(Section 339)


Company No.: 12123

In accordance with section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 Notice is hereby given that the registration of the above-mentioned external company has been revived by the Registrar of Companies with effect from April 12, 2024.

Dated this 18th day of April, 2024. DANIEL WILLIAMSON




Amended Notice

PT. 87 of 2023

In the Estate of



NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 to all persons having any debts, claims or demands upon or affecting the Estate of NOEL CARLTON BROWNE deceased late of Greaves Hill near Mangrove in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island, who died in Barbados on the 27th  day  of July, 2023 to send particulars of their claims duly attested to the undersigned in care of the Solicitor General’s Chambers, Spencer Building, Webster’s Business Park, Wildey, St. Michael not later than  the  12th  day  of July, 2024 after which date the Public Trustee will distribute the assets of the Estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the debts and claims of which the Public Trustee shall then have had notice.

And all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to  settle their indebtedness without   delay.

Dated this 12th day of May, 2024.


for Public Trustee.

In the Estate of


also known as



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the Laws of Barbados, that all persons having any debts, claims or demands upon or against the Estate of EDWIN DYSON HEALEY also known as EDDIE HEALEY late of West Ella Hall West Ella Road West Ella Hull HU10 7RP in England who died in England on the 21st day of August, 2021 are hereby required to send particulars in writing of his or her debts or claims to CAROL ANNE HEALEY, PAUL   DYSON

HEALEY and ANNE ROZENBROEK the Executors of the said Estate C/o Clarke Gittens Farmer, Attorneys-at-Law, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on or before the 19th day of July, 2024 after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the  said  deceased having regard  only to the valid claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice and will not in respect of the property so distributed be liable to any person of whose  claim  they  shall  not  then  have  had  notice.

AND all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to  settle their indebtedness without   delay.

Dated this 13th day of May  2024.


Attorneys-at-Law for the Executors of the


also known as EDDIE HEALEY, deceased.

May 13, 2024

OFFICIAL GAZETTE                                                                           3

                   Probate Advertisements                   




High Court

In the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated 25th day of September, 2000 of WILMA COLLEEN SARGEANT,

deceased late of #21, 3rd Avenue East Terrace Road, Wildey in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island, who died at Whipps Cross University Hospital, Leytonstone, London in the United Kingdom on 3rd day of March, 2024, by PAMELA WORRELL and   WANDA

BONITA SARGEANT the Executrices named in the Will of the said deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of this Advertisement.

Dated this 13th day of May, 2024. KWAME  D.  RAWLINS

Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.




High Court

In the Estate of




PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated 25th day of March,  2015  of  JOYCELYN  PATRICIA ALLEYNE

nee   THORINGTON,   deceased   late   of  Homestead

Nursing Home, Marine Gardens in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, who died at Homestead Nursing Home, Marine Gardens in the parish of Christ Church on 23rd day of January, 2024, by MARGOT CRICHLOW referred to in the Will as MARGOT RAWLINS-BEST and KWAME DEIGHTON RAWLINS the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of this Advertisement.

Dated this 13th day of May, 2024. KWAME D. RAWLINS

Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.




High Court

In the Estate of



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-

PROBATE of the Will dated 6th day of June, 2013 of VITA OMETA ASHBY also known as VITA ONETA ASHBY, deceased late of Cornerstone Nursing Home, Boarded Hall in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, who died at the Cornerstone Nursing Home, Boarded Hall in the parish of Christ Church on 12th day of October, 2023, by ANGELA EUREKA   JORDAN-JONES   and   MARC    DAVID

ASHBY two of the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of this Advertisement.

Dated this 13th day of May, 2024. KWAME D. RAWLINS

Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.



In the Estate of


also known as VASPAR L. ARCHER


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application will be made for the following Grant namely:-


to the Estate of VASPAR ARCHER also known as VASPAR LEROY ARCHER also known as VASPAR L. ARCHER, Deceased, late of Grape Hall in the parish of Saint Lucy in this Island who died in Barbados on the 3rd day of June 2022 by TUBELLE VINOLA ARCHER of Grape Hall in the parish of Saint Lucy in this Island, the widow of the Deceased.

An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second issue of this Notice in this newspaper.

Dated the 13th day of May 2024.


Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant

6 Dunscombe Plantation, St. Thomas.




High Court

In the Estate of


also known as ANGELINA GRIMES also known as ANGELA GRIMES


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-


Estate of ANGELINA EUDORA GRIMES also known as ANGELINA GRIMES also known as ANGELA GRIMES, deceased late of 1142 Lenox Road, Apartment 4C, Brooklyn, New York, 11212 in the United States of America who died at her residence at 1142 Lenox Road, Apartment 4C, Brooklyn, New York, 11212 in the United States of America on 23rd day of February, 2022 by MICHELLE MARCELLE GRIMES

the daughter of the deceased.

