocational assessment services; educational research; information, advisory and consultancy services in relation to all the aforesaid services in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 036259   Applicant (730): Pampa Beverages, LLC a Limited Liability company incorporated and existing under the Laws of the State of Florida, United States of America of 1110 Brickell Ave, Suite 302, Miami, Florida 33131, United States of America   Filing date (220): 25/09/2017   Translation: The word “PAMPA” displayed on the representation of the mark is a Spanish word which when translated means “plains” or “fertile plains” in the English Language.      PAMPA
Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael   Class (511): Wine in International Class 33
File No (210): 81/ 036270   Applicant (730): AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, of 4333 Amon Carter Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas 76155, United States of America   Filing date (220): 28/09/2017      AMERICAN AIRLINES
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Footwear; headgear; shirts; jackets; t-shirts; sweatshirts; pants; shorts; skirts; sweat pants; pajamas; caps; socks; hats; coats in International Class 25
File No (210): 81/ 036271   Applicant (730): AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, of 4333 Amon Carter Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas 76155, United States of America   Filing date (220): 28/09/2017      AMERICAN AIRLINES
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Games, toys; scale model airplanes; scale model vehicles; plush toys; dolls, dolls’ clothes; playing cards in International Class 28
File No (210): 81/ 036280   Applicant (730): The HV Food Products Company, a United States company duly formed and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware of 1221 Broadway, Oakland, California 94612, United States of America   Filing date (220): 03/10/2017      HIDDEN VALLEY
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Dressings for salad; seasonings; condiments; spices in International Class 30
File No (210): 81/ 036329   Applicant (730): LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER, a company duly formed and existing under the laws of France of 50 rue Carnot, 92284 Suresnes Cedex, FRANCE   Filing date (220): 02/11/2017      SERVIER
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Bleaching preparations [laundry]; cleaning preparations, polishing, scouring solutions, abrasives; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices in International Class 3
File No (210): 81/ 036756   Applicant (730): PRISM SERVICES HOLDINGS LIMITED a company incorporated under the laws of St. Lucia of 20 Micoud Street, Castries, St. Lucia   Filing date (220): 06/04/2018   Limitations of colour: This mark is limited to the colours black and white as shown on the representation of the mark.   Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “HOLDINGS” apart from the mark as a whole.                                             
Agent (740): LEX CARIBBEAN, Worthing Corporate Centre, Worthing, Christ Church, BB15008, Barbados   Class (511): alarms; automated teller machines [ATM]; calculating machines; cash registers; chips [integrated circuits]; computer hardware; computer peripheral devices; computers; computer software applications, downloadable; computer programs [downloadable software]; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable, magnetic data media; data processing apparatus; data processing apparatus; disks, magnetic; electronic publications, downloadable; encoded key cares; encoded magnetic cards; integrated circuits; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]/smart cards [integrated circuit cards]; interfaces for computers; magnetic tapes; magnetic encoders; magnetic wires; magnetic units for computers; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; modems; printers for use with computers; readers [data processing equipment]; security tokens [encryption devices]; transmitters [telecommunication]; transponders for retail purposes in International Class 9
File No (210): 81/ 036774   Applicant (730): Monster Energy Company, a corporation organized and existing incorporated under the Laws of the State of Delaware of 1 Monster Way, Corona, California 92879, United States of America   Filing date (220): 11/04/2018      RULE YOUR KINGDOM!
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Non-alcoholic beverages, including carbonated drinks and energy drinks; syrups, concentrates, powders and preparations for making beverages, including carbonated drinks and energy drinks; beer in International Class 32
File No (210): 81/ 036952   Applicant (730): NBA Properties, Inc., a corporation operating and existing under the Laws of the State of New York of Olympic Tower – 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States of America   Filing date (220): 07/06/2018   Translation: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “DENVER” apart from the mark as a whole.                                   
