Resolution No. 9/2024                                                Ref. No.: M.P.  032/2-32/1 PARLIAMENT

RESOLVED that Parliament in accordance with section 5 of the Crown Lands (Vesting and Disposal) Act, Cap. 225 approve the vesting in National Housing Corporation of the parcels of land situate at Holders Hill in the parish of Saint James in this Island and more particularly described in the Schedule hereto for residential purposes.

APPROVED by the House of Assembly this 26th day of  November, Two thousand and twenty-four.


Dep. Speaker.

APPROVED by the Senate this 29th day  of  November, Two thousand and twenty-four.

  • FARLEY President.

I  assent


President of Barbados 2024-12-20.


FIRSTLY ALL THAT land the property of the State (being part of a larger area of 46765.6 square metres on the Key Plan of Holders Hill situate in the parish of Saint James in this Island) being Lot B containing by admeasurement

12054.4 square metres of land (including 2242.8 square metres in road reserve) or thereabouts abutting and bounding on lands now or late of Cephas Welch on a concrete road on three sides or however else the same may abut and bound as shown and delineated on a plan certified on the 11th day of November, 2024 by Samuel N. Taylor, Land Surveyor and recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 18th November, 2024 as Plan No. 1843/2024; SECONDLY ALL THAT land the property of the State (being part of a larger area of 46765.6 square metres on the Key Plan of Holders Hill situate in the parish of Saint James in this Island) being Lot C containing by admeasurement 2815.0 square metres of land (including 378.5 square metres in road reserve) or thereabouts abutting and bounding on other lands now or formerly of the State (Lot A) on a concrete road on other lands now or formerly of the State (Lot E) on lands now or late of Winfield Parris (Lots 1 & 2) on lands now or late of Stanley Payne (Lot 2) on a road 1.83 metres wide and on lands now or late of Hugh Belgrave or however else the same may abut and bound as shown and delineated on a plan certified on the 11th day of November, 2024 by Samuel N. Taylor, Land Surveyor and recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 18th November, 2024 as Plan No. 1843/2024;

Resolution No. 9/2024 – Cont’d

SCHEDULE – (Concl’d)

THIRDLY ALL THAT land the property of the State (being part of a larger area of 46765.6 square metres on the Key Plan of Holders Hill situate in the parish of Saint James in this Island) being Lot D containing by admeasurement 5391.5 square metres of land (including 269.5 square metres in road reserve) or thereabouts abutting and bounding on lands now or late of Cephas Welch on lands now or formerly Morlais Estates Services Ltd. (Lot 1) on lands now or formerly Antares Inc. (Lots 2 & 3) on lands now or formerly Melody Ltd. (Lot 4) on lands now or formerly Larade Property Holdings Ltd. (Lot 5) on other lands now or formerly of the State (Open  Space) and on a concrete road or however else the same may abut and bound as shown and delineated on a plan certified on the 11th day of November, 2024 by Samuel N. Taylor, Land Surveyor and recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 18th November, 2024 as Plan No. 1843/2024; FOURTHLY ALL THAT land the property of the State (being part of a larger area of 46765.6 square metres on the Key Plan of Holders Hill situate in the parish of Saint James in this Island) being Open Space containing by admeasurement 5482.6 square metres of land  (including

  • square metres in road reserve) or thereabouts abutting and bounding on a concrete road on other lands now or formerly the State (Lot D) on lands now or late of Christopher Towner (Lots 16 & 19) on other lands now or formerly of the State (Lot F) and on a concrete road on two sides or however else the same may abut and bound as shown and delineated on a plan certified on the 11th day of November, 2024 by Samuel N. Taylor, Land Surveyor and recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 18th November, 2024 as Plan No. 1843/2024.

