S.I. 2021 No. 48: Census (Population and Housing) Regulations, 2021.

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Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department

28th July, 2021


Arrangement of Regulations

  1. Citation
  2. Definitions
  3. Census information to be furnished
  4. Particulars to be furnished
  5. Census forms
  6. Division of Barbados into districts
  7. Appointment and assignment of senior supervisors, supervisors and enumerators to districts
  8. Functions of senior supervisor
  9. Functions of supervisor
  10. Functions of the enumerator
  11. Entry and inspection of premises


Required Particulars

S.I. 2021 No. 48

Statistics Act CAP. 192


The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 13 of the Statistics Act, makes the following Regulations:



These Regulations may be cited as the Census (Population and

Housing) Regulations, 2021.


  1. For the purposes of these Regulations,“census” means the census directed to be taken by the Order; “census day” means 1st August, 2021;“census forms” means the forms approved by the Director under regulation 5, whether on paper or in electronic format;“census information” means information necessary for the making of true and accurate entries in a census form;“enumeration district” means any one of the districts into which Barbados is divided pursuant to regulation 6;“enumerator” means a person appointed as an enumerator in accordance with paragraph (c) of regulation 7(1);“Order” means the Census (Population and Housing) Order, 2021(S.I. 2021 No. 46);
    “senior supervisor” means a person appointed as a senior supervisor in accordance with paragraph (a) of regulation 7(1);“supervisor” means a person appointed as a supervisor in accordance with paragraph (b) of regulation 7(1).
    Census information to be furnished
  2. On the taking of the census, the census information shall be furnishedby and with respect to the following persons who are alive at midnight on census day:
    1. every adult person with respect to himself and all children or others for whom he may be responsible;
    2. the head of each household or any other responsible member of the household with respect to himself and all other persons who, on census day, are members of that household;
    3. the proprietor or manager of every hotel, boarding or lodging house, boarding school, child care institution, hostel or other similar institution or any person duly authorized for the purpose by such proprietor or manager, with respect to all persons who, on census day, are residents at such institution;
    4. the person in charge of every hospital, nursing home, house for the aged and infirm or other similar institution with respect to all persons who, on census day, are residents at such institution;
    5. the superintendent or principal of every prison or reform school with respect to all persons who, on census day, are inmates or pupils of that prison or reform school, as the case may be;
    6. the police officer in charge of every police station with respect to all persons who, on census day, are in custody on the premises of such station.
      Particulars to be furnished
  3. The particulars to be furnished on the taking of the census are thoseset out in the Schedule to these Regulations.
    Census forms
  4. The information and particulars prescribed in regulations 3 and 4 shallbe furnished on such forms as the Director may approve.
    Division of Barbados into districts
  5. The Director shall divide Barbados into enumeration districts and shallprepare a detailed description in writing of every enumeration district and its boundaries for the purpose of the census.
    Appointment and assignment of senior supervisors, supervisors and enumerators to districts7.(1)The Director may appoint such numbers of suitable persons as heconsiders necessary to be
    1. senior supervisors to coordinate and supervise the work of an appropriate number of supervisors and enumerators;
    2. supervisors to assist in the training and control of enumerators in the execution of their duties; and
    3. enumerators to collect census information.
  1. A supervisor and an enumerator may be assigned to one or moreenumeration district.
  2. Where it appears to the Director that a senior supervisor, a supervisor oran enumerator is unfit to perform his functions under these Regulations, the Director may terminate his appointment and may appoint some fit and proper person in his place to perform those functions.
  3. Notice of an appointment or the cancellation of an appointment of every

senior supervisor, supervisor and enumerator shall be published in the Official Gazette and in one or more daily newspaper published in Barbados.

Functions of senior supervisor











The functions of a senior supervisor are as follows:

to give all necessary instruction to supervisors in his supervisory enumeration district;

to serve as a linkage between the census office, supervisors and enumerators;

to deliver kits, stationery and census forms or tablets to supervisors and to ensure their safe return;

to solve any problems which may arise from time to time in respect of the census;

to monitor the progress of field enumeration;

to prepare and submit reports on the progress of enumerators;

to attend training sessions relating to the supervision of supervisors and enumerators;

to ensure that supervisors are fully aware of the boundaries of their enumeration district; and

to carry out generally all instructions issued to him by the Director for the purpose of taking the census.

