Resolution No. 7/2025                                                      Ref. No.: M.P.  206/21 PARLIAMENT

RESOLVED that Parliament in accordance with section 5 of the Crown Lands (Vesting and Disposal) Act, Cap. 225 approve the vesting in African Export-Import Bank of a parcel of land situate at Jemmotts Lane in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island and more particularly described in the Schedule hereto for construction of the African Export-Import Bank African Trade Centre.

APPROVED by the House of Assembly this 13th day of  March, Two Thousand and Twenty-Five.

  1. HOLDER Speaker.

APPROVED by the Senate this 19th day of March, Two Thousand and Twenty-Five.

  • FARLEY President.

I  assent


President of Barbados 2025-03-21.


ALL THAT land the property of the State situate at Jemmotts Lane in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island containing by admeasurement 2.037 hectares or thereabouts (inclusive of 0.072 hectares in pavement) ABUTTING AND BOUNDING on a public road known as Lyons Street on lands now or formerly of the Barbados Government (St. Ambrose Primary School) on other lands now or formerly of the Barbados Government (University of the West Indies) on a public road known as River Road leading to Bridgetown in one direction on  a public road known as Jemmotts Lane on a public road known as Bay Street leading to Bridgetown in one direction on lands now or late of Russell Arrindell on two sides and on a public road known as Combermere Street or however else the same may abut and bound as shown and delineated on a plan certified on the 21st day of August, 2011 by Andrew R. Bourne, Land Surveyor and recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 22nd day of August, 2011 as Plan No. 820/2011.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department


Arrangement of Sections PART I PRELIMINARY

  1. Short title
  • Interpretation


  • Establishment of Commission
  • Functions of the Commission
  • Appointment of committees and delegation of functions
  • Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
  • Remuneration of Chief Executive Officer
  • Appointment of staff
  1. Pension rights and service
  1. Protection of the Commission
  1. Confidentiality
  1. Limitation of powers of Commission
  1. Directions of Minister
  1. Disclosure
  1. Rural and Urban Development Fund
  1. Application of resources of the Fund
  1. Borrowing power
  1. Disposal of assets






Rural and Urban Development Commission


Consequential Amendments


I assent


President of Barbados 20th March, 2025.


An Act to make provision for the establishment of the Rural and Urban Development Commission and matters related thereto.

[Commencement: by Proclamation]

ENACTED by the Parliament of Barbados as follows:


Short title


This  Act  may  be  cited  as  the  Rural  and  Urban     Development

Commission Act, 2025.


2.              In this Act,

“Commission” means the Rural and Urban Development Commission established under section 4;

“disposal of land” means disposal, whether by sale, exchange or otherwise; “Fund” means the Rural and Urban Development Fund established under section


“Minister” means the Minister responsible for the Rural and Urban Development Commission;

“Rural Development Commission” means the Commission that was established under the Rural Development Commission Act, Cap. 238; and

“Urban Development Commission” the Commission that was established under the Urban Development Commission Act, Cap. 241.

Designation of land for development


The Minister may by order designate an area for development for the

purposes of this Act.

  • An order referred to in subsection (1) shall be subject to affirmative



Establishment of Commission


There is established a Commission to be known as the Rural and Urban

Development Commission.

  • The First Schedule has effect with respect to the constitution of the

Commission and otherwise in relation hereto.

  • The Commission is a body corporate to which section 21 of the

Interpretation Act, Cap. 1 applies.

Functions of the Commission









The functions of the Commission are set out as follows:

to acquire, hold or manage land and other property of any kind for the purposes of this Act;

to dispose of such land or other property on such terms and conditions as the Minister determines;

to construct, maintain and repair buildings; to provide housing;

to provide for and improve social amenities and recreational facilities;

to carry on any business or undertaking, including the provision of ancillary services for the purpose of this Act;

to make advances to persons on such conditions and with such securities as may be prescribed by the Minister for any of the following purposes:

  • to acquire houses and land;
  • to construct houses;
    • to refurbish buildings;
    • to alter, enlarge, repair or improve houses or other buildings;





to execute plans for re-development;

to encourage, promote and provide assistance in the development of economic activity and enterprise;

to give assistance in the establishment and development of small businesses; and

to do such other things as are necessary to effectively carry out the purposes of this Act.

Appointment of committees and delegation of functions




The Commission may

appoint committees composed of members of the Commission and other persons, not being members of the Commission, to assist the Commission in carrying out its functions; and

delegate to such committees any functions it considers necessary.

Appointment of Chief Executive Officer


The Commission shall, with the approval of the Minister, appoint   a

Chief Executive Officer.

  • The Chief Executive Officer shall perform such functions as may be

conferred on him by the Commission.

  • The Chief Executive Officer is subject to the directions of the Commission

and is responsible to the Commission for the execution of its policy and the management of its affairs.

