Notice of Intent to Dissolve
In accordance with section 31(4)(b) of the Societies With Restricted Liability Act, Chapter 318B of the Laws of Barbados, Notice is hereby given that the above-named Society intends to dissolve.
Dated the 13th day of December, 2024. LIZA A. HARRIDYAL SODHA
Lyb (Barbados) Holdings Srl
(“the Society”)
(BARBADOS) HOLDINGS SRL has by unanimous Special Resolution authorised and directed that the Society be liquidated and dissolved voluntarily, in accordance with the provisions of Section 30(b) of the Societies with Restricted Liability Act, CAP. 318B of the Laws of Barbados.
Dated this 18th day of December 2024. JAMAR P.R. ARTHUR-SELMAN
(Section 339)
Company No. 42026
In accordance with Section 339(3) of the Companies Act, Cap. 308 Notice is hereby given that the registration of the above-mentioned external company has been revived by the Registrar of Companies with effect from December 10, 2024.
Dated this 11th day of December 2024.
Notice of Intent to Dissolve
In accordance with section 367 (4) (b) of the Companies Act, Chapter 308 of the Laws of Barbados, Notice is hereby given that the above-named Company intends to dissolve.
Dated the 5th day of December 2024.
In the Estate of
ERRICK RANDOLPH LEWIS also known as CHARLES LEWIS also known as ERIC R. LEWIS also known as
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Barbados that any person having any debt, interest, claim or demand upon or affecting the Estate of ERRICK RANDOLPH LEWIS also known as CHARLES LEWIS also known as ERIC R. LEWIS also known as ERRICK R. LEWIS also known as ERRICK LEWIS deceased, late of 32 Rogers Development, 4th Avenue Long Gap, Grazettes in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at St. Bartholomews Hospital, Smithfield, London on the 15th day of June 2022, to send written particulars of their duly attested debt, interest, claim, or demand to UNA LEWIS the Executrix of the Estate of the said ERRICK RANDOLPH LEWIS also known as CHARLES LEWIS also known as ERIC R. LEWIS also known as ERRICK R. LEWIS also known as ERRICK LEWIS deceased, in care of DAVID KING
& CO., Attorneys-at-Law of Suite 101, Lauriston Building, Lower Collymore Rock in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on or before the 14th day of February 2025 after which time the said Executrix will convey and distribute the assets of the Estate among persons entitled thereto having regard only to the valid debts, interest, claims or demands of which she shall have notice and will not in respect of the property so distributed be liable to any person whose debt, interest, claim or demand they shall not then have had notice.
AND all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated this the 10th day of December 2024.
UNA LEWIS the Executrix of the Estate of ERRICK RANDOLPH LEWIS
also known as CHARLES LEWIS also known as ERIC R. LEWIS also known as ERRICK R. LEWIS also known as ERRICK LEWIS
whose address for service is: DAVID KING & Co., Suite 101, Lauriston Bldg., Lr. Collymore Rock,
St. Michael.
In the Estate of
In the Estate of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Cap. 250 of the Laws of Barbados to any person having any debts, or claims, demands or interest in the Estate of DONNA FENTY also known as DONNAYVONNE FENTY (deceased) late of #2 Villa Simona, Orchard Brown, Appleby Gardens in the parish of Saint James in the Island of Barbados, who died on the 10th day of May, 2021, are hereby required to send particulars in writing of his or her debts, claims, demands or interest to CRYSTAL GILL also known as CRYSTAL MELISSA GILL, the Administratrix of the said Estate, C/o Eleazar
P. Williams, Attorney-at-Law, “Yorkshire House”, Strathclyde Drive, Strathclyde, St. Michael, BB 11078, Barbados and to send such particulars not later than the 20th February, 2025 after which date the Administratrix of the said Estate will proceed to distribute the assets among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the valid claims, demands and interest of which the Administratrix shall then have had notice and will not in respect to the property so distributed be liable to any person of whose claim, demand or interest they shall not then have had notice.
AND all persons indebted to the Estate of the Deceased are requested to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated this 12th day of December 2024.
for the Administratrix of the Estate of DONNA FENTY also known as
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 31 of the Trustee Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Barbados that any person having any debt, interest, claim or demand upon or affecting the Estate of RUPERT FITZPATRICK deceased, late of Rendezvous Terrace in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died in this Island on the 30th day of November 2021, to send written particulars of their duly attested debt, interest, claim, or demand to CHERYL MARIA PATRICIA FITZPATRICK referred
to in the Will of the said deceased as CHERYL MARIA PATRIKA FITZPATRICK the Executrix of the Estate of the said RUPERT FITZPATRICK deceased, in care of DAVID KING & CO., Attorneys-at-Law of Suite 101, Lauriston Building, Lower Collymore Rock in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on or before the 14th day of February 2025 after which time the said Executrix will convey and distribute the assets of the Estate among persons entitled thereto having regard only to the valid debts, interest, claims or demands of which she shall have notice and will not in respect of the property so distributed be liable to any person whose debt, interest, claim or demand they shall not then have had notice.
AND all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to settle their indebtedness without delay.
Dated this the 10th day of December 2024. CHERYL MARIA PATRICIA FITZPATRICK
referred to in the Will of the said deceased as
the Executrix of the
whose address for service is: DAVID KING & Co., Suite 101, Lauriston Bldg., Lr. Collymore Rock,
St. Michael.
NOTICE NO. 5 (third publication)
CLAIM NO. CIV1118/2024
AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT land/property situate at Lot 41 Coral Haven in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island and containing by admeasurement
625.3 square metres certified on the 11th day of May, 1999 by J. M. Peterkin, Land Surveyor ABUTTING and BOUNDING to the North by a public road with a reserve of 6.4 meters wide to the East on Lot 42 Coral Haven to the South by a road reserve
8.0 meters wide with a carriageway 5.0 meters wide and Lot 88B and to the West on Lot 88A Coral Haven or however else same may abut and bound.
TAKE NOTICE that LIZA ESTWICK of Prerogative in the parish of Saint George in the Island of Barbados has applied to the High Court for a Declaration of ownership and a Certificate of the title in respect of the land described above.
Any person having any adverse claim, lien, charge, right or interest against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Whitepark Rd., Bridgetown on or before January 6, 2025 and immediately thereafter serve a true copy on the undersigned.
Any other person who has information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to give such written information to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Whitepark Rd., Bridgetown, on or before January 6, 2025.
Dated November 21, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant
whose place of business & address for service is Court Caribbean Law Practice, George Washington House,
The Garrison, St. Michael.
(Section 4 and 11(8))
Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 (Act 2011-7)
ALL THAT LAND situate at Salters in the parish of Saint George in this Island containing by admeasurement 4,102.9 square metres or thereabouts.
CLAIM NO. CIV 1287/2024
ALL THAT LAND situate at Salters in the parish of Saint George in this Island containing by admeasurement 4,102.9 square metres as shown on a plan certified the 2nd day of May 2024 by Kenneth D. Ward, Land Surveyor (inclusive of 67.5 square metres in Road) (hereinafter called the “said plan”) ABUTTING AND BOUNDING towards the south on lands of James Barrow as shown on the said plan towards the west on lands of Carnetta Simpson as shown on the said plan towards the north on lands of Hilda Blackett and Ingrid F. Parris as shown on the said plan and towards the East on a Private Road 3.66 metres wide as shown on the said plan or however else the same may abut and bound.
TAKE NOTICE that HENDERSON GREEN of Taylor’s Land, Bank Hall Cross Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island has applied to the High Court for a declaration of his ownership and a Certificate of Title in respect of the property described above.
Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or interest against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 13th day of February, 2025.
Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to give such information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 13th day of February, 2025.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant.
(Section 4 and 11(8))
Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 (Act 2011-7)
ALL THAT LAND situate at Derricks in the parish of Saint James in this Island containing by admeasurement 1206.1 square metres or thereabouts.
CLAIM NO. CIV 1288 of 2024
ALL THAT certain piece or parcel of land situate at Derricks in the parish of Saint James in this Island formerly believed to contain by admeasurement 1925.323 square metres or thereabouts being a conversion of approximately 20,724 square feet or thereabouts but found by recent survey made and certified on the 15th day of March, 2022 by Samuel N. Taylor, Land Surveyor to contain by admeasurement 1206.1 square metres or thereabouts (inclusive of 5.2 square metres utilized as sidewalk and 253.5 square metres in Beach area) ABUTTING AND BOUNDING towards the North on lands of Veronica Jones and on a right of way 2.44 metres wide towards the South on lands of Judson Jones towards the West on the sea and towards the East on Highway 1 which leads to Paynes Bay in one direction and to Fitts Village in another direction or however else the same may abut and bound together with the dwellinghouse thereon.
TAKE NOTICE that STEPHEN NOEL SHEPHERD of Risk Road, Fitts Village in the parish of Saint James in this Island has applied to the High Court for a declaration of his ownership and a Certificate of Title in respect of the property described above.
Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or interest against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 13th day of February, 2025.
Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to give such information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bridgetown, on or before the 13th day of February, 2025.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Claimant.
Probate Advertisements NOTICE NO. 10 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court In the Estate of OSMOND GASKIN also known as OSMOND HILTON GASKIN Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- PROBATE of the Will dated the 8th day of October 2022 of OSMOND GASKIN also known as OSMOND HILTON GASKIN (Deceased) late of Belair in the parish of Saint George in this Island who died on the 30th day of August 2024 at No. 1 Belair in the parish of Saint George in this Island by ANICIA GASKIN who is the sole Executrix named in the Will of the deceased. An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement. Dated the 19th day of December 2024. NIGEL A. WHITEHALL Attorney-at-Law. the parish of Saint Joseph in this Island, who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 20th day of September, 2024 by LYNN JEMMOTT, the sole Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased. An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the Second Notice of advertisement. Dated the 19th day of December, 2024. KENDRID R. SARGEANT Attorney-at-Law The Law Office No. 4 Beacon House Walrond Street Saint Michael BB11160. NOTICE NO. 11 BARBADOS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE High Court In the Estate of DIANA CLEOPATRA JEMMOTT also known as DIANA JEMMOTT Deceased PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:- PROBATE of the Will dated 14th day of July 2020 of DIANA CLEOPATRA JEMMOTT also known as DIANA JEMMOTT, deceased late of Easy Hall in |
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 27th day of July 2015 of JOAN WILLIAMS late of 1916 Main Street Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7H 0L8 Canada who died at Hospice at Glengarda Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada on the 29th day of April 2024 by SUZANNE TERESA FORDE one of Executors and Trustees named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court Civil Jurisdiction
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 25th day of July, 2014, to the Estate of JOSLYN IANTHE GREAVES, deceased, late of 9 Queens Road, Fleet, Hampshire, GU52 7LA, England, who died on the 22nd day of January, 2022 at King George Hospital, Goodmayes, England by ANDERSON O’NEAL GREAVES the person named in the said Will as one of the Executors thereof. Power is being reserved to JASON ANTHONY GREAVES the other Executor named in the said Will.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December, 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 10th day of November 2023 of WILFRED MCALLISTER also known as WILFRED VERNON MCALLISTER also known as WILFRED V. MCALLISTER late of Neils
Tenantry in the parish of Saint Michael who died at Enmore Infectious Control Centre in the parish of Saint Michael on the 16th day of July 2024 by FERNANDO MCALLISTER and ELISE MCALLISTER the
Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement in this newspaper.
Dated the 16th day of December 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 30th day of November 2023 of JOSEPH ANDERSON COPPIN
also known as JOSEPH A COPPIN, deceased, late of Lot 55 5th Avenue Newton Terrace, Newton in the parish Christ Church in this Island who died in the United States of America on the 28th day of July 2024 by BRUCE COPPIN and ANNE COPPIN two of the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court not less than fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 18th day of April 1997 of ESRENA GLENETHA NURSE late of Ashdeane Village, Black Rock in the parish of Saint Michael who died at Seclusion Road, Black Rock in the parish of Saint Michael on the 18th day of September 2022 by LINDELL NURSE and LORNA NURSE-
BRATHWAITE the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December, 2024. STEPHANIE M. BRATHWAITE
High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 6th day of December, 2010 of ANNELIECIA DORNE also known
as ANNELECIA DORNE also known as ANNELECIA ELLEN DORNE also known as ANELCIA ELYN DORNE late of Lot 15 Ruby in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island, who died at Lot 15 Ruby Agricultural Development in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island on the 14th day of June, 2024 by ANTHONY DORNE the Executor named in the Will of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Probate.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 15th day of May 2018 of DAPHNE HAMLIN CLARKE of
“Newlands”, Sunset Drive, Pine Gardens in the parish of St Michael in Barbados, who died at Highgate Park in the parish of St Michael in Barbados on the 8th day of April 2024 by GARRY DESMOND CLARKE and MONICA THRESA DASILVA the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Prospect Chambers, “Summerland House” Prospect Road, Prospect, St James, Barbados.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as IANTHY LICORISH
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated 17th day of March, 2008 of IANTHY DOROTHY LICORISH
also known as IANTHY LICORISH, deceased late of Thompson Gap, Codrington Hill in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island, who died at Thompson Gap, Codrington Hill in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 18th day of December, 2018 by ANNETTE SIMMONS, the sole Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the Second Notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law The Law Office
No. 4 Beacon House Walrond Street
Saint Michael BB11160.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as ELSIE BRUNSON
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated 3rd day of November, 2017 of ELSIE HYACINTH BRUNSON
also known as ELSIE BRUNSON, deceased late of Brandon, Deacons Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island, who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 11th day of October, 2024 by GRANTLEY SEALY, the sole Executor named in the Will of the said deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the Second Notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law The Law Office
No. 4 Beacon House Walrond Street
Saint Michael BB11160.
In the High Court of Justice Civil Jurisdiction (Probate)
In the Estate of
also known as HENRY FORDE
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated the 26th day of August, 2020 of HENRY de BOULAY FORDE also known as HENRY FORDE late of Codrington Court, Society in the parish of Saint John in Barbados who died at Codrington Court, Society in the parish of Saint John in Barbados on the 15th day of October, 2024 by CHERYL WENDY FORDE and RODERIC
GORDON CHESTERFIELD ROACH the Executors named in the Will of the deceased.
An Application for the said Grant of Probate will be submitted to the Registrar after fourteen days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the Second Notice of this advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
Juris Chambers, Parker House Wildey Business Park Wildey, St. Michael.
High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
also known as MILLICENT YARD also known as EULALIE YARD
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Probate namely:-
PROBATE of the Will dated 12th day of May, 2023 of EULALIE MILLICENT YARD also known as MILLICENT YARD also known as EULALIE YARD deceased, late of 42 Halton Terrace in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island, who died at the Cornerstone Senior Citizens Home Boarded Hall in the parish of Christ Church in this Island on the 5th day of August 2024 by EZRA COOPER, the Sole Executor named in the Will of the said deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the Second Notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law The Law Office
No. 4 Beacon House Walrond Street
Saint Michael BB11160.
High Court In the Estate of COLIN PAYNE
Late of Clapham Road in the parish of Christ Church in this Island
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration with Will annexed.
annexed of the Will dated the 15th day of August 2017
of COLIN PAYNE (“the Deceased”) late of Clapham Road in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on the 9th day of October 2023 by ANNETTA MILDRED GEORGE
of Clapham Road in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, the spouse and one of the beneficiaries of the Deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of Advertisement.
Dated the 11th day of December 2024.
High Court – Civil Jurisdiction Probate Division
In the Estate of
(“the “Estate”)
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant namely:-
of JEAN JACOB also known as JEAN BAPTISTE JACOB deceased late of Yearwood Land, Bank Hall in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at Harrison Point Medical Facility on the 3rd day of October 2021 in the parish of Saint Lucy in this Island by MARGARET CHANDLER-JACOB the wife of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement in this newspaper.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
Estate of LINTON GRAFTON HOLDER, deceased late of Lightfoot Lane in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island, who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Martindale’s Road in the parish of St. Michael in this Island on 22nd day of September, 2021 by SHIRLEY HOLDER, the wife of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
late of Goodland Gardens in the parish of Christ Church in this Island.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
Estate of LEROY CLAIRMONTE BOWEN late of Goodland Gardens in the parish of Christ Church in this Island, who died at Goodland Gardens in the parish of
Christ Church on the 16th day of December 2001 by MARIA PAULINE MAYNARD also known as MARIA MAYNARD, daughter of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law Athena Chambers Morley House
Cnr Whitepark Road & Sobers Lane Bridgetown, St. Michael.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
#835 Birchmount Road, Apt 312, Scarborough, Ontario M1K 5K1, Canada who died in Toronto, Canada on the 21st day of June, 2022 by TENEILLE LASONDRA PRESCOD the duly constituted attorney on record in this Island for VELDA MONICA PRESCOD the sister of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement in this newspaper.
