(Section 339)
Company No. 2294

In accordance with Section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 Notice is hereby given that the registration of the above-mentioned external company has been revived by the Registrar of Companies with e.ect from July 5, 2024.
Dated this 23rd day of July, 2024.
SARAH BREW Director.
(Section 339)

Company No.: 35724
In accordance with Section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 Notice is hereby given that the registration of the above-mentioned external company has been revived by the Registrar of Companies with e.ect from July 4, 2023.
Dated this 15 day of July, 2024.
In the Estate of

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the Laws of Barbados, to any person having any claim against or interest in the Estate of CHARLES BROWNE, deceased late of Silver Hill in the parish of Christ Church in Barbados who died at Silver Hill in the parish of Christ Church in Barbados on the 15th day of October 2022 to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to TRENA A. KELLMAN of Morris & Kellman Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 1 Building 2, Manor Lodge Complex in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on or before the 23rd day of September 2024 after which date the Executrix will convey and distribute the assets of the Estate among the persons entitled having regard only to the valid claims of which she shall then have had notice. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated this 23rd day of July 2024.
TRENA A. KELLMAN Attorney-at-Law for the Executrix of the Estate of CHARLES BROWNE, deceased.
In the Estate of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the Laws of Barbados, to any person having any claim against or interest in the Estate of Gloria Barrow also known as Gloria Cerine Headley, deceased late of Roy Wardeen Care Home, Friendly Hall in the parish of Saint Lucy in Barbados who died at Roy Wardeen Care Home, Friendly Hall in the parish of Saint Lucy in Barbados on the 18th day of September 2019 to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to TRENA
A. KELLMAN of Morris & Kellman Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 1 Building 2, Manor Lodge Complex in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on or before the 23rd day of September 2024 after which date the Administrator will convey and distribute the assets of the Estate among the persons entitled having regard only to the valid claims of which he shall then have had notice. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated this 23rd day of July 2024.
TRENA A. KELLMAN Attorney-at-Law for the Administrator of the Estate of GLORIA BARROW also known as GLORIA CERINE HEADLEY, deceased.

In the Estate of

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the Laws of Barbados, that any person having any debt, interest, claim or demand upon or against the Estate of ERIC BEST late of Long Gap, Spooners Hill in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados who died in Barbados on the 4th day of November 2021 is required to send particulars in writing of their duly attested debt, interest, claim, or demand to ANDREA BEST, Executrix or the Estate of the said ERIC BEST in care of Graeme A.J. Brathwaite Attorney-at-Law of Versus Legal, Violet House Upper Collymore Rock in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on or before the 25th day of September 2024 after which date the Executrix will distribute the assets of the said deceased among persons entitled thereto having regard only to the valid debts, interest claims or demands of which she shall then have notice and will not in respect of the property so distributed be liable to an person whose claim she shall not then have had notice.
AND all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to settle their indebtedness without further delay.
Dated the 25th day of July 2024.
GRAEME A.J. BRATHWAITE Attorney-at-Law for ANDREA BEST, Executrix of the Estate of ERIC BEST, deceased.
In the Matter of the Estate of

Pursuant to the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the Laws of Barbados Notice is given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of LATRICIA PATRICIA BRANCH also known as LATRICIA PATRICIA BRANCH late of Enterprise Main Road in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, who died on the 7th day of April, 2023 are hereby required to send such particulars in writing of their claims and demands to the undersigned, C/o Messrs. CARRINGTON & SEALY, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael, not later than September 30th, 2024 after which date the Administrators will distribute the property among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and demands of which the Administrators shall then have had notice and the said Administrators will not be liable for the property of the said deceased to any person or persons of whose claims and demands they shall not then have had notice. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated this 25th day of July, 2024.
In the Matter of the Estate of

NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of Kenidi Rae Prescod of New Castle in the parish of Saint John and Island of Barbados, Attorney-at-Law in Barbados for REV CANON RANDOLPH EVELYN of Sea View, Ciceron Castries in Saint Lucia the Executor and Personal Representative of the Estate of the said EDNA CLARATINA RUCK, deceased, late of Sea View, Ciceron in the Quarter of Castries in Saint Lucia who died testate domiciled in Saint Lucia on the 11th day of January 2020 to make application to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Barbados under the provisions of the Probates and Letters of Administration (Resealing) Act, Chapter 247 of the Laws of Barbados, for the resealing of the Grant of Letters Testamentary of the Will dated the 22nd day of March 2002 of EDNA CLARATINA RUCK also known as EDNA CLARALINA RUCK deceased which grant was issued under the seal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court High Court of Justice Saint Lucia in accordance with the Laws of Saint Lucia on the 24th day of November 2022 to REV CANON RANDOLPH EVELYN in respect of the said Estate.
AND NOTICE is further given that any person wishing to oppose the resealing of the said Grant of Letters Testamentary to the Estate is required to lodge a Caveat with the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Judicature, The Judicial Centre, Whitepark Road, St. Michael, Barbados on or before the 29th day of March 2024.
Dated this 12th day of July 2024.
In the Estate of

also known as PHYLLIS A. PARRIS
also known as PHYLLIS PARRIS
also known as PHYLLIS A. MORRIS
also known as PHYLLIS MORRIS
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the Laws of Barbados, that any person having any debt, claim or demand upon or a.ecting the Estate of PHYLLIS ANGELA PARRIS also known as PHYLLIS A. PARRIS also known as PHYLLIS PARRIS also known as PHYLLIS ANGELA MORRIS also known as PHYLLIS A. MORRIS also known as PHYLLIS MORRIS, deceased, late of 930 Gratitude Court, Olney, Maryland, 20832 in the United States of America who died at the Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, 20814 in the United States of America on the 6th day of July, 2019 is hereby required to send written particulars of his or her duly attested debt, claim or demand to SHARRON E. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law, Penrith Chambers, “Penrith”, 11th Avenue Belleville in the parish of Saint Michael, on or before the 26th day of September, 2024 after which date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to the valid claims and demands of which she shall then have notice and will not in respect of the property so distributed be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice.
AND all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated this 25th day of July, 2024.
SHARRON E. SMITH Attorney-at-Law for the Administrator of the Estate of PHYLLIS ANGELA PARRIS deceased.

In the Estate of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Barbados, to all persons having any debts, interests, claims or demands upon or affecting the Estate of CICELY ANNE TROTMAN also known as CICELY ANN TROTMAN also known as CICELY TROTMAN also known as ANNE TROTMAN, deceased, late of Lot 16 Crane Park South in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island, who died in this Island on the 25th day of June 2022 to send written particulars of their claims duly attested to NOEL ANTHONY TROTMAN the duly qualified Administrator of the said Estate of CICELY ANNE TROTMAN also known as CICELY ANN TROTMAN also known as CICELY TROTMAN also known as ANNE TROTMAN deceased, in care of MICHELLE A. SHEPHERD of OPALUS LEGAL, Attorneys-at-Law, “Morley House”, Cnr. Whitepark Road & Sobers Lane, Bridgetown, St. Michael in this Island on or before the 30th day of September 2024 after which date the said Administrator will proceed to convey and distribute the assets of the Estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the valid debts, interests, claims or demands of which he shall then have had notice and will not in respect of the property so distributed be liable to any person whose debts, interests, claims or demands he shall not then have had notice.
AND all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated the 25th day of July 2024.
OPALUS LEGAL, Attorneys-at-Law for NOEL ANTHONY TROTMAN Administrator of the Estate of CICELY ANNE TROTMAN also known as CICELY ANN TROTMAN also known as CICELY TROTMAN also known as ANNE TROTMAN, deceased.
In the Supreme Court of Judicature High Court Probate Division
In the Estate of

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of PATRICIA D MYERS, of 35 Robinson Street, Teaneck, County of Bergen, New Jersey in the United States of America, the Administratrix and Personal Representative of the Estate of MERRY McGEARY, deceased late of 35 Robinson Street, Teaneck County of Bergen, New Jersey in the United States of America, who died intestate on the 27th day of February 2024 at the Care One Long Term Care Facility Cresskill Borough County of Bergen, New Jersey in the United States of America to make an application to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Barbados to reseal the Letters of Administration made and issued by the State of New Jersey Bergen County Surrogate’s Court on the 3rd day of June 2024 to the said PATRICIA D MYERS, under the provisions of the Probates and Letters of Administration (Resealing) Act, Chapter 247 of the Laws of Barbados.
AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any person wishing to oppose the resealing of the said Letters of Administration is a required to lodge a Caveat with the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Barbados no later than 15th of August 2024.
Dated the 25th day of July 2024.
GRAEME A.J. BRATHWAITE Attorney-at-Law Versus Legal Violet House Upper Collymore Rock St. Michael.

NOTICE NO. 4 (second publication)

(Section 4 and 11 (8)) Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 (Act 2011-7)

ALL THAT LAND situate at Breedy’s in the parish of Christ Church in this Island containing by admeasurement 423.2 square metres or thereabouts.

ALL THAT land (part of a larger area of 801.5 square metres which was subdivided into two Lots as delineated and Shown on a Key Plan thereof made and certi.ed on the 2nd day of March 2016 by James A. Brown Land Surveyor thereinafter called the Key Plan and recorded in the Land Registry on the 3rd day of June 2016) situate at Breedy’s in the parish of Christ Church in this Island containing 423.2 square metres or thereabouts and being Lot numbered 1 ABUTTING AND BOUNDING on lands now or late of Dorothy Bynoe on the said Plan on the Lot numbered 2 as shown on the said Plan on one Public Road leading in one direction to Smith’s Corner and in the other direction to Silver Sands as shown on the said Plan and on another Public Road leading to Ealing Park as shown on the said Plan or howsoever else the same may abut and bound together with the dwellinghouse thereon.

TAKE NOTICE that JACQUELINE ISMAY BYNOE of No. 139, Beach 59th Street, Arverne, New York in the United States of America has applied to the High Court for a declaration of her ownership and a Certi.cate of Title in respect of the property more particularly described above.
Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or interest against
the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar
of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 22nd day of August, 2024.
Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said
property is invited to give such information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme
Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 22nd day of August, 2024.
Dated the 11th day of July, 2024.
BRENT J.A. CHANDLER Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant.
NOTICE NO. 5 (second publication)
Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 (Act 2011-7)

ALL THAT LAND containing by admeasurement four hundred and fourteen point seven (414.7 m2) square metres or thereabouts of land at Constitution Road, Bridgetown in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island.

CLAIM NO. CIV0600/2024

AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT land situate at Constitution Road, Bridgetown in the parish of Saint Michael in the Island of Barbados containing by admeasurement four hundred and fourteen point seven (414.7m2) square metres as shown on a plan made on the 5th June 2024 by
J. M Peterkin, Land Surveyor, ABUTTING AND BOUNDING on a Public Road, on land now or late of Fatima Havalivala, on lands now or late of Miriam Moore and formerly Ralph Redman (now occupied by squatters) and on an Alley or however else the same may abut and bound.

TAKE NOTICE that RALPH MCIVER REDMAN of Rendezvous Gardens in the parish of Christ Church in this Island has applied to the High Court for a declaration of ownership and a certificate of title in respect of the property described above.
Any other person having any adverse claim, lien or charge of right or interest against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 22nd day of August 2024.
Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to give such information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 22nd day of August 2024.
Dated the 11th day of July, 2024.
GIUSTIZIA CHAMBERS Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant whose place of business and address for service is ‘Yorkshire House’ Strathclyde Drive, Strathclyde, St. Michael.