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados   Class (511): Toys, games and sporting goods, namely basketballs, golf balls, playground balls, sports balls, rubber action balls and foam action balls, plush balls, for games, plastic balls for games, basketball nets, basketball backboards, miniature basketball backboards, pumps for inflating basketballs and needles therefore; golf clubs, golf bags, golf putters, golf accessories, namely, divot repair tools, tees, balls markers, golf bag cover, club head covers, golf gloves, golf ball sleeves, golf putting greens; billiard cue racks, billiard balls, billiard all racks, dart board cabinets, electronic basketball table top games basketball table top games, basketball board games, action skill games, adult’s children’s party games, trivia information games, and electronic video arcade game machine, basketball kit comprised of a net and whistle, dolls, decorative dolls, collectible dolls, toy action figures, bobblehead action figures, stuffed toys, plush toys, jigsaw puzzles, toy building blocks, Christmas tree ornaments and Christmas stockings; toy vehicles in the nature of cars, trucks, trains and vans, all containing basketball themes, novelty foam toys in the shape of fingers and trophies, toy trophies playing cards, card games, toy noisemakers, pet toys; beach toys, namely, beach balls, inflatable balls, toy pails, toy shovels, sand toys, sand box toys, water-squirting toys; pool accessories, namely swim floats, pool floats, toy water rafts, foam floats, swim rings, pool rings, foam rings, body boards, surf boards, swim fins, surf fins, arm floats and water wing swim aids, all for recreational use; volleyball game kits comprised of ball, net, sidelines and whistle, and water polo game kits comprised of ball, net and whistle; decorative cloth wind socks; miniature stadium reproductions, namely, small toy plastic models of a stadium; snow globes; joysticks for video games; computer game joysticks; video game machines for use with console video gaming systems; exercise treadmills; toy banks in International Class 28
File No (210): 81/ 036956   Applicant (730): NBA Prpoerties, Inc., a corporation operating and existing under the Laws of the State of New York, Olympic Tower – 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States of America   Filing date (220): 07/06/2018   Translation: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “DENVER” apart from the mark as a whole.                                   
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown   Class (511): Entertainment and educational services in the nature of ongoing television and radio programs in the field of basketball and rendering live basketball games and basketball exhibitions; the production and distribution of radio and television shows featuring basketball games, basketball events and programs in the field of basketball; conducting and arranging basketball clinics and camps, coaches clinics and camps, dance team clinics and camps and basketball games; entertainment services in the nature of personal appearances by a costumed mascot or dance team at basketball games and exhibitions, clinics, camps, promotions, and other basketball-related events, special events and parties; fan club services; entertainment services, namely providing a website featuring non-downloadable multimedia material in the nature of television highlights, interactive television highlights, video recordings, video stream recordings, interactive video highlight selections, radio programs, radio highlights, and audio recordings in the field of basketball; providing news and information in the nature of statistics and trivia in the field of basketball; on-line non-downloadable games, namely, computer games, video games, interactive video games, action skill games, arcade games, adults’ and children’s party games, board games, puzzles, and trivia games; electronic publishing services, namely, publication of magazines, guides, newsletters, coloring books, and game schedules of others on-line through the Internet, all in the field of basketball; providing an online computer database in the field of basketball in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 036974   Applicant (730): MONTRES TUDOR SA a company incorporated under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3, Geneva, Switzerland   Filing date (220): 14/06/2018      CHRONAUTIC
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados   Class (511): clock and watchmaking, namely watches, wristwatches, components for clock and watchmaking articles and accessories for clock and watchmaking articles not included in other classes, clocks and other chronometric instruments, chronometers, chronographs (clock and watchmaking), watch straps, dials (clock and watchmaking), boxes and presentation cases for clock and watchmaking and jewellery, watch movements and parts thereof; jewellery; precious stones and semi-precious stones; precious metals and their alloys in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 037026   Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria   Filing date (220): 27/06/2018      TENCEL
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados   Class (511): Crepe paper; Filtering materials of paper, Filter paper; Paper filters for coffee makers; Printed packaging materials of paper; Containers of paper for packaging purposes; Bags made of paper for packaging; Decorative paper bows for wrapping; Decorative wrapping paper; Humidity control sheets of paper of plastic for foodstuff packaging; Sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; Paper gift tags; Gift wrap paper; Cardboard packaging; Plastic film for packaging; Paper impregnated with oil for wrapping purposes; Cartons of cardboard for packaging; Plastic materials for packaging; Paper for wrapping and packaging; Paper sacks; Bags made of paper for packaging; Bows for decorating packaging; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Industrial packaging containers of paper; Containers of card for packaging; Packaging containers of regenerated cellulose; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Films for wrapping foodstuffs; Packing cardboard; Fiberboard boxes; Plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); Wrapping materials made of paper; Packaging materials made of cardboard; Packaging materials made of recycled paper; Packaging material made of starches; Packaging materials; Wrapping paper; Viscose sheets for wrapping; Paper identification tags; Writing tablets; Notebooks; Labels of paper; Pencil boxes; Cases for stationery; Ball pens; Small blackboards; Adhesive packaging