Dated this 18th day of December, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as EDWIN CARTER also known as EDDIE CARTER
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
of EDWIN O’BRIAN CARTER also known as EDWIN CARTER also known as EDDIE CARTER, deceased late of Pegwell in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died at Edgedor, Pegwell, Christ Church in this Island on the 27th day of August, 2024 by AKIRA CARTER, daughter of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December, 2024. ADRIEL D. BRATHWAITE, SC
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as ROLU
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Letters of Administration namely:-
ADMINISTRATION of the Estate of CHALWIN ROLLINSON HEADLEY also known as ROLU, Late of Durhams Drive in the parish of St. Lucy in this Island who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the
parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 25th day of July 2024 by CORAL EUGENE HEADLEY who is the spouse of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
PAULINE PATRICIA BEST also known as PAULINE BEST also known as
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
BRERETON deceased late of Jackson in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 16th day of January, 2023 by PAULA PATRICIA BEST, the daughter of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the 19th day of December, 2024 (the second issue of this advertisement) to proceed with the above-named application for Probate.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Probate.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration de bonis non namely:-
NON to the Estate of MALCOLM LIVINGSTONE NURSE deceased late of Ashdeane Village, Black Rock in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island, who died in this Island on the 14th day of May, 1992 by LINDELL NURSE and LORNA NURSE-BRATHWAITE children
of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court after fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
late of Lot 96 Oldbury Terrace in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
of ANDRE MARK SCOTT late of Lot 96 Oldbury Terrace in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island, who died at Six Roads in the parish of Saint Philip in this
Island on the 26th day of August 2024 by KIMBERLY CARRIE-ANNE FRANKLYN, spouse of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of the Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law Athena Chambers Morley House
Cnr. Whitepark Road & Sobers Lane Bridgetown.
High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
to the Estate of VIOLET ROCHESTER also known as VIOLET MAY FRANCIS also known as VIOLET FRANCIS deceased, late of Sion Hill in the parish of Saint James in this Island, who died in this Island on the 25th day of February, 2000 by SUSAN PATRICIA FRANCES one of the daughters of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the Second Notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
Attorney-at-Law The Law Office
No. 4 Beacon House Walrond Street
Saint Michael BB11160.
High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
Estate of WINSTON EDGAR BEST also known as WINSTON BEST also known as EDGAR WINSTON BEST deceased late of Jackson in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on the 13th day of July, 2022 by PAULA PATRICIA BEST, the daughter of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of this advertisement to proceed with the above-named application for Probate.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
known as WILFRED BRATHWAITE late of Harlington
in the parish of St. Philip in this Island who died at Harlington in the parish of St. Philp in this Island on the 18th day of November, 1995 by GEORGE CYRIL BRATHWAITE one of the sons of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024.
High Court – Civil Jurisdiction Probate Division
In the Estate of
(“the “Estate”)
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant namely:-
DEPEIZA and EURALINE DEPEIZA deceased late of Block 4/G Deacons Farm, Deacons Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Martindales Road, Saint Michael in this Island on the 16th day of November 1992 by WENDY
P. SCANTLEBURY the daughter of the deceased and JOHN WAYNE SCANTLEBURY the grandson of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement in this newspaper.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
of JERVISSON BYNOE, (Deceased) late of Ashby’s Avenue, Oistins in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Saint Michael on the 24th day of May, 2022 by MARY AGATHA JOSEPH, common-law spouse of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement in this newspaper.
E. JAMILA RAWLINS Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the intention to apply for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
Estate of IRCIL COLLYMORE also known as ERCIL WARNER, Deceased late of Chelsea Gardens, Chelsea Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island,
who died on the 26th day of January 2016 at Chelsea Gardens, Chelsea Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island intestate by MOREEN MARTHEIA HOYTE nee WARNER the daughter of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court of Judicature fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024. STEPHEN WALCOTT & CO.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as LEVI EDWIN BROWNE
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION for the Estate of LEVI BROWNE also known as LEVI EDWIN BROWNE Late of Rock Hall in the parish of Saint Andrew in this Island deceased, who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island on October 4, 2023 by CORAL BROWNE who is the sister-in-law of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of Advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as ANGELA MILLER
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
Estate of ANGELA YVETTE MILLER also known as ANGELA MILLER, late of Apartment 5 University Drive, Cave Hill in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island, who died on the 12th day of April 2022 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island by CHÉ BRENDON ROACH who is the son of the said deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
Will annexed to the Estate of ZARENA TABITHA GRIFFITH, deceased late of #12 Clinketts Gardens in the parish of Saint Lucy who died at #12 Clinketts
Gardens in the parish of Saint Lucy on the 24th day of April 2018 by EGBERT OSWALD MERTON IAN
GRIFFITH, the son of the deceased.
An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this Advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
High Court
In the Estate of
also known as CEDRIC CHANDLER
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
of CEDRIC MELVILLE CHANDLER also known as CEDRIC CHANDLER late of 1st Ave Green Hill Drive, Silver Hill in the parish of Christ Church in this Island of Barbados who died on the 5th day of December 2014 at Roseville Nursing Home, Durants in the parish of Christ Church in this Island by RONALD CLAIRMONTE CHANDLER the son of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
The High Court Of Justice Civil Division (Probate)
In the Matter of the Supreme Court of Judicature (Non-Contentious) Probate Rules, Cap. 117A, 1959
In the Estate of
also known as JAMES HOWARD
Late of Rosegate in the parish of Saint John in Barbados
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration With Will Annexed namely:-
Annexed to the Estate of JAMES DACOSTA HOWARD also known as JAMES HOWARD late of Rosegate in the parish of Saint John in Barbados who died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindales Road in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados on the 12th day of October 1995 by CHARLES HERBERT HOWARD who is the
only surviving child of the Deceased and named as one of the Beneficiaries in the Last Will and Testament of the said Deceased dated the 6th day of February 1988.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of Advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
High Court
In the Estate of
and also known as CLARE CAROLINE KING
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
of CLARE KING deceased also known as CLARE CAROLINA KING deceased also known as CLAIRE CAROLINA KING deceased and also known as CLARE CAROLINE KING deceased late of #53 Cane Vale in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Martindale’s Road, St. Michael in this Island, Barbados on the 29th day of June, 2024 by PETER HALLAM KING the husband of the deceased, LEAH ALANA RACHEL KING, the daughter of the deceased and STEFAN GARTH MERVIN KING, the son of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of this advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December, 2024. PETER G. SYMMONDS SC
High Court Civil Jurisdiction
In the Estate of
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an application is being made for the following Grant of Letters of Administration namely:-
of FRANCIS INGRID BRATHWAITE, deceased late of 15245 Snug Harbor Way, Von Ormy, Texas in the United States of America who died on the 17th day of July 2023 at 15245 Snug Harbor Way, Von Ormy, Texas in the United States of America by FRANKLYN ONEAL BRATHWAITE who is the brother of the deceased.
An application shall be submitted to the Supreme Court after fourteen (14) days from the date of publication of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second Notice of Advertisement.
Dated the 19th day of December 2024.
High Court
In the Matter of the Estate of
also known as RAWLE CARRINGTON
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an Application is being made for the following Grant of Administration namely:-
of RAWLE PETER CARRINGTON also known as RAWLE CARRINGTON, deceased, late of Cotton Tower Hill in the parish of Saint Joseph in this Island, who died at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, St. Michael in this Island on the 8th day of August, 2023 by DELORES CARRINGTON, widow of the said deceased. An Application shall be submitted to the Registrar of the Supreme Court fourteen (14) days from the date of Notice in the Official Gazette and from the date of the second notice of advertisement.
Dated this 19th day of December 2024.
Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Printed and Published by
the Barbados Government Printing Department
19th December, 2024
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 3501619 | Abdur-Rahman M. | 10 Hardwickcroft, Potternewton Lane, Leeds LS73LP | $58,545.14 |
Broad Street | 6455227 | Abuluafa Teladia A/C Mohammed-Ilyas | 4th Avenue, Welches, St. Michael | $158.83 |
Broad Street | 6495735 | Agnetha Armena Thompson | 11 Stamford Close, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire England | $6,480.42 |
Broad Street | 3607400 | Alfor Theophilus Archer | Silver Hill, Christ Church | $20,463.32 |
Broad Street | 1001096440 | Alistair William Letby | Balili Mill Reef, St. Phillips Antigua & Barbuda | $776.40 |
Broad Street | 1000360626 | Allison Loretta James | #16 Dorset Court, 70 Hertford Road, London M1 | $2,433.79 |
Broad Street | 4927603 | Alstyn E Griffith(Deceased) or Elsa Griffith (Deceased) | 71 2nd Avenue, Woodbourne Park, Woodbourne St. Philip | $31,179.44 |
Broad Street | 1001130192 | Angela Elaine Callender | Brathwaites Gap, Hindsbury Road, St. Michael BGI | $1.66 |
Broad Street | 26229468 | Arjune Chand | 14 Pitt Street, New Amsterdam Berbice Guyana | $3,089.81 |
Broad Street | 6135712 | Arthur Mcalistin Richards | 4 Park Road, Hanwell, London N7 ILY England | $2,749.71 |
Broad Street | 6469295 | Beverley &/ Samuel Thorne | 2022 East 53rd Place, Brooklyn NY 11234 USA | $12,454.14 |
Broad Street | 1000899013 | Beverley Annette Holder | Flat C 41 Josephine Avenue, Brixton Hill SW2 2JZ USA | $134,855.47 |
Broad Street | 63676064 | Brenda Colleen Humphrey | 15 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn NY USA 11216 | $20,282.17 |
Broad Street | 1000899039 | Catherine Doreen Holder | Basement Flat112, East Dulwich Road, Goose Green, SE 22 9AT United Kingdom | $134,972.55 |
Broad Street | 69380264 | Cecil Adolphus Forde | Mandalene, Green Hill, St. Michael | $501.63 |
Broad Street | 5002385 | Celestine Doreen Guthrie (Deceased) | 54 Kingsland Gardens, Christ Church | $54,308.75 |
Broad Street | 6257486 | Chelston A. /or Sandrene M. Sealy | 410 Lincoln Bvld, Suite #231 Venice CA 90291 | $1,614.26 |
Broad Street | 1000423359 | Chenice Leann Griffith | Lewis Gap, Green Hill, St. Michael | $1,939.45 |
Broad Street | 5477350 | Chesterfield T./Richard D. King | 10 Wimbledon Road, Tooting, London SW17 0UQ | $18,510.44 |
Broad Street | 6222702 | Clarine Sealy or Evelyn Leroy Sealy | Almar Massiah Street, St. John | $2,346.93 |
Broad Street | 4932052 | Clarissa Verona Greene | 35b Springrice Road, Lewisham, London England | $842.39 |
Broad Street | 29132066 | Clotilde Odessa Dear | Appleby Gardens, Derricks, St. James | $5,214.78 |
Broad Street | 6552666 | Clyde & Neville St.clare Tull | Parris Hill, St. Joseph | $2,694.80 |
Broad Street | 4178935 | Clyne P. & Ebert Campbell or Graydon Campbell Sealy | ‘Campseal’ Pine Gdns, St. Michael | $1,881.69 |
Broad Street | 6826626 | Colvin Dacosta Boucher | Unknown | $32,594.10 |
Broad Street | 4756701 | Daphne F Gibson &/Myra Wallace | Arch Hall, St. Thomas | $4,914.33 |
Broad Street | 6330459 | Dare S. Smith | 284 Henley Road, Caversham Reading, Berkshire England RG46LS | $775.41 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 64286669 | Deslin Rosamond Broomes (Deceased) | No. 5 Paradise Heights, Cave Hill, St. Michael | $735.73 |
Broad Street | 4688216 | Dwight Omar Forde | #2 Carpenter Lane, Bloomfield, Connecuit 06002 USA | $2,840.98 |
Broad Street | 6885797 | Edmund/ Edna Jones or Phyllis Phenora Goddard | Lot 76 Lammings Park, St. Joseph | $89.18 |
Broad Street | 1001108281 | Edwin Layne | 2 Bay Waters, Deacons Road, St. Michael, Barbados | $14,531.48 |
Broad Street | 5995449 | Edwin R. &/ Shirley Phillips | Mrs Shirley Y Philips, #9 Princess Royal Ave., Pine, St. Michael | $5,042.30 |
Broad Street | 3692244 | Eglon Gladstone Barker | Belair, St. Philip, Barbados | $62,149.58 |
Broad Street | 1000473106 | Eileen Patricia Verneta Christie | C/O Nola Mcclean, #36 Upper Byde Mill, St. George, Barbados | $48.09 |
Broad Street | 5618825 | Eldena Yvonne Lowe | 25 Swainston Road, Reading RG2 ODX, Berkshire, England | $9,840.48 |
Broad Street | 62937964 | Elizabeth Marshall or Jannet Gaskin | Holders Hill, St. James | $6,062.39 |
Broad Street | 61354663 | Elsa Small or Joyce Small | Long Gap, Spooners Hill, St. Michael | $194.60 |
Broad Street | 1000189141 | Emily Annetta Watts | Military Road, Bush Hall, St. Michael | $1,940.71 |
Broad Street | 63155269 | Ermine Armintha Luke-Brereton | Parish Land, St. Philip, Barbados | $17.67 |
Broad Street | 5507274 | Etta Leota Knight or Christine Elizabeth Knight-Palmer | 42 West Terrace Gardens, St. James | $6,660.89 |
Broad Street | 69489967 | Evadne V. Clarke | Lot 59 Stanford, Lodge Road, Christ Church | $13.77 |
Broad Street | 1000391217 | Fay Oveida Falcon-Velez | Lot 237 Heywood Park, St. Peter | $5,512.68 |
Broad Street | 1000842509 | Felix Alfonso Jordan or Leonard Ricardo Grimes | Westbury New Road, St. Michael | $21.67 |
Broad Street | 1001113798 | Ferdinand Jones Ramsay | 36 Parish Land, Christ Church, Barbados | $2,528.76 |
Broad Street | 6235847 | Frank M. Sealy | Connell Rd., Ellerton, St George | $66.73 |
Broad Street | 5389816 | Gail Althea Jones | 80 Branksome Road, Clapham, London SW2 5AJ United Kingdom | $2,628.21 |
Broad Street | 5475208 | Garnold M. King | 22 West 126th St., New York, NY 10027 USA | $3,904.24 |
Broad Street | 6898414 | George Allendell Maxwell Dec’d or Maureen Gloria Patricia Bullen | C/O Gregory A Maxwell, PO Box 1075, Rowlett TX 75030 | $1,068.11 |
Broad Street | 5591232 | Glenda Maurie Licorish | Farmers Housing Area | $25,407.89 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 6939803 | Gloria Eundene Wood or Richard Anslem Wood | Proute Hill, St. Thomas, Barbados | $39.17 |
Broad Street | 65213762 | Harclyde Fitzgerald Stuart or Isabella N. Stuart | #34 Lloyd Drive, Brentwood, Long Island NY 11717 | $50.08 |
Broad Street | 10230184 | Harclyde Fitzgerald Stuart or Ricardo Radford Stuart | #34 Lloyd Drive, Brentwood, Long Island NY 11717 | $231.97 |