The Change of Name Act, Cap. 212A
Applications of the below-mentioned persons for a Change of Name under the Change of Name Act, Cap. 212A have been made to the Registrar of the Supreme Court:
Name Address Proposed Name

Dated this 25th day of July 2024.
Q. LEWIS-CLARKE for Registrar of the Supreme Court.
Probate Advertisements
NOTICE NO. 12 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court In the Estate of DAPHNEY ENETHA LAURIEN NICHOLLS also known as DAPHNEY L NICHOLLS Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­ PROBATE of the Will dated the 8th day of July, 2015 to the Estate of DAPHNEY ENETHA LAURIEN NICHOLLS deceased late of No. 29 Concorde Drive, Lowlands in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, who died in this Island on the 20th day of January, 2024 by RYAN JEFFREY VALWALTER NICHOLLS the sole Executor named in the Will of the said deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Probate. Dated this 25th day of July, 2024. RYAN JEFFREY VALWALTER NICHOLLS Applicant. late of #32 St. Barnabas Heights in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died in this Island on the 12th day of August 2019, by ROSEMARY BEST née COLLYMORE and MARGARET COBHAM née COLLYMORE, the executrixes named in the said Will of the deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of publication of the second notice of advertisement. Dated the 25th day of July, 2024. EVADNE A. BREWSTER-WILTSHIRE Attorney-at-Law.
NOTICE NO. 14 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court In the Estate of CYNTHIA ELSA ALS also known as ELSA CYNTHIA ALS Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­ PROBATE of the Will dated the 10th day of November 1987 of CYNTHIA ELSA ALS also known
BARBADOS as ELSA CYNTHIA ALS late of Jackmans in the parish of Saint Michael who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE Martinsdale Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this
High Court Island on the 9th day of June 2008 by COQUELLA QUINTYNE the sole Executrix named in the Will of the
In the Estate of said deceased.
VIOLET EUDOCE COLLYMORE also known as VIOLET COLLYMORE An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the
Deceased O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an of this advertisement.
application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­ Dated this 25th day of July 2024.
PROBATE of the Last Will and Testament dated the AMILCAR BRANCHE
8th day of January, 2014 of VIOLET COLLYMORE, Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated the 19th day of April 2016, of CAMERON HALGERGAL SMITH deceased, late of 3rd Avenue, Fisherpond in the parish of Saint Thomas died in this Island on the 9th May 2024, by MARION OMETA BRERETON the Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 23rd day of July 2024.
ARTHUR E HOLDER Attorney-at-Law.

High Court
In the Estate of


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated the 30th day of July 2019 of CHARLES EMERSON BRIGGS also known as CHARLES EMMERSON BRIGGS, late of Atlantic Shores in the parish of Christ Church in Barbados who died at Atlantic Shores in the parish of Christ Church in Barbados on the 7th day of June 2023 by RODNEY ALLISTER PARKINSON FOSTER one of the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this Advertisement.
Dated this 25th day of July 2024.
MARY A. HAYNES, S.C. Attorney-at-Law.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated the 9th day of August, 2023 of JENNIFER CORDELIA BERRIE­MARSHALL also known as JENNIFER BERRIE­MARSHALL, deceased, late of No. 53 Callender’s Court in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 13th day of October, 2023 by JASON ANDERSON MARSHALL and EILEEN BERRIE, the Executors named in the said Will of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court within fourteen (14) days from the date of notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 25th day of July, 2024.
YASMIN S. BREWSTER Attorney-at-Law.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated 20th day of February, 2003 to the Estate of EDWARD DACOSTA GRIFFITH deceased late of Melrose in the parish of Saint Thomas in this Island who died at Melrose in the parish of Saint Thomas in this Island on the 3rd day of May, 2003 by HATTIE PATRICIA ISHMAEL the Executrix and Trustee named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated 25th day of July, 2024.
KRISTIN E. M. VANDERPOOL Attorney-at-Law “Parkville” Whitepark Road, St. Michael.

High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Last Will and Testament dated the 27th day of October 2022 and the Codicil thereto dated the 8th day of March 2023 of ROBERT CHARLES WORME late of ‘The Farm’, Farm Road in the parish of Saint Philip in Barbados who died on the 31st day of May 2024 at ‘The Farm’, Farm Road in the parish of Saint Philip in Barbados by MYRTLE MARGARET BELLAMY-WORME and FRANCIS DAVID STOUTE, the two Executors named in the said Will of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this Notice in the O.cial Gazette and from the date of the second issue of this advertisement in this newspaper to proceed with the above-named application for Probate.
Dated this 25th day of July 2024.

High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated the 29th day of September, 2023 of MAGDELENE ELVIRA MORGAN also known as MAGDALENE ELVIRA MORGAN also known as MAGDALENE MORGAN late of #65 Wanstead Gardens, Wanstead in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at 65 Wanstead Gardens in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 13th day of October, 2023 by MAXWELL RASHID MORGAN, MALACHI GAVAN RASHID MORGAN and DONNA MARIA HOPE, the Executors named in the Will of the said Deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 25th day of July, 2024.
Messrs. CARRINGTON & SEALY Attorneys-at-Law.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated the 12th day of August, 2022 of HOWARD HODKINSON PALMER also known as HOWARD H. PALMER also known as HOWARD PALMER deceased late of The Old St. Thomas Rectory in the parish of Saint Thomas in this Island, who died at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Larbert FK5 4WR, Scotland on the 11th day of September 2022 by LASANDRA KIM BOBB and HEATHER DOYAN, the Executrices named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 25th day of July 2024.
SUKEENA G. MAYNARD Attorney-at-Law.

High Court Probate Division
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated the 3rd of February 2006 of ALBERTHA GENETHA KING also known as ALBERTHA GENETHA YOUNG also known as ALBERTHA GENETHA TROTMAN, deceased formerly of Ashford Tenantry in the parish of Saint John in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on the 11th day of August, 2009 by ICILMA PATRICIA YOUNG also known as BRENDA YOUNG of Ashford Tenantry in the parish of Saint John in this Island the Executrix name in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 13th day of May, 2024.
ANTHONY S. WARNER Attorney-at-Law.

High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:­
PROBATE of the Will dated the 14th day of December 2022 of SYDNEY O’NEAL POLLARD also known as SYDNEY ONEAL POLLARD also known as SYDNEY POLLARD late of Sea Breeze Drive, Lower Crane in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 28th day of February 2023 by CARMEL THEODORA POLLARD and ZENENA PETRONILLA POLLARD who are the Executrices named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Judicature fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of the Advertisement.
Dated the 25th day of July 2024.
SUSANNA E. Y THOMPSON Attorney-at-Law.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of BERESFORD BELGRAVE also known as BERESFORD ST.CLAIR BELGRAVE, Deceased late of Sherbourne in the parish of Saint John in this Island who died at the Geriatric Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 5th day of February, 2016 by MELANESE CULPEPPER a child of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 25th day of July 2024.

High Court

In the Estate of

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of DOUGLAS PAYNE also known as BERESFORD BELLE, deceased, late of The Mount Tenantry in the parish of Saint George in this Island who died in this Island on the 17th day of June 2017, by CARLISLE HENDERSON BASCOMBE who is the son of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 25th day of July, 2024.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of GEORGE MILLINGTON also known as GEORGE MCDONALD MILLINGTON also known as GEORGE MC DONALD MILLINGTON, Deceased late of 44 Clerview Heights, Clermont in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at 44 Clerview Heights, Clermont in the parish of St. Michael in this Island on the 28th day of September, 2001 by ORNAN JAMES MILLINGTON the only child of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 24th day of July 2024.


High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of ANTHONY DELISLE WEEKES also known as ANTHONY WEEKES, Deceased late of Number 15 Rendezvous Ridge East in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, who died in this Island on the 22nd day of April, 2023 by HILDA DARLINGTON-WEEKES who is the Wife of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second issue of this advertisement.
Dated this 25th day of July 2024.

High Court Probate Division
In the Estate of


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of MAUREEN DEVONISH deceased, late of Bathsheba in the parish of Saint Joseph in this Island, who died at the Geriatric Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 22nd day of November 2023 by SONIA HUSBANDS who is the daughter of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement in the newspaper.
Dated the 25th day of July 2024.
GRAEME A.J. BRATHWAITE Attorney-at-Law Versus Legal Violet House Upper Collymore Rock St. Michael.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION DE BONIS NON to the Estate of GEORGE ALLENDELLE MAXWELL also known as GEORGE ALLENDALLE MAXWELL also known as GEORGE MAXWELL deceased, late of 409 Rustic Grove Lane, Royse City, Rockwall, Texas in the United States of America, who died at Presbyterian Hospital of Rockwall, Rockwall in the United States of America on the 7th day of July 2008 by GREGORY ALLENDALE MAXWELL, one of the children of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
MAKALA K. BROOME Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of PETER HENDERSON MORRIS late of 900 Lewis Avenue Plain.eld City New Jersey 07063 United States of America who died at the John F Kennedy Medical Center/Yelencsics Community Hospital Edison Township Middlesex United States of America on the 22nd day of February of 2024 by HERALINE MORRIS spouse of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated 25th day of July 2024.
LANA R. EDWARDS Attorney-at-Law.

High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application has been made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of CLIFTON EDWARD BABB, late of Crab Hill in the parish of Saint Lucy in this Island who died at Crab Hill in the parish of Saint Lucy in this Island on the 3rd day of December, 1934 by PATRICIA EUSTINE JOSEPH and JANNETTE BABB, who are the granddaughters of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of publication of the Notice of application in the O.cial Gazette and from the date of publication of the second notice of advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Letters of Administration.
Dated the 25th day of July, 2024.
M TARIQ KHAN Attorney-at-Law.

High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration Cum Testamento Annexo namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINSTRATION CUM TESTAMENTO ANNEXO of the Last Will and Testament dated the 13th day of July 1992 of STEPHEN OSCAR JEROME BARROW also known as STEPHEN BARROW late of #73 Appleby Gardens Derricks in the parish of Saint James in Barbados who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on the 3rd day of April 2001 by STEPHEN ORLANDO BARROW who is the son of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this Notice in the O.cial Gazette and from the date of the second issue of this advertisement in this newspaper to proceed with the above-named application for Administration.
Dated this 25th day of July 2024.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate MARGARET CARTER also known as MARGARET ELAINE CARTER deceased late of #16 Bannatyne Gardens in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died in this Island on the 15th day of October, 2023 by JENNIFER LYNNE CARTER, the daughter of the said deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Administration.
Dated this 25th day of July, 2024.

High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is been made for the following Grant of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of ALPHONZO ST. AURBON GRANT late of 1250 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11230 in the United States of America who died at Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn in the United States of America on the 10th day of March 1992 by BEVERLEY UNDINE GRANT and ALLISON ANGELA GRANT, the Widow and daughter of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second issue of this advertisement.
Dated this 24th day of July 2024.


High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of DORCAS ADELLE MILLINGTON née BRANKER also known as DORCAS MILLINGTON, Deceased late of Lot 44 Clerview Heights, Clermont in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 3rd day of August, 2020 by ORNAN JAMES MILLINGTON the only child of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 25th day of July 2024.