tapes; Printed matter; Stickers [stationery]; Stickers [decalcomanias]; Printed advertising boards of paper; Printed advertising boards of cardboard; Pamphlets; Flags of paper; Printed brochures; Printed calendars; Printed promotional material; Adhesive wall decorations of paper; Annuals [printed publications]; Calendars; Paper banners; Posters; Postcards; Prospectuses; Christmas cards Promotional publications; Signboards of paper or cardboard; Advertisement boards of card; Book covers; Crepe paper for domestic use; Paper for use in the manufacture of wallpaper; tissue paper for use as material of stencil paper (ganpishi); Paper for use in the manufacture of tea bags; Tissues of paper for removing make-up; Coarse tissue [for toiletry use]; Filters (Paper coffee -); Paper wipes; Facial tissues of paper; Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; Paper tissues; Tissue paper; Hygienic paper; Paper tissues for cosmetic use; Cellulose wipes; Periodicals; Legal pads; disposable absorbent underpads for pets; Disposable absorbent training pads for pets in International Class 16
File No (210): 81/ 037066   Applicant (730): SAGICOR FINANCIAL CORPORATION LIMITED, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Barbados of Cecil F. De Caires Building, Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados   Filing date (220): 05/07/2018   Limitations of colour: The Mark is limited to the colours PMS 2995 C, PMS 376 C, PMS 364 C, PMS 3483 C, PMS 137 C AND 60% Black as shown on the representation of the mark.   Disclaimer: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to use of the words “The Estates”, “St. George”, “Active” and “Lifestyle Community” apart from the mark as a whole.                                                     
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Real estate management of retirement communities; financial management services relating to retirement homes in International Class 36
File No (210): 81/ 037069   Applicant (730): SAGICOR FINANCIAL CORPORATION LIMITED, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Barbados of Cecil F. De Caires Building, Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados   Filing date (220): 05/07/2018   Limitations of colour: The Mark is limited to the colours PMS 2995 C, PMS 376 C, PMS 364 C, PMS 3483 C, PMS 137 C AND 60% Black as shown on the representation of the mark.   Disclaimer: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to use of the words “The Estates”, “St. George”, “Active” and “Lifestyle Community” apart from the mark as a whole.                                                     
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Convalescence homes; convalescent home services; convalescence services in International Class 44
File No (210): 81/ 037081   Applicant (730): AMAZON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada, United States of America of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States of America   Filing date (220): 17/07/2018      ALEXA
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados   Class (511): Home automation control devices; wireless communication devices for voice, data, or image transmission; voice and data transmitters and receivers; stand-alone voice controlled information devices; stand-alone voice controlled personal assistant device integrating services provided via apps; voice controlled speakers; scientific, nautical, surveying, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction

of sound or images; calculating machines; data processing equipment; computers; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; compact discs, DVDs, and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; computer software; portable electronic devices for receiving, transmitting and reading text, images and sound through wireless internet access; remote controllers for recording devices; remote controllers; wireless controllers to remotely monitor and control the function and status of other electrical, electronic, and mechanical devices or systems; computer touchscreens; digital audio players; audio recorders; digital video players; portable apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of music, images, and video; electronic instructional and teaching apparatus and instruments; cameras; digital cameras; software for the redirection of messages; computer hardware and software for processing, reproducing, synchronizing, recording, organizing, downloading, uploading, transmitting, streaming, receiving, playing and viewing television shows, films, text, images, digital media, multimedia, audio, video and data files; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software, and peripherals for personalized, interactive television (TV) programming; computer software, and peripherals for use in displaying and manipulating visual media, graphic images, text, photographs, illustration, digital animation, video clips, film footage and audio data, and for social networking; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer hardware and software for providing integrated telephone communication with computerized global information networks; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices; computer software for use in connection with digital content subscription service, providing search platforms to allow users to request and receive digital media content; computer software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, formatting, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, converting, displaying, storing and organizing text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works and multimedia content; computer software enabling content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works to be downloaded to and accessed on a computer or other portable consumer electronic devices; computer software for transmitting, sharing, receiving, downloading, streaming, displaying and transferring content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works via portable electronic devices and computers and global computer and communications networks; personal stereo speaker apparatus; microphones; character recognition software; voice recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; computer software for formatting and converting content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works into a format compatible with portable electronic devices and computers; computer software for personal information management, and for accessing, browsing, and searching audio and multimedia content, games, and software applications, voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, and voice-enabled software applications; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for computers or other portable consumer electronic device; computer software in the field of text, image and sound transmission and display; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software in International Class 9