Broad Street | 6401755 | Helen Elaine Stevens | C/O Pearl Richman, Fairy Valley, Christ Church | $852.35 |
Broad Street | 1000629684 | Hilda V. Robinson | 236 Vaughan Road, Apt. 503 Toronto, Canada | $623.59 |
Broad Street | 6701009 | Hugh Livingstone White or Barbara Esmeralda White | 29 Myrtle Gardens, Hanwell, W7 3JQ London United Kingdom | $18,426.63 |
Broad Street | 1000069822 | Huie Dacosta Russell | 110 Roebuck Street, St. Michael | $990.46 |
Broad Street | 4052488 | Iona O. Browne | Parish Land, Christ Church | $1,118.09 |
Broad Street | 6188603 | Iris &/or Jean Mcewan Rollock | 11 Avondale, Cressent Enfield, Middx EN3 7RY England | $1,144.70 |
Broad Street | 4343164 | Ivan Decourcey Corbin or Nicole Corbin | 604 14th Avenue, Lasalle, Quebec, Canada H8P 2R8 | $1,516.02 |
Broad Street | 3669757 | Jamal O.`Shea Bailey | 34 Wood Center Lane, Palm Close, Florida 32164, USA | $1,665.37 |
Broad Street | 3712261 | James D. & Marline Barrow | Unknown | $30,379.15 |
Broad Street | 1000429018 | Jane Elizabeth Farley | #45 Rawlins Road, Workman, St. George | $18,418.69 |
Broad Street | 64075862 | Janet Corace Tull or Sheldon Tull | 2100 Rydale Court, Virginia Beach, VA USA | $830.03 |
Broad Street | 6142786 | Jean Richards | 4 Park Road, Hanwell, London N7 ILY England | $1,222.39 |
Broad Street | 62172461 | Jewel Catina Payne-Whyte | 134-16 Thurston Street, Jamaica, New York 11434 | $3,849.21 |
Broad Street | 5638311 | John M. A. Lynch | No. 58 Wildey Gardens, St. Michael | $128.05 |
Broad Street | 6702488 | Joseph Simeon Wilkinson | Greenland, St. Andrew | $17,634.10 |
Broad Street | 4036545 | Joyce Bristol/Marcia Reid | Ms Marcia E Reid, #43 Pipers Ave, Bayland, St. Michael | $349.38 |
Broad Street | 1001120729 | Julia Maylene Forde and Ashton Ronaldo Forde | Lodge Hill St. Michael Barbados | $257.34 |
Broad Street | 1000271518 | Juliette Lincoln Daniel | Chapman Lane, Near Murphy’s Pasture, St. Michael | $26.47 |
Broad Street | 4531599 | Karl Ian Drakes | 36 Tanner Point, Pelly Road, Plaistow London, E13 0NW United Kingdom | $106.96 |
Broad Street | 3761132 | Kerr L. &/ J. Belgrave | 63 Switzerland Road, Lewiston, ME 04240 USA | $1,450.06 |
Broad Street | 5199278 | Krystal Lorraine Holder-Wharton | 37 Enterprise Development, Christ Church, Barbados | $3,353.88 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 4193314 | Laureen Anita Carrington or Joy &/Jeanette Carrington | 470 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, New York, USA | $1,630.63 |
Broad Street | 6056810 | Leotta Proute / Ermenta Pinder | No. 8 Charleton Road, Kenton Harrow, Middlesex HA3 9HW England | $1,034.44 |
Broad Street | 1000042597 | Levesta V. Taylor or Janet M. E. Bartlett | Frere Pilgrim, Christ Church | $226.27 |
Broad Street | 6082376 | Livingstone Price | 67 Drayton Road, Harlesden, London NW10 4DG England | $548.08 |
Broad Street | 10227090 | Lucilla St Jean | 4th Avenue, New Orleans, St. Michael | $6.61 |
Broad Street | 5786736 | Lydia Maria Marshall | Kirton’s, St. Philip | $1,752.48 |
Broad Street | 6681553 | Madeline White &/ Blenman | 22 Warner’s Terrace, Ch Ch | $95.74 |
Broad Street | 60461164 | Marie E. Lashley or Anthony Downes | 136 Herkimer Street. Brooklyn New York 11216 | $95,884.61 |
Broad Street | 26650465 | Marlene Juliette Wickham | Baycroft New Road, Carrington Village, St. Michael | $687.38 |
Broad Street | 5629134 | Ms. Gaynell Cloretta Lucombe | Hold-Mail Ret’d | $7,582.84 |
Broad Street | 1000704642 | Ms. Joyce Eudora Sobers or Denise Sobers | Hope Road, St. Lucy | $13,577.95 |
Broad Street | 1000704593 | Ms Joyce Eudora Sobers or Michelle Charmaine Antoinette Trotman | Hope Road, St. Lucy | $0.47 |
Broad Street | 1000460393 | Neville Oneal Murrell | #7 Crane Development, Crane, St. Philip | $1.49 |
Broad Street | 1000908947 | North Bay | C/O Ramona Halloway, Emmerton Lane, St. Michael | $154.86 |
Broad Street | 3501548 | Oreatheal Rita Aboab or Keith D. Aboab (Deceased) | #14 Heddings Circle, St. Philip | $12,107.45 |
Broad Street | 4353109 | PD Cohen or Barbara Olive Cohen | 77 Cherry Tree Walk, Beckenham, Kent BR3 3PE England | $1,916.77 |
Broad Street | 63221865 | Pauline Lorrene Carter | 8th Ave., Lot 97, Simmons Road, Rendezvous, Christ Church, Barbados | $11,785.75 |
Broad Street | 4571114 | Phyllis Elsie Eavis | 8 Poynter House, Edward Wood Estate, Queensdale Crescent, London W11 4TA England UK | $36,885.41 |
Broad Street | 1001121426 | Phyllis Idalia Brathwaite | Belle Road, My Lords Hill, St. Michael, Barbados | $5.34 |
Broad Street | 25001862 | Public Utilities Users Defence Fund | C/O Frank Alleyne, Near Providence, Christ Church | $1,543.60 |
Broad Street | 5445724 | Rakhee Karnani | No. 40 Highgate Gdns, Wildey, St. Michael | $2,970.10 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 6488575 | Randolph Sendall Jones or Richard Thompson | 9 Jonson Close, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 1DP United Kingdom | $166.47 |
Broad Street | 5054717 | Reuben Nathaniel Harper | CR Shop Hill and Grand View, St. Thomas | $50.00 |
Broad Street | 1001035385 | Ruby Senhouse | 171 E 91st Street, Brooklyn, NY 11212 United States | $35,224.07 |
Broad Street | 5614439 | Samuel Frederick Lovell | Beckwick Street, Bridgetown, Barbados | $1,692.67 |
Broad Street | 6635519 | Serlene Watson A/C Jalissa S. Watson | Rollins Land, Bush Hall, St. Michael | $71.66 |
Broad Street | 1000908921 | Sharon Marcella Hazell | #19 Chelston Gardens, Culloden Road, St. Michael | $297.74 |
Broad Street | 1000926915 | Shelniel Prescod-Skinner | 30 Whiteram Place, NE Calgary, Alberta, Canada | $1,856.93 |
Broad Street | 1000082535 | Shirley Adonns Small | 62 E 57th Street, Brooklyn NY, 11203 USA | $16,208.08 |
Broad Street | 5915682 | Sylvia P. Nurse For Akeem T. | Eversley Rd., Brittons Hill, St. Michael | $11.94 |
Broad Street | 5452544 | Takisha Isha Justin | #464 East 93rd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11212 USA | $2,130.20 |
Broad Street | 6901288 | The Methodist Church | The Southern Caribbean District, James Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael BB11133 | $10,584.73 |
Broad Street | 6537762 | UNDP Staff Association | UN House, Marine Gardens, Hastings, Christ Church | $992.02 |
Broad Street | 1001066546 | Vere Michael Delisle Bowen (Deceased) | #4 Castle Terrace, Long Bay, St. Philip | $109.15 |
Broad Street | 6137470 | Vernon &/ Hazel Robinson | 13 Marlowe Square, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 LDT England | $4,523.78 |
Broad Street | 6215331 | Vincent Theodore Scott-Springer | 312 Clifton Place, Brooklyn New York, USA | $2,265.60 |
Broad Street | 1000667519 | Violet Angela Sealy | 3 Kingsway, Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom | $826.22 |
Broad Street | 6875740 | Violet Mary Hinds or Bridget Grettle Hall | 24 Denton Road, Grazettes, St. Michael | $876.41 |
Broad Street | 1000729054 | Walter Garnet Nicholls | 195 6th Avenue, Kingsland Gardens, Kingsland Christ Church, Barbados | $1,778.39 |
Broad Street | 65243963 | Yvonne Eileen Pryne | 1st Avenue, Spring Garden, Black Rock, St. Michael, Barabdos | $20.38 |
Fontabelle | 1001117560 | Andria Alexia Wallace and Tristan Jacoby Wallace | Lower Estate, St. George, Barbados | $75.26 |
Fontabelle | 11218867 | Delisle Alexander Dacosta Warner or Mechell Susan Diana Warner | Rosegate, St. John, Barbados | $4.38 |
Fontabelle | 11229869 | Edwin E Gilkes | Emmerton Lane, St. Michael | $67.80 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Fontabelle | 1000140656 | Lelland Everard Martin | 311J Millineum Heights, St. Thomas | $8,185.97 |
Fontabelle | 1000546086 | Michael Henderson Bryan | Redman’s Village, St. Thomas | $60.77 |
Fontabelle | 1000402220 | Pamela Elaine Smith | 10th Ave., New Orleans, St. Michael | $12.43 |
Oistins | 4997414 | Anne Maureen Duckett | Lower Farm Sand, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4XF England | $4,533.31 |
Oistins | 1000816679 | Clarissa Marguerite Broomes or Leroy Theophilus Broomes (Deceased) | #126 Seaclusion Road, Atlantic Shores, Christ Church, Barbados | $87.54 |
Oistins | 5374135 | Henderson Herbert Marshall or Marion Adele Marshall | 209 Beach 19th St., Far Rockaway, New York, 11691 USA | $3,027.59 |
Oistins | 1000756437 | Islands Research Centre Inc | 3rd Avenue, Fairways Gardens, Christ Church | $9,185.15 |
Oistins | 5283989 | Ivan Donison King | Bourne S Land, Sayes Court, Christ Church | $4,605.25 |
Oistins | 1000422517 | Joycelyn Millington or Milthey Therold Douglas | 37A Chandos Road, Willesden Green, London NW 2 4 LT | $2,725.40 |
Oistins | 1000702042 | Kayla Michele Robinson | 85 Summer Street, Brockton, MA 02302 USA | $1,314.28 |
Oistins | 1000160604 | Kelvin Frederick or Eva Mae Frederick | 1403 Clyde Potts Drive, Morris Town, New Jersey, 07960 USA | $5,915.65 |
Oistins | 36041868 | Leicester Oclenzie Squires | 17 Glenwood Road Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3N7 Canada | $49,051.85 |
Oistins | 1001043685 | Leroy Theophilus Broomes (Deceased) or Anthony Leroy Broomes | #126 Seclusion Road, Atlantic Shore, Christ Church, Barbados | $9,906.59 |
Oistins | 35121469 | Lionel Wharton | Maxwell, Plain Block 12, Christ Church | $1,050.41 |
Oistins | 4917135 | Lorna Mary Correia | Enterprise House, Enterprise, ChCh | $130.99 |
Oistins | 1001126991 | Ouida Yvonne Dotson | Alontine On Sea, Sea Rock Road, Enterprise, Christ Church, Barbados | $467.64 |
Oistins | 5299818 | Peter Reginald Lampkin | Moonlight Bay, Atlantic Shores, Christ Church | $1,328.65 |
Oistins | 35654262 | Rhonda Evadney Oneal | Pilgrim Road, Christ Church, Barbados | $1,455.28 |
Oistins | 1000759861 | Robert Monroe Chatson (Deceased) | 256 Coral Close, No. 1 Atlantic Shores, Christ Church, Barbados | $63.34 |
Oistins | 4828248 | Ronald Carrington | C/O Mrs M Graham, 37 Goodland Gardens, Ch Ch | $2,951.43 |
Oistins | 1000561117 | Sheila D. Green | Fairholme Gardens, Christ Church | $2,084.47 |
Oistins | 1000475574 | Silva Ireta Phillips-Mallett | Parish Land, Christ Church, Barbados | $26.19 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Oistins | 5581742 | St Bartholemew Church Army | Charnocks, Christ Church | $5,412.84 |
Rendezvous | 4136826 | Adrian Padmore A/C Ronan Heath | Unknown | $305.48 |
Rendezvous | 4136842 | Adrian Padmore A/C Tara Kathleen | Unknown | $35.04 |
Rendezvous | 6030086 | Angela Odle A/C Sadie Harvey | Hillaby, St. Andrew | $8.13 |
Rendezvous | 3758564 | Carson Ricardo Lawrence Dottin | Or Isa Lashley, No. 5 Durants, Lodge Road, Christ Church, Barbados | $8,148.45 |
Rendezvous | 1000592162 | Delisle Alexander Dacosta Warner | Rosegate, St. John, Barbados | $0.87 |
Rendezvous | 79237569 | Dorothy Harding or Marjorie O. Elcock | 4th Ave., Hart’s Gap, Christ Church | $1.13 |
Rendezvous | 1001106238 | Ezra Nathaniel Miller | Unknown | $59.84 |
Rendezvous | 3678072 | Joan Chandler | 14 The Lodge, St. Judes Close, Englefield Green, Surrey TW20 ODN, England | $3,761.00 |
Rendezvous | 4138888 | Joan Doreen Parris(Deceased) | Villa Pedro CNR. 1st Ave. Fairways Gardens Rendezvous Christ Church | $11,624.11 |
Rendezvous | 4003540 | Kamruddin Khan | Unknown | $56,480.13 |
Rendezvous | 1000347129 | Lena Camilla Elisabeth Sparrenhed | Vita Liljans, VAG 50 127, 34 Skarholmen Sweden | $4,043.86 |
Rendezvous | 6118919 | Ms Patricia A. Simmons-Johnson | #89 Jasper Ave., Ealingpark, Ch Ch | $1,020.59 |
Rendezvous | 75351863 | Sheila D. Green or Clyde Hadley Green | Fairholme Gardens, Christ Church | $28.57 |
Rendezvous | 4041434 | Tarra Lewis For Danielle Lewis | Unknown | $36.92 |
Rendezvous | 76377866 | Victor C. Collymore or Barbara M. White | Worthing View, Christ Church | $2,325.63 |
Rendezvous | 75078865 | Wilma Yvonne Watson | Lot 13 Mahogany Court, Maxwell, Christ Church | $0.43 |
Sheraton | 1000004563 | Celia Catherine Springer (Deceased) or James Gonsalves Springer (Deceased) | #12 Orchid Avenue, Warners Park, Christ Church, Barbados | $95,877.17 |
Sheraton | 1001039759 | Donald Akintude Williams | Unknown | $1,754.65 |
Sheraton | 55017866 | Eldrina Hannaway | Vauxhall, Christ Church | $1,473.14 |
Sheraton | 1000064963 | Wendy Michaela Jordan | Lot A, Near Silver Hill, Christ Church | $948.91 |
Speightstown | 1000638437 | Carson Macdonald Oneale (Deceased) | Trents, St. Lucy | $67,109.87 |
Speightstown | 85306760 | Christabel Roach | Husbands Village, St. Lucy | $96.67 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Speightstown | 1000818641 | Clarendon Alleyne (Deceased) or Heather Elizabeth Alleyne | Lot 263 Heywoods Park, St. Peter, Barbados | $99,245.89 |
Speightstown | 4569550 | Eudine Margaret Rock | Bishop Tenantry Road, St. Lucy | $61.19 |
Speightstown | 1000754522 | Eunice Carlotta Babb (Deaceased) | Connelltown, St. Lucy | $9,164.44 |
Speightstown | 4649481 | Evans Slocombe (Deaceased) or Joyce E Slocombe (Deaceased) | 55 Heywoods Estate, St. Peter | $11.18 |
Speightstown | 4649724 | Evans Slocombe (Deaceased) or Rosalind Cummins | 55 Heywoods Estate St. Peter | $4,475.68 |
Speightstown | 1000856857 | Gail Krystal Brathwaite and Jabarry O. Lowe | Cave Hill Drive St. Lucy Barbados | $8.14 |
Speightstown | 4719889 | George &/ Linda-Mae Thompson | Ms Linda-Mae Thompson Checker Hall St. Lucy | $3,339.36 |
Speightstown | 1000218916 | Ida Barbara Adella Archer | Grape Hall St. Lucy | $3,294.27 |
Speightstown | 86255167 | Kelvin Frederick or Randolph Fraser | 1403 Clyde Potts Drive, Morris Town, New Jersey, 07960 USA | $32.66 |
Speightstown | 4053309 | Margaret Diane O. Gill | C/O P Greaves, Benthams St. Lucy | $123.08 |
Speightstown | 3602392 | Maureen M. Banfield | #59 Wanstead Gdns, Cave Hill St. Michael | $20,624.20 |
Sunset Crest | 3667050 | Anthony N/Sally Thatcher | Pulpit Rock House, Bonchurch, Isle Of Wight, PO 38 1NT, United Kingdom | $5,867.64 |
Sunset Crest | 3641345 | Collin Sylvester Decourtsey Prescod | 2501 E 106th Street, 2B, Chicago, Illinois, 60617-6125 USA | $115,013.98 |
Sunset Crest | 99444866 | Cynthia Elaine Burton | Pilgrim Road Christ Church | $91.07 |
Sunset Crest | 1000575340 | Dennis Ian Crowch (Deceased) | Heathfield House, Heathfield Avenue, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0AL United Kingdom | $12,608.90 |
Sunset Crest | 1000065044 | Doleen Merveline Inniss and Roger Dacosta Inniss | Risk Road, Fitts Village, St. James | $755.77 |
Sunset Crest | 1000396035 | Edwardine Eudora Gill | Block 1J Central Drive, Haynesville, St. James, Barbados | $10.95 |
Sunset Crest | 1001094379 | Eileen Francis Heard or Charles Joseph Heard | 73 Coralita Row, Sunset Crest, St. James, Barbados | $39.09 |
Sunset Crest | 95744563 | Harold St Clair Bowen | Spring Hall, St. Lucy | $58.98 |
Sunset Crest | 99442561 | Horace Decourtney Burton | Pilgrim Road, Christ Church | $397.55 |
Sunset Crest | 3679547 | Janelle Williams for Danielle Will | Whopping, Orange Hill St. James | $2.96 |
Sunset Crest | 3679539 | Janelle Williams for Dominique | Whopping, Orange Hill St. James | $2.96 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Sunset Crest | 3675126 | Joan Anethea Weatherhead | Unknown | $2,978.23 |
Sunset Crest | 3629868 | Joan Barbara Mary Mayo | The Coach House, Upper Framilode, Saul, Gloucester, GL2 7LH England | $1,490.59 |
Sunset Crest | 3614224 | Ms. Deidre M. Jones for Christopher | Johnson Road, Fitts Village, St. James | $50.31 |
Sunset Crest | 3590880 | Peter J. Haukohl | Unknown | $4,967.03 |
Sunset Crest | 1000808668 | Randolph Sendall Jones or Margaret Dolores Jones | 9 Jonson Close, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 1DP, United Kingdom | $1,065.64 |
Sunset Crest | 3649907 | Reginald Cleophas Russell | #6 The Sycamores, Little Paxton, St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 6QJ, UK | $20,086.66 |
Sunset Crest | 3669142 | Robert S. Thompson A/C Jamal Thompson | Hoytes Village, St. James | $124.59 |
Trust | 1000224856 | James Gonsalves Springer (Deceased) or Celia Catherine Springer (Deceased) | #12 Orchid Avenue, Warners Park, Christ Church | $1,043.36 |
Trust | 1000171180 | Russell Michael Bramao | White Park Road, St. Michael | $8,589.86 |
Warrens | 40882763 | Carol Forde | 45 Husbands New Development, St. Michael | $6,639.18 |
Warrens | 1001132799 | Ena Labon Reveira | Branchbury, No. 2 St. Joseph, Barbados | $255.43 |
Warrens | 40123668 | George Millar | Cave Hill, St. Michael | $435.08 |
Warrens | 40749362 | Ideanna Yearwood | 111 Lodge Hill Housing Area, St. Michael | $7,918.91 |
Warrens | 1001098811 | Joseph Nathaniel Austin | Sweet Bottom, St. George, Barbados | $109.40 |