High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration Cum Testamento Annexo namely:­
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION CUM TESTAMENTO ANNEXO of the Will dated the 20th day of May 2008 of LOUISE CAROLINE GASKIN-WALTERS also known as LOUISE WALTERS deceased late of 219-37, 114th Avenue, Cambria Heights, Queens in the State of New York,
U.S.A. who died at the Interfaith Medical Center, 1545 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn in the State of New York on the 1st day of May, 2018, by WINSTON O’NEALE FARRELL, who is the son and one of the bene.ciaries named in the said Will and the proposed Administrator of the Estate of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the O. cial Gazette and from the publication of the second notice of the advertisement.
Dated the 25th day of July, 2024.
25th July, 2024
Trade Marks Act, Cap. 319

NOTICE is hereby given that it appears to me that the requirements of the Act governing registration of a trade mark have been complied with in respect of the several trade mark applications, particulars of which are set out below.
The respective applicants will be entitled to register the marks after ninety (90) days from the 25th day of July, 2024 unless some person shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my office of opposition to such registration.
The mark can be inspected on application at the Intellectual Property Office, Warrens, St. Michael.
Dated this 19th day of July, 2024.
File No (210): 81/ 023393 Applicant (730): APPLEBY GLOBAL GROUP SERVICES LIMITED (an Isle of Man company) of 33-37 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LB Filing date (220): 10/07/2007 APPLEBY
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Attorney-at-Law, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Fiduciary and financial services, namely, real estate services, property development services, electing and management services, property portfolio management services, capital investments in real estate; financial management consultancy services; actuarial services; administration of financial affairs; financial management, planning and research; preparation of financial reports and analysis; insolvency services; investment business services; venture capital investments and management services; venture capital funding for established, start-up and a merging company; acquisition for financial investment; administration of funds and investments; insurance management; pensions administration; financing of loans; arranging investments and capital fund investments; development of investment portfolio; venture capital and investment brokerage services; fund investment services; trust and unit trust investment services; trusteeship services; private equity services; equity investment services; provision of financial information; preparation of financial reports; financial appraisals and valuations; preparations of reports relating to all the aforesaid services; administration of employee benefit plans concerning finance; administration of employee welfare benefit plans concerning finance; escrow services; trustee services; trustee establishment and administration services; financial administrative services relating to investment, including the provision of financial advice, acting as a trustee, trusteeship investment management, administration of financial affairs, administration of mutual funds, trading and dealing in commodities, options, futures, stocks, bonds, shares, debentures, securities, currencies and derivatives, information of companies, corporate funds management, insurance consultancy, insolvency services [financial] and debt restructuring and security services relating to capital restructuring, estate management services relating to transactions in real property in International Class 36
File No (210): 81/ 025151 Applicant (730): S.A.S. JEAN CASSEGRAIN, a company duly incorporated under the laws of France of 12, Rue Saint-Florentin, 75001 Paris, France Filing date (220): 19/09/2008

Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Goods made of leather or of limitations of leather, namely, boxes of leather or of leather-board, bags [envelopes, pouches] for packaging of leather; travelling trunks, valises, travelling bags, travelling sets [leatherware], garment bags for travel, vanity cases sold empty, rucksacks, handbags, beach bags, shopping bags, attaché cases, briefcases, pouches, fine leather goods, namely, pocket wallets, purses, key-holders and card holders; umbrellas, parasols, canes, walking-sticks seats in International Class 18
File No (210): 81/ 027967 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organised under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 DAY-DATE
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely, watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches); apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included in other classes; dials (clock and watch-making); clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery (presentation) in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 027968 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organised under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 DATEJUST
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches); apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included in other classes; dials (clock and watch-making); clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 027969 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organized under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 MILGAUSS
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely, watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches); apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included in other classes; dials (clock and watch-making); clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 027971 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organised under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 COSMOGRAPH
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches); apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included on other classes; dials (clock and watch-making); clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch-making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 027972 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organised under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 CELLINI
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches); apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included in other classes; dials (clock and watch-making); clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch-making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 027973 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organised under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 EXPLORER
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches); apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included in other classes; dials (clock and watch-making); clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch-making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 027976 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organised under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 CELLINIUM
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches); apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included in other classes; dials (clock and watch-making); clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch-making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 027977 Applicant (730): ROLEX SA, a joint stock Company organised under the laws of Switzerland of Rue François-Dussaud 3-5-7, Geneva, Switzerland Filing date (220): 30/03/2011 CELLISSIMA
Agent (740): CLARKE GITTENS FARMER, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): Jewellery; horological instruments, namely watches, wristwatches, parts of clocks and watches and accessories for clocks and watches in so far as they fall in Class 14; clocks and other chronometric instruments, namely, chronometers, chronographs (watches), apparatus and instruments for measuring time and indicating time not included in other classes; dials (clock and watch-making), clock cases; clock hands (clock and watch-making); watch cases; cases for watches (presentation) and cases for jewellery in International Class 14
File No (210): 81/ 028824 Applicant (730): GD Midea Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd a Chinese corporation of Lingang Road, Beijao Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China Filing date (220): 08/11/2011

Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael Class (511): lighting apparatus and installations; vehicle headlights and reflectors; blow lamps; gas lighters; water heaters; solar water heaters; refrigerating containers; fans [air­conditioning]; extractor hoods for kitchens; air dehumidifiers; fans for exhaust extractors; electrical hair driers; air conditioners for vehicles; air cooling apparatus; air purifying apparatus and machines; fans [parts of air conditioning installations]; electric rice cookers; electromagnetic ovens [cooking apparatus]; burners (gas -); microwave ovens [cooking apparatus]; cooking utensils, electric; coffee percolators, electric; pressure cookers [autoclaves], electric; deep fryers, electric; coffee filters, electric; bakers’ ovens; coffee machines, electric; electric dish sterilizers; disinfectant apparatus; water purifying apparatus and machines; ice machines and apparatus; radiators, electric; electrically-heated carpets bedwarmers; friction lighters for igniting gas; drying apparatus; hearths; heating installations; bath fittings; steam facial apparatus [saunas]; cooking apparatus and installations; electrically operated cooking ranges; electric heating installations; electric food warmers; hot pots [electrically heated]; food steamers, electric; infrared heating ovens; electrically heated pots; electric frying pans; electric baking pans; deep fryers, electric; toasters; air-conditioning apparatus; air dryers; refrigerators; air humidifiers; air-conditioning installations; ice boxes; cooling installations for liquids; refrigerating cabinets; chilled purified water dispensers; laundry dryers, electric; water purification installations; dehumidifiers; solar collectors [heating]; ventilation [air-conditioning] installations and apparatus; water heaters; refrigerating display cabinets [display cases]; wine cellars, electric; gas burners in International Class 11
File No (210): 81/ 030290 Applicant (730): MITSUBISHI JIDOSHA KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA a Japanese joint stock company of 1-21, Shibaura 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8410, Japan Filing date (220): 03/12/2012 ATTRAGE
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Automobiles, parts and fittings and motors; bodies for vehicles; hoods for vehicles; automobile chassis; automobile tyres / automobile tires; bumpers for automobiles; cigar lighters for automobiles; brake pads for automobiles; air bags [safety devices for automobiles]; automobile chains; covers for vehicle steering wheels; shock absorbers for automobiles; steering wheels for vehicles; sun visors for automobiles; sun blinds adapted for automobiles; seat covers for vehicles; safety seats for children, for vehicles; safety belts for vehicle seats; alternating current motors for automobiles, direct current motors for automobiles; anti-theft devices for automobiles in International Class 12
File No (210): 81/ 032002 Applicant (730): POWER SERVICE PRODUCTS, INC., a Texas corporation of Weatherford, Texas 76086-1089, United States of America Filing date (220): 03/06/2014

Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Chemical based hydrocarbon fuel supplements, namely, diesel fuel supplement in International Class 1

File No (210): 81/ 033165

Applicant (730): NBA Properties, Inc., a corporation operating and existing under the Laws of the State of New York of 645 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States of America
Filing date (220): 13/04/2015
Disclaimer: The applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word “Washington” apart from the mark as a whole.
Agent (740): George Walton Payne & Co., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados
Class (511): Toys, games and sporting goods, namely basketballs, golf balls, playground balls, sports balls, rubber action balls and foam action balls, plush balls for games, plastic balls for games, basketball nets, basketball backboards, miniature basketball backboards, pumps for inflating basketballs and needles therefore; golf clubs, golf bags, golf putters, golf accessories, namely, divot repair tools, tees, ball markers, golf bag covers, club head covers, golf gloves, golf ball sleeves, golf putting greens; billiard cue racks, billiard balls, billiard ball racks, dart board cabinets, electronic basketball table top games, basketball table top games, basketball board games, action skill games, adult’s and children’s party games, trivia information games and electronic video arcade game machines, basketball kit comprised of a net and whistle, dolls, decorative dolls, collectible dolls, toy action figures, bobblehead action figures, stuffed toys, plush toys, jigsaw puzzles, toy building blocks, Christmas tree ornaments and Christmas stockings; toy vehicles in the nature of cars, trucks, trains and vans, all containing basketball themes; novelty foam toys in the shapes of fingers and trophies, toy trophies, playing cards, card games, toy noisemakers, pet toys; beach toys, namely, beach balls, inflatable balls, toy pails, toy shovels, sand toys, sand box toys, water-squirting toys; pool accessories, namely swim floats, pool floats, toy water rafts, foam floats, swim rings, pool rings, foam rings, body boards, surf boards, swim fins, surf fins, arm floats and water wing swim aids, all for recreational use; volleyball game kits comprised of ball, net, sidelines and whistle, and water polo game kits comprised of ball, net and whistle; decorative cloth wind socks; miniature stadium reproductions, namely, small toy plastic models of a stadium; snow globes; video game machines for use with television and video game hand held controllers for use with console video gaming systems in International Class 28
File No (210): 81/ 033412 Applicant (730): KIKKOMAN CORPORATION, company duly incorporated under the laws of Japan of 250, Noda, Noda City, Chiba, Japan Filing date (220): 17/07/2015 Translation: The characters displayed on the representation of the mark are of Japanese origin and mean ten thousand in the English Language.

Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Tea; bread; confectionery; condiments; seasonings; dressings for salad; ketchup [sauce]; mayonnaise; meat gravies; soya sauce; tomato sauce; vinegar; cereal preparations; sushi; flour for food; breadcrumbs; artificial coffee; cocoa; coffee; edible ices; pizzas; sandwiches; soya bean paste [condiment]; honey; sugar [other than for medical purposes]; cooking salt; mustard; noodles; pasta; spaghetti; yeast for use as an ingredient in foods; rice; tapioca; wheat flour in International Class 30
File No (210): 81/ 033977 Applicant (730): Real Madrid club de Fbol, a company incorporated under the Laws of Spain of Concha Espina 1, 28036, Madrid, Spain Filing date (220): 01/12/2015 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colours blue, yellow, red and white as shown on the representation of the mark.

Agent (740): GEORGE WALTON PAYNE & CO., Attorneys-at-Law, Suite 205-207 Dowell House, Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados Class (511): School bags, backpacks (with or without wheels); tote bags; duffle bags; suitcases, carry-on bags; waist bags and travelling bags in International Class 18
File No (210): 81/ 034234 Applicant (730): The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, a company duly organized under the laws of the United kingdom, of Saffron House, 6­10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS, United kingdom Filing date (220): 10/02/2016 Disclaimer: The Applicant disclaims the exclusive right to the use of the word, ‘GOVERNANCE”, apart from the mark as a whole. THE GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Educational services relating to governance, risk and compliance; educational services relating to company secretaryship and to private and public sector professional administration; arranging and conducting of conferences; publication of books, texts and instructional and educational materials in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 034505 Applicant (730): Perry Ellis International Group Holdings Limited, a company duly organized under the laws of Ireland of Montague Sterling Center, 5th Floor, East Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas Filing date (220): 22/04/2016 AN ORIGINAL PENGUIN BY MUNSINGWEAR
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Shirts, tee-shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, activewear, namely, sweatshirts, t-shirts, jerseys, sweatpants, shorts, jersey shorts, sweatshorts; outerwear, jackets [clothing], gloves [clothing], vests, pants, shorts, jeans, tailored clothing, namely, suits, tuxedos, dress shirts, dress pants, trousers, sports jackets, vests, ties [clothing], scarves, wristbands [clothing], belts [clothing], sleepwear, robes, swimwear, underwear, footwear [excluding orthopedic footwear], headwear, namely, hats, caps, visors and headbands in International Class 25
File No (210): 81/ 034614 Applicant (730): Telemundo Network Group LLC, a Delaware limited liability company of 2350 NW 117th Place, Miami, Florida 33182, United States of America Filing date (220): 27/05/2016