File No (210): 81/ 037082   Applicant (730): AMAZON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada, United States of America of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States of America   Filing date (220): 17/07/2018      ALEXA
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados   Class (511): Advertising; advertising and marketing services, namely, promoting the goods and services of others; order fulfillment services, namely, services relating to order intake and processing; providing product information for the purpose of assisting with the selection of general consumer merchandise to meet the consumer’s needs; provision of search engine optimization services; comparison shopping services namely, promoting the goods and services of others; computerized database and file management; creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks and other electronic and communications networks for others; providing consumer product information for the purpose of selecting general consumer merchandise to meet the consumer’s specifications and needs; commercial information and advice for consumers, namely, providing opportunities for internet users to post ratings, reviews and recommendations for a broad range of consumer products; on-line retail store services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods of others; retail store services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods of others; retail services and online retail services in connection with books, consumer electronics, food, wine and beverages, kitchen products, cleaning products, cookware, housewares, clothing, personal care products, pet products, sporting goods, camping gear, toys, jewelry, flowers, footwear and headgear; business management; business administration; office functions; providing directories for telephone numbers, business addresses, electronic mail addresses, network home page addresses, addresses and telephone number of people, places, and organizations in International Class 35
File No (210): 81/ 037084   Applicant (730): AMAZON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada, United States of America of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States of America   Filing date (220): 17/07/2018      ALEXA

Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St.

Michael, Barbados

Class (511): Provision of search engines; computer services, namely, remote hosting of operating systems and computer applications; hosting operating systems and computer applications through the internet; computer programming; consultancy services relating to multimedia applications management, presentation and control; hardware, software and computer system, design; editing, updating, maintenance and support services for software and computer systems; computer services relating to multimedia applications management, presentation and control, research, database management, facilities management and outsourcing; computer services, namely, hosting an online database featuring a wide range of general interest information via the internet; computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining general interest information; hosting an interactive database for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers; hosting an interactive database for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers concerning books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, multimedia presentations, and other household and consumer goods, product reviews and purchase information on the internet; providing on-line non-downloadable internet browser software; providing non-downloadable mobile communications device software for enhancing mobile access to the internet via computers, mobile computers, and mobile communications devices; technical support, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems and mobile computer and mobile communications device hardware and software problems; computer hardware and software consultation and design; computer software design for others; mobile computer and mobile communications device hardware and software consultation and design; hosting of third party content, photos, text, data, images, web sites and other electronic works; providing search  platforms to allow users to request and receive photos, text, data, images, electronic works, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, and documents; interactive hosting services which allow users to publish and share their own photos, text, data, images online; maintenance and updating of software relating to computer, internet and password security and prevention of computer, internet and password risks; computer software installation and maintenance; providing a website featuring technical information relating to computer software and hardware; computer consulting; document data transfer from one computer format to another; hosting of digital content on global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software and online facilities to enable  users to access and download computer software; providing temporary use of online non- downloadable computer software that generates customized recommendations of software applications based on user preferences; monitoring of computerized data and computer systems and networks for security purposes; hosting, scaling and maintaining online databases for others; cloud computing featuring software for use in database management; cloud hosting of electronic databases; application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in database management; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for use in database management; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for use in database management; Software as a Service (SaaS) for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; Software as a Service (SaaS) for personal information management, and for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces, program listings and guides, and video on demand; Software as Service (SaaS) featuring