Warrens | 1001113569 | Samantha Nicola Alleyne | 24 C Greenhill, Park Road, Harlesden, London UK | $902.34 |
Warrens | 1000099548 | St. Clair Alleyne | Cave Hill Main Road, St. Michael | $2,134.26 |
Wildey | 1000723428 | Audrey Y. Redman | Patlin Village, Barbarees Hill, St. Michael | $606.73 |
Wildey | 3742611 | Clyne Pauline Campbell or Ebert Fitz-Roy Campbell (Deceased) | Unknown | $137,750.63 |
Wildey | 4655488 | Dorothy &/or Jeffrey I. Walcott | PO Box 51704 Boston, MA 02205-1704 USA | $1,197.48 |
Wildey | 4459247 | Eastlyn Rantakangas A/C Emma | 157 Palm Springs, Fortesque, St. Philip | $112.13 |
Wildey | 1000727933 | John Livingstone Harewood | Carter’s, St. John | $12.53 |
Wildey | 4557656 | Keith H. L. &/or Henderson C. Marshall | Ermsvilla, Mt. Standfast, St. James | $107.10 |
Wildey | 1001123331 | Kristanne Onika Jessamy and Kimora Kelis Trotman | Lower Burney, Mapp Hill, St. Michael, Barbados | $1.59 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Wildey | 3889035 | Marion E Drakes | Eastpoint, St. Philip | $2,937.21 |
Wildey | 1000575142 | Nikita Maria Veronica Hoyte | Lower Church Village, St. Philip | $46.20 |
Wildey | 1001109779 | Pauline Phillippa Joseph and Carmen Jacintha Joseph | 134 Belmont Circular Road, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | $81.60 |
Wildey | 4563389 | Simon Smith | Bartlett Tenantry, Sargeants Village, Christ Church | $1,575.10 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 1947172 | Ada &/ Mr. R. Joseph | 1011 Sheridan Ave., Apt. D 12 Bronx NY 10456, USA | $11,170.81 |
Broad Street | 1001109605 | Akeem Michael Briggs | No. 58 Husbands Terrace, St. James, Barbados | $143.34 |
Broad Street | 1001116048 | Amrita Persaud | Venture, St. John, Barbados | $49.39 |
Broad Street | 1000415265 | Brittons Laundermat Inc. | Gunsite Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael | $246.95 |
Broad Street | 1001088390 | Brown Mint Productions Inc. | Kendal Hill Tenantry A, Christ Church, Barbados | $137.90 |
Broad Street | 1001123315 | Calvin Dacosta Gill | Locust Hall Tenantry, St. George, Barbados | $100.00 |
Broad Street | 1001112225 | Carolynn A R Lavine Edwards | 98 Apt. 1 Welches Terrace, St. Thomas, Barbados | $215.21 |
Broad Street | 1001124081 | Cecil Decourcey Maynard | Padmore Village, St. Thomas, Barbados | $6.17 |
Broad Street | 1521561 | Cheryl Patricia Leslie | 291, 10th Avenue, West Terrace Gardens, St. James | $941.00 |
Broad Street | 1001128873 | Curtis Michael Warren Teape | 222 Chase Road, London N14 4LH United Kingdom | $150.00 |
Broad Street | 1001122744 | Debra Wharton | Baycroft New Road, Bridge Road, St. Michael, BDS | $362.91 |
Broad Street | 1001130947 | Early Bird Tickets Inc | Station Hill, St. Michael, Barbados | $0.11 |
Broad Street | 1001101383 | Edith Adelle Bedford | Gills Land, Bridge Gap, Black Rock, St. Michael, BDS | $71.69 |
Broad Street | 1001118779 | Emmerson Boyce (Barbados) Ltd | Shenstone, Strathclyde, Bank Hall, St. Michael, BDS | $805.99 |
Broad Street | 1001029247 | Fedrick Hinsley Grant | Vauxhall, Christ Church, Barbados | $206.71 |
Broad Street | 1001129333 | Flavia Tamesha Smart | 259 E 91 Street, Floor 2 Brooklyn, New York, USA | $178.00 |
Broad Street | 1001124592 | Gregory Taylor | Bank Hall Cross Road, St. Michael, Barbados | $115.00 |
Broad Street | 1001095851 | Jasmin Kathleen Morris | Just Skip Me, Fitts Gap, Westbury Road, St. Michael, Barbados | $184.52 |
Broad Street | 1001119922 | Jefferson Randolph Miller | Wilson Hill, St. John, Barbados | $39.44 |
Broad Street | 1001105876 | Jermain David Andrews | Labour Cottage Silver Hill, Near Kingsland Plantation, Christ Church, Barbados | $33.47 |
Broad Street | 1001124552 | Joyfull Boutique | #29 Oxnards, St. James, Barbados | $171.21 |
Broad Street | 1001116994 | Krystal Lorraine Holder-Wharton | 37 Enterprise Development, Christ Church, BDS | $100.00 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 1001131259 | Lasonta Tasheena Shareeie Hackett | No. 3 White Hill Terrace, St. Thomas, Barbados | $26.24 |
Broad Street | 1001055490 | Lionel Whitfield Harding | #13 Oldfarm Crescent, Tilehurst Reading, RG31 6SS England | $47.60 |
Broad Street | 1001104037 | Margaret Anne Inniss | C/O Elsa Sealy NR Edgehill Melrose St. Thomas, Barbados | $115.74 |
Broad Street | 1001034890 | Media Marketing Events | Block 12F Silver Hill Dr., Silver Hill, Christ Church | $13.20 |
Broad Street | 1001118178 | Michele Balera Shaw | Apartment 6 Seaview Road, Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados | $2.90 |
Broad Street | 1001128814 | Mohammad Suhail Bhoola | Chapman Street, St. Michael, Barbados | $425.00 |
Broad Street | 1001102910 | Monica Solangel Santos | 26 Cassia Heights, Royal Westmoreland, St. James, Barbados | $2.71 |
Broad Street | 1001124514 | Nicole Natasha Walters | Pounder Gap, Westbury Road, St. Michael, Barbados | $15.54 |
Broad Street | 1057492 | North South Investments Inc | 436 Arthur Mignault Vimont, Laual, Quebec, H7M 4G6 Canada | $11,835.12 |
Broad Street | 1001124437 | Philip Anderson Alleyne | 14 Two Mile Hill Housing Area, St. Michael, Barbados | $159.06 |
Broad Street | 1001097574 | Rashida Remar Jeffrey Williams | Pegwell Bogs, Christ Church, Barbados | $207.30 |
Broad Street | 1000968959 | Roderick James Eastmond | #41 Neils Tenantry, Belle Gully, St. Michael | $2,205.20 |
Broad Street | 1001113517 | Royliston Marlon Caddle | 2nd Ave., Westmoreland, St. James, Barbados | $10.33 |
Broad Street | 1001090955 | Samantha Shakira Small | Harewoods Road, Hillaby, St. Andrew, Barbados | $47.65 |
Broad Street | 1001125423 | Shane Jerome Pierre Alleyne | Lewis Gap, Green Hill, St. Michael, Barbados | $95.00 |
Broad Street | 1001092183 | Sharon Antoinette Hoyte | Colleton Land, St. John, Barbados | $76.85 |
Broad Street | 1001118759 | Steve O. Brian Pinder | Best Road, Lodge Road, Christ Church, Barbados | $19.14 |
Broad Street | 1001107966 | Tyrone Ricardo Thompson | Haynesville, St. James | $188.98 |
Broad Street | 1001128187 | Vala Valentia Skeete | 12 Browne Ave., Bayville, St. Michael, Barbados | $250.00 |
Broad Street | 1001109998 | Yvette Rodna Mccarthy | Sweet Vale, St. George, Barbados | $177.28 |
Fontabelle | 1001091657 | Gary Roy Gordon | 430 Pleasant Hall, Rockley Golf Club Road, Christ Church, Barbados | $13.31 |
Fontabelle | 15400317 | Needy Children’s Fund | C/O Dame Olga Lopes-Seale, Casa Blanca, Stanmore Terrace, Black Rock, St. Michael | $593.55 |
Fontabelle | 1001122617 | Peter Nail Mccollin | 9th Avenue Orleans St. Michael Barbados | $133.30 |
Fontabelle | 1001104783 | Ruth Naomi Parris | CR 5th Avenue, New Orleans, Wharton Gap, St. Michael, Barbados | $5.00 |
Fontabelle | 1001119820 | Terrence Anderson Cave | Train Road March Field, St. Philip, Barbados | $45.13 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Oistins | 10127258 | Aldwin S. Howell (Deceased) or Kanie T. V. Howell | “K-Wyn” Fairholme Gardens, Maxwell, Christ Church, Barbados | $130.56 |
Oistins | 1001098370 | Andrew MCarthur Chase | Thornbury Hill, Tenantry Road, Near Gibbons, Christ Church, Barbados | $342.85 |
Oistins | 1001101998 | Burger Express | Unknown | $76.03 |
Oistins | 10194702 | Carl Algernon Taylor | 196 Morris Island Drive, Arnprior, RR1, Ontario K7S 3G7 Canada | $8,431.14 |
Oistins | 1001131351 | Christopher Wayne Bywater | 22 Long Meadow, Bayston Hill Shrewsbury, UK | $120.00 |
Oistins | 1000290633 | Cynthia Monica Weekes | Enterprise, Christ Church | $66.93 |
Oistins | 1001128371 | David Ricardo Gay | Dash Street, Leadvale, Christ Church, Barbados | $182.80 |
Oistins | 1000477059 | Dayrell Alonza Knight | 15 Enville Street, off Guide Lane, Audenshaw, Manchester, England M34SFD | $62.73 |
Oistins | 1001121011 | Edmund Wilfred Forde | Rollins Road, Christ Church, Barbados | $126.35 |
Oistins | 1001101540 | Fresh Boutique | Unit C15 Millennium Heights, Welches, St. Thomas | $133.29 |
Oistins | 1001115435 | Ishmael Murrell | Pegwell, Christ Church, Barbados | $110.00 |
Oistins | 1001093891 | Jacqueline Annette Bailey | Cane Vale New Road, Christ Church, Barbados | $13.97 |
Oistins | 1000199075 | Leicester Oclenzie Squires | 17 Glenwood Road Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3N7 Canada | $5,240.29 |
Oistins | 1001092299 | Mervin Mackenzie Johnson | Hope Road, St. Lucy, Barbados | $0.23 |
Oistins | 1001120482 | Nicole Natasha Caesar | 3404 106 Street, NW Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | $149.21 |
Oistins | 1001128297 | Purranram Khailoo | Fairy Valley, Christ Church, Barbados | $100.00 |
Oistins | 1001126417 | RBJ Party Rentals | Lower Baystreet, Bridgetown, St. Michael, Barbados | $38.19 |
Rendezvous | 1001101118 | Alexander John King | Navy Gardens, Christ Church, Barbados | $55.40 |
Rendezvous | 1001126028 | Bettina Border-Griffith | 623 Samuel Lewis Trust, Dwellin, Ixworth Place, Chelsea, London, United Kingdom | $100.00 |
Rendezvous | 1001131066 | Bradley Guy Kellman | Lot 102 3rd Avenue, Kingsland Gardens, Christ Church, Barbados | $19.24 |
Rendezvous | 1001094994 | Caribbean Renewable Energy Technologies | Unknown | $1,181.63 |
Rendezvous | 1001132147 | Clinton Edwards | Rose Cott, Flagstaff Road, St. Michael, Barbados | $35.00 |
Rendezvous | 1838986 | Daphne J. &/or Norman E. Young | Mr. Norman E Young, New Barn Farm, Downside, Cobham Surrey, KT11 3JS England | $6,189.36 |
Rendezvous | 1001131451 | Dario Keron Burnham | French Village, St. Peter, Barbados | $100.00 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Rendezvous | 1001120238 | Eli Nanco or Alethia Tracian Mattison | Jeans Wish, Dover, Christ Church, Barbados | $443.75 |
Rendezvous | 1001090695 | Gladstone Leo King (Estate of) | C/O Shirwin A King, Kendal Hill B, Christ Church, Barbados | $3,664.34 |
Rendezvous | 1000292530 | John Edwards Huggins or Jean Karen Berchem | CNR Hilton Road & Maxwell Main Road, Christ Church | $1.82 |
Rendezvous | 1000374487 | Regenetics SRL | Unknown | $26.79 |
Rendezvous | 1001117744 | Susan Natasha Johnson | 21A Patience Drive, Eden Lodge, St. Michael, BDS | $113.81 |
Rendezvous | 1000713205 | Westmoreland Manor Limited | Unknown | $18,474.17 |
Sheraton | 1001121131 | David Ricky Nicholas Innocent | 11 Hart House, 1186 Uxbridge Road, Hayes, Middx, United Kingdom | $120.00 |
Sheraton | 1001093261 | Kyle Oneal Prescod | Rendezvous High Ridge, Christ Church, Barbados | $56.53 |
Sheraton | 1000933944 | Randy Marlon Wilson | 47 Kensington Lodge, Passage Road, St. Michael | $268.24 |
Sheraton | 1001115799 | Tanya Lianne Belle | #18 Crane Haven, St. Philip, Barbados | $41.26 |
Speightstown | 1001132600 | Gale Sherry Cox | Reid Road, The Garden, St. James, Barbados | $150.00 |
Speightstown | 1001106461 | Joanna Alaina Lynette Woodrow | 16 Beech Hall Road, London, United Kingdom | $186.29 |
Speightstown | 1001118343 | Sandra Eldora Grant | 19 Garden Terrace, Weston, St. James, Barbados | $200.00 |
Speightstown | 1051100 | Vincent Fitzroy Barrow | 28 Heywoods Estate, St. Peter, Barbados | $1,616.45 |
Sunset Crest | 1000693960 | Carl Robert Roberts or Jocelyn Mary Roberts | Padenca Knoll Lane, Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, BH21 3RF UK | $9.33 |
Sunset Crest | 1006014 | David Sidney Bernstein | 7 Laverton Place, London, SW5 0HJ England | $3,908.78 |
Sunset Crest | 1794260 | Healy-Tibbitts Builders Inc. | 4 Commerce Drive, Cranford, NJ 07016-3598 | $2,980.69 |
Sunset Crest | 1000460898 | Kenneth William Flower or Lily Flower | 14 Heron Court, Porters, St. James | $49.80 |
Sunset Crest | 10308402 | Michael Egbert Stuart | “Pikkie Cottage” Thorpes, St. James | $2,129.40 |
Sunset Crest | 1081768 | Oscar A. Toppin | Lot 107 West Terrace Gardens, St. James, Barbados | $11.70 |
Sunset Crest | 1001125922 | Pamela Di-Benedetto | Unknown | $331.83 |
Sunset Crest | 1001098208 | St. Silas & St. Alban Ch Rectory Blgd Fund | C/O Rev Gregory Gibson, Carlton Road, St. James | $93.73 |
Sunset Crest | 1001119868 | Wayne Ricardo Grant | 137 Heywoods Park, St. Peter, Barbados | $16.34 |
Sunset Crest | 1007878 | Winfield Blackman (Deceased) | Chase Gap, Halls Road, St. Michael | $467.94 |
Warrens | 1001103390 | Andrew Cortney Brown or Janet Loraine Higgins-Brown | 24 East Mountain Pride Avenue, Long Mountain Country Club, PO Box 15564 Kingston 6, Jamaica | $8.33 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Warrens | 1001126098 | Angela Mary Clee | Hilltop Apartments, Unit C Lot 115 Seclusion Road, Atlantic Shores, Christ Church, Barbados | $48.98 |
Warrens | 1001032406 | Beverley Eunice Browne | No. 30 Oxnards Crescent, St. James, Barbados | $11.42 |
Warrens | 1001127680 | Business Solution Network Group Inc. | Palm Chambers, PO Box 119, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Island | $933.55 |
Warrens | 1001125504 | Cheryl Bonita Gilkes | No. 2 Orange Hill, St. James, Barbados | $50.00 |
Warrens | 1000350560 | Daniel Kenneth Lazenby | Fernshaw House Friday’s, Hill Haslemere, GU27 3DX England | $501.63 |
Warrens | 1001091624 | Gwladys Jennifer Celine Feler | 152 Lodge Terrace, St. Michael, Barbados | $186.81 |
Warrens | 1001102801 | Justin Andre Cummins | 137 B Frere Pilgrim, Christ Church, Barbados | $75.67 |
Warrens | 1001109183 | Kensole Throtman | Venture Main Road, St. John, Barbados | $446.97 |
Warrens | 1000998328 | Melanie Kristin Price | 33 Tranquility Drive, Windward Gardens, St. Philip | $137.25 |
Warrens | 1000793794 | Noel Newton Davis | No. 82 Bakers Wood, St. Peter, Barbados | $558.66 |
Warrens | 1000245365 | O’neale Livingstone Burke or Angela Patricia Burke | Bagatelle Yard Gap, St. James | $37.62 |
Warrens | 1001030799 | Richard Roderick Rice or Tracey Denise Norman-Rice | C/O Shannon Holder C/O Ground Floor Head Office Building, Warrens, St. Michael, BDS | $1,107.49 |
Warrens | 1001048437 | Ryan William Worrell | Fairfield Cross Road, Tudor Bridge, St. Michael | $4.59 |
Warrens | 1001093236 | Srinivasa Rao Kola | Apartment 3 Building 11, Warrens Park North, St. Michael, Barbados | $4.89 |
Warrens | 1001127538 | Winston Berkley Worrell | 314 Ivydale Road, London SE 15 3DG UK | $90.00 |
Wildey | 1000967373 | Jermaine Senaca George | Henry’s Lane, Collymore Rock, St. Michael | $7.59 |
Wildey | 1001048031 | Krista Marie Charmaine Mills | 4 Oldbury Terrace, St. Philip, Barbados | $64.13 |
Wildey | 1001115171 | Racer’s World | 19 Regency Park, Christ Church, Barbados | $59.46 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 18998005143 | Bdos Association of Professional or Bdos Assoc Of Professional Org. | C/O Lex Caribbean Law Offices Worthing Coprorate Centre, Worthing, Ch Ch | $97,156.32 |
Broad Street | 68243005190 | Castagne Williams Advertising Ltd. | “Braddan” 5 Second Avenue, Belleville Bridgetown, Barbados | $191,306.82 |
Broad Street | 1000035039 | Castagne Williams Advertising Ltd. | “Braddan” #5 Second Avenue, Bellevile, St. Michael | $478,156.67 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 60051020009 | Cynthia Alexander Maycock or Elfreda Celeste Harding | Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados | $6,848.02 |
Broad Street | 1001112478 | Dalbert Augustus Murray or Matthew Kevin Matthias Murray | Farrells Road, St. Andrew, Barbados | $9,681.76 |
Broad Street | 66968004730 | Dr T Carmichael Itf Roger Williams | Chancery Chambers High Street, Bridgetown | $3,924.16 |
Broad Street | 60050822005 | Elfreda Celeste Harding or Cynthia Alexander Maycock | Bryan Road, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados | $165,710.60 |
Broad Street | 189407004397 | Ercel Leslie-Straker & A Adekunle | Mr Adeboye Y. Adekunle, Fitts Village St. James | $9,259.13 |
Broad Street | 1000843010 | Euerline Moundale Murray or Timothy Nathaniel Heywood | 112c Almond Avenue, Eden Lodge, St. Michael, Barbados | $3,723.18 |
Broad Street | 60075728002 | Hazel Monica Weekes or Margaret Yvonne Weekes | No.6 Phillips Road ,Pinelands, St. Michael, Barbados | $12,315.45 |
Broad Street | 429924004420 | Ivy Winifred Inniss(Deceased) | Airlie Cave Hill St. Michael | $166,404.12 |
Broad Street | 429924006407 | Ivy Winifred Inniss(Deceased) | Airlie Cave Hill St. Michael | $100,000.00 |
Broad Street | 1000778712 | Janice Clementime Price | 453 Columbia Street Brooklyn N.Y. 11231 USA | $20,367.86 |
Broad Street | 20040525001 | Joan Emelda Hinds (Deceased) | Kew Road Bank Hall, St. Michael | $2,077.02 |
Broad Street | 60030422003 | Jonathan Nathaniel Gaskin ( Deceased) | Fisher Pond St. Thomas, Barbados | $8,987.78 |
Broad Street | 60030422005 | Jonathan Nathaniel Gaskin ( Deceased) | Fisher Pond St. Thomas, Barbados | $8,198.25 |