Remuneration of Chief Executive Officer

8.              The  Commission  shall  pay  the  Chief  Executive  Officer       such

remuneration and allowance, if any, as the Minister determines.

Appointment of staff


The Commission may appoint and employ such other officers, agents

and servants as it considers necessary for the proper carrying into effect of this Act, at such remuneration and on such terms and conditions as the Minister approves in writing.

  • Notwithstanding subsection (1) no post shall be established and no salary

in excess of such amount as the Minister may determine and may notify in writing to the Commission shall be assigned to any post without the prior approval of the Minister.

no provision shall be made for the payment of any pension, gratuity or other like benefit to any person employed by the Commission without the prior approval in writing of the Minister.

Pension rights and service


Where a public officer is seconded or temporarily transferred from a

pensionable office within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Pensions Act, Cap. 25 to perform any service with the Commission, his service with the Commission shall, unless the President otherwise decides, be pensionable under that Act as if the officer had not been so seconded or transferred.

  • Where a person employed by the Commission is released by the

Commission to provide services within the public service, he is entitled to such benefits and terms of employment as are applicable to the post which he occupies; and his service with the Commission shall be taken into account as continuous service  with  the  State  and  the  Pensions  Act  and  Pensions      Regulations,

1947 (1947/20) shall apply to him as if his service with the Commission were service within the meaning of that Act.

  • Where a public officer is transferred to the service of the Commission in

accordance with subsection (4), the Commission shall refund to the Consolidated Fund all monies payable as pension in respect of the service of that officer with the Commission.

  • Where
    • a public officer is transferred to an office in service of the Commission; or
    • an officer of the Commission is transferred to an office in the public service

the Pensions Act shall apply to him as if his service with the Commission were other public service within the meaning of that Act, and the Pensions Regulations, 1947 shall apply to him accordingly.

Protection of the Commission

  1. No action, prosecution or other proceedings shall be brought or

instituted against the Commission or any member thereof in respect of any act done bona fide in pursuance or execution or intended execution of this Act.



The Commission, an officer or an employee of the Commission or an

expert retained to assist the Commission shall comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, 2019 (Act 2019-29) and shall keep confidential all information coming to his knowledge during the performance of his functions under this Act or any enactment which relates to the private affairs of a person except insofar as disclosure is necessary for

  • the administration of this Act or any regulations made thereunder;
    • compliance with the provisions of any enactment;
  • compliance with an order of a court.

(2)     A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence and is

liable on summary conviction to a fine of $40 000 or to imprisonment for 6 months, or to both.

Limitation of powers of Commission

  1. Notwithstanding the powers conferred on the Commission by section

9, the Commission shall not, without the prior approval of the Minister,

  • assign to any post established by the Commission any salary in excess of such amount per annum as the Minister may determine and notify to the Commission in writing;
    • appoint any person to a post established by the Commission to which a salary in excess of the amount determined by the Minister under paragraph (a) is assigned; or
    • make any provision for the payment of pensions, gratuities or like benefits to any officer or servant of the Commission or to others by reference to their service to the Commission.

Directions of Minister




The Minister may

give the Commission directions of a general nature in respect of the policy to be followed by the Commission in the performance of its functions under this Act, and the Commission shall comply with those directions;

give such directions to the Commission as appear to him to be necessary or expedient in respect of the disposal or development of land vested in it in order to ensure the preservation of any features of special architectural or historical interest; and

(c) give the Commission such directions as to the disposal of land held by the Commission in such manner and subject to such covenants and conditions as may be expedient for securing the development of an area.

  • Notwithstanding the functions conferred on it by section 4, the

Commission may not, except with the approval of the Minister

  • transfer the freehold interest in any land; or
    • grant a lease of any land for a term of more than 99 years.



A member of the Commission who has any interest in a company or

other entity with which the Commission proposes to enter into a contract or otherwise transact business shall disclose to the Commission the particulars of that interest; and details of the disclosure shall be recorded in the minutes taken at the meeting at which the disclosure is made.

  • For the purposes of this section, a general notice to other members by a

member to the effect that he is also a member of a specified company or other entity and is to be regarded as interested in any contract which may after the date of the notice be made with the company or other entity shall be deemed to be sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract so made.

  • A notice mentioned in subsection (2) has no effect unless it is given at a

meeting of the Commission, or unless the members concerned take reasonable steps to secure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Commission after it is given.

  • A member shall not vote in respect of any contract in which he is interested

and, if he does so, his vote shall not be counted nor shall he be counted in the quorum present on the consideration of any such contract.

Rural and Urban Development Fund

  1. There is hereby established a Rural and Urban Development Fund, the

resources of which shall comprise

  • such amounts as may be voted for the purpose by Parliament;
    • such amounts as may be borrowed by the Commission for its purposes;
    • such amounts as may be collected under the authority of this Act or any order made thereunder;
    • such amounts as may be given to the Commission as grants or donations; and
    • such other moneys as may become available to the Commission from any other source approved by the Minister.