software for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications, personal information management, and for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces, program listings and guides, and video on demand; Software as a Service (SaaS) enabling audio and multimedia files to be downloaded to and accessed on a computer or other portable consumer electronic device; Software as a Service (SaaS) for mobile devices that allows the user to search the device’s content for information, contacts, and applications; Software as a Service (SaaS) for creating indexes of information, indexes of web sites, and indexes of other information resources; Software as a Service (SaaS) for voice command and recognition; Software as a Service (SaaS) for controlling smart audio speakers; Software as a Service (SaaS) featuring software for use in connection with digital content subscription services; Software as a Service (SaaS) featuring software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing audio and multimedia content; providing search platforms to allow users to request and receive digital media content, application; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software and applications for accessing streaming audio and video files, games, social networks, text files and multimedia files; computer services, namely, providing database servers of variable capacity to others; providing a web site featuring non downloadable software for database management; providing hosted operating systems and computer applications through the internet; rental of computing and data storage facilities of variable capacity; providing, developing and designing software, non-downloadable, accessible over a global computer network, for managing computer applications; designing, managing and monitoring online forums for discussion; creating electronically stored web pages for online services and the internet; data warehousing, elaboration and maintenance of web sites for third parties; managing websites for others; rental of web servers; website maintenance, creation and hosting services; application service provider, namely, providing, hosting, managing, developing and maintaining applications, software, websites and databases in the fields of ecommerce, online payments, order queuing, website design, data storage, shared computing capacity scaling, messaging services and calculation of web site ranking based on user traffic; hosting a website that gives users the ability to review various print, graphic image, and audio content and utilize a custom template to provide input, likes, dislikes, edits, changes, modifications, opinions, suggestions, and comments and engage in social, business and community networking; computer services, namely, creating an on- line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and development of computer game software; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software development tools for the design and development of electronic games; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer game software problems; providing non- downloadable software applications; providing temporary use of on-line non- downloadable cloud computing software for use in electronic storage of data; computer software development in the field of mobile applications; application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, and maintaining applications, software, and web sites, in the fields of personal productivity, wireless communication, and mobile technology; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; provision of information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and

cinematographic software in International Class 42
File No (210): 81/ 037086   Applicant (730): S.M. Jaleel & Company Limited a company incorporated under the laws of Trinidad & Tobago of Otaheite Industrial Estate, South Oropouche, Trinidad & Tobago   Filing date (220): 18/07/2018      CHUBBY BUBBLY
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados   Class (511): carbonated non-alcoholic drinks; aerated water; non-alcoholic fruit flavoured carbonated beverages in International Class 32
File No (210): 81/ 037091   Applicant (730): Amazon Technologies, Inc., a corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States of America   Filing date (220): 18/07/2018      ECHO
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael   Class (511): Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; provision of search engines; computer services, namely, remote hosting of operating systems and computer applications; hosting operating systems and computer applications through the internet; computer programming; consultancy services relating to multimedia applications management, presentation and control; hardware, software and computer system design, editing, updating, maintenance and support services for software and computer systems; computer services relating to multimedia applications management, presentation and control, research, database management, facilities management and outsourcing; computer services, namely, hosting an online database featuring a wide range of general interest information via the internet; computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining general interest information; hosting an interactive database for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers; hosting an interactive database for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers concerning books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, multimedia presentations, and other household and consumer goods, product reviews and purchase information on the internet; providing on-line non-downloadable internet browser software; providing non-downloadable mobile communications device software for enhancing mobile access to the internet via computers, mobile computer, and

mobile communications devices; technical support, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems and mobile computer and mobile communications device hardware and software problems; computer hardware and software consultation and design; computer software design for others; mobile computer and mobile communications device hardware and software consultation and design; hosting of third party content, photos, text, data, images, web sites and other electronic works; proving search platforms to allow users to request and receive photos, text, data, images, electronic works, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, and documents; interactive hosting services which allow users to publish and share their own photos, text, data, images online; maintenance and updating of software relating to computer, internet and password security and prevention of computer, internet and password risks; computer software installation and maintenance; providing a website featuring technical information relating to computer software and hardware; computer consulting; document