Broad Street | 60025127001 | Joyanne Eastmond | 1373 St. John’s Plac 5 Brooklyn NY 11213-3815 USA | $5,356.39 |
Broad Street | 34993004473 | Kathleen Glendene Blackman (Deceased) or Margaret Joanna Lewis | #33 Clerview Heights Stage 3 Husbands, St James | $9,870.36 |
Broad Street | 1001094101 | Marietta Waldron | Massiah Street, St. John | $16,747.28 |
Broad Street | 1001141370 | Mark Edward Perkins or Elizabeth Angela Perkins | # 28 Neils Plantation, St. Michael, Barbados | $319,382.56 |
Broad Street | 286127005129 | Maureen Bardel Williams or Honor Heather Williams | Melrose, St. Thomas, Barbados | $10,855.68 |
Broad Street | 1000866195 | Naomi Bailey &/Or C Bailey | Cedar Hill 1st Ave, Pine Plantation Rd, St. Michael | $59,666.25 |
Broad Street | 276199004699 | Pauline Lady Walcott | 66 Regency Park, Christ Church | $33,275.33 |
Broad Street | 233260004860 | Public Trustee | Chambers 3rd Floor Sir Frank Walcott Building Culloden Road, St. Michael | $7,982.77 |
Broad Street | 149480005105 | Ruby Ianthe Hinkson | Thorpes Cottage, St. George | $85,821.26 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Broad Street | 117007004796 | Ruth Eulene Gibson | Crusher Site Road Prospect St. James, Barbados | $5,083.36 |
Broad Street | 10250091 | Sheila Anita Wilkinson | #5 Clarke’s Gap Hothersal Turning, St. Michael, Barbados | $7,474.20 |
Broad Street | 1000847765 | Suel Grenville Belgrave or Margaret Cheriel Belgrave | 2nd Avenue Grazettes New Land, St. Michael, Barbados | $9,818.06 |
Broad Street | 1001098446 | Valarie Marquita Cadogan | Weston St. James, Barbados | $14,280.02 |
Broad Street | 10282135 | Vaneta Patricia Yearwood or Althea Claudette Hazzard | Skeete?S Road Jackmans St. Michael, Barbados | $82,455.76 |
Broad Street | 1001120713 | Verna Elvina Cozier | Ashton Hall St. Peter, Barbados | $41,975.28 |
Broad Street | 60101923001 | Welfare Dept For Enid Ince | Bay Street, St. Michael | $4,706.12 |
Broad Street | 1000883016 | Wendy Sandra St.hill | 57 Seclusion Gardens Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados | $8,504.95 |
Broad Street | 344252006430 | Winifred Irene Grant or Roger Owen Delisle Grant | #39 Bannatyne Gardens, Christ Chruch, Barbados | $50,000.00 |
Broad Street | 60058424002 | Yvonne Doreen Piggott(Deceased) or Michelle Yvette Sealy or Michael Lawrence Piggott | Belmont Cottage Belmont Road, St. Michael, Barbados | $46,769.15 |
Broad Street | 1000325729 | Yvonne Violita Beckles | Odessa McClean’s Avenue, My Lord’s Hill, St. Michael | $9,729.61 |
Rendezvous | 710844010190 | Ashley Leroy Toppin – Dec’d | #2 Crab Hill, St. Lucy | $250,000.00 |
Speightstown | 336727031273 | Arleen Olivia Toppin or Revere Pierre Toppin | 21-68 Livonia Scarborough Toronto Ontario Canada M1E 4W5 | $9,378.92 |
Speightstown | 80008222006 | Audrie Cumberbatch-Phillips (Deceased) or Wayne V Cumberbatch | 319 Winifred Street Brooklyn New York USA | $13,195.50 |
Speightstown | 1000990887 | Benthams Wesleyan Holiness Church | C/O Mrs Avelyn Christie PO Box 1049, Bridgetown, Barbados | $8,247.16 |
Speightstown | 1000103547 | Bertie Dacosta Hinds | Mount View, St. Lucy, Barbados | $8,733.57 |
Speightstown | 47673009490 | Earle Byron Baird Decd or Eugene Baird | Lower Carlton, St. James | $42,000.00 |
Speightstown | 22862006055 | Earle Byron Baird Decd or Violet E Baird | Lower Carlton, St. James | $146,639.88 |
Speightstown | 80021725002 | Elvina Obna Richards | 118 Barnes Wallace Court, Barnhill Road, Wembley Middlesex HA9 9DP England | $31,312.89 |
Speightstown | 115283031264 | Grantley V &/or Nellis Cumberbatch | Date Tree Hill, St. Peter | $4,067.11 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Speightstown | 268810031268 | Gwenda Viola Morgan | 18 Cheadle Drive, New Oscott Sutton Cold-Field West Midlands B23 5XF England UK | $92,463.46 |
Speightstown | 109852006089 | Harriet Cecelia Cozier | Rose Hill, St. Peter, Barbados | $4,791.75 |
Speightstown | 316793006094 | Ms. Jannice Roberta Chandler | 4th Avenue Park Road, Bush Hall, St. Michael | $16,440.54 |
Speightstown | 71723006085 | Pauline Agatha Burnett or Andrew Mcdonald Burnett | “Yvonneville” Lower Carlton, St. James | $15,177.57 |
Speightstown | 308073031146 | Roosevelt Filmore Scantlebury or Joyce Elaine Scantlebury | Risk, St. Peter, Barbados | $8,050.41 |
Speightstown | 80014826003 | Sydney Alphonzo Harris (Deceased) or Michael Harris | Ashton Hall, St. Peter | $24,000.00 |
Speightstown | 1000025775 | Vernon Alphonzo Harvey | 968 Park Place Brooklyn, New York 11213 USA | $25,606.65 |
Sunset Crest | 57970010641 | Barbados Children’s Trust | PO Box 3069, St. James, Barbados | $61,984.93 |
Sunset Crest | 1000925511 | Estelle L Nelson | Laynes Rd, Paynes Bay, St. James, Barbados | $59,613.57 |
Sunset Crest | 113273004552 | Freelance Marketing | “Braddan” 5 Second Avenue Belleville, Bridgetown, St. Michael | $44,167.62 |
Sunset Crest | 90011320005 | Magdala Anita Lynch | Taylor’s Gap, Weston, St. James, Barbados | $5,094.31 |
Sunset Crest | 1000612481 | William D. Browne | 108 Husbands Gardens, St. James | $65,209.67 |
Trust | 226179010391 | Albertha Cumberbatch/Campbell J. | Sandford, St. Philip | $76,726.81 |
Trust | 100024023001 | Amarel Christobel Burke | The Stream, Worthing, Christ Church, Barbados | $50,000.00 |
Trust | 1000502278 | Anthony Levere Walker | Around The Town, Speightstown, St. Peter | $10,022.55 |
Trust | 368984010012 | Bruce Anthony Moseley Hackett or Stella Louise Hackett | 55 Rendezvous Ridge, Christ Church | $30,557.34 |
Trust | 100121525001 | Charles R. Rudder or Lilian E Rudder | Cedar Hill, 1st Ave Pine Plantation Road ,St. Michael | $1,000.00 |
Trust | 1000083872 | CIBC Trust (B’dos) Ltd for Mabel Ozanne | C/O CIBC Trust & Merchant Bank CIBC Center, Warrnes, St. Michael | $73,465.57 |
Trust | 1000851154 | CIBC Trust (B’dos) Ltd for Mabel Ozanne | C/O CIBC Trust & Merchant Bank CIBC Center, Warrnes, St. Michael | $4,346.21 |
Trust | 100175226003 | Clarence Licorish Trust Fund | C/O Barbados Port Authority University Row, Bridgetown | $25,055.08 |
Trust | 523009010392 | Don Dacosta Mayers | Venture #2 Main Road St John Barbados | $32,367.47 |
Trust | 121113010160 | Doreen Yvonne Boyce | “Verbank” Bank Hall Main Road, St. Michael | $7,509.03 |
Trust | 1000302397 | Dorothy J. Worrell (Deceased) | Franklyn Road, Belleplaine ,St Andrew, Barbados | $47,710.78 |
Trust | 102439220001 | Dr. Leonard Alfred Nurse or Marcia Lizan Nurse | 26 Dairy Meadows, Holder’s, St. James, Barbados | $21,734.14 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Trust | 164998006446 | Ebert Campbell | Campseal, Pine Gardens, St. Michael | $13,425.62 |
Trust | 164998006809 | Ebert Campbell | Campseal, Pine Gardens, St. Michael | $22,762.82 |
Trust | 1000041276 | Edna Eileen Boyce | Peterses Road, Josey Hill, St. Lucy | $6,016.52 |
Trust | 10264323 | Elaine Ernesta Callender (Deceased) | Unknown | $12,594.74 |
Trust | 100098523003 | Ermine Doreen Kellman or Geraldine Morris | 21 Link Lane, Eden Lodge, St. Michael, Barbados | $5,962.42 |
Trust | 361904009710 | Eulene Loretta Griffith | Greenidges, St. Lucy | $17,980.87 |
Trust | 1000003036 | Evelyn Cartelia Johnson or Avonda Euretha Ellis | Near Lowland, St. Lucy | $20,000.00 |
Trust | 510454004220 | Florence Marshall | Ms Sharon A. &/Or Mrs Jennifer Marshall C/O Rosalind Cumberbatch, Lower Park, St. Joseph | $20,000.00 |
Trust | 100056227003 | Gordon C. Gill or Betty R. Gill | For Debra E Gill, ‘Winsome’ Upton Road , St. Michael, Barbados | $1,003.00 |
Trust | 100056227004 | Gordon C. Gill or Betty R. Gill | For Debra E Gill ,’Winsome’ Upton Road , St. Michael, Barbados | $3,509.63 |
Trust | 1000086511 | Hal Lenile Greaves or Delcina F. Greaves | Chance Hall, St. Lucy | $11,005.50 |
Trust | 377932006543 | Harmony Hall Cluster Limited | C/O Groundfloor Investments Inc. 4th Floor, Cedar Court, Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados | $64,514.82 |
Trust | 100009024001 | Harriet Beckles &/or Timothy Martinville Cox | 116-51 157th Street Apt. 7E Jamaica NY 11434 USA | $3,000.00 |
Trust | 100009024002 | Harriet Beckles &/or Timothy Martinville Cox | 116-51 157th Street Apt. 7E Jamaica NY 11434 USA | $50,000.00 |
Trust | 232039010376 | Henderson & Gwendolyn Dalrymple | No 166 Sunflower Drive, Husbands, St. James | $15,000.00 |
Trust | 102365820001 | Hilary L Miller | Customer Left Address | $10,000.00 |
Trust | 432747009971 | Insurance Brokers Association of B’dos | C/O Lynch Insurance Brokers Ltd., Mussons Building, Hinks Street, Bridgetown | $12,204.46 |
Trust | 1000027036 | Ismay Iretha Cumberbatch | 2106 Dean Street Brooklyn New York 11233 USA | $20,000.00 |
Trust | 195028006810 | Jewel &/ Robert Clarke | Windsor, St. George | $47,955.28 |
Trust | 100217026001 | Joyce C. Fingall | 43 Sheraton Park, Christ Church | $12,321.80 |
Trust | 102433524001 | Juliet Maria William | Lot 83 Simmons Road, Rendezvous, Christ Church, Barbados | $15,000.00 |
Trust | 102378922001 | Leroy Wason or Shelah Ernesta Wason | Hillbury Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael | $50,000.03 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Trust | 100065420001 | Lilian Griffith or Delores J. Griffith or Sharon M. Griffith | Industry Road, Bank Hall ,St. Michael | $12,063.00 |
Trust | 100065420002 | Lilian Griffith or Delores J. Griffith or Sharon M. Griffith | Industry Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael | $3,000.00 |
Trust | 435576006617 | Lorraine Jackson or Doris Viola Jackson | Checker Hall ,St. Lucy | $20,978.15 |
Trust | 10266337 | Marjorie Melviie King-Blackman or Trevor Sylvester King | C/O Euleene Hinds, Wardland Goodland , St. Michael ,Barbados | $10,000.00 |
Trust | 10266345 | Marjorie Melviie King-Blackman or Trevor Sylvester King | C/O Euleene Hinds, Wardland Goodland , St. Michael, Barbados | $3,531.12 |
Trust | 102422921001 | Michele A. Gibson | Tempe White House Terrace, Paynes Bay, St. James | $2,006.01 |
Trust | 232438010011 | M.s Aileen Daniel &/or C. E. Simpson | St. Christopher, Christ Church | $6,759.90 |
Trust | 232438010804 | M.s Aileen Daniel &/or C. E. Simpson | St. Christopher, Christ Church | $10,080.41 |
Trust | 102381923001 | Neville Kitchener Sobers | Hope Road, St. Lucy | $10,000.00 |
Trust | 10240993 | Noel Latrobe Lewis or Roderick N. Lewis | “Nolea” No.3 Mangrove Gardens, St. Philip, Barbados | $35,000.00 |
Trust | 1000031178 | Odessa M. Knight | #10 Grazettes Terrace, St. Michael | $60,000.00 |
Trust | 1000168559 | Pamela Evelyn Alleyne | Lot 29 Amity Lodge, Christ Church, Barbados | $8,292.47 |
Trust | 100051829004 | Pamela Evelyn Alleyne | Lot 29 Amity Lodge, Christ Church, Barbados | $2,439.91 |
Trust | 10237495 | Phyllis Heather Clairmonte Lewis or Andree Shauna Griffith | “Nolea” #3 Mangrove Gardens, St. Philip | $15,188.65 |
Trust | 102334321001 | Roslyn B. Moore | 87 Wanstead Heights, St. Michael, Barbados | $7,526.92 |
Trust | 1000174259 | Sydney Harris (Deceased) or David Harris | Ashton Hall,St. Peter | $15,045.13 |
Trust | 100078921001 | Sydney Harris (Deceased) or Elvina Harris | Ashton Hall, St. Peter | $28,754.17 |
Trust | 102367521001 | Sydney Harris (Deceased) or Elvina Harris | Ashton Hall, St. Peter | $119,440.08 |
Trust | 715420009530 | Valda Trotman or Margaret Anne Roberts | Thornbury Hill Nr, Gibbons, Christ Church | $15,967.86 |
Trust | 334591006066 | Vera Goring &/or | Unknown | $13,781.63 |
Trust | 772378009755 | West Indian Church Association | C/O Diocesan Office Mandeville House, Collymore Rock, St. Michael | $6,631.16 |
Trust | 100150827002 | Wilma C. Smith | “El Kennoa” Mango Drive, Porters, St. James | $20,054.87 |
Branch Name | Account Number | Customer Name | Address | Current Balance |
Trust | 1000354330 | Winfield Mcclaren Evelyn or Claudette Barton-Evelyn | Downey Avenue, Bank Hall, St. Michael, Barbados | $17,000.00 |
Trust | 1000735142 | Winfield Mcclaren Evelyn or Claudette Barton-Evelyn | Downey Avenue, Bank Hall, St. Michael, Barbados | $40,000.00 |
Trust | 551673010533 | Winston Newton or Athelston O’brien Newton | Lot 176, Ruby Park, St. Philip | $139,330.36 |
Warrens | 10277392 | Barbados Sports Medicine Association | PO Box 89 Welches Post Office, St. Michael | $22,637.95 |
Warrens | 1000410760 | Mahaswatie Sawh | King George Road, Bank Hall ,St. Michael, Barbados | $49,274.28 |
Warrens | 228887005187 | Police Sports Club | Weymouth, Roebuck Street, St. Michael ,Barbados | $13,012.22 |
Warrens | 228887005188 | Police Sports Club | Weymouth, Roebuck Street, St. Michael, Barbados | $4,454.02 |
Wildey | 1001108517 | Carl Anthony Austin | “Frere Manor” No 5 Frere Pilgrim Devpt., Christ Church X09, Barbados | $22,217.30 |
Wildey | 1001110193 | Miriam Alexandra Toussaint | Mount Friendship Road, St. Michael, Barbados | $5,414.31 |
Wildey | 1000922541 | The Estate of Aubrey Ward | C/O Mr James Ward #11 Locust Hall Heights , St. George | $36,073.62 |
Branch Name | Box/Item/Parcel Number | Customer Name | Address |
Broad Street | 119C | Charles Perkins(Deceased) | 320 Eastern Parkway Apartment 4B Brooklyn New York 11225 USA |
Broad Street | 176B | Cora/Clifton Atherley (Deceased) | Vault Road, St. Thomas |
Broad Street | 76CM | George Adolphus Bennett | Brighton Road, Black Road, St. Michael, Barbados |
Broad Street | 141B | Janet William | 343 Peridoit Road, Kingsland Terrace, Christ Church |
Broad Street | 188B | Rajni N. / Nari M. Karnani | 18 Highgate Gardens, St. Michael |
Fontabelle | 84 | David Hall | Unknown |
Fontabelle | 72 | Grantley Sealy | Unknown |
Sheraton | 10 | John Andre Bryan | Unknown |
Speightstown | 24 | Evelyn Griffith | Farm Road, St. Peter |
Speightstown | 33 | Michael Blackman | Clinkett Gardens, St. Lucy |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 10495 | $30.00 | Bright Eagle Investments | 4th Floor, Old NIS Building, Fairchild Street, St. Michael |
1/13/14 | 9983 | $7.88 | Prescod, Audrey | Gittens Road, Government Hill, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11136 | $7.88 | Prescod, Audrey | Gittens Road, Government Hill, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10193 | $37.88 | Wall, Pamela | #8, Cole’s Terrace Nr, Merricks, St. Philip, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11134 | $50.51 | Pollard, Stuart Anthony | 31 Enterprise Gardens, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9833 | $116.58 | Lonbar Ltd | C/O Mr. Charles Tibbits, Airlee, Rockley New Road, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10985 | $116.58 | Lonbar Ltd | C/O Mr. Charles Tibbits, Airlee, Rockley New Road, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9469 | $1.58 | Daniel, Janelle V. | 111 Sunflower Drive, Cane Garden, St. Thomas, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10617 | $1.58 | Daniel, Janelle V. | 111 Sunflower, Drive Cane Garden, St. Thomas, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9902 | $34.76 | Moore, Karen Michelle | No. 1 Airy Hill, St. George, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10191 | $42.92 | Walcott, Ian, Estate | Wildey Heights, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10122 | $15.75 | Taitt, Branford M. | 10 Stanmore Crescent, Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11277 | $15.75 | Taitt, Branford M. | 10 Stanmore Crescent, Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9666 | $0.29 | Haynes, Daniel N. | Trents Tenantry, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10817 | $0.29 | Haynes, Daniel N. | Trents Tenantry, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9774 | $3.29 | Kennedy, Omar | 93 Gibbons Terrace, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10926 | $3.29 | Kennedy, Omar | 93 Gibbons Terrace, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9412 | $3.94 | Clarke, Kai Aaron | #80 Oxnards Heights, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10558 | $3.94 | Clarke, Kai Aaron | #80 Oxnards Heights, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9853 | $0.40 | Mapp, Arlette | Society Hill, St. John, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11005 | $0.40 | Mapp, Arlette | Society Hill, St. John, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9548 | $12.76 | Forde, Carolyn Patricia | 479 15th Avenue, West Terrace Gardens, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10698 | $12.76 | Forde, Carolyn Patricia | 479 15th Avenue, West Terrace Gardens, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9547 | $16.54 | Forde, Beresford & Forde, Waple | Berlin