An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of this Advertisement.

Dated this 13th day of May, 2024. DEIGHTON K. RAWLINS

Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department

  Contents Acting Appointments: The Hon. Mr. Justice Francis Belle, Justice of Appeal, acted as Chief Justice…………………. 1 Ms. Liesel Weekes to act as Judge of the High Court………. 1 Appointments: Members to serve on the Board of the Caves of Barbados Limited …………………………….  4 Duty Leave: The Hon. Sir Patterson Cheltenham, K.A., Chief Justice…………………………………………………… 1 Lost Policy Notices for Ryan Alleyne, Venus Norville, Garry Corbin, Kyle Johnson, Terry Simmons, Margaret Allman-Goddard, Granville Griffith, dec’d., Juliet Cumberbatch, dec’d. and Clement Moseley …….1, 5, 6 Retirements from the Public Service ……………………………………..2, 3  NOTICE  NO. 2   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   RYAN ALLEYNE of “Togetherness”, Jackmans, St. Michael having made sworn deposition that Policy No. 077420680 issued by Sagicor Life Inc.,  on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 22nd day of   February, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.
        NOTICE  NO. 1    Government Notices Duty Leave   The Hon. Sir Patterson Cheltenham, K.A., Chief Justice, has been granted three (3) days’ duty leave from 5th to 7th May, 2024, to attend the Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund Board  Meeting,  to  be  held on 6th May, 2024  in Trinidad and Tobago.   Acting Appointment   The Hon. Mr. Justice Francis Belle, Justice of Appeal, has been appointed to act as Chief Justice on Tuesday, 7th May, 2024.   Ms. Liesel Weekes, Attorney-at-Law, has been appointed to act as Judge of the High Court, Judiciary Department, with effect from 2024-04-22 to 2024-10-21. (M.P. 3/04/05Vol. 6)
        NOTICE  NO. 3   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   VENUS NORVILLE of Prior Park Heights, St. James having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S05120884 issued by Sagicor Life  Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 11th day of   April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.


Retirements from the Public Service

The  following  persons will retire/have retired from the Public Service with   effect

from the dates indicated:-

Name/Post                                      Ministry/Department                       Effective Date

Mr. Othneal D. KellmanProbation2024-03-11
Community Service OfficerHome Affairs and Information 
Mr. McCartney NurseAgriculture, Food and2024-09-01
General WorkerNutritional Security 
Ms. Meldine P. GibsonPost Office2024-05-06
Clerk/TypistHome Affairs and Information 
Mr. Wilson A. BoyceSoil Conservation Unit2024-12-01
Foreman OperatorAgriculture, Food and 
 Nutritional Security 
Mr. Ebberston M. ScantleburyPost Office2024-05-30
Van DriverHome Affairs and Information 
Ms. Vitline U. HarewoodNational Library Service2024-05-01
LibrarianPrime Minister’s Office 
Ms. Carolyn L. MaynardPost Office2024-03-01
PostmanHome Affairs and Information 
Ms. Catherine R. GibsonErdiston Teachers’ Training2023-08-16

Education, Technological and Vocational Training

Ms. Jacqueline F.Education, Technological and2023-01-25
Husbands-SkeeteVocational Training 
Ms. Corleta G. WebbSt. Michael District Hospital2024-05-10
Health AideHealth and Wellness 
Ms. Judith E. ThompsonSt. Lucy District Hospital2024-02-21
General WorkerHealth and Wellness 
Mr. Lewis Reginald KingSt. Michael District Hospital2024-04-01
Ambulance DriverHealth and Wellness 
Ms. Ann E. YearwoodPsychiatric Hospital2024-04-04
MaidHealth and Wellness 
Ms. Janis E. BelleSt. Philip District Hospital2023-10-01
General WorkerHealth and Wellness 
Ms. Frederica K LynchNational Insurance2024-03-28
Data Entry Operator IMinistry of Labour, Social 

Security and Third Sector

Retirements from the Public Service – Cont’d

Name/Post                                          Ministry/Department                   Effective Date