Application of resources of the Fund

  1. The resources of the Fund shall be applied towards discharging the

obligations and performing any function of the Commission under this Act and the regulations.

Borrowing power


Subject  to  subsection  (2),  the  Commission  may  borrow   money

required by it for meeting any of its obligations or performing any of its functions.

  • The power conferred on the Commission by subsection (1) is exercisable

only with the approval of the Minister responsible for Finance, and the Commission shall stipulate

  • the amount and source of the loan; and
    • the terms and conditions on which the loan may be obtained.
    • The approval of the Minister under subsection (2) may either be general

or limited to a particular borrowing.

  • No money shall be raised on the credit of the State to be guaranteed by the

Government except under the authority of the Act or a resolution of Parliament and any such resolution shall be made prior to the loan being contracted or a guarantee granted.

  • Notwithstanding any other enactment, the State, public entity or

commercial state entity shall not borrow, from or guarantee to any person, entity or other Government entity unless the Minister responsible for Finance has approved such borrowing or guarantee in writing and in accordance with any relevant enactments.

  • A loan or guarantee that contravenes this Act shall be null and void.

Disposal of assets

  1. The Commission shall not, without the prior approval in writing of

the Minister responsible for Finance,

  • dispose of its capital assets; or
    • apply the proceeds of a disposal to which paragraph (a) refers to any undertaking.

Accounts, audit and reporting

it refers to State-Owned Enterprises shall apply to the Commission with such modifications as are deemed appropriate by the Minister responsible for Finance.


Renewal plan


The Commission shall prepare and submit to the Minister a  renewal

plan which

  • shall serve as a guide for the carrying out of the redevelopment for the purposes of this Act;
    • shall outline the methods to be employed in accomplishing redevelopment; and
    • shall specify the amount of capital expenditure to be allocated to redevelopment.
  • The plan referred to in subsection (1)
    • shall include the plans and schemes mentioned in sections 24 and 25; and
    • shall be approved by the Cabinet prior to the commencement of any redevelopment.

Derelict and similar buildings







Where in the opinion of the Commission a building to which this Act

is derelict;

is unfit for human habitation; creates a nuisance; or

is injurious or likely to be injurious to health,

the Commission may serve on the owner or occupier thereof notice in writing requiring him to demolish, secure, repair or rebuild the building to the satisfaction of the Commission within the time specified in the notice.

  • Where the owner fails to comply with the requirements of a notice served

pursuant to subsection (1) within the time specified therein, the Commission or any person authorised in writing by the Chairman of the Commission may execute the works mentioned therein and may, if the Commission deems it expedient, order the whole or any portion of the expenses thereby incurred to be defrayed out of funds at its disposal for such purpose.

  • Any expenses incurred by the Commission for the purposes of this section

are a debt due to the Commission and, without prejudice to any other remedy, may be recovered summarily as a debt due to the Commission in civil proceedings notwithstanding that the expenses exceed the normal monetary limit on the jurisdiction of a magistrate’s court.

  • Where personal service of a notice referred to in subsection (1) cannot be

effected, whether by reason of the absence of the owner or occupier from Barbados or otherwise, service thereof shall be effected

  • by affixing the notice or a copy thereof to some conspicuous part of the premises; and
    • by advertisement, a minimum of 3 times, in a newspaper that is circulated, printed and published in Barbados.
  • A notice referred to in subsection (1) shall specify a period of time after

the expiration of which the Minister may cause the works to be executed if they have not previously been executed.

  • In determining for the purposes of this section whether a house is fit for

human habitation, regard may be had to the extent, if any, to which it suffers from sanitary defects.

  • Where persons are displaced as a result of any action taken by the

Commission pursuant to subsection (2) the Commission shall satisfy itself that suitable alternative accommodation is available for the affected persons.



A person served with a notice under section 22(1) or any other person

having an estate or interest in the building to which the notice relates, may, at any time before the expiration of the period specified in the notice pursuant to section 22(2) and in accordance with any rules of court, appeal to a Judge in Chambers against the notice on any of the following grounds:

  • that the notice or requirement is not justified for the protection of or in the interest of public health;
    • that there is some informality, defect or error in or in connection with the notice;
    • that the Minister has refused unreasonably to approve the execution of alternative works;
    • that works required by the notice to be executed are unreasonable in character or extent or are unnecessary;
    • that the time within which the works are required by the notice to be executed is not sufficient for the purpose;
    • that the notice might lawfully have been served on the occupier of the premises to which it related instead of the owner, or on the owner instead of the occupier, and it would have been equitable for it to have been so served;
    • where the work is work for the common benefit of the premises to which the notice relates and other premises, that some other person, being the owner or occupier of the other premises to be benefited, ought to contribute towards the expenses of executing any works required.
  • Where an appeal under subsection (1) is based on the ground specified in

paragraph (b) thereof, the Judge shall dismiss the appeal if he is satisfied that the informality, defect or error was not material.