data transfer from one computer format to another; hosting of digital content on global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; providing temporary use of non- downloadable computer software and online facilities to enable users to access and download computer software; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software that generates customized recommendations of software applications based on user preferences; monitoring of computerized data and computer systems and networks for security purposes; hosting, scaling and maintaining online databases for others; cloud computing featuring software for use in database management; cloud hosting of electronic databases; application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in database management; platform as service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for use in database management; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for use in database management; Software as a Service (SaaS) for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; Software as a Service (SaaS) for personal information management, and for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces, program listings and guides, and video on demand; Software as a Service (SaaS) featuring software for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications, personal information management, and for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, audio, video, and multimedia content, games, software applications, software application marketplaces, program listings and guides, and video on demand; Software as a Service (SaaS) enabling audio and multimedia files to be downloaded to and accessed on a computer or other portable consumer electronic device; Software as a Service (SaaS) for mobile devices that allows the user to search the device’s content for information, contacts, and applications; Software as a Service (SaaS) for creating indexes of information, indexes of web sites, and indexes of other information resources; Software as a Service (SaaS) for voice command and recognition; Software as a Service (SaaS) for controlling smart audio speakers; Software as a Service (SaaS)  featuring software for use in connection with digital content subscription services; Software as a Service (SaaS) featuring software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing audio and multimedia content; providing search platforms to allow users to request and receive digital media content, application; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software and applications for accessing streaming audio and video files, games, social networks, text files and multimedia files; computer services, namely, providing database servers of variable capacity to others; providing a web site featuring non downloadable software for database

management; providing hosted operating systems and computer applications through the internet; rental of computing and data storage facilities of variable capacity; providing, developing and designing software, non-downloadable, accessible over a global computer network, for managing computer applications; designing, managing and monitoring online forums for discussion; creating electronically stored web pages for online services and the internet; data warehousing, elaboration and maintenance of web sites for third parties; managing websites for others; rental of web servers; website maintenance, creation and hosting services; application service provider, namely, providing, hosting, managing, developing and maintaining applications, software, websites and databases in the fields of ecommerce, online payments, order queuing, website design, data storage, shared computing capacity scaling, messaging services and calculation of web site ranking based on user traffic; hosting a website that gives users the ability to review various print, photographic, graphic image, and audio content and utilize a custom template to provide input, likes, dislikes, edits, changes, modifications, opinions, suggestions, and comments and engage in social, business and community networking,; computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and development of computer game software; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software development tools for the design and development of electronic games; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer game software problems; providing non- downloadable software applications; providing temporary use of on-line non- downloadable cloud computing software for use in electronic storage of data; computer software development in the field of mobile applications; application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, and maintaining applications, software, and web sites, in the fields of personal productivity, wireless communication, and mobile technology; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; provision of information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for communications and telecommunications devices, hardware, software, adapters, peripherals, and products; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for telephony and video telephony devices, hardware, software, adapters, peripherals, and products; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for communications and telecommunications systems, wireless devices, and consumer electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for communications and telecommunications devices, hardware, software, adapters, peripherals, and products; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for telephony and video telephony devices, hardware, software, adapters, peripherals, and products; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for communications and telecommunications systems, wireless devices, and consumer electronic devices; communications and telecommunications software applications; telephony and video telephony software applications; software applications for wireless devices, consumer electronic devices, telecommunications products; social networking services; online non-downloadable computer software for use in connections with telecommunications and communications hardware, peripherals, adapters, and products; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for others to use for the development of software; design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software for others; technical support and consultation services for developing applications, application service provider(ASP) services; search engine services; creating and online community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from