Agent (740): Miss Carol Hanschell, Attorney-at-Law, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, St. Michael Class (511): Entertainment services in the nature of film, television series, short form entertainment content, videos and podcasts featuring news, sports, comedy, drama, music and variety content; entertainment services in the nature of the production and distribution of film, television series, short form entertainment content, videos, podcasts and games featuring news, entertainment, sports, comedy, drama, music and variety content; providing a website, images and non-downloadable videos in the field of news and entertainment via the internet, mobile and wireless networks; providing interactive online computer games; providing on-demand and rental of film, television series, short form entertainment content, videos, podcasts and games in the fields of news, sports, comedy, drama, music and variety content; online non-downloadable electronic publications, namely, text and graphic works featuring news, entertainment, sports, comedy, drama, music and variety content in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 035301 Applicant (730): Orlebar Brown Limited, a company duly incorporated under the laws of England and Wales of 5th Floor Kinnaird House, 1 Pall Mall East, London SW1Y 5AU, United Kingdom Filing date (220): 13/12/2016 ORLEBAR BROWN
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Spectacles and sunglasses; frames for spectacles and sunglasses; mobile phone accessories; namely, mobile phone covers; mobile phone cases; holders adapted for mobile phones; mobile phone straps; cases, holders, stands and carriers adapted for mobile phones; cases and covers for electronic devices, namely, computer cases; cases and covers for laptops and tablet computers; bags adapted for carrying computers; namely, bags adapted for carrying laptop computers and tablet computers in International Class 9
File No (210): 81/ 035951 Applicant (730): S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin of 1525 Howe Street, Racine, Wisconsin 53403­2236, United States of America Filing date (220): 11/07/2017 AQUA EXHILARATION
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): room or atmosphere perfumes; essential oils for the atmosphere; air fragrancing preprations; air perfuming preparations; potpourri; incense in International Class 3
File No (210): 81/ 036066 Applicant (730): LOUIS VUITTON MALLETIER, a French company of 2, rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 Paris, France Filing date (220): 28/07/2017 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of an application filed in France on February 15, 2017 under No. 17/4338303 Translation: The word “L’IMMENSITE” displayed on the representation of the mark is a French word which when translated mean “IMMENSITY” in the English Language. L’IMMENSITE
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Bases for flower Perfumes; perfumery; perfumes; extracts of flowers (perfume); toilet water; eau de parfum; fragrance preparations; eau de Cologne; air fragrancing preparations; perfumes for ceramics; soaps; shampoos; shower gels; bath gels; deodorants for human beings; scented body lotions and milk; scented body creams; sachets for perfuming linen; cosmetic bath and shower salts in International Class 3
File No (210): 81/ 036343 Applicant (730): Planet Hollywood International, Inc., a corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware (U.S.A.) of 4700 Millenia Boulevard, Suite 400, Orlando, Florida 32839, United States of America Filing date (220): 07/11/2017 PLANET HOLLYWOOD
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Clothing, footwear, headgear, namely, t-shirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts, sports shirts, shorts, jackets and caps in International Class 25
File No (210): 81/ 036494 Applicant (730): SMA Solar Technology AG a Company incorporated under the Laws of Germany of Sonnenallee 1, 34266 Niestetal, Germany Filing date (220): 05/01/2018 Limitations of colour: The mark is limited to the colours blue, red, and white as shown on the representation of the mark.

Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Technical consultancy concerning devices and systems for measuring, controlling, regulating and analyzing techniques, especially for solar technique, for devices for conducting, switching, transforming, storing, regulating and controlling electricity, for energy supplying devices and systems as well as energy transformers for solar technique, for transformers, inverters, converters, direct current converters, accumulators as well as measuring and control devices therefor, for solar plant systems for electricity generation; technical monitoring, namely inspection of solar, photovoltaic and energy supply installations; technical consultancy concerning solar, photovoltaic and energy supply installations in International Class 42
File No (210): 81/ 036819 Applicant (730): COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of France of 12 Cours Sablon, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France Filing date (220): 18/04/2018

Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Waste recycling services; provision of information on waste treatment; manufacture of materials, namely, manufacture of powders and/or granules for use in additive manufacturing; series manufacture of items and/or spare parts produced by additive manufacturing; recycling of materials used for additive manufacturing; treatment of materials, namely treatment of powders and/or granules for use in the additive manufacturing of goods of metallic materials and/or ceramic materials in International Class 40
File No (210): 81/ 036983 Applicant (730): CORCORAN GROUP LLC a limited liability company duly formed and existing under the laws of Delaware of 660 Madison Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, New York, 10065, United States of America Filing date (220): 21/06/2018 CORCORAN
Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; real estate brokerage services; franchising services, namely, providing financial information and advice regarding the establishment and/or operation of real estate brokerage business; real estate property management services; real estate agency services; leasing of real estate; real estate appraisal and valuation; real estate rental services; providing information in the field of real estate via the Internet; real estate investment services in the nature of purchasing and selling of real estate for others; real estate escrow services; real estate consultancy services in association with the valuation, appraisal, brokerage, listing, management, letting and/or leasing of real estate; providing real estate listings and real estate information via the Internet; financial evaluation of real estate; mortgage advisory and administration services, namely, mortgage compliance consulting services concerning financial requirements for mortgages, mortgage financial planning services and mortgage refinancing; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; information and advisory services in relation to the aforesaid services provided over a telecommunications network; providing an interactive web portal featuring news, information and user generated content in the nature of information via online communications in the field of real estate in International Class 36
File No (210): 81/ 037005 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 ECOVERO
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Science and technology services; Advisory services relating to scientific research; Computer aided scientific analysis services; Computer aided scientific research services; Scientific testing services; Compilation of scientific information; Preparation of scientific reports; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Provision of scientific information; Advisory services relating to science; Scientific services and design relating thereto; Scientific services and research relating thereto; Scientific research relating to cosmetics; Scientific research for medical purposes; Scientific research and analysis; Laboratory (Scientific -) services; Scientific and industrial research; Scientific investigations for medical purposes; Consultancy services relating to product engineering; Engineering services for others; Engineering consultancy services; Engineering testing; Preparation of engineering reports; Engineering research; Engineering consultancy relating to testing; Technical engineering; Conducting of scientific studies; Scientific analysis; Information services relating to the safety of chemicals used in horticulture; Information services relating to the safety of chemicals used in agriculture; Scientific research relating to chemistry; Collection of information relating to hydrology; Scientific research relating to ecology; Textile testing; Quality testing of products for certification purposes; Certification [quality control]; Providing information in the field of product development; Product research and development; Design of carpers; Designing of packaging and wrapping materials; Design of curtains in International Class 42
File No (210): 81/ 037009 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 ECOVERO
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Yarns and threads; Angora yarn; Spools of thread; Spools of yarn; Spun cotton; Cotton yarn; Chenille yarn; Douppioni silk yarn; Elastic thread; Elastic thread and yarn for textile use; elastic strips of synthetic fibres for textile use; Threads made of spun cotton; Thread for textile use; Textile filaments [threads]; Flocked fibres; Yarn; Yarns made of angora for textile use; Waste cotton yarn; Polyester pre-oriented yarns; yarns made of carbon fibres of textile use; Yarn of synthetic or mixed fibres for use in textiles; Wild silk yarn; Knitting yarns; Yarns for domestic use; Yarns for textile applications; Yarns and threads; Inorganic fiber base mixed thread and yarn; Cotton base mixed thread and yarn; Chemical fiber base mixed thread and yarn; Chemical-fiber threads and yarns for textile use; Degreased waste threads and yarns; Hemp base mixed thread and yarn; Regenerated fiber thread and yarn [for textile use]; Silk base mixed thread and yarn; Synthetic fiber thread and yarn; Wool base mixed thread and yarn; Yarns and threads for textile use; Yarns for sale in kit form; Twisted cotton thread and yarn; Twisted threads and yarns ; Twisted hemp thread and yarn; Twisted silk thread and yarn; Twisted wool thread and yarn; Yarns (Combed -) made of natural fibres; Twisted mixed thread and yarn; Worsted yarn; Spun silk yarn; Semi-synthetic fiber thread and yarn [chemically treated natural fiber yarn]; Hand knitting wools; True hemp thread and yarn; Heat-stable yarns and threads; Jute thread and yarn; Camel hair yarn; Wool yarn; Carded threads in flax for textile use; Carded yarns of hemp for textile use; Carded threads in natural fibres for textile use; Yarns (carded -) made of wool; Carded threads in wool for textile use; Cashmere yarns; Ceramic fibre yarns for textile use; Coir thread and yarn; Rayon thread and yarn; Linen thread and yarn; Metal fiber thread for textile use; Sewing thread for textile use; Sewing thread and yarn; natural yarns; Non-metallic yarns for textile use; Spun polyester fibre for textile use; Silica threads; Ramie thread and yarn; Raw silk yarn; Spun silk; Silk yarn; Embroidery thread and yarn; Knitting yarns; Knitting yarns made of acrylic materials; Knitting yarns made of nylon; Knitting yarns made of wool; Polyester textured yarns; Yarns made of synthetic material for textile use; Synthetic threads; Carpet yarns; Textile yarns; Textile yarns made of man-made fibres; Textile yarns made of natural fibres; Covered rubber thread and yarn [for textile use]; Mixed spun threads and yarns; Waxed thread; Waxed yarn; Weaving fibres for industrial use; Spun thread and yarn; Worsted; Wool yarn in International Class 23
File No (210): 81/ 037012 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 VEOCEL
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Acoustical insulation barrier panels; Electrical insulation articles and materials; Acoustic insulation articles and materials; Thermal insulation articles and materials; Treated papers for insulating; Chemical fibres not for textile use; Insulation sheets; Barriers for protection against sound; Sealing and insulating materials; Electrical insulating tape; Regenerated fiber thread not for textile use; Fibres for insulating purposes; Fibreboard for high temperature insulation; Flame retardant fabrics [asbestos]; Fire resistant insulated panels; Insulating refractory materials; Filtering materials [semi­processed foams or films of plastics]; Insulating felt; Foil of regenerated cellulose, other than for packing; Regenerated cellulose for use in manufacture; Foils of cellulose [other than for wrapping or packaging]; Molded foam for packing; Yarns of carbon fibres [other than for use in textiles]; Fabrics of chemically produced fibres for use as insulation; Fabrics of carbon fibre for use as insulation; Fabrics made of mixed synthetic and natural fibres for use as insulation; Fabrics of organic fibres for use as insulation; Fabrics made from synthetic fibres [for insulation]; Fibreglass for insulation; heat resistant fabrics [insulation]; Insulation for electric conductors; Insulation and barrier articles and materials; Insulating materials produced from plastics; Insulating fabrics; Insulating materials; Magnet wire (Insulation for -); Insulation material for use in the aircraft industry; Insulating paper; Insulation jackets for industrial pipes; Insulations with sealing functions for heat protection; Insulations with sealing functions for noise protection; Carbon fibre; Carbon fibres for use in industry; Carbon fibres [fibres], other than for textile use; Semi-worked plastic substances; Plastic fibers for use in the manufacture of tire cord; Structures (non-metallic -) for noise abatement [insulation]; Resin impregnated carbon fibre fabrics; Fibres impregnated with synthetic resins for insulation; Paper impregnated with oil for insulating; Paper for electrical capacitors; Raw fibres of carbon, other than for textile use; Pipe insulation; Acoustical tiles; Acoustical insulation for buildings; Foam rubber; Quilted blankets for insulating; Substrates for electrical insulation; Synthetic fibres, other than for textile use; Insulations of synthetic material for the thermic protection of pipes; Pipe wrappings for insulation purposes; Thermal insulation jackets for industrial plant; Packaging tapes (Adhesive -), other than for household or stationery use; Viscose sheets, other than for packing; Fleeces of crude fibres of glass [insulation]; Fleeces of crude fibres of rock [insulation]; Fleeces of crude fibres of carbon [insulation]; Pre-formed insulation components; Thermal insulating materials in International Class 17
File No (210): 81/ 037013 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 VEOCEL
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Tissues of paper for removing make-up; Paper identification tags; Stickers [stationery]; Stickers [decalcomanias]; Printed packaging materials of paper; Printed advertising boards of paper; Printed advertising boards of cardboard; Containers of paper for packaging purposes; Writing tablets; Bags made of paper for packaging; Pamphlets; Decorative paper bows for wrapping; Decorative wrapping paper; Printed matter; Pencil boxes; Cases for stationery; Flags of paper; Humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; Filtering materials of paper; Filter paper; Sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; Printed brochures; Printed calendars; Periodicals; Printed promotional material; Geographical maps; Paper gift tags; Gift wrap paper; Coarse tissue [for toiletry use]; Adhesive wall decorations of paper; Envelopes [stationery]; Annuals [printed publications]; Filters (Paper coffee -); Calendars; Cardboard packaging; Small blackboards; Crepe paper; Crepe paper for domestic use; Ball pens; Plastic film for packaging; Note pads; Notebooks; Paper impregnated with oil for wrapping purposes; Cartons of cardboard for packaging; Plastic materials for packaging; Paper for use in the manufacture of tea bags; Paper for wrapping and packaging; Paper for use in the manufacture of wallpaper; Paper wipes; Labels of paper; Paper banners; Paper filters for coffee makers; Paper handtowels; Paper emblems; Paper sacks; Paper towels; Facial tissues of paper; Bags made of paper for packaging; Paper pennants; Posters; Postcards; Prospectuses; Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; Bows for decorating packaging; tissue paper for use as material of stencil paper (ganpishi); Bags made of paper for packaging; Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; Paper tissues; Tissue paper; Hygienic paper; Paper tissues for cosmetic use; Book covers; Industrial packaging containers of paper; Containers of card for packaging; Packaging containers of regenerated cellulose; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; Films for wrapping foodstuffs; Packing cardboard; Cartons of cardboard for packaging; Adhesive packaging tapes; Fiberboard boxes; Plastic materials for packaging; Wrapping materials made of paper; packaging materials made of cardboard; Packaging materials made of recycled paper; Packaging material made of starches; Packaging materials; Wrapping paper; Cartons of cardboard for packaging; Cartons of cardboard for packaging; Bags made of paper for packaging; viscose sheets for wrapping; Christmas cards; Promotional publications; Signboards of paper or cardboard; Advertisement boards of card; Cellulose wipes; Disposable pads for house-training pets; Disposable housebreaking pads for use in training puppies in International Class 16
File No (210): 81/ 037023 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 TENCEL
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Yarns and threads; Angora yarn; Spools of thread; Spools of yarn; Spun cotton; Cotton yarn; Chenille yarn; Douppioni silk yarn; Elastic thread; Elastic thread and yarn for textile use; elastic strips of synthetic fibres for textile use; Threads made of spun cotton; Thread for textile use; Textile filaments [threads]; Flocked fibres; Yarn; Yarns made of angora for textile use; Waste cotton yarn; Polyester pre-oriented yarns; yarns made of carbon fibres of textile use; Yarn of synthetic or mixed fibres for use in textiles; Wild silk yarn; Knitting yarns; Yarns for domestic use; Yarns for textile applications; Yarns and threads; Inorganic fiber base mixed thread and yarn; Cotton base mixed thread and yarn; Chemical fiber base mixed thread and yarn; Chemical-fiber threads and yarns for textile use; Degreased waste threads and yarns; Hemp base mixed thread and yarn; Regenerated fiber thread and yarn [for textile use]; Silk base mixed thread and yarn; Synthetic fiber thread and yarn; Wool base mixed thread and yarn; Yarns and threads for textile use; Yarns for sale in kit form; Twisted cotton thread and yarn; Twisted threads and yarns; Twisted hemp thread and yarn; Twisted silk thread and yarn; Twisted wool thread and yarn; Yarns (Combed -) made of natural fibres; Twisted mixed thread and yarn; Worsted yarn; Spun silk yarn; Semi-synthetic fiber thread and yarn [chemically treated natural fiber yarn]; Hand knitting wools; True hemp thread and yarn; Heat-stable yarns and threads; Jute thread and yarn; Camel hair yarn; Wool yarn; Carded threads in flax for textile use; Carded yarns of hemp for textile use; Carded threads in natural fibres for textile use; Yarns (carded -) made of wool; Carded threads in wool for textile use; Cashmere yarns; Ceramic fibre yarns for textile use; Coir thread and yarn; Rayon thread and yarn; Linen thread and yarn; Metal fiber thread for textile use; Sewing thread for textile use; Sewing thread and yarn; natural yarns; Non-metallic yarns for textile use; Spun polyester fibre for textile use; Silica threads; Ramie thread and yarn; Raw silk yarn; Spun silk; Silk yarn; Embroidery thread and yarn; Knitting yarns; Knitting yarns made of acrylic materials; Knitting yarns made of nylon; Knitting yarns made of wool; Polyester textured yarns; Yarns made of synthetic material for textile use; Synthetic threads; Carpet yarns; Textile yarns; Textile yarns made of man-made fibres; Textile yarns made of natural fibres; Covered rubber thread and yarn [for textile use]; Mixed spun threads and yarns; Waxed thread; Waxed yarn; Weaving fibres for industrial use; Spun thread and yarn; Worsted; Wool yarn in International Class 23
File No (210): 81/ 037025 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 TENCEL
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Raw textile fibers and substitutes; Liber; Raw cotton; Treated wool; chemical fibers for textile use; Fibres being partly prepared synthetic materials for textile use; Fibres