  • Where the grounds upon which an appeal is brought under subsection (1)

include the grounds specified in paragraph (f) or (g), the appellant shall serve a copy of his notice of appeal

  • on every person referred to in paragraph (f) or (g), as the case may be; and
    • on any other person having an estate or interest in the building to which the notice referred to in section 22(1) relates.
  • Upon the hearing of the appeal referred to in subsection (3) the Judge may

make such order as he thinks fit

  • in respect of
    • the person by whom any work is required to be executed; and
    • the contribution to be made by any other person towards the cost of the work; or
    • with respect to the proportions in which any expenses which may become recoverable by the Minister under subsection (9) are to be borne by the appellant and such other person.
  • In exercising his powers under subsection (4) the Judge shall have




as between an owner and an occupier, to the terms and conditions, whether contractual or statutory of the tenancy and to the nature of the works required; and

in any case, to the degree of benefit to be derived by the different persons concerned.

  • Upon the determination of an appeal made under subsection (1), the Judge

shall give directions for giving effect to his decision, including, where appropriate, directions for quashing the notice which is the subject of the appeal or for varying the terms of such notice in favour of the appellant.

  • Where the notice referred to in subsection (6) is varied or the appeal is

dismissed, the Judge may, if he thinks fit, order that the notice be suspended until such date (not being later than 28 days from the determination of the appeal) as he thinks fit.

  • The decision of the Judge is final.
  • Where at the expiration of the period specified in a notice under section

22(1) or on the expiration of the period ordered by a Judge on the determination of an appeal brought under subsection (1) the work specified in the notice or in the notice as varied by the Judge under subsection (6) has not been executed, the Minister may cause such work to be executed, and on completion thereof may recover the costs of executing the works as a debt due to the State in civil proceedings notwithstanding that the amount of such costs exceeds the normal monetary limit on the jurisdiction of a magistrate’s court.

  • In any proceedings under subsection (9), the validity of the notice to which

the proceedings relate shall not be questioned on any ground specified in subsection (1).

Redevelopment plans


Where the Commission is satisfied that the housing conditions in an

area are dangerous, injurious or likely to be injurious to the health and welfare of the inhabitants by reason of

  • the disrepair or sanitary defects of the dwelling houses in the area;
    • the bad arrangement of the houses in the area; or
    • the narrowness or bad arrangement of the roads,

and that those conditions can be remedied by ordering the demolition, reconstruction or repair of those dwelling houses that are unfit for human habitation, the Commission shall cause that area to be defined on a plan in such a manner as to exclude from that area any land or buildings in respect of which, in its opinion, sanitary defects do not exist.

  • The Commission shall pass a resolution declaring the area defined under

subsection (1) to be a redevelopment area and shall, within the period specified in section 26, prepare and submit to the Minister a scheme, hereinafter referred to as a “redevelopment scheme”, for the exercise of its powers under this Act.

Redevelopment schemes


As soon as may be practicable after the Commission has passed  the

resolution mentioned in section 24(2), the Commission shall send a copy of the resolution to the Minister and shall publish

  • in the Official Gazette; and
    • by advertisement, a minimum of 3 times, in a newspaper that is circulated, printed and published in Barbados,

a notice stating that the resolution has been passed and naming a place where a copy of the resolution may be inspected.

  • Within 3 months after the Commission passes the resolution referred to in

subsection (1) or such further period as the Minister may allow, the Commission shall prepare and submit to the Minister a scheme to be known as a “redevelopment scheme” accompanied by a statement containing appropriate particulars of the scheme indicating

  • the manner in which it is intended that the area shall be laid out and the land therein used, and in particular the land intended to be used for the provision of houses, roads and open spaces, community facilities, schools, churches, play centres and recreation grounds;
    • the approximate number and the nature of the houses to be provided by the Commission;
    • the average number of houses to be constructed per acre;
    • if the demolition of existing houses and the erection of new houses are proposed, the nature of the proposed new houses;






if the total demolition of existing houses is not proposed, the nature of repairs, improvements and reconstruction intended to be made;

the time within which the scheme or any part thereof is to be completed;

the estimated cost of the scheme and of the rents expected to be derived from the houses provided under the scheme;

such incidental, consequential and supplementary provisions (including provisions as to the subsequent variation of the scheme) as may appear necessary or proper for the purposes of the scheme;

objections made by persons affected by the scheme where such objections have not been withdrawn or met.