Road, St. Philip, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10697 | $16.54 | Forde, Beresford & Forde, Waple | Berlin Road, St. Philip, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10247 | $13.13 | Wilson, Ronald E. | Hempstead Hindsbury Road, St. Michael ,Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10120 | $0.87 | Suttle, Valdemar | Layne Road, Britton Hill ,St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11275 | $0.87 | Suttle, Valdemar | Layne Road, Britton Hill, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10253 | $0.61 | Yard, Ann-Marie | No.22 Circular Drive, Warrens Heights, St. Thomas Barbados |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 11410 | $0.61 | Yard, Ann-Marie | No.22 Circular Drive, Warrens Heights, St. Thomas, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9681 | $180.00 | Heronwood Holdings Inc | C/O Anthony Reece #38 Cassia Drive, Clerview Heights, Stage 3, St. James BB23031, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10833 | $180.00 | Heronwood Holdings Inc | C/O Anthony Reece #38 Cassia Drive, Clerview Heights, Stage 3, St. James BB23031, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9546 | $1.95 | Forde, Annette Elizabeth | Hill Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9696 | $2.63 | Holder, George | 53 Chancery Lane ,Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10848 | $2.63 | Holder, George | 53 Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9538 | $2.63 | Felix, Jason | Lot 3 Valley, St. George, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10687 | $2.63 | Felix, Jason | Lot 3 Valley, St. George, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9259 | $5.25 | Bascombe, Arkley L. | #17 Welches Terrace, St. Thomas, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9326 | $52.50 | Brathwaite, Adriel Dermot | Marchfield Village Road, St. Philip, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11028 | $11.63 | Mayers, Stephanie | 179 Opal Court Lodge Terrace, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10906 | $38.07 | Jones, Beryl E. & Jones, Owen S. | No 302 West Terrace, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9915 | $6.83 | Murrell, Neil | Hope, Clapham, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11069 | $6.83 | Murrell, Neil | Hope, Clapham, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9691 | $5.25 | Holder, Andre W. | 53 Park View Road, Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10843 | $5.25 | Holder, Andre W. | 53 Park View Road, Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9767 | $2.63 | Julien, Malaica Y. | #5 Maxwell Hill, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10919 | $2.63 | Julien, Malaica Y. | #5 Maxwell Hill, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9695 | $2.63 | Holder, Dominic G. | 53 Park View Road, Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10847 | $2.63 | Holder, Dominic G. | 53 Park View Road, Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9827 | $113.09 | Lewis, Francis | No. 27 Highgate, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10979 | $113.09 | Lewis, Francis | No. 27 Highgate, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10204 | $402.36 | Watson, Allison M. | #2 Lr Estate Gardens, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11361 | $402.36 | Watson, Allison M. | #2 Lr Estate Gardens, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10724 | $13.13 | Gaskin, Leroy F. | Glebe Land, St. George, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9157 | $16.88 | Maycock, Dionne | #139 Florence Drive, St. Silas Heights, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9118 | $37.88 | Cox, Paulette | Inch Marlow, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10599 | $37.88 | Cox, Paulette | Inch Marlow, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9123 | $0.63 | Elias, Gracie | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office, Warrens, St. Michael |
6/18/14 | 10276 | $0.63 | Elias, Gracie | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office, Warrens, St. Michael |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/13/14 | 9137 | $0.63 | Gill, Kevin | C/O FirstCaribbean Corporate, Rendezvous, Christ Church |
6/18/14 | 10290 | $0.63 | Gill, Kevin | C/O FirstCaribbean Corporate, Rendezvous, Christ Church |
6/18/14 | 10267 | $0.74 | Burrowes, Elizabeth | Prerogative, St. George BB19210, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9406 | $78.75 | Clairmonte, Michele A. & Clairmonte, Frederick N.C. | No.7 Elizabeth Park, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10552 | $78.75 | Clairmonte, Michele A & Clairmonte, Frederick N.C. | No.7 Elizabeth Park, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9795 | $0.37 | Knight, Mary, The Estate of | Bridge Cot, St. George, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10947 | $0.37 | Knight, Mary, The Estate of | Bridge Cot, St. George, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9115 | $0.61 | Clarke, Peter | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office Warrens St. Michael |
6/18/14 | 10269 | $0.61 | Clarke, Peter | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office Warrens St. Michael |
1/13/14 | 9206 | $0.37 | Allder, Sylvan | #45 Pimento Avenue, Fortesque Development, St. Philip |
6/18/14 | 10355 | $0.37 | Allder, Sylvan | #45 Pimento Avenue, Fortesque Development, St. Philip |
1/13/14 | 9106 | $1.13 | Ashby-Welch, Gail | C/O FirstCaribbean International Banking, Rendezvous, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10264 | $88.36 | Blenman, David | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office, Warrens, St. Michael |
1/13/14 | 9682 | $26.25 | Hewitt, Glyne H | Bath Village, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9435 | $26.25 | Collymore, Sybil R. | 74 Wanstead Gardens, Cave Hill, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10581 | $26.25 | Collymore, Sybil R. | 74 Wanstead Gardens ,Cave Hill, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9713 | $13.13 | Hunte, Waple R. M. & Forde, Beresford | Sealy Hall, St. Philip, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10867 | $13.13 | Hunte, Waple R. M. & Forde, Beresford | Sealy Hall, St. Philip, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9203 | $26.25 | Agbadamashie, Oliver A. | Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10352 | $26.25 | Agbadamashie, Oliver A. | Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9455 | $3.94 | Crawford, Errol C. & Crawford, Cheryl Y. | Glebe Land, St. John ,Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10602 | $3.94 | Crawford, Errol C. & Crawford, Cheryl Y. | Glebe Land, St. John, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9385 | $7.72 | Carrington, Monica | 11c Bonnetts Housing Area, Brittons Hill, St. Michael |
6/18/14 | 10533 | $7.72 | Carrington, Monica | 11c Bonnetts Housing Area, Brittons Hill, St. Michael |
1/13/14 | 9587 | $2.63 | Gill, Trudy V. | #113 Atlantic Shores, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10737 | $2.63 | Gill, Trudy V. | #113 Atlantic Shores, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10667 | $13.13 | Eno, Francis Alyster | PO Box 14A, Grantley Adams Airport, Christ Church |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/13/14 | 9341 | $26.25 | Breen, John | C/O CIBC Offshore Banking Services Corporation CIBC Centre Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10489 | $26.25 | Breen, John | C/O CIBC Offshore Banking Services Corporation CIBC Centre Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10488 | $5.25 | Breedy, Joy Andrea, Ms | Sargeants Village, Christ Church BB15098, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9117 | $0.84 | Coward, Elvis Anderson | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office Warrens, St. Michael |
6/18/14 | 10271 | $0.84 | Coward, Elvis Anderson | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office Warrens, St. Michael |
1/13/14 | 9545 | $75.76 | Floro-Forde, Jacqueline Michelle Sarah | #12 Prior Park Heights, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9138 | $0.74 | Goddard, Harriette | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office Warrens, St. Michael |
6/18/14 | 10291 | $0.74 | Goddard, Harriette | C/O FirstCaribbean Head Office Warrens, St. Michael |
1/13/14 | 10188 | $0.37 | Walcott, Andre Hugh Gordon | Porters, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11344 | $0.37 | Walcott, Andre Hugh Gordon | Porters, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9190 | $0.72 | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank – Barbados | Head Office Warrens, St. Michae,l Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10342 | $0.72 | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank – Barbados | Head Office Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9223 | $0.61 | Applewhaite, Andrea Deborah | 12 Cane Gardens, Gemswick, St. Philip, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9112 | $0.63 | Burrowes, Curtis Rodney | C/O FirstCaribbean International Bank Ops Centre Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10266 | $0.63 | Burrowes, Curtis Rodney | C/O FirstCaribbean International Bank Ops Centre Roebuck Street, Bridgetown, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10710 | $13.13 | Foster In Trust for Angela Jessamy, Clarissa E. | Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11329 | $138.08 | Turton, Sophia | # 116 Joypa Drive, Frere Pilgrim, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10865 | $26.25 | Hunte, Julius D. & Springer, Neville | #94 Apes Hill ,St. James Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10092 | $28.75 | Solomon, Oliver & Solomon, Erin | Annbarr, Navy Gardens, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11246 | $28.75 | Solomon, Oliver & Solomon, Erin | Annbarr, Navy Gardens, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9148 | $0.53 | Johnson, Jan | C/O FirstCaribbean Data Centre, Belleville, St. Michael |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 10301 | $0.53 | Johnson, Jan | C/O FirstCaribbean Data Centre, Belleville, St. Michael |
1/13/14 | 10152 | $26.25 | Thompson, Kim | Silver Sands, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11295 | $13.13 | Thomas, Norman O. | Union Road, St. Philip, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9942 | $74.76 | Noumeh, Nancy | #50 Appleby Gardens, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10124 | $2.63 | Taitt, Karen | Buckingham Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11279 | $2.63 | Taitt, Karen | Buckingham Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11199 | $148.74 | Scantlebury, Steve | Near The Castle, St. Peter, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10051 | $52.50 | Sealy, Juel A. | Hoyte’s Village, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11095 | $26.25 | Norville, Sheila E. | Fairfield Cross Rd., Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11376 | $26.25 | Whitehead, Eugenie O. & Whitehead, Patrick A. | Fairview Road, Christ Church |
6/18/14 | 10325 | $0.37 | Walrond, Anthony | 27 Bonnetts Britton Hill, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10657 | $204.52 | Elias, Gracie M. | 102 Woodbourne Park, St Philip, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11197 | $111.57 | Scantebury, Steve D. H. | Near The Castle, St. Peter, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10523 | $52.50 | Cadogan, Cosmo A. | Olive Lodge Road, Lower Holders Hill, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9297 | $13.13 | Blenman, Rose M. J. | 1st Avenue, South Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10210 | $77.52 | Weekes, Andrea B. | 23 Welches Terrace, St. Thomas, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11367 | $77.52 | Weekes, Andrea B. | 23 Welches Terrace, St. Thomas, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10629 | $525.00 | Defreitas, Zeela M. | PO Box 414, Bridgetown, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10473 | $196.88 | Branker, Lisle O. | No 8. Embassy Gardens, Two Mile Hill, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9517 | $37.17 | Emtage in Trust for Tristan Eric Tappin, Karen A. M. | “Three Arches” Nelson Road, Navy Gardens, St. Michael |
6/18/14 | 10346 | $1,630.13 | Abed Trustee for Sylvia and Anthony and Edward, Milly | Shoumill, Club Morgan Terrace, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10006 | $26.25 | Roach, Geoffrey C. | Morris Gap, Westbury Rd., St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11160 | $26.25 | Roach, Geoffrey C. | Morris Gap, Westbury Rd., St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10647 | $26.25 | Dumont, Michelle D. | 14 Valley Development, St. George G10, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9239 | $28.88 | Atwell, Marion | Lot #26, Durants, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9775 | $13.13 | Kennedy, Omar | #93 Gibbons Terrace, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10927 | $13.13 | Kennedy, Omar | #93 Gibbons Terrace, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9493 | $2.47 | Drakes, Frank | Reece Road, Cane Garden, St. Thomas, Barbados |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 10641 | $2.47 | Drakes, Frank | Reece Road, Cane Garden, St. Thomas, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9337 | $5.25 | Brathwaite, Randy | Foul Bay, St. Philip, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10485 | $5.25 | Brathwaite, Randy | Foul Bay St. Philip Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9114 | $37.88 | Chandler, Sharon Jo-Ann | C/O FirstCaribbean International Banking, Rendezvous, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9144 | $0.37 | Harris, Allison Loretta | Crab Hill, St. Lucy, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10297 | $0.37 | Harris, Allison Loretta | Crab Hill, St. Lucy, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11249 | $63.11 | Springer, Beverley Maureen | Thorpes, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11273 | $63.11 | Stuart, Richard Mcdonald | 259 Kingsland Terrace, Stage 2, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9647 | $37.88 | Harper, Caroline | Burma Road, Farm Road, St. Peter, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10798 | $37.88 | Harper, Caroline | Burma Road, Farm Road, St. Peter, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10747 | $26.25 | Goddard, Sir John Stanley, Estate | C/O Robert A. Carter #16 Durants Golf Course, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10299 | $37.88 | Hollingsworth, Sonia | #29 Belfield Land, Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10573 | $13.13 | Clements, Russell | Cadogan Road, Grazettes Terrace, St. Michael, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9624 | $13.13 | Griffith, Julian R. | #13 Bridgecot Terrace South, St. George, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10775 | $13.13 | Griffith, Julian R. | #13 Bridgecot Terrace South, St. George Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9772 | $13.13 | Kellman, Joseph C. | #5 Alamanda Drive, Durants Park, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11063 | $26.25 | Moseley, Hermon | #17 3rd Avenue, Wanstead Terrace, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9227 | $37.88 | Applewhaite, Pamela, Ms. | Trustee for Juline Cijaye Gabrielle Hall (Minor) East Coast Road, Belleplaine, St. Andrew, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10375 | $37.88 | Applewhaite, Pamela, Ms. | Trustee for Juline Cijaye Gabrielle Hall (Minor) East Coast Road, Belleplaine, St. Andrew, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11135 | $7.88 | Potvin, Sylvia | 55 Summerlea Road, Chelsea QC J9b 1W4 Canada |
1/13/14 | 9593 | $2.63 | Glasford-King, Donna | 29 3rd Avenue, Maxwell Terrace, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10744 | $2.63 | Glasford-King, Donna | 29 3rd Avenue, Maxwell Terrace, Christ Church, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10250 | $26.25 | Wooding, Karen | C/O Grantley Wooding 19a Chilean Wine Close, Fortescue Development, St. Philip BB18001, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11407 | $26.25 | Wooding, Karen | C/O Grantley Wooding 19a Chilean Wine Close, Fortescue Development, St. Philip BB18001, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11032 | $18.59 | Mayo, Robert | # 5 Lot 3, Rendezvous Ridge East ,Christ Church BB15110 |