being raw synthetic materials for textile use; Silk flock; Yarn fibers; Twisted cords [sash]; Raw fibrous textile; Scoured wool; Semi-synthetic fibers [for textile use]; True hemp fiber [raw]; Rabbit hair; Jute; Jute fiber [raw]; Combed wool; Kashmir hair; Linters; Raw fibrous textile materials treated with flame retardants; Mohair; Natural fibers; Polyester stuffing fibers; Polyester filament; Polyester plastic netting for packaging goods; Vitreous silica fibers for textile use; Raffia fibers; Ramie fibre; Raw textile fibers, Raw fibres of plastics for textile use; Linen (Raw -) [flax]; Raw silk; Raw wool; Silk waste; Shorn wool; Silk fibers; Silk polyester monofilaments; Carded wool; Synthetic fibers for textile use; Synthetic textile filaments; Textile filaments; Textile fibers; Non-woven textile fibres; Fibres for making up into carpets; Fibres for making up into carpet tiles; Viscose silica fibres; Raw or treated wool; Wool flock; Bags and sacks for packaging, storage and transport; Liners for use in bulk containers; Nets; Plant hangers of rope; Slings and bands; Strips for typing-up vines; Wrapping or binding bands, not of metal; Hammocks; Storage bags for holding a body prior to cremation; Mesh bags for washing lingerie; Mesh bags for storage; Packaging bags [sacks] of textile for bulk transportation; Packaging bags [sacks] of textile for bulk storage; Sacks; Sacks made of textile materials; Sacks for transporting waste; Sacks for the transport of materials; Sacks for the storage or materials in bulk; Sacks and bags (not included in other classes); Sacks for the storage or materials; Sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; Non-textile bags for the transportation of materials in bulk; Non-textile bags for the bulk storage of animal foodstuffs; Non-textile bags for the bulk storage of materials; Shoe bags for storage; Sail bags; Textile wine gift bags; Protection pouches made of fabric for storing purses when not in use; Bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile, for packaging; Packaging nets for transporting fruits and vegetables; Textile bags for merchandise packaging [envelopes, pouches]; Tarpaulins, awnings, tents, and unfitted coverings; Tents for use in angling; Tents for camping; Vehicle covers, not fitted; Unfitted covers for boats and marine vehicles; Tarpaulins; Tents; Tents [awnings] for vehicles; Tents [awnings] for caravans; Tents made of textile materials; Tents for mountaineering or camping; Sails; Material for making sails; Ropes and strings; Binding thread, not of metal, for agricultural purposes; Thread, not of metal, for wrapping or binding; Strings; Twine made of polypropylene; Twine made of sisal; Non-metallic twines; Strings for typing purposes; packaging string; Macramé rope; Yarns for use in tyre cord construction; Cordage; Ropes and synthetic ropes; Rope for use in toys for pets; Synthetic ropes; Cordage; Ropes, not of metal; Baling twine; packing rope; Nets; Elastic netting for meat products; Hemp nettings; Netting [not of metal or asbestos]; Nets for windbreak purposes; Chemical fiber nettings; Rockfall prevention nets of textile; commercial fishing nets; Commercial nets; Nets for use with floating structures; Twine for nets; net pens for fish farming; Nets for shading; silk netting; fitted nets; Padding and stuffing materials; Down feathers; Feathers for stuffing upholstery; Wadding for filtering; Fillings of synthetic fibres; Fillings for upholstered pillows; Fillings of synthetic foam; fillings for duvets; Fillings for duvets; Fillings for pillows; Fillings for quilts; Wood shavings; Kapok; Loose feathers; Padding and stuffing materials (except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics); Materials for padding; Padding materials, other than or rubber or plastic for pillows; Padding materials, other than of rubber or plastic for sleeping bags; Padding materials made of fibrous material; Padding materials made of fibrous material; Padding made of non woven fabrics; Padding materials, other than of rubber or plastic for beds; Polyester batting; Sawdust; Sisal; Sisal fibers; Industrial packaging containers of textile; Fleece for the upholstery industry; Wadding for padding and stuffing upholstery; Wadding fibres; Wool (Upholstery -) [stuffing]; Stuffing, not of rubber, plastics, paper or cardboard in International Class 22
File No (210): 81/ 037030 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 REFIBRA
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Yarns and threads; Angora yarn; Spools of thread; Spools of yarn; Spun cotton; Cotton yarn; Chenille yarn; Douppioni silk yarn; Elastic thread; Elastic thread and yarn for textile use; elastic strips of synthetic fibres for textile use; Threads made of spun cotton; Thread for textile use; Textile filaments [threads]; Flocked fibres; Yarn; Yarns made of angora for textile use; Waste cotton yarn; Polyester pre-oriented yarns; yarns made of carbon fibres of textile use; Yarn of synthetic or mixed fibres for use in textiles; Wild silk yarn; Knitting yarns; Yarns for domestic use; Yarns for textile applications; Yarns and threads; Inorganic fiber base mixed thread and yarn; Cotton base mixed thread and yarn; Chemical fiber base mixed thread and yarn; Chemical-fiber threads and yarns for textile use; Degreased waste threads and yarns; Hemp base mixed thread and yarn; Regenerated fiber thread and yarn [for textile use]; Silk base mixed thread and yarn; Synthetic fiber thread and yarn; Wool base mixed thread and yarn; Yarns and threads for textile use; Yarns for sale in kit form; Twisted cotton thread and yarn; Twisted threads and yarns ; Twisted hemp thread and yarn; Twisted silk thread and yarn; Twisted wool thread and yarn; Yarns (Combed -) made of natural fibres; Twisted mixed thread and yarn; Worsted yarn; Spun silk yarn; Semi-synthetic fiber thread and yarn [chemically treated natural fiber yarn]; Hand knitting wools; True hemp thread and yarn; Heat-stable yarns and threads; Jute thread and yarn; Camel hair yarn; Wool yarn; Carded threads in flax for textile use; Carded yarns of hemp for textile use; Carded threads in natural fibres for textile use; Yarns (carded -) made of wool; Carded threads in wool for textile use; Cashmere yarns; Ceramic fibre yarns for textile use; Coir thread and yarn; Rayon thread and yarn; Linen thread and yarn; Metal fiber thread for textile use; Sewing thread for textile use; Sewing thread and yarn; natural yarns; Non-metallic yarns for textile use; Spun polyester fibre for textile use; Silica threads; Ramie thread and yarn; Raw silk yarn; Spun silk; Silk yarn; Embroidery thread and yarn; Knitting yarns; Knitting yarns made of acrylic materials; Knitting yarns made of nylon; Knitting yarns made of wool; Polyester textured yarns; Yarns made of synthetic material for textile use; Synthetic threads; Carpet yarns; Textile yarns; Textile yarns made of man-made fibres; Textile yarns made of natural fibres; Covered rubber thread and yarn [for textile use]; Mixed spun threads and yarns; Waxed thread; Waxed yarn; Weaving fibres for industrial use; Spun thread and yarn; Worsted; Wool yarn in International Class 23
File No (210): 81/ 037031 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 REFIBRA
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Flocked fabrics; Fabrics being textile piece goods for use in tapestry; Tick [linen]; Knitted elastic fabrics for ladies underwear; Knitted elastic fabrics for bodices; Knitted elastic fabrics for sportswear; Knitted elastic fabrics for gymnastic dresses; Fibre fabrics for use in the manufacture of articles of clothing; Fibre fabrics for the manufacture of the exterior coverings of furniture; Fibre fabrics for use in the manufacture of linings of shoes; Fibre fabrics for use in the manufacture of linings of bags; Felt; Felt for use by papermakers; Felt cloth; Flame retardant fabrics [other than asbestos]; Flannel [fabric]; Towelling [textile]; Linings [textile]; Inlay materials of non-woven fabrics; Chemical fiber fabrics; Fabrics for textile use; Knit lace fabrics; Gummed waterproof cloth; Linens; Jersey [fabric]; Fabrics of carbon fibre, other than for insulation; Fabrics [textile piece goods] made of carbon fibre; Fabrics made from artificial fibres [other than for insulation]; Upholstery fabrics; Furnishing fabrics; Furnishing fabrics in the piece; Woven furnishing fabrics; Non-woven felts; Silk fabrics for furniture; Semi-synthetic fiber fabrics; Fabrics of chemically produced fibres, other than for insulation; Fabrics of organic fibres, other than for insulation; Regenerated fiber yarn fabrics; Fabrics made from artificial fibres [other than for insulation]; Fabrics for use in making jerseys; Knitted fabric; Knitted fabrics of cotton yarn; Knitted fabrics of chemical-fiber yarn; Knitted fabrics of wool yarn; Fabrics made of mixed synthetic and natural fibres, other than for insulation; Textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of beds; Textile fabrics for making into linens; Textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of bedding; Textile fabrics for making into blankets; Textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of furniture; Textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of sheets; Textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of towels; Textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of pillowcases; Textile piece goods for making bedding covers; Textile piece goods for making-up into towels; Cloth; Tissues being textile piece goods; Velours for furniture Non-woven fabrics; Non-woven textile fabrics; Non-woven textile fabrics for use as interlinings; Non-woven fabrics of natural fibres; Non-woven fabrics of synthetic fibres; Non-woven fabrics in the form of sheeting for use in manufacture; Woven fabrics for furniture; Textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; Nightdress cases of textile; Printers’ blankets of textile; Disposable cloths; Linen lining fabric for shoes; Wall fabrics; Household textile articles made from non-woven materials; Ticks [mattress covers]; Coverings for furniture; Mosquito nets; Non-woven textile articles; Dust sheets; Textile tissues; Textiles made of flannel; Non-woven textile articles; Interlinings made of non-woven fabrics; Coverings for furniture; furniture coverings (unfitted); Loose covers made of textile materials for furniture; Furniture coverings of textile; Draperies [thick drop curtains]; Curtains; Markers [labels] of cloth for textile fabrics; Wall hangings of textile; Bed linen; Towels of textile; Kitchen and table linens; Hand towels for textile; linen and table linen; Tea cloths; Dish towels for drying; Place mats, not of paper; Textile smallwares [table linen]; Table covers; Tablecloths not made of paper; Tablemats of textile; Table covers of non-woven textile fabrics; Textile napkins; Table linen, not of
paper; Napery of textile; Table linen; Washing gloves; Receiving blankets; Bed pads; Duvet covers; Comforters; Bed blankets made of cotton; Bed blankets made of man-made fibres; Bed covers of paper; Silk bed blankets; Woolen blankets; Duvet covers; Bed sheets; Bed skirts; Bed throws; Fabric bed valances; Bed linen made of non-woven textile material; Infants’ bed linen; Covers for eiderdown and duvets; Comforters; Blankets for household pets; Quilts; Blankets for outdoor use; Disposable bedding of textile; Eiderdowns [down coverlets]; Terry linen; Futon quilts; Sleeping bags [sheeting]; Impregnated bed linen; Cot blankets; Cot sheets; Children’s blankets; Shams; Lap rugs; Contoured mattress covers; Pillowcases; Ticks (mattress and pillow coverings); Mattress covers; Quilts filled with down; Duvets; Travelling rugs [lap robes]; Sleeping bag liners; Silk blankets; Contour sheets; Quilt bedding mats; Quilts of towel; Quilts of textile; Quilts filled with feathers; Quilts filled with half down; Quilts filled with stuffing materials; Quilts filled with synthetic stuffing materials; Quilt covers; Textile covers for duvets; Textile goods for use as bedding; Valanced bed sheets; Woolen blankets; Bath linen; Bath sheets; Bath towels; Bath linen, except clothing; Disposable wash cloths; Towelling coverlets; Face cloths of toweling; Turkish towel; Towelling [textile] adapted for use in dispensers; Hand towels; Children’s towels; Household linen, including face towels; Make­up removal cloths [textile], other than impregnated with cosmetics; Make-up removal cloths [textile], other than impregnated with toilet preparations; Cloths of woven textile material for washing the body (other than for medical use); Cloths of non-woven textile material for washing the body [other than for medical use]; Bath mitts; Mitts made of non-woven fabric for washing the body; Wash cloths; Cloths for washing the body [other than for medical use]; Filtering materials of textile; Flame resistant fabrics in International Class 24
File No (210): 81/ 037038 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 LENZING
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Flocked fabrics; fabrics being textile piece goods for use in tapestry; tick [linen]; knitted elastic fabrics for ladies underwear; knitted elastic fabrics for bodices; knitted elastic fabrics for sportwear; knitted elastic fabrics for gymnastic dresses; fibre fabrics for use in the manufacture of articles of clothing; fibre fabrics for the manufacture of the exterior coverings of furniture; fibre fabrics for use in the manufacture of linings of shoes; fibre fabrics for use in the manufacture of linings of bags; felt; felt for use by papermakers; felt cloth; flame retardant fabrics [other than asbestos]; flannel [fabric]; toweling [textile]; linings [textile]; inlay materials of non-woven fabrics; chemical fiber fabrics, fabrics for textile use; knit lace fabrics; knitted fabric; gummed waterproof cloth; linens; jersey [fabric]; jersey [fabric]; fabrics of carbon fibre, other than for insulation; fabrics [textile piece goods] made of carbon fibre; fabrics made from artificial fibres [other than for insulation]; upholstery fabrics; furnishing fabrics; upholstery fabrics; furnishing fabrics in the piece; furnishing fabrics in the piece; woven furnishing fabrics; non-woven felts; silk