  • The Commission shall, before submitting such scheme to the Minister,
    • publish by advertisement, a minimum of 3 times, in a newspaper that is circulated, printed and published in Barbados, a notice stating that the scheme is about to be submitted to the Minister for approval, naming a place where particulars of the scheme may be inspected and specifying the time within which and the manner in which objections may be made; and
    • serve a notice to the like effect on every owner and on every other person who to the knowledge of the Commission has any interest in land in the area affected by the scheme, except persons holding under a monthly tenancy or tenancy for a lesser period.
  • Where a person is aggrieved by a notice served pursuant to subsection (3)

he shall appeal to a Judge in Chambers within 14 days of receipt of such notice.

Notification of approval of scheme


Upon notification to the Commission of the approval of the Minister

of any redevelopment scheme, the Commission shall forthwith publish

  • in the Official Gazette; and
  • by advertisement, a minimum of 3 times, in a newspaper that is circulated, printed and published in Barbados,

a notice stating that the scheme has been approved and naming a place where a copy of the scheme and particulars thereof may be inspected.

  • Where, after a scheme has been approved, it appears to the Commission

that any land in the area comprised in the approved scheme ought to be re- developed or used otherwise than as indicated in the scheme, the Commission shall prepare and submit for the approval of the Minister a new scheme in respect of that land.

  • In the following provisions of this Act, references to “re-development” or

“use in accordance with a scheme” shall be construed as references to a scheme approved under this section or, in the case of land comprised in a new scheme approved under this section, in accordance with the new scheme.

Demolition order


Where, with respect to any area included in a redevelopment scheme

approved by the Minister, the Commission determines that any building in the area ought to be demolished, it shall make and serve on the owner of the building an order referred to in this Act as a “demolition order” for the demolition of the building.

(2)     Subject to this section, subsections (2), (3), (6) of section 22 apply to  an

order referred to in subsection (1) as if it were a notice served under subsection

(1) of section 22.

  • Where the Commission, pursuant to an order made under subsection (1),

demolishes any building, the Commission may sell or otherwise dispose of any materials resulting from the demolition of the building.

  • Any amount realised by the sale of materials referred to in subsection (3)

may be deducted from the expenses recoverable under subsection (3) of section 23.

  • Where the amount referred to in subsection (4) is greater than the expenses

recoverable under subsection (3) of section 22, the Commission shall pay the surplus to the owner of the land or building, as the case may be.

Use of land


When a demolition order is to be carried out, no land to which the

order applies shall be used for building purposes or otherwise developed except subject to such restrictions and conditions as the Commission may think fit to impose.

  • Any owner who is aggrieved by a restriction or condition referred to in

subsection (1), or by a refusal of the Commission to cancel or modify any such restriction or condition, may, within 28 days, appeal to a Judge in Chambers, who may make such order as he thinks proper and the decision of the Judge shall be final.

  • A person who commences, or causes to be commenced, any work in

contravention of subsection (1) is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $5 000 or 12 months imprisonment and to a further fine of $500 for each day during which any part of the work exists in contravention of that subsection after a conviction is first obtained.

Acquisition of land

29.            Any land or building within a redevelopment area or any interest  in

any such land or building that is to be acquired by the Commission for the purposes of this Act may be compulsorily acquired in accordance with the LandAcquisition Act, Cap. 228 at any time after the expiration of 28 days from the first publication of the notice required by subsection (1) of section 27.

Assessment and compensation


Where any land or building or any interest therein is compulsorily

acquired  under  the  Land  Acquisition  Act,  Cap.  228,  compensation  shall be

assessed and shall be paid to the owner of such land or building or interest therein, subject to this Act, in accordance with the Land Acquisition Act.

  • The Commission shall forthwith out of its own funds pay into the

Consolidated Fund any compensation payable pursuant to the Land Acquisition Act in respect of any compulsory acquisition.

  • In assessing the amount of compensation payable under the Land

Acquisition Act to the owner of any land or building or to any person with any interest therein for the purposes of this Act, regard shall be had to the following:

  • in the case of land with buildings thereon that are unfit for human habitation or are dangerous, or injurious or likely to be injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the area, the compensation payable shall be the site value of the land as unimproved land, without regard to any buildings existing thereon;
    • in the case of land with buildings thereon in respect of which sanitary defects exist but which are not otherwise unfit for human habitation or dangerous, or injurious or likely to be injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the area, the compensation payable shall be the site value of the land as improved land minus the amount required to rectify the sanitary defects; and
    • in the case of any other land and building other than land and building referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b), the compensation payable shall be the improved value thereof.
  • In the case of any dwelling house or other building which is regarded as

dangerous or injurious or likely to be injurious to health under paragraph (a) or

(b) of subsection (3) only by reason of its bad arrangement in relation to other buildings or the narrowness or the bad arrangement of the roads, the compensation payable shall be as in paragraph (c) of subsection (3).