Resolution No. 10/2024                                      Ref. No.: M.P.  7045/19/1 Vol. 3 PARLIAMENT

WHEREAS the Government recognizes certain critical population trends over the last 40 years, inclusive of: consistent fertility rates below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman; growth in the proportion of the elderly population; declining percentage of persons of working age; and higher dependency ratios due to a reducing number of persons of working age and greater proportion of elderly persons;

AND WHEREAS the Government recognizes these current population trends can negatively affect economic growth and impede the capacity of the state to leverage the full productivity of the country’s resources and meet the social care and security needs of its  population;

AND WHEREAS the Government of Barbados established a National Population Commission to advise on population issues, and this Commission has engaged in extensive consultations with stakeholders, inclusive of representatives in the public sector, the private sector, the labour movement and the general public;

AND WHEREAS the Population Commission highlighted the need for a Barbados Population Policy to address the potential impediments and opportunities related to the projections in population structure and   size;

AND WHEREAS the Government of Barbados has accepted that a Barbados Population Policy should be developed based around a set of population goals and targeted interventions and strategies to achieve the Government’s medium and long-term economic and social  objectives;

AND WHEREAS the Cabinet has approved the Barbados Population Policy 2023;

AND WHEREAS the Barbados Population Policy outlines three policy goals and related sub-goals;  namely:

  1. Policy Goal 1: Ensure a Population size Sufficient to Grow and Sustain Adequate Levels of Social Care, Productivity, Labour Force Participation and Revenue for Inclusive Development.
    1. Sub-Goal 1.1: Increase the Population of Persons of working age.
    1. Sub-Goal 1.2: Enhance Family Wellbeing to Support Reproductive Decision Making.

Resolution No. 10/2024 – Cont’d

  1. Policy Goal 2: Provide Barbadians and Non-Nationals Now and in the Future with Opportunities for Personal Development.
    1. Sub-Goal 2.1: Promote and Strengthen the Care Economy across the Lifecycle and for the Vulnerable Populations.
    1. Sub-Goal 2.2: Expand Access to Quality Health Care and Wellness Service Interventions.
    1. Sub-Goal 2.3: Improve Capacity and Proficiency of the Labour Force with Access to Expanded Opportunities.
  1. Policy Goal 3: Promote Integrated, Settlement Development and Safeguard the Ecological Balance.
    1. Sub-Goal 3.1: Reconcile Population Redistribution, Land Use and Settlement Patterns.
    1. Sub-Goal 3.2: Ensure the Efficient Management of Natural Resources and the Environment.
    1. Sub-Goal 3.3: Strengthen Collective Resilience to the Impacts of a Changing Climate.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Parliament of Barbados take note of the Barbados Population Policy  2023.

APPROVED by the House of Assembly this 16th day of  July  2024.

  1. HOLDER Speaker

APPROVED by the Senate this 29th day of November  2024.

  • FARLEY President

I  assent


President of Barbados 2024-12-20.

S.I. 2024 No. 77

Small Business Development Act CAP. 318C


The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 4 of the

Small Business Development Act, makes the following Order:

  1. This Order may be cited as the Declaration of Approved Small

Business (Knockeven Inc.) Order, 2024.

Knockeven Inc., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, Cap. 308 as Company No. 37504 and located at Knockeven, Stewart Hill in the parish of Saint John, is declared to be an approved small business.







Knockeven Inc. is granted the following incentives in respect of   its

exemption from import duty on raw materials and plant and equipment imported for use in the business;

exemption from withholding tax on dividends and interest earned on any investment in an approved small business or in any fund approved for investment in small businesses;

exemption from the payment of stamp duty under the Stamp Duty Act, Cap. 91 on all documents related to the business, where the registration of those documents is required by law; and

a deduction of corporation tax of an amount equal to 20 per cent of the actual expenditure incurred in respect of the use of technology, market

2                                                        S.I. 2024 No. 77

research and any other activity that is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioner, directly related to the development of the business.

Made by the Minister this 12th day of November, 2024.


Minister responsible for Business Development

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Printed and Published by

the Barbados Government Printing Department