fabrics for furniture; semi-synthetic fiber fabrics; fabrics of chemically produced fibres, other than for insulation; fabrics of organic fibres, other than for insulation; regenerated fiber yarn fabrics; fabrics made from artificial fibres [other than for insulation]; fabrics for use in making jerseys; knitted fabric; knitted fabrics of cotton yarn; knitted fabrics of chemical-fiber yarn; knitted fabrics of wool yarn; fabrics made of mixed synthetic and natural fibres, other than for insulation; textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of beds; textile fabrics for making into linens; textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of bedding; textile fabrics for making into blankets; textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of furniture; textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of sheets; textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of towels; textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of pillowcases; textile piece goods for making bedding covers; textile piece goods for making-up into towels; cloth; tissues being textile piece goods; velours for furniture; non-woven fabrics; non-woven textile fabrics; non-woven textile fabrics for use as interlinings; non-woven fabrics of natural fibres; non-woven fabrics of synthetic fibres; non-woven fabrics in the form of sheeting for use in manufacture; woven fabrics for furniture; textile goods, and substitutes for textile goods; nightdress cases of textile; printers’ blankets of textile; disposable cloths; linings [textile]; linen lining fabric for shoes; wall fabrics; fabrics for textile use; household textile articles made from non-woven materials; linens; nightdress cases of textile; ticks [mattress covers]; coverings for furniture; mosquito nets; non-woven textile articles; textile tissues; textiles made of flannel; non-woven textile articles; interlinings made of non-woven fabrics; coverings for furniture; furniture coverings (unfitted); loose covers made of textile materials for furniture; furniture coverings of textile; dust sheets; loose covers made of textile materials for furniture; draperies [thick drop curtains]; curtains; markers [labels] of cloth for textile fabrics; wall fabrics; wall hangings of textile; bed linen; toweling [textile]; towels of textile; kitchen and table linens; hand towels of textile; bed linen and table linen; tea cloths; dish towels for drying; place mats, not of paper; textile smallwares [table linen]; table covers; table cloths (not of paper); tablemats, not of paper; table covers of non-woven textile fabrics; textile napkins; table linen, not of paper; napery of textile; table linen; washing gloves; receiving blankets; bed linen and table linen; bed sheets; duvet covers; comforters; bed blankets made of cotton; bed blankets made of man-made fibres; bed covers of paper; silk bed blankets; woolen blankets; duvet covers; bed sheets; bed skirts; bed throws; fabric bed valances; bed linen made of non-woven textile material; infants’ bed linen; covers for eiderdown and duvets; comforters; blankets for household pets; quilts; blankets for outdoor use; disposable bedding of textile; eiderdowns -down coverlets]; terry linen; futon quilts; sleeping bags [sheeting]; waterproof bed clothes; cot blankets; cot sheets; children’s blankets; shams; lap rugs; contoured mattress covers; pillowcases; ticks (mattress and pillow coverings); mattress covers; quilts filled with down; duvets; travelling rugs [lap robes]; sleeping bag liners; silk blankets; contour sheets; quilt bedding mats; quilts of textile; quilts filled with feathers; quilts filled with half down; quilts filled with stuffing materials; quilts filled with synthetic stuffing materials; quilts; quilt covers; textile covers for duvets; textile goods for use as bedding; bed sheets; bed throws; valanced bed sheets; bed skirts; woolen blankets; bath linen; bath sheets; bath towels; bath linen, except clothing; disposable wash cloths; towelling coverlets; face cloths of towelling; turkish towel; toweling [textile] adapted for use in dispensers; hand towels; children’s towels; household linen, including face towels; make-up removal cloths [textile], other than impregnated with cosmetics; make-up removal cloths [textile], other than impregnated with toilet preparations; cloths of woven textile material for washing the body (other than for medical use); cloths of non-woven textile material for washing the body [other than for medical use]; bath mitts; mitts made of non-woven fabric for washing the body; wash cloths; cloths for washing the body [other
than for medical use]; filtering materials of textile; flame resistant fabrics; baby bunting in International Class 24
File No (210): 81/ 037041 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 LENZING
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Services in the field of science and technology and related research and development services; advisory services relating to scientific research; computer aided scientific analysis services; computer aided scientific research services; scientific testing services; preparation of scientific reports; provision of information relating to scientific research; provision of scientific information; advisory services relating to science research; scientific services and design relating thereto; scientific services and research relating thereto; scientific research relating to cosmetics; scientific research for medical purposes; scientific research and analysis; laboratory (scientific -) services; scientific and industrial research; scientific investigations for medical purposes; consultancy services relating to product engineering; engineering services for others; engineering consultancy services; engineering testing; preparation of engineering reports; engineering consultancy services; engineering research; engineering consultancy relating to testing; technical engineering; conducting of scientific studies; scientific analysis; information services relating to testing in the field of the safety of chemicals used in horticulture; information services relating to testing in the field of the safety of chemicals used in agriculture; scientific research relating to chemistry; scientific research relating to ecology; engineering testing; scientific testing services; textile testing; quality testing of products for certification purposes; certification [quality control]; providing information in the field of product development; product research and development; design of carpets; designing of packaging and wrapping materials; design of curtains in International Class 42
File No (210): 81/ 037044 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 LENZING

Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados
Class (511): Raw textile fibers and substitutes; liber; raw cotton; treated wool; chemical fibers for textile use; fibres being partly prepared synthetic materials for textile use; fibres being raw synthetic materials for textile use; silk flock; yarn fibers; twisted cords [sash]; raw fibrous textile; scoured wool; semi-synthetic fibers [for textile use]; true hemp fiber [raw]; rabbit hair; jute; jute fiber [raw]; combed wool; cashmere wool [raw material]; linters; raw fibrous textile materials treated with flame retardants; mohair; natural fibers; polyester stuffing fibers; polyester filament; polyester plastic netting for packaging goods; vitreous silica fibers for textile use; raffia fibers; ramie fibre; raw textile fibers; raw fibres of plastics for textile use; linen (raw -) [flax]; raw silk; raw wool; silk waste; shorn wool; silk fibers; silk, polyester monofilaments; carded wool; synthetic fibers for textile use; synthetic fibers for textile use; synthetic textile filaments; textile filaments; textile fibers; non-woven textile fibres; fibres for making up into carpets; fibres for making up into carpet tiles; viscose silica fibres; raw or treated wool; wool flock; bags and sacks of textile for packaging, storage and transport; liners for use in bulk containers; bags and sacks for packaging, storage and transport; nets; plant hangers of rope; non-metal slings and bands for handling loads; strips for tying-up vines; wrapping or binding bands, not of metal; hammocks; storage bags for holding a body prior to cremation; mesh bags for washing lingerie; mesh bags for storage; packaging bags [sacks] of textile for bulk transportation; packaging bags [sacks] of textile for bulk storage;’ sacks; sacks made of textile materials; sacks for transporting waste; sacks for the transport of materials; sacks for the storage of materials; bags [sacks] for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; non-textile bags for the transportation of materials in bulk; non-textile bags for the bulk storage of animal foodstuffs; non-textile bags for the bulk storage of materials; shoe bags for storage; sail bags textile wine gift bags; protection pouches made of fabric for storing purses when not in use; bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile, for packaging; bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile, for packaging; bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile, for packaging; packaging nets for transporting fruits and vegetables; bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile, for packaging; textile bags for merchandise packaging [envelopes, pouches]; tarpaulins, awnings, tents, and unfitted coverings; tents for use in angling; tents for camping; vehicle covers, not fitted; unfitted covers for boats and marine vehicles; tarpaulins; tents; tents [awnings] for vehicles; tents [awnings] for caravans; tents made of textile materials; tents for mountaineering or camping; sails; canvas for making sails; ropes and strings; binding thread, not of metal, for agricultural purposes; thread, not of metal, for wrapping or binding; strings; twine made of polypropylene; twine made of sisal; non-metallic twines; strings for tying purposes; packaging string; macrame rope; cordage; ropes and synthetic ropes; rope for use in toys for pets; synthetic ropes; cordage; ropes, not of metal; baling twine; packing rope; nets; elastic netting for meat products; hemp nettings; netting [not of metal or asbestos]; nets for windbreak purposes; chemical fiber nettings; rockfall prevention nets of textile; commercial fishing nets; commercial nets; nets for use with floating structures; twine for nets; net pens for fish farming; nets for shading; silk netting; fitted nets; padding and stuffing materials; down feathers; feathers for stuffing upholstery; wadding for filtering; fillings of synthetic fibres; fillings for upholstered pillows: fillings of synthetic foam; fillings for duvets; fillings for pillows; fillings for quilts; wood shavings; kapok; loose feathers; materials for padding; padding materials, other than of rubber or plastic for pillows: padding materials, other than of rubber or plastic for sleeping bags; padding materials made of fibrous material; padding materials made of fibrous material; padding made of non woven fabrics; padding materials, other than of rubber or plastic for beds; polyester batting; sawdust; sisal; sisal fibers; industrial packaging containers of
textile; fleece for the upholstery industry; wadding for padding and stuffing upholstery; wadding fibres; wool (upholstery -) [stuffing]; padding and stuffing materials (except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics); fillings for upholstered pillows; spun polyester fibre for textile use in International Class 22
File No (210): 81/ 037048 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 LENZING
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Crepe paper; filtering materials of paper; filter paper; paper filters for coffee makers; printed packaging materials of paper; containers of paper for packaging purposes; bags made of paper for packaging; decorative paper bows for wrapping; decorative wrapping paper; humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; gift wrap paper; cardboard packaging; plastic film for packaging; paper impregnated with oil for wrapping purposes; plastic materials for packaging; paper for wrapping and packaging; paper sacks; bags made of paper for packaging; bows for decorating packaging; bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; industrial packaging containers of paper; containers of card for packaging; packaging containers of regenerated cellulose; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; films for wrapping foodstuffs; packing cardboard; cartons of cardboard for packaging; fiberboard boxes; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); wrapping materials made of paper; packaging materials made of cardboard; packaging materials made of recycled paper; packaging material made of starches; packaging materials; wrapping paper; cartons of cardboard for packaging; bags made of paper for packaging; viscose sheets for wrapping; pencil boxes; cases for stationery; adhesive packaging tapes; adhesive wall decorations of paper; promotional publications; book covers; crepe paper for domestic use; paper for use in the manufacture of wallpaper; tissue paper for use as material of stencil paper (ganpishi); paper for use in the manufacture of tea bags; tissues of paper for removing make-up; coarse tissue [for toiletry use]; filters (paper coffee -); paper wipes; facial tissues of paper; absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; paper tissues; tissue paper; hygienic paper; paper tissues for cosmetic use; cellulose wipes in International Class 16
File No (210): 81/ 037049 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 LENZING
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Fibres for insulating purposes; quilted blankets for insulating; regenerated fiber thread not for textile use; chemical fibres not for textile use; synthetic fibres, other than for textile use; insulation and barrier articles and materials; insulating fabrics; fabrics made from synthetic fibres [for insulation]; fabrics made of mixed synthetic and natural fibres for use as insulation; fabrics of carbon fibre for use as insulation; fabrics of chemically produced fibres for use as insulation; fabrics of, organic fibres for use as insulation; fiberglass for insulation; fibres impregnated with synthetic resins for insulation; fleeces of crude fibres of carbon [insulation]; insulating paper; insulation material for use in the aircraft industry; insulating materials produced from plastics; insulation sheets; magnet wire (insulation for -); insulating paper; paper impregnated with oil for insulating; pipe insulation; pre-formed insulation components; treated papers for insulating; thermal insulation articles and materials; fibreboard for high temperature insulation; heat resistant fabrics [insulation]; insulation jackets for industrial pipes; insulations of synthetic material for the thermic protection of pipes; insulations with sealing functions for heat protection; thermal insulation jackets for industrial plant; thermal insulating materials; electrical insulation articles and materials; electrical insulating tape; insulation for electric conductors; paper for electrical capacitors; substrates for electrical insulation; acoustic insulation articles and materials; acoustical tiles; acoustical insulation barrier panels; acoustical insulation for buildings; structures (non-metallic -) for noise abatement [insulation]; foils of cellulose [other than for wrapping or packaging]; foil of regenerated cellulose, other than for packing; foam rubber; carbon fibre; regenerated cellulose for use in manufacture; viscose sheets, other than for packinq; carbon fibres for use in industry; carbon fibres [fibres], other than for textile use; raw fibres of carbon, other than for textile use; resin impregnated carbon fibre fabrics; yarns of carbon fibres [other than for use in textiles]; molded foam for packing; packaging tapes (adhesive -), other than for household or stationery use; plastic fibers for use in the manufacture of tire cord; flame retardant fabrics [asbestos]; fire resistant insulated panels; insulating refractory materials; insulating felt; fabrics of chemically produced fibres for use as insulation; insulations of synthetic material for the thermic protection of pipes; foils of cellulose [other than for wrapping or packaging]; semi-worked plastic substances; filtering materials [semi-processed foams or films of plastic] in International Class 17
File No (210): 81/ 037075 Applicant (730): S.M. Jaleel & Company Limited a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Trinidad & Tobago of Otaheite Industrial Estate, South Oropouche, Trinidad & Tobago Filing date (220): 11/07/2018 JAMMA
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados Class (511): fruit juices; non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages in International Class 32
File No (210): 81/ 037076 Applicant (730): S.M. Jaleel & Company Limited a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Trinidad & Tobago of Otaheite Industrial Estate, South Oropouche, Trinidad & Tobago Filing date (220): 11/07/2018

Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados Class (511): fruit juices, fruit juice drinks in International Class 32
File No (210): 81/ 037079 Applicant (730): Terra Creta SA, a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Greece of Kolymvari 73006, Chania, Crete, Greece Filing date (220): 12/07/2018 Translation: The words “terra creta” displayed on the representation of the mark are of Latin origin which when translated mean “land of Crete” in the English Language.

Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee, rice, tapioca and sago, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices, sugar, honey, treacle, yeast, baking-powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces [condiments], spices, ice in International Class 30
File No (210): 81/ 037080 Applicant (730): LASCO MANUFACTURING LIMITED, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Jamaica of 27 Red Hills Road, Kingston 10, St. Andrew, Jamaica Filing date (220): 12/07/2018

Agent (740): Messrs. Carrington & Sealy, Attorneys-at-Law, Belmont House, Belmont Road, St. Michael Class (511): Soft drinks; carbonated non-alcoholic beverages in International Class 32
File No (210): 81/ 037083 Applicant (730): AMAZON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada, United States of America of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States of America Filing date (220): 17/07/2018 ALEXA
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados Class (511): Provision of information relating to entertainment; publication of periodicals; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); publication of electronic books, journals; publication of material on magnetic or optical data media; publication of music online; provision of information in the field of entertainment online; Providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts; providing non-downloadable pre-recorded music and podcasts; providing educational and entertainment information, news, and commentary in the field of current events, entertainment, cultural events, news, sports, entertainment, business and finance, politics and government, health and physical fitness, weather, science and technology, travel, arts and literature, lifestyle and personal growth, land vehicles and conveyances transportation, education and child development, real estate, fashion and design, recipes, ingredients and cooking, hone decorating, music and cinema, history, medicine, laws and providing educational and entertainment information about customer rights; providing a website featuring information, audio, publications all related to entertainment; providing news and information in the field of entertainment relating to information, contests, text, audio, publications all related to entertainment; consultancy in the field of entertainment and the entertainment industry; providing information on entertainment, movies and television shows via social networks;

distribution of radio entertainment and interactive adverting; entertainment information services, namely, providing opportunities for exchange of information and conversation regarding a wide variety of topics by means of live events and mailed information; providing information, reviews and personalized recommendations in the field of entertainment via global communications networks; providing information and commentary in the field of entertainment of education via a global computer network, namely, information in the field of music, books, movies, motion pictures, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, multimedia presentations, and other household and consumer goods; entertainment services, namely, providing online prerecorded audio programs in the field of music, books, movies, motion pictures, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, multimedia presentations, and other household and consumer goods; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line reviews, ratings and recommendations of music, books, movies, motion pictures, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, multimedia presentations, and other household and consumer goods; entertainment services, namely, providing portions of pre-recorded audio works via the internet; publishing of books, magazines, periodicals, literary works, audio works, and audiovisual works; providing non-downloadable prerecorded audio, visual and audiovisual works via wireless networks; providing online computer games and on-line interactive stories; providing information, news, articles and commentary in the field of education and educational institutions; education services in the name of classroom instruction and on-line distance learning on topics of current events, education, history, language, liberal arts, math, business, science, hobbies, technology, culture, sports, arts, psychology, and philosophy; interactive educational services in the nature of computer-based and computer-assisted instruction on topics of current events, education, history, language, liberal arts, literature, math, business, science, hobbies, technology, culture, sports, arts, psychology, and philosophy; educational and entertainment services in the nature of podcasts, webcasts, and continuing programs featuring news and commentary in the field of music, audio works, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational activities, leisure activities, tournaments, art, dance, musicals, exhibitions, sports instruction, clubs, radio, comedy, contests, visual works, games, gaming, festivals, museums, parks, cultural events, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, fashion, and multimedia presentations accessible via the internet or other computer on communications networks; production of radio program; radio entertainment; recording studio services; providing information on-line relating to computer games and computer enhancements for games; providing a searchable online entertainment database featuring online non-downloadable music and other digital text, audio files featuring books, magazines, news and information; provision of information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the aforesaid in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 037085 Applicant (730): AMAZON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada,United States of America of 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States of America Filing date (220): 17/07/2018 ALEXA
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados Class (511): Internet based introduction, social networking and dating services; providing contacts and facilitating introductions for the purpose of creating and developing productive personal relationships for people with a common desire to meet other people with similar interests; introduction, personal relationship, and social networking services provided via the Internet or other computer or communications network; on-line social networking services, namely, facilitating social introductions or interactions among individuals; online social networking services; online social networking services in the field of entertainment; social networking services in the field of entertainment provided via a website and communications networks; personal concierge services; legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; providing on-line computer databases and on-line searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing a social networking website for entertainment purposes; providing social networking services for purposes of commentary, comparison, collaboration, consultation, advice, discussion, research, information sharing, indexing, information location, and entertainment; personal shopping services; providing a searchable database featuring audio, video and audiovisual content available through the Internet, telecommunications networks and wireless telecommunications networks in the field of online social networking in International Class 45
File No (210): 81/ 037117 Applicant (730): Gaming Laboratories International, LLC a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of The State of Delaware of 600 Airport Road, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, United States of America Filing date (220): 27/07/2018 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of a EUTM application filed on January 31, 2018 under No. 017759796 GLI

Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael
Class (511): Computer hardware and computer software; computer software for use in checking and confirming the compliance of electronic game apparatus, electronic games, lottery games, games of chance and slot machines (including video slot machines); computer software related to remote testing services; unified communications software; computer information security software and related systems, in particular for use in the field of healthcare IT that conforms to specific government standards; hardware, firmware and software, in particular for use in voting machines and voting systems that conforms to specific government standards; internet protocol (IP) cameras; internet protocol (IP) surveillance cameras; computer hardware and software solutions designed to deliver instructional content; training, learning and educational software; training guides and manuals in electronic format; data carriers, memory sticks and other digital recording media; data carriers, memory sticks and other digital recording media, containing software for use in checking and confirming the compliance of electronic game apparatus, electronic games, lottery games, games of chance and slot machines (including video slot machines); parts, fittings and accessories relating to all of the aforesaid in International Class 9
File No (210): 81/ 037119 Applicant (730): Gaming Laboratories International, LLC a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of The State of Delaware of 600 Airport Road, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, United States of America Filing date (220): 27/07/2018 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of a EUTM application filed on January 31, 2018 under No. 017759796 GLI
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Business auditing in the nature of electronic gaming and lottery devices, gaming, lottery and paramutual systems and consulting services related thereto; retail (including online retail) and wholesale services related to computer hardware and computer software; outsourcing services in relation to the management of software business auditing business consultancy services relating to business continuity, disaster planning and recovery; information, advisory, support and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid in International Class 35
File No (210): 81/ 037120 Applicant (730): Gaming Laboratories International, LLC a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of The State of Delaware of 600 Airport Road, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, United States of America Filing date (220): 27/07/2018 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of a EUTM application filed on January 31, 2018 under No. 017759796 GLI
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Providing of training and education; providing online learning and training services; providing training, learning and education services through integrated learning systems; providing of training and education in relation to computer hardware, computer software, IT systems, IT services and cyber security; arranging and conducting seminars, classes, workshops and training sessions in relation to computer hardware, computer software, IT systems, IT services and cyber security; learning systems services; information, advisory, support and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid in International Class 41
File No (210): 81/ 037121 Applicant (730): Gaming Laboratories International, LLC a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of The State of Delaware of 600 Airport Road, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, United States of America Filing date (220): 27/07/2018 Priorities (300): Applicant claims priority under Sec. 12 of the Act on the basis of a EUTM application filed on January 31, 2018 under No. 017759796 GLI
Agent (740): MISS CAROL HANSCHELL, Hanschell & Company, Croton Court, Cr. Pine & Belmont Roads, Belleville, St. Michael Class (511): Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; services of control, tests of electronic game apparatus, of programs for electronic games, of lottery games and games of chance on behalf of national or governmental gaming regulatory authorities; certification services, namely, services of checking legality and approval of electronic game apparatus, of programs for electronic games, of lottery games and games of chance on behalf of national or governmental gaming regulatory authorities; technological certification services, namely, services of checking legality and approval of electronic game apparatus, of programs for electronic games, of lottery games and games of chance on behalf of national or governmental gaming regulatory authorities; testing and inspecting the functionality of electronic gaming and lottery devices, gaming lottery and paramutual systems and associated equipment and consulting services related thereto; testing, analysis and evaluation of gaming equipment and gaming software of others for the purpose of certification obtained over a wireless communication device; providing remote testing, checking and certifying services in relation to gaming machines, electronic game apparatus, electronic games, lottery games, games of chance and slot machines (including video slot machines); cyber security protection, consulting and monitoring; cyber security incident response and investigation services; services of control, tests of voting machines and health information technology
on behalf of national or governmental regulatory authorities; certification services, namely, checking legality and approval of voting machines and health information technology on behalf of national or governmental regulatory authorities; technological certification services, namely, checking legality and approval of voting machines and health information technology on behalf of national or governmental regulatory authorities; testing voting equipment and IT systems in the health delivery field to determine conformity with certification standards; quality assurance and IT consulting services, including such services provided in the voting equipment and health delivery fields; information technology (IT) services; hosting services for others; hosting of websites, software and digital content for others; network security services; IT security services, namely, assessing and ascertaining the (unauthorised) accessibility of sensitive information or data; IT help desk services; IT support and maintenance services; outsourcing services in relation to the management of software; IT process improvement, consulting and design services; IT compliance management; quality auditing; auditing of IT systems for others; IT system implementation services; IT network implementation services; disaster recovery services for computer systems and data communications systems; computer disaster recovery planning; computer services and software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software integrated with IP surveillance cameras; cyber and computer surveillance services; cyber security services, namely, IT penetration testing services; conducting sercurty reviews and audits of computer source code; data security services; IT certification services; certification services related to computer hardware, computer software, IT systems, IT services, data and cyber security; testing, auditing, analysis and evaluation services for the purpose of certification of computer hardware, computer software, IT systems, IT services, data and cyber security; unified communications technology services; installation, maintenance and repair of computer software, and part and fittings therefor; replacement of computer software, and part and fittings therefor; integrating the communications services and technologies (including hardware and software) of enterprises; information, advisory, support and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid in International Class 42
File No (210): 81/ 037122 Applicant (730): E. & J. Gallo Winery a company incorporated under the laws of the state of California in the United States of America of 600 Yosemite Boulevard, Modesto, California 95354, United States of America Filing date (220): 31/07/2018 PROPHECY
Agent (740): Clarke Gittens Farmer, Parker House, Wildey Business Park, Wildey Road, St. Michael, Barbados Class (511): alcoholic beverages, expect beers in International Class 33
File No (210): 81/ 037831 Applicant (730): Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft a Company incorporated and existing under the Laws of Austria of Werkstr. 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria Filing date (220): 27/06/2018 LENZING
Agent (740): Eproint Barbados, ‘The Nest’, Greenwich, St. James, Barbados Class (511): Fibre (dietary -); nutritional supplements; dental preparations and articles; dental impression materials; dental materials for stopping the teeth; dental materials for making models of teeth; dental materials for duplicating models of teeth; embedding material for dental use; lining materials for dental purposes; dental resin for temporary bridges, crowns and veneers; material for repairing teeth; material for dental prostheses; materials for artificial teeth; material for dental bridges; material for dental crowns; pharmaceutical preparations for dental use; synthetic materials for dental use for fillings; dental composite materials; teeth filling material; dental mastics; absorbent articles for personal hygiene, namely odour-absorbing materials, feminine hygiene articles, disposable incontinence pads, sanitary clothing (sanitary wear), incontinence pads, absorbent hygiene articles, breast-nursing pads, bandages for health purposes, napkins for incontinents, sanitary towels, belts for sanitary napkins (towels), menstruation tampons, sanitary pads, sanitary knickers, panty liners, panty liners (sanitary), sanitary tampons, babies’ napkin-pants (diaper-pants), babies’ napkins (diapers), babies’ napkins (diapers) of cellulose, paper or cellulose, disposable babies’ napkins (diapers) of paper and cellulose, triangular babies’ napkins (diapers) of paper, napkin pads of paper for incontinents, napkin pads of cellulose for incontinents, disposable pads of cellulose for napkins, disposable napkin pads for incontinents, disposable pants of paper for holding babies’ napkins in place, disposable pants of cellulose for holding babies’ napkins in place, disposable napkins of paper for incontinents, disposable swimming napkins for babies, disposable swimming napkins for children and small children, disposable training pants (napkins), disposable napkins for incontinents, shaped babies’ napkins (diapers) of paper, shaped babies’ napkins (diapers) of cellulose, clothing for incontinents, disposable napkins of cellulose for incontinents, absorbent pants for incontinents, napkin-pants for incontinents, napkin pads of paper, napkins of paper, swimming napkins (diapers) for babies, bandages for health purposes, panty liners for incontinents, disposable babies’ napkins (diapers) of paper, disposable training napkins of paper or cellulose, disposable training napkins for small children, disposable incontinence napkins for adults, disposable babies’ napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of paper, disposable babies’ napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of cellulose, disposable napkins, disposable babies’ napkin-pants (diaper-pants), napkins of paper for incontinents, adult napkins, napkins for incontinents, napkins of cellulose, babies’ napkins (diapers) of cellulose, wadding for medical purposes, absorbent wadding for medical purposes; sanitary preparations for medical purposes, namely scrubs (preparations) for medical purposes, medicinal creams for the protection of the skin, skin care creams for medical use, skin care preparations for medical use, tisanes [medicated beverages], face scrubs (medicated -), skin care lotions [medicated, pharmaceutical preparations for skin care,

cotton wool for pharmaceutical purposes, cotton wool in the form of sticks for medical use; hygienic preparations for veterinary use; diapers for pets, namely absorbent diapers of cellulose for pets, absorbent nappies of paper for pets; alcohol swabs for medical purposes, namely disinfectant swabs, medical swabs; sanitizers for household use; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; disinfectants for medical apparatus and instruments; disinfectants for medical instruments; disinfectants for medical use; disinfectants for dental apparatus and instruments; sanitizing wipes; impregnated medicated wipes, namely wipes with insect repellents; impregnated antiseptic wipes; medicated handwash; wipes for medical purposes, namely wet wipes, impregnated with a pharmaceutical lotion, pads impregnated with medications, wipes, impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions, wet wipes for medical purposes, pads impregnated with medicines, moistened towels of paper impregnated with a pharmaceutical lotion, wipes for medical use, wipes for medical purposes; tissues impregnated with antibacterial preparations; disinfectants impregnated into tissues; deodorants for clothing and textiles, namely odour-neutralising preparations for clothing and textiles; shoe deodorizers; antiseptic preparations for wound care, namely materials for dressings, covering materials and applicators (for medical purposes), first aid kits for domestic use, haemostatic pencils, materials for surgical casts, medical adhesives for binding internal tissue, medical adhesives for binding wounds, oiled paper for medical purposes, first-aid boxes, filled, gels for dermatological use, haemostatics for medical purposes, paper for mustard poultices, pharmaceutical preparations for wounds, antiseptic liquid bandages, dissolvable strips to stop bleeding from minor cuts and grazes, eyepatches for medical purposes, eye pads for medical use, eye bandages for medical use, bandages for use as dressings, cotton for medical use, bandages for making casts, surgical bandages, surgical plasters, medical and surgical dressings, elastic bandages [dressings], first aid dressings, gauze, tissues for surgical use, adhesive bandages, adhesive plasters, adhesive bands for medical purposes, corn rings for the feet, tapes for strapping [medical], adhesive bands for medical purposes, tapes for varicose veins, adhesive dressings, compresses, materials for dressings, materials for dressing wounds, medicated plasters, gauze compresses, ear bandages, plasters, materials for dressings, bunion pads, plasters incorporating a magnet, sponge material for healing wounds, mustard poultices, sterilized dressing, synthetic material for use in setting bones, synthetic material for use in producing casts, tampons for medical purposes, swabs for medical use, bandages for skin wounds, bandages for the prevention of blisters, gauze for dressings, dressings, medical, dressing retention materials, surgical dressings, absorbent cotton, cotton wool for surgical use, vulnerary sponges, wound dressings; cleaning cloths impregnated with disinfectants for hygiene purposes, namely mothproofing paper in International Class 5