  • Where a building is used partly for the purposes of a dwelling house and

partly for other purposes, no compensation shall be payable where the part of the

building used for purposes other than as a dwelling house is, by reason of disrepair or sanitary defects, regarded as unfit for human habitation.

  • In determining for the purposes of this Act whether a house is fit for human

habitation, regard shall be had to the extent to which by reason of disrepair or sanitary defects the house falls short of the provisions of the Health Services (Building) Regulations, 1969 (S.I. 1969 No. 233).

  • The owner of any building that is regarded as unfit for human habitation,

on making a request to the Commission in writing, is entitled to be furnished by the Commission with a statement in writing of its reasons for deciding that the building is so unfit.

Payment in respect of well-maintained houses


Where a property, or part thereof, is well-maintained and does not

have any sanitary or other defects, but is to be acquired for a public purpose, the value of the property shall be paid in full by the State.

  • A payment under this section shall be of an amount equal either
    • to the amount by which the aggregate expenditure shown to the satisfaction of the Commission to have been incurred in maintaining the house during the 5 years immediately before the date on which the order was made exceeds an amount equal to one and one-quarter times the actual rent received during that period for the house or, where no rent was received, the rent that might have been received had the house been let; or
    • to one and one-half times or, if at that date the house is occupied by an owner thereof and has been owned and occupied by him or a member of his family continuously during the 3 years immediately before that date, 3 times the rent that might have been received, during that period, had the house been let,

whichever is the greater.

  • A payment under this section shall not in any case exceed the difference




the full value of the house (that is to say, the amount which would have been payable as compensation by virtue of its being compulsorily acquired as being fit for human habitation); and

the amount which is payable as compensation under this Act by virtue of its being compulsorily acquired as unfit for human habitation.

  • Any question as to the value of a house referred to in subsection (3) shall

be determined, in default of agreement, as if it had been a question of disputed compensation arising on such acquisition.

  • A payment under this section shall be made,
    • if the house is occupied by the owner thereof, to such owner; or
    • if the house is not so occupied, to the person liable under any covenant or agreement or otherwise to maintain and repair the house, and if more than one person is so liable, in such shares as the Commission thinks equitable in the circumstances.

Commission to make allowances

  • Where the Commission has purchased a dwelling house or other

building located within a redevelopment area because that dwelling house or other building is unfit for human habitation and is not capable at reasonable expense of being rendered fit, the Commission may pay

  • to any person displaced from the dwelling house or such other building such reasonable allowance as the Commission may think fit towards his expense of moving; or
    • to any person carrying on a trade or business in any such dwelling house or other building such reasonable allowance toward the loss which, in its opinion, he would sustain by reason of the disturbance of his trade or business consequent on his having to quit the dwelling house or

building; and in assessing that loss the Commission shall have regard to the period for which the premises occupied by him might reasonably have been expected to be available for the purpose of his trade or business and the availability of other premises suitable for the purpose.

Costs of persons opposing scheme


The Minister may make such provision as he thinks fit in favour   of

any owner of any land or house included in a redevelopment scheme approved by him for the allowance of reasonable expenses incurred by the owner in opposing the scheme.

(2)     Expenses allowed under subsection (1) shall be deemed to be expenses

incurred by the Commission under this Act and shall be paid to that person in such manner and at such times and either in a lump sum or by instalments as the Minister may determine.

Non-conflict with the National Housing Corporation

34.            Nothing in this Act affects the functions conferred on the National

Housing Corporation by the Housing Act, Cap. 226.



Transfer of assets




assets of the Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission that are vested in the Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission immediately before the date of commencement of this Act

(b) liabilities that were incurred by or on behalf of the Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission and subsisting immediately before the date of commencement of this Act,

are transferred to and vested in the Rural and Urban Development Commission and, by virtue of this Act and without further assurance, transfer or other formality, are to be held with effect from the date of commencement of this Act by the Rural and Urban Development Commission to the same extent and interest and in the same manner as they were vested in or held by the Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission.

  • All contracts entered into by or on behalf of the Rural Development

Commission and the Urban Development Commission before the date of commencement of this Act shall, as from that date, be deemed to have been entered into by or on behalf of the Rural and Urban Development Commission.

  • All rights, privileges, duties or obligations conferred or imposed upon the

Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission, and all powers and remedies as to the taking and resisting of legal proceedings for the ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing of all rights or liabilities vested in the Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission, immediately before the date of commencement of this Act shall be deemed to be conferred or imposed on the Rural and Urban Development Commission.

Staff of Rural and Urban Development Commission


The officers and other employees who are members of staff of the

Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission shall, upon the commencement of this Act, comprise the staff of the Rural and Urban Development Commission.

  • An officer or employee referred to in subsection (1), shall be employed on

terms and conditions no less favourable than those to which he was entitled before the commencement of this Act.