Functions of supervisor



The functions of a supervisor are as follows:

to take each enumerator around the boundaries of his enumeration district;

  1. to give all necessary instructions to enumerators while in his enumeration district;
  2. to issue to enumerators all paper census forms or tablets which are to be used for the purpose of accessing electronic census forms and any other articles necessary for the taking of the census;
  3. to examine all entries made on census forms by enumerators and, where it appears upon examination that any census information in any form is defective or has been omitted, to require the enumerator responsible for filling out the form to take steps to correct the defective or omitted information;
  4. to arrange for the enumeration of all persons and housing in his assigned enumeration district;
  5. to receive, examine and transmit to the Director, within the time prescribed by the Director, all completed census forms, tablets and any other articles delivered to him by the enumerators under his control;
  6. to arrange for the carrying out of any checks in the field after the census as directed by the Director; and
  7. to carry out generally all instructions issued to him by the Director for the purpose of taking the census.

Functions of the enumerator




The functions of an enumerator are as follows:

to notify his assigned supervisor and the Director of every permanent change of his address within 2 days of that change;

to preserve carefully any written instructions, books, forms, documents or any other articles or items issued to him in connection with his assigned enumeration district and to return them to the Director on the conclusion of the enumeration or when called upon to do so;

  1. to visit personally, within the periods specified by the Director, every building and household in his assigned enumeration district to obtain all information necessary for the filling out of the census forms and to fill out the census forms accurately and faithfully;
  2. to make further visits to buildings and households, where on a first visit thereto the required information cannot be obtained and, on the direction of his supervisor, to revisit any building or household for the purpose of gathering relevant information in respect of omissions in any census form or correcting or verifying entries in any census form; and
  3. to carry out generally such instructions of the Director or of the supervisor of his assigned enumeration district as may be issued for the purpose of taking the census.

Entry and inspection of premises

  1. The Director and every senior supervisor, supervisor and enumeratorappointed under these Regulations may, for any purpose connected with the taking of the census, enter and inspect any premises and make such inquiries as he considers necessary in the performance of his duties.
    Required Particulars
    (Regulation 4)
    1. In respect of every person usually resident in Barbados, the followingparticulars are required:(a)
      (c)(d)name, relationship to head of household, presence of mother in household, presence of father in household, sex, date of birth or age, marital status, ethnic origin, religion, disability or major impairment and health;place of birth, place of residence one year ago, place of residence 5 years ago, where applicable, whether the person migrated to Barbados and the year of migration to Barbados, and, where applicable, whether the person migrated from Barbados, the year the person migrated and the place to which the person migrated;attendance at school, college or university, highest level of educational institution ever attended, number of years of schooling, examinations passed, means by which highest level of education was attained;use of internet and location of internet use; and use and possession of a cellphone.In respect of females aged 15 to 64, the following particulars are
      total number of live-born children and children still alive;date of birth of first live-born child and age of mother at birth of first live-born;date of birth of last live-born child;number of live births during last 12 months; and
      3.consensual union status and duration of consensual union.
      In respect of persons aged 15 years and over, the following particularsare required:(a)
      4.occupation or profession for which trained or being trained, whether the training was completed, duration of training and place of training;main activity during the past 12 months; occupational status during the past 12 months; months worked during the past 12 months; type of occupation during the past 12 months;type of industry or business in which the person was engaged during the past 12 months;location of work;main mode of travel to work;sources of livelihood other than from employment; normal pay period from main occupation;gross income from main occupation; and involvement in agricultural activity.For persons who have not worked during the past 12 months, thefollowing particulars are required:
      1. whether such persons are in receipt of any source of income, livelihood or financial assistance; and
      2. the source of the income, livelihood or financial assistance.



In respect of the dwelling unit, the following particulars are required: type of dwelling unit;























material of outer walls; type of roof;

material of roof covering; material of floor;

type of house foundation; year dwelling was built; occupancy status;

state of construction; number of bedrooms; number of bathrooms; number of other rooms;

type of tenure of dwelling unit; ownership of dwelling unit by sex; ownership of land by sex;

type of tenure of land;

where applicable, the amount of rent paid for dwelling unit and the rental period;

where applicable, whether dwelling unit is rented fully furnished, semi- furnished or unfurnished;

where applicable, rent of land and the rental period for the land; water supply;

toilet facilities;

source of lighting used;

source of energy used for cooking;















generation of renewable energy for own use;

type of appliances and household equipment and whether the appliances and equipment are owned or shared; and

access to the internet and the type of internet connection available.

In respect of the household, the following particulars are required: number of private motor vehicles for household use;

identification of any household members involved in agriculture; agricultural products produced by household members;

parishes where agricultural products were produced;

since the last census, whether members of the household had emigrated, the place to which such persons emigrated and the year the persons emigrated; and

number of persons who were victims of crimes in the last 12 months. For persons who were victims of crime, the following particulars are

type of crimes; and

whether the crimes were reported.

Made by the Minister this 26th day of July, 2021.


Minister responsible for Statistical Services