Mr. Charles C. McCollinEducation, Technological and2024-07-16
General WorkerVocational Training 
Mr. Roy S. Green Van DriverSchool Meals Education, Technological and Vocational Training2024-05-01
Mrs. Sandria E. Bailey Clerical OfficerBarbados Drug Service Health and Wellness2024-07-01
Ms. Gillian N. Dowrich Staff NurseHealth Centres and Polyclinics Health and Wellness2023-12-01
Ms. Anita Y. Oredein Pharmacist IIBarbados Drug Service Health and Wellness2024-06-18
Mrs. Heather Y. Foster Staff NurseHealth Centres and Polyclinics Health and Wellness2024-06-11
Mr. Audwin C. Marshall General WorkerHealth Centres and Polyclinics Health and Wellness2024-07-01
Mr. Benjamin M. Licorish Animal Control InspectorAnimal Control Unit Health and Wellness2024-07-31
Mr. Charles A. Ifill General WorkerVector Control Unit Health and Wellness2024-08-09
Ms. Sandra D. Mascoll Trainee Nursing AssistantPsychiatric Hospital Health and Wellness2023-03-01


(M.P.  PM 811, PR 939, PG  950, PQ  950, 4286/S, PE 168, PX  133, PX  218, PX    388,

PZ 775, 1388/T, PN 187, PT 46, PA 1049, PB 1224, PL 234, PU 120,  PJ 834, 1354/D,

237/O, PW 920, PU 182, PQ 898, PR 927)


Board Members to Serve on the Board of the Caves of Barbados Limited

Pursuant to the provision of Section 4 of the General By-Law No. 1 of the Caves of Barbados Limited provides for the constitution and establishment of the Board of Directors with effect from March 1, 2024 to September 22, 2024 are as follows:-

Senator Gregory P. B. Nicholls                       –        Chairman

Mr. Dave Layne                                               –        Deputy Chairman

Ms. Racquel Ramsay                                       –        Member

Ms. Carla Parris                                               –        Member

Ms. Lana Alleyne                                             –        Member

Mr. Patrick Estwick                                         –        Member

Dr. Donley Carrington                                     –        Member

Mr. Stanton Millington                                    –        Member

Ms. Gail King                                                   –        Member

Mr. Ronald Bullen                                           –        Member Director, Natural Heritage Department                                        –        Member

or nominee

Director, Planning and Development              –        Member

Permanent Secretary                                        –        Member Ministry of Tourism and

International Transport

  NOTICE  NO. 4 SAGICOR  LIFE INC. GARRY CORBIN of Walkes Spring Plantation, St. Thomas having made sworn deposition that Policy No. 077408437 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. Dated the 26th day of  April, 2024. By Order,   ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.  NOTICE  NO. 6 SAGICOR  LIFE INC. LYNN JOHNSON of #72 Chancery Lane, Christ Church having made sworn deposition that Policy No. 077409186 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life of KYLE JOHNSON has been lost and having made application to the Directors to    grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. Dated the 18th day of   April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.
NOTICE  NO. 5 SAGICOR  LIFE INC. GARRY CORBIN of Walkes Spring Plantation, St. Thomas having made sworn deposition that Policy No. 077408438 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 26th day of  April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.NOTICE  NO. 7 SAGICOR  LIFE INC. TERRY SIMMONS of 37 Woodbourne Park, St. Philip having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S05102559 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued. . Dated the 26th day of  April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.




#75, 3rd Avenue, Warrens Heights, St. James having made sworn deposition that Policy No. 0165922 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on her life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to    grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.

Dated the 26th day of  April, 2024.


Corporate Secretary.

  NOTICE  NO. 9   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   CAROLLYN BLACKMAN-ALLEYNE of Airy Hill, St. George being the Administratrix of the Estate of GRANVILLE GRIFFITH (Deceased) and having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S05170009 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life of GRANVILLE GRIFFITH (Deceased) has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 26th day of  April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.  NOTICE  NO. 11   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   CLEMENT MOSELEY of Wavell Avenue, Black Rock, St. Michael having made sworn deposition that Policy No. B002023 issued by British American Insurance Company and assumed by Sagicor Life Inc., on his life has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 26th day of  April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.
    NOTICE  NO. 10   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   JALISA  CUMBERBATCH-HUSBANDS of #9 Thorpes Terrace, St. James being the Administratrix of the Estate of JULIET CUMBERBATCH (Deceased) and having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S00080401 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life of JULIET CUMBERBATCH (Deceased) has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 18th day of   April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.    NOTICE  NO. 12   SAGICOR  LIFE INC.   JALISA  CUMBERBATCH-HUSBANDS of #9 Thorpes Terrace, St. James being the Administratrix of the Estate of JULIET CUMBERBATCH (Deceased) and having made sworn deposition that Policy No. S00072679 issued by Sagicor Life Inc., on the life of JULIET CUMBERBATCH (Deceased) has been lost and having made application to the Directors to grant a duplicate of the same, notice is hereby given that unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof, the duplicate policy asked for will be issued.   Dated the 18th day of   April, 2024. By Order, ANDREW C. GREAVES Corporate Secretary.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department