Pension rights and pension plan


There are hereby preserved to the staff of the Rural Development

Commission and the Urban Development Commission to whom section 36 applies the pension and superannuation rights accruing to them at the time of their assumption of employment with the Rural and Urban Development Commission.

  • There are hereby preserved to the officers and employees of the Rural

Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission who

  • were members of staff of the Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission prior to the commencement of this Act; and
    • have not assumed employment with the Rural and Urban Development Commission at that date

all pension and superannuation rights that accrued to them by virtue of their employment with the Rural Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission.

  • The payment of any pension or superannuation to the officers and

employees referred to in subsection (2) when the pension or superannuation accrues shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Boards(Pensions) Act, Cap. 384.

  • Without affecting subsection (1), the service of the staff with the Rural

Development Commission and the Urban Development Commission referred to in that subsection shall be aggregated with their service with the Rural and Urban Development Commission and any other public service for the purpose of computing pension and other retiring benefits under this Act and the Statutory Boards (Pensions) Act.




The Minister responsible for Finance may by order prescribe fees for

services performed by the Commission under this Act or the regulations.


  • The Commission may, with the approval of the Minister, make

regulations generally for carrying the provisions of this Act into effect.

Consequential amendments.

  • The enactments set out in Column 1 of the Second Schedule are

amended in the manner specified in Column 2 of the Second Schedule.

Repeal 41.




Rural Development Commission Act, Cap. 238; and

Urban Development Commission Act, Cap. 241

are repealed.


42.            This Act shall come into operation on a date fixed by Proclamation.


Rural and Urban Development Commission

Composition and appointment

(Section 4)







The Commission shall comprise a Chairman;

a Deputy Chairman;

the Director, Planning and Development;

the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry with responsibility for the Rural and Urban Development Commission or his nominee; and

five other members who shall be appointed by the Minister by instrument in writing.



Subject to paragraphs 4, 5, and 6, a member holds office for such

period, not exceeding 3 years, as the Minister may direct in the instrument appointing such member but is eligible for re-appointment for an additional term.

Temporary appointment

3.              The Minister may, in accordance with paragraph 2, appoint any person

to act temporarily in the place of any member in case of the absence of such member from Barbados or the inability of such member to act.



A  member  other  than  the  Chairman  may  at  any  time  resign his

appointment by instrument in writing addressed to the Chairman, who shall forthwith cause the instrument to be forwarded to the Minister and upon the date

of the receipt by the Chairman of such instrument the member ceases to be a member of the Commission unless some other date is mentioned in the instrument.

  • The Chairman may at any time resign his office by instrument in writing

addressed to the Minister and upon the date of the receipt by the Minister of such instrument the Chairman ceases to be Chairman and a member of the Commission unless some other date is mentioned in the instrument.



A  vacancy  shall  be  deemed  to  arise  in  the  membership  of   the

Commission in the case of

  • the death or resignation of a member;
  • the revocation by the Minister of the appointment of a member;
  • the absence from Barbados of a member without leave of the Minister;
  • the failure of a member to attend 3 consecutive meetings of the Commission, unless such failure to attend was approved by the Minister.


  • Members are eligible for such remuneration, whether by way of fees

or travelling or other allowances, as the Minister may determine.

Names of members of the Commission to be published in Official Gazette

  • The names of all members of the Commission as at first constituted

and every change in the membership thereof, shall be published in the Official Gazette.



The seal of the Commission shall be kept in the custody of the

Chairman, Deputy Chairman or such officer of the Commission as the Commission may approve, and may be affixed to documents or instruments pursuant to a resolution of the Commission in the presence of any 2 of the Chairman or Deputy Chairman and the Secretary to the Commission.

  • The seal of the Commission shall be authenticated by the signature of the

Chairman or Deputy Chairman and the Secretary to the Commission.

  • All documents or instruments other than those required by law to be under

seal made by, and all decisions of, the Commission may be signified under the hand of the Chairman or Deputy Chairman.



The Commission shall meet at least once a month for the transaction

of its business, and each meeting shall be held on such days and at such times and places as the Commission determines.

  • The Chairman or, if he is for any reason whatsoever unable to act, the

Deputy Chairman may at any time call a special meeting of the Commission, and shall call a special meeting within 7 days of the receipt by him of a requisition for that purpose addressed to him in writing by any 3 members.

  • The Chairman or, in his absence the Deputy Chairman shall preside at all

meetings of the Commission, and in the case of the absence of both the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman the members present and constituting a quorum may elect a temporary Chairman from among their members, and such temporary Chairman shall preside at that meeting.

Quorum 10.

Five members constitute a quorum.



The decisions of the Commission at any meeting shall be by a majority

of votes, and in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman or Deputy Chairman presiding at the meeting has a second or casting vote.



Minutes in proper form of each meeting shall be kept by the Secretary

or such officer as the Minister appoints for the purpose, and shall be confirmed in writing at the next meeting by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman.

  • Confirmed minutes of meetings shall be submitted to the Minister within

one month after the date of the meeting at which they were confirmed.


(Section 40)


Column 1


  1. Health Services Act,

Cap. 44

  • Public Finance Management Act, 2019 (Act 2019-1)

Column 2


In section 6 delete subsection (3) and substitute the following: “(3)   The

  • construction, repair and maintenance of sewers; and
  • performance of sewage disposal works in accordance with subsection (1)(b)

may be executed on land acquired by the Minister responsible for Lands, the National Housing Corporation or the Rural and Urban Development Commission.”.

In the First Schedule

  • insert immediately after paragraph 17 the following:

“17A. Rural and Urban Development Commission”; and

  • delete paragraphs 18 and 21.

Second Schedule – (Cont’d)


Column 1


  • Statutory Boards (Pensions) Act, Cap. 384

Column 2


  1. In the First Schedule
  • insert immediately after paragraph 16 the following:

“16A.     Rural and Urban Development  Commission

Accountant                  Accounts                  Clerk                           Administrative Associate (Clerical Officer)

Administrative Officer II Administrative Officer I Assistant Accountant

Assistant Director Human Resources Chief Executive Officer

Deputy Director Director – Corporate Director – Operations Executive Secretary

Field Officer/Field Investigator Finance Officer

Finacial                  Controller                  General                Worker                Information Technology Officer I/II Legal                          Assistant                           Loans Administrator

Second Schedule – (Cont’d)


Column 1


3. Statutory Boards (Pensions) Act, Cap. 384 – (Cont’d)

Column 2


Loans Officer Maid

Manager – Information and Transformation Messenger/Driver Planner Planning                    Assistant         Procurement Officer Project      Assistant      Project Coordinator Project Officer

Technical Officer I

Quality Management Officer Records and Information Officer Security Guard Senior Accountant           Senior               Auditor                  Senior                  Human  Resources Officer  Senior Legal Assistant Senior Legal Officer

Senior Project Officer Senior Procurement Officer

Senior Quality Management Officer Social                         Worker                         Senior       Social       Worker              Senior Welfare Officer

Senior Field Officer

Senior Client Service Officer”; and


Column 1


3. Statutory Boards (Pensions) Act, Cap. 384 – (Concl’d)

Column 2


  • delete paragraphs 17 and 21.
  • In the Second Schedule
  • insert immediately after paragraph 16 the following:

16A. The Rural and Urban Development Commission (established by the Rural and Urban Development Commission Act, 2025 (Act 2025-6).”; and

  • deleting paragraphs 17 and 21.


Arrangement of Sections

  1. Short title

2.       Grant of $2,380,432,824

  • Appropriation
  • Date on which grant takes effect



I assent


President of Barbados 21st March, 2025.


An Act to grant a sum of money out of the Consolidated Fund and to appropriate the same for the service of Barbados for the Year ending 31st March, 2026.

[Commencement: 1st April, 2025] ENACTED by the Parliament of Barbados as follows:

Short title 1.

This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act, 2025.

Grant of $2,380,432,824

  • The Accountant General may, on the warrant of the Minister or a

person authorised by the Minister in writing, issue out of the Consolidated Fund and apply towards making good the supply granted for the service of the year ending 31st  March, 2026, a sum not exceeding in the aggregate $2,380,432,824.


  • The sum referred to in section 2 is hereby appropriated for the services

and purposes set out in the Schedule in accordance with section 109(1) of the

Constitution and is so appropriated as from 1st April, 2025.

Date on which grant takes effect

  • The date on which the grant of the sum referred to in section 2 takes

effect, is 1st  April, 2025.


(Section 3)


Service                                                                Appropriated for



10.Office of the President1,000,696
11.Ministry of the Public Service4,768,338
13.Prime Minister’s Office167,141,693
14.Ministry of Finance185,127,148
15.Cabinet Office24,618,803
27.Ministry of Tourism and International Transport24,437,790
29.Director of Public Prosecutions1,857,145
30.Attorney General144,755,431
31.Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Science and Technology71,825,708

Schedule – (Concl’d)


 ServiceAppropriated for 2025-2026
32.Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade65,836,076
33.Ministry of Home Affairs and Information79,744,295
35.Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs125,216,307
40.Ministry of Transport and Works127,366,450
50.Post Office14,334,358
82.Ministry of Environment and National    Beautification101,121,068
83.Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Security67,757,284
84.Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Third    Sector12,410,854
86.Ministry of Health and Wellness294,467,812
91.Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment80,641,600
92.Ministry of Energy and Business Development65,290,934
93.Ministry of Housing, Lands and Maintenance97,310,945
94.Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment60,765,720
95.Ministry of Training and Tertiary Education237,672,359
96.Ministry of Educational Transformation249,710,557