1/13/14 | 9470 | $262.50 | Daniel, John N, Estate | Rendezvous Terrace, Christ Church, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10400 | $105.00 | Barker, Troy P. R. | #32 Prior Park Heights, #2 Prior Road, St. James, Barbados |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/13/14 | 9211 | $13.13 | Alleyne, Richard S. | Rock Dundo, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10524 | $52.50 | Cadogan, Nigel M. | Olive Lodge Road, Lower Holders Hill, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9233 | $3.81 | Arthur, Lindsay D. | 86 Waterhall Terrace, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10381 | $3.81 | Arthur, Lindsay D. | 86 Waterhall Terrace, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10125 | $0.50 | Taitt, Roosevelt Dacosta | “Maranatha” #53 Bagatelle Terrace, St. Thomas, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11280 | $0.50 | Taitt, Roosevelt Dacosta | “Maranatha” #53 Bagatelle Terrace, St. Thomas, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10630 | $7.14 | Derrell, Paul | 75 Husbands Gardens, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 10106 | $26.25 | Stewart, Hasani Akil, Mr. | #79 Dahlia Walk Oxnards, St. James, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 11260 | $26.25 | Stewart, Hasani Akil, Mr. | #79 Dahlia Walk Oxnards, St. James, Barbados |
1/13/14 | 9810 | $34.13 | Lavine, Beryl Doreen, Miss | “Doreenville” Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10962 | $34.13 | Lavine, Beryl Doreen, Miss | “Doreenville” Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados |
6/18/14 | 10521 | $37.88 | Bynoe, Adrian Anderson, Mr. | Phillips Land Lightfoot Lane, St. Michael, Barbados |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
P O B 304 Castr 1/13/14 | ies Saint Lucia 8740 | $40.37 | Rogers, Merlyn | Morne Road, PO Box 179 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9671 | $40.37 | Rogers, Merlyn | Morne Road, PO Box 179 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8197 | $0.40 | James, Mervin | C/O FCIB PO Box 335 Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9778 | $4.03 | Dickson, Rhondel & Dickson, Rhonda | Calliaqua PO Box 2456 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8700 | $40.37 | Louis, Phillip A. | Pierrot Vieux Fort PO Box 1470 Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9631 | $40.37 | Louis, Phillip A. | Pierrot Vieux Fort PO Box 1470 Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8404 | $21.47 | Miller, Verlin | Matthews Road, All Saints, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8677 | $52.48 | Kydd, Anesta P. | Pointsetta Road Black Bay, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9607 | $52.48 | Kydd, Anesta P. | Pointsetta Road Black Bay, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8439 | $0.56 | Roberts, Christine Naomi | Old Road Village, St. Mary’s Parish, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9371 | $0.56 | Roberts, Christine Naomi | Old Road Village, St. Mary’s Parish, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8973 | $40.37 | Scott, Elsa M. | C/O Reliance Stationery PO Box 174 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9904 | $40.37 | Scott, Elsa M. | C/O Reliance Stationery PO Box 174 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/13/14 | 8396 | $20.18 | Matthias, James E. & Matthias, Gertrude Sr | St George’s Street, St. John’s ,Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8349 | $40.37 | Hughes, Caiaphas A. | Church Lane, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9281 | $40.37 | Hughes, Caiaphas A. | Church Lane, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8775 | $682.31 | Walcotts Construction Company Ltd | PO Box 304 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8639 | $20.18 | George Trustee for Cleavy George, Venus | Morne Do Don, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9570 | $20.18 | George Trustee for Cleavy George, Venus | Morne Do Don, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8640 | $20.18 | George Trustee for Curtis George, Venus | Morne Du Don, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9571 | $20.18 | George Trustee for Curtis George, Venus | Morne Du Don, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9709 | $40.37 | Weekes, Keith H. L. & Weekes, Agnes J. | Cap Estate PO Box 307 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8422 | $20.18 | Piggott, Merna Agatha | Trustee for Iralyn Cochrane Urlings Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9354 | $20.18 | Piggott, Merna Agatha | Trustee for Iralyn Cochrane Urlings Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8361 | $20.18 | Jarvis Trustee for Michael Mills, Denise A. | St. Johnsons Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9293 | $20.18 | Jarvis Trustee for Michael Mills, Denise A. | St. Johnsons Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8261 | $20.18 | Benjamin, Wilfred I. | Central Street Villa Area, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9193 | $20.18 | Benjamin, Wilfred I. | Central Street Villa Area, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8618 | $20.18 | Etienne, Alva D. & Etienne, Malicia J. | Augier Post Office Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8651 | $20.18 | Herman, Henrietta | PO Box 617 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9582 | $20.18 | Herman, Henrietta | PO Box 617 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9499 | $40.37 | Alexander, Charles | PO Box 1794 Bagatelle Marchand Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8371 | $40.37 | Joseph, Lydia Ketura E. & Joseph, Alfred William & Joseph, Victor Lemuel | Liberta Village St. Paul’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 9303 | $40.37 | Joseph, Lydia Ketura E. & Joseph, Alfred William & Joseph, Victor Lemuel | Liberta Village St. Paul’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9630 | $80.74 | Louis, Natalie | PO Box 710 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8681 | $20.18 | La Force, Hilary B. | Morne Du Don Road C/O PO Box 368 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9611 | $20.18 | La Force, Hilary B. | Morne Du Don Road C/O PO Box 368 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8305 | $20.18 | Estate of Glasford Edwards | Freemans Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9237 | $20.18 | Estate of Glasford Edwards | Freemans Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8725 | $60.56 | Tobias, Silka, Mrs. | PO Box 921 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9656 | $60.56 | Tobias, Silka, Mrs. | PO Box 921 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8760 | $40.37 | Tobias, Francis | PO Box 921 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8825 | $97.21 | Cummings, Ercelle F. | PO Box 634 New Montrose, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9757 | $97.21 | Cummings, Ercelle F. | PO Box 634 New Montrose, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9505 | $57.16 | Bartlett, Michael & Bartlett, Edna | PO Box 835 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8721 | $121.12 | Norville in Trust for Gemyma Norville, Irvine | Capestate, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9652 | $121.12 | Norville in Trust for Gemyma Norville, Irvine | Capestate, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9531 | $20.18 | Compton in Trust for Courtenay Kwane Irvien, Bertha | C/O PO Box 115 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8468 | $28.26 | Sweeney Trustee for Icelyn Sweeney, Walter C. | PO Box 1691 Upper Gambles, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8470 | $28.26 | Sweeney Trustee for Paula Nurse, Walter C. | PO Box 1691 Upper Gambles, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8263 | $20.18 | Bird, Vernon E. | PO Box 2765 Glanvilles, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9195 | $20.18 | Bird, Vernon E. | PO Box 2765 Glanvilles, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8824 | $40.37 | Crosby, Diane Y. | Cane-Garden PO Box 260 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9756 | $40.37 | Crosby, Diane Y. | Cane-Garden PO Box 260 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8501 | $3.22 | Solomon, Gerard-Jude | PO Box 2139 Roseau, Dominica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 9433 | $3.22 | Solomon, Gerard-Jude | PO Box 2139 Roseau, Dominica |
1/13/14 | 8359 | $40.37 | James, Ruffo & James, Germine | #2 Orchard Close, Paradise View, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9291 | $40.37 | James, Ruffo & James, Germine | #2 Orchard Close, Paradise View, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9610 | $40.37 | La Force, Curtis | C/O Majorie La Force, CIBC Caribbean Ltd., Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8678 | $40.37 | La Force, Kareem & La Force, Monica | Morne Du Don Road, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9608 | $40.37 | La Force, Kareem & La Force, Monica | Morne Du Don Road, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8241 | $20.18 | Albert, Maurice & Albert, Olive M. | PO Box W 1893 Hodger’s Bay St. John’s Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9173 | $20.18 | Albert, Maurice & Albert, Olive M. | PO Box W 1893 Hodger’s Bay St. John’s Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8567 | $3.02 | Alcindor, Christopher | 27 Church Street, Soufriere, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9498 | $3.02 | Alcindor, Christopher | 27 Church Street, Soufriere, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8555 | $42.63 | Richards, Rawle Jeremiah | Ramsbury Site, Charlestown, Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis |
6/18/14 | 9486 | $42.63 | Richards, Rawle Jeremiah | Ramsbury Site, Charlestown, Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis |
1/13/14 | 8861 | $4.03 | Fraser, Therease & Fraser, Franklyn | Arnos Vale PO Box 103 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9793 | $4.03 | Fraser, Therease & Fraser, Franklyn | Arnos Vale PO Box 103 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8852 | $4.07 | Edwards, Sonika | Marisa Edwards PO Box 2183 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9784 | $4.07 | Edwards, Sonika | Marisa Edwards PO Box 2183 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8954 | $8.11 | Quammie, Nehusta | Prospect PO Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9885 | $8.11 | Quammie, Nehusta | Prospect PO Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8783 | $60.56 | Adams, Irma | PO Box 281 Cedar Hill, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9714 | $60.56 | Adams, Irma | PO Box 281 Cedar Hill, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8948 | $65.40 | Paynter, Richard & Paynter, Daphne | PO Box 281 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9891 | $34.31 | Rodney, Marva W. & Roberts, Silma | Rose Hall, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 9534 | $28.58 | Daher, Margaret E. & Clavier, Lucille M | Vigie, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9015 | $58.25 | Connor, Rodford Icalmn Warrington | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc The Valley, Anguilla |
1/13/14 | 8840 | $58.25 | De Roche, Yolande Felicia | PO Box 861 Dorsetshire Hill, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9772 | $58.25 | De Roche, Yolande Felicia | PO Box 861 Dorsetshire Hill, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8906 | $2,826.15 | Kingstown Cooperative Credit Union Ltd | PO Box 1533 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8889 | $11.46 | Hoyte, Desmarien | Villa Flat PO Box 1242 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9821 | $11.46 | Hoyte, Desmarien | Villa Flat PO Box 1242 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8858 | $111.67 | France, Robert | PO Box 712 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8975 | $426.46 | Smart, Aubrey | PO Box 339 Cane Garden, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9906 | $426.46 | Smart, Aubrey | PO Box 339 Cane Garden, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8576 | $33.63 | Beaubrun, Karen Michelle Francis | The Morne, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8751 | $114.37 | St.Clair-Daniel, Wilfred | PO Box 162 Castries Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9682 | $114.37 | St.Clair-Daniel, Wilfred | PO Box 162 Castries Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9927 | $20.18 | Tyrell, Carlita | Arnos Vale PO Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8259 | $20.18 | Benjamin, Louise | C/O PO Box 1306 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9191 | $20.18 | Benjamin, Louise | C/O PO Box 1306 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9788 | $20.18 | Ferdinand, Hannah | PO Box 1464 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8544 | $14,036.88 | Life Of Barbados Limited | PO Box 1485 Nevis Street, St. John’s Antigua Saint Kitts and Nevis |
1/13/14 | 8303 | $40.37 | Edwards, Yvonne & Edwards, Eunice | PO Box 1234 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8330 | $20.18 | Greene, Edwardson S. | Marble Hill, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8419 | $40.37 | Peterson, D. Khieva | PO Box 1662 St. John’s W.I. Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9351 | $40.37 | Peterson, D. Khieva | PO Box 1662 St. John’s W.I. Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9394 | $102.95 | Spencer, Sylvia I. | C/O Gladston Joseph CIBC Caribbean Limited PO Box 28 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/13/14 | 8496 | $20.18 | Zreibe, George & Zreibe, Nawal | Sutherlands, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9250 | $121.12 | Francis, Kevin J. L. | All Saints Road, PO Box 364 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8972 | $30.28 | Sayers, Cheryl | Carapan Stubbs PO, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/23/14 | 1313 | $20.18 | John-Baynes, Kezi N. | Dorsetshire Hill PO Box 494 & The Grenadi Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9206 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Dishaun Thomas, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9208 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Kia-Nicole Richards, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9213 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Shayne Richards, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9204 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Cecelia Charles, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8679 | $100.93 | La Corbiniere, Victor P. | PO Box 128 48 Mary Ann Street, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9609 | $100.93 | La Corbiniere, Victor P. | PO Box 128 48 Mary Ann Street, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8986 | $20.18 | Taylor, Sylvester | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9917 | $20.18 | Taylor, Sylvester | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8985 | $20.18 | Taylor, Neita R. | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9916 | $20.18 | Taylor, Neita R. | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8626 | $28.26 | Felix, Anthony | Sans Soucis, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9557 | $28.26 | Felix, Anthony | Sans Soucis, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9576 | $20.18 | Griffith, Cynthia D. | PO Box 8378 Choc Estate, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8629 | $121.12 | Flecther, James L. | 47 Saddleback Cap Estate, PO Box 291 Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8749 | $20.18 | St Clair-Canaii, John R. | Box 548 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9680 | $20.18 | St Clair-Canaii, John R. | Box 548 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8894 | $1,029.52 | J. B. H. Investments Ltd | PO Box 528 & The Grenadines Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9826 | $1,029.52 | J. B. H. Investments Ltd | PO Box 528 & The Grenadines Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9828 | $80.74 | Jack, Julian C. | Arnos Vale PO Box 1527 & Grenadines Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9758 | $201.86 | Cummings, Robert A. & Cummings, Jacqueline J. | PO Box 401 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/13/14 | 9012 | $100.93 | Young, Kenneth A. | New Montrose PO Box 712 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9273 | $98.91 | Henry, Cedric A. | PO Box 66 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8323 | $57.16 | Francis Trustee for Kalomo Shaka Francis, Ena O. | 49 St. Marys Street, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9255 | $57.16 | Francis Trustee for Kalomo Shaka Francis, Ena O. | 49 St. Marys Street, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8320 | $57.16 | Francis Trustee for Adama Francis, Ena O. | 49 St Marys Street, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9252 | $57.16 | Francis Trustee for Adama Francis, Ena O. | 49 St Marys Street, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8322 | $57.16 | Francis Trustee for Jamila Francis, Ena O. | 49 St. Marys Street, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9254 | $57.16 | Francis Trustee for Jamila Francis, Ena O. | 49 St. Marys Street, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9256 | $57.16 | Francis (Trustee for Malaika Francis), Ena O. | 49 St. Mary’s Street, St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8890 | $36.98 | Hoyte, Desmarien J. | Villa Flat PO Box 1242 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9822 | $36.98 | Hoyte, Desmarien J. | Villa Flat PO Box 1242 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8417 | $20.18 | Otto, Pamela O. & Archibald, Luanne | Freemansville, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9349 | $20.18 | Otto, Pamela O. & Archibald, Luanne | Freemansville, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8248 | $40.37 | Armstrong, Arah E. | PO Box 2818 Bishop Gate, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9180 | $40.37 | Armstrong, Arah E. | PO Box 2818 Bishop Gate, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9780 | $80.74 | Dougan, Norma E. & Dougan, Carlyle D. | Ribishi PO Box 881 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8383 | $48.77 | Lake Trustee for Dana Lake, Lorieta L. | 15 Regenald Steven Blv Villa Area, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9315 | $48.77 | Lake Trustee for Dana Lake, Lorieta L. | 15 Regenald Steven Blv Villa Area, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8186 | $77.67 | Baptiste, Andrew | C/O FirstCaribbean William Peter Blvd Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8790 | $85.79 | Ambrose, Paul B. | Prospect PO Box 1274 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
DIVIDENDS – XCD | ||||||
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address | ||
6/18/14 | 9721 | $85.79 | Ambrose, Paul B. | Prospect PO Box 1274 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | ||
6/18/14 | 9406 | $80.74 | Thomas, Crispin | Upper Fort Road, PO Box 960, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
1/13/14 | 8809 | $40.37 | Burke, Clyde S. | PO Box 960 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | ||
6/18/14 | 9741 | $40.37 | Burke, Clyde S. | PO Box 960 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | ||
1/13/14 | 8722 | $201.86 | Norville In Trust for Wilberforce Norville, Irvin | Capestate, Castries, Saint Lucia | ||
6/18/14 | 9653 | $201.86 | Norville In Trust for Wilberforce Norville, Irvin | Capestate, Castries, Saint Lucia | ||
1/13/14 | 8763 | $201.86 | Tobias Trustee for Chima and Chidi Tobias, Edgitha | Castries, Saint Lucia | ||
1/13/14 | 8484 | $40.37 | Walker, Williamson L. | PO Box 1203 Lightfoot, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
1/13/14 | 8469 | $28.26 | Sweeney Trustee for John Sweeney, Walter C. | PO Box 1691 Upper Gambles, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
6/18/14 | 9238 | $1,130.46 | Estate of Omyma Hadeed | PO Box 665, St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
1/13/14 | 8258 | $201.86 | Benjamin, Leon Reuben & Benjamin, Ivy-Jean | Radio Range PO Box 1384, S.t John’s, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
6/18/14 | 9190 | $201.86 | Benjamin, Leon Reuben & Benjamin, Ivy-Jean | Radio Range PO Box 1384, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
1/13/14 | 8714 | $32.29 | Moise, Lee | 50 Marie Therese Street, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia | ||
6/18/14 | 9645 | $32.29 | Moise, Lee | 50 Marie Therese Street, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia | ||
6/18/14 | 9234 | $40.37 | Edwards, Vonrick M. | Old Parham Road PO Box 1430 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
1/13/14 | 8382 | $97.05 | Lake, Belinda H, Ms. | Vernous Developement St. Peters, Antigua and Barbuda | ||
6/18/14 | 9511 | $80.74 | Blanchard, Morrison P. | PO Box 013 Marchand, Saint Lucia | ||
1/13/14 | 8667 | $40.37 | Jn.marie, Everistus | PO Box 527 Castries, Saint Lucia | ||
6/18/14 | 9692 | $6.74 | Tobias, Kervyn | PO Box 921 Castries, Saint Lucia | ||
1/13/14 | 8758 | $8.07 | Tobias, Edgitha | Reduit Orchard, Castries, Saint Lucia | ||
6/18/14 | 9689 | $8.07 | Tobias, Edgitha | Reduit Orchard, Castries, Saint Lucia | ||
1/13/14 | 8953 | $33.63 | Quamina, Benson | Arnos Vale PO Box 961, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | ||
6/18/14 | 9884 | $33.63 | Quamina, Benson | Arnos Vale PO Box 961, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | ||
6/18/14 | 9728 | $20.18 | Barbour, June P. & Barbour, Yolande | PO Box 1096 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | ||
1/13/14 | 8947 | $80.74 | Paynter, Cuthbert | PO Box 281 Cedar Hill Villa, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 9878 | $80.74 | Paynter, Cuthbert | PO Box 281 Cedar Hill Villa, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8354 | $20.18 | J. Prempeh & S. Morris in Trust for Job Prempeh | PO Box 2423 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9286 | $20.18 | J. Prempeh & S. Morris in Trust for Job Prempeh | PO Box 2423 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8463 | $20.18 | Stephanie Morris in Trust for Ade Sholah Williams | PO Box 2423 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9395 | $20.18 | Stephanie Morris in Trust for Ade Sholah Williams | PO Box 2423 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8138 | $0.92 | Tuitt, Lucinda Alison | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Local Processing Centre St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8153 | $97.05 | Winston, Ashma Alex | C/O FirstCaribbean Old Street Roseau, Dominica |
6/18/14 | 9168 | $97.05 | Browne, Anthony Augustine, Mr. | 154 Central Avenue Beeston Nottingham NG9 2QU United Kingdom |
6/18/14 | 9091 | $97.05 | Charles-Noel, Rosemary Ingrid | PO Box 968 St. Mary’s Rd., St. Andrew’s, Grenada |
1/13/14 | 8129 | $0.56 | Roach, Michael | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Old Parnham Road St. John’s ,Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9063 | $0.56 | Roach, Michael | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Old Parnham Road St. John’s ,Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9864 | $77.35 | Morris, Jennifer A. | PO Box 1084 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8935 | $8.07 | Morris, Myrna | Church Street Georgetown PO Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9866 | $8.07 | Morris, Myrna | Church Street Georgetown PO Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9830 | $28.26 | Jacobs, Leslie & Jacobs, Kareem | C/O National Ins Scheme PO Box 305 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 9011 | $121.12 | Young, Kenneth A. & Young, Kimberley I. M. | PO Box 787 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 9010 | $141.30 | Young, Kenneth | PO Box 787 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9789 | $355.36 | Ferris, Oscar & Ferris, Norbert | Dasent Cottage, Old Montrose, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8602 | $8.07 | Daher, John & Haynes, Michelle | # 1 Commercial Street, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 9532 | $8.07 | Daher, John & Haynes, Michelle | # 1 Commercial Street, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8535 | $145.34 | Halliday, Marlington | Market Shop, Gingerland, Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis |
1/13/14 | 8304 | $40.37 | Edwards, Yvonne & Edwards, Eunice & Edwards, Valerie | Five Islands Estates, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8844 | $6.33 | Diamond, Gail | Cane End, Mesopotamia PO Charlotte, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9776 | $6.33 | Diamond, Gail | Cane End, Mesopotamia PO Charlotte, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8596 | $13.72 | Cherry, Roderick | C/O Cable & Wireless PO Box 111 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9526 | $13.72 | Cherry, Roderick | C/O Cable & Wireless PO Box 111 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9541 | $202.47 | Lewis, Vaughan A., Dr. | PO Box 610 5 High Street, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8656 | $28.58 | Inglis, Cynthia, Miss | 123 Reduit Park, Rodney Bay, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8661 | $62.90 | James, Paula Valerie, Miss | C/O Ecfh Global Investments Solutions Ltd. Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9553 | $28.58 | Evelyn, Jonathan Edward Demetruis, Mr. | Ivy Lane, Carellie Gardens, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9615 | $20.18 | Lansiquot, Ian | PO Box 236 Soufriere Post Office, Soufriere, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9391 | $40.37 | Southwell, Patrick C. in Trust for Alina and Roderic Tomilinsons | St. Mary Street, St, John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8420 | $40.37 | Peterson Trustee for Kerry R. Peterson, Reginald N. | PO Box 1662 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9352 | $40.37 | Peterson Trustee for Kerry R. Peterson, Reginald N. | PO Box 1662 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8350 | $201.86 | Hunte, Sandra F. & Roberts, Viola | Villa Area St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9282 | $201.86 | Hunte, Sandra F. & Roberts, Viola | Villa Area St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9324 | $40.37 | Martin, Keva C. D. & Martin, Maria V. | Willikies Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8849 | $80.74 | Durrant, Kendall S. | PO Box 993 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 9781 | $80.74 | Durrant, Kendall S | PO Box 993 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8409 | $20.18 | Nanton, Jeneta & Nanton, Kendra | Willikies Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9341 | $20.18 | Nanton, Jeneta & Nanton, Kendra | Willikies Village, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9210 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Lauren Charles, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9205 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Daevina Charles, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9211 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Nadia Thomas, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9209 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Kristin Thomas, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9207 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Justine Charles, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9212 | $20.18 | Charles in Trust for Prince Bleau, Cecil | PO Box 1236 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8590 | $20.18 | Carrington, Sean | 35 Mary Ann Street, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9520 | $20.18 | Carrington, Sean | 35 Mary Ann Street, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8757 | $36.33 | Thomas, Anne M. | Lapansee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9688 | $36.33 | Thomas, Anne M. | Lapansee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8569 | $28.26 | Alexander, Fidelis | Americ PO Americ PO, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8566 | $28.26 | Albert, Virginia | Fond Assau PO Fond Assau PO, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9892 | $20.18 | Rose, Leroy S, Estate | PO Box 341 Arnos Vale W.I. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8981 | $28.58 | Taylor, Angela E. | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9912 | $28.58 | Taylor, Angela E. | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8984 | $142.96 | Taylor in Trust for Gilbert and Deanna Taylor, Neita | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9915 | $142.96 | Taylor in Trust for Gilbert and Deanna Taylor, Neita | PO Box 56 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8774 | $84.78 | Walcott, Tyronne | C/O Thomas Walcott PO Box 333 Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9705 | $84.78 | Walcott, Tyronne | C/O Thomas Walcott PO Box 333 Castries, Saint Lucia |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/13/14 | 8631 | $20.18 | Frederick, Bevan | Sunny Acres, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9562 | $20.18 | Frederick, Bevan | Sunny Acres, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9662 | $20.18 | Prospere, Elma K. | C/O PO Box 861 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8369 | $20.18 | Joseph, Howard S. | Scatons Road, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 9009 | $40.37 | Young, Ada M. | PO Box 787 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8955 | $20.18 | Regisford in Trust Oneil David Regisford, Anthony M | PO Box 43 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9886 | $20.18 | Regisford in Trust Oneil David Regisford, Anthony M. | PO Box 43 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9223 | $40.37 | Davis, Lorna D. | All Saints, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9390 | $40.37 | Southwell, Imelda E. | Upper Gambles, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9220 | $20.18 | Cranston in Trust For Brett and Britney, Pauline | 5343 Harpers Farm Rd #4 Columbia, Maryland 21044 United States of America |
6/18/14 | 9387 | $26.24 | Skerritt, Raye L & Skerritt, Vaughn E. | PO Box 1175 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9318 | $807.47 | Mannix Labadie, Heather G. | Crosbies North Street, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9693 | $114.37 | Tobias, Kervyn & Tobias, Edgitha | PO Box 921 Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8360 | $141.30 | Jarvis, Elmeade A. | PO Box 422 St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9292 | $141.30 | Jarvis, Elmeade A. | PO Box 422 St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8222 | $58.25 | Kajim, Fareeda | C/O FirstCaribbean Ex CIBC Halifax Street, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9155 | $58.25 | Kajim, Fareeda | C/O FirstCaribbean Ex CIBC Halifax Street, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8211 | $58.25 | Antrobus, Dennis | C/O FirstCaribbean Halifax Street, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9144 | $58.25 | Antrobus, Dennis | C/O FirstCaribbean Halifax Street, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1/13/14 | 8957 | $57.16 | Richards, Philbert M. | Diamond Village Prospect Post Office, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9888 | $57.16 | Richards, Philbert M. | Diamond Village Prospect Post Office, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/18/14 | 9257 | $20.18 | George, Francis S. | Beale View Heights, All Saints Road, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8410 | $40.37 | Nibbs, Junia G. | Factory Road, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
6/18/14 | 9427 | $528.20 | Zachariah, Reuben Emanuel | Old Parham Road, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
1/13/14 | 8641 | $20.18 | George Trustee for Jacqueline George, Venus | Morne Du Don, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9572 | $20.18 | George Trustee For Jacqueline George, Venus | Morne Du Don, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8737 | $40.37 | Robert, Williamson | Bexon Post Office, Castries, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9668 | $40.37 | Robert, Williamson | Bexon Post Office, Castries, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8747 | $2.09 | Skinner, Simone | Rodney Bay Post Office, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia |
6/18/14 | 9678 | $2.09 | Skinner, Simone | Rodney Bay Post Office, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia |
1/13/14 | 8904 | $121.12 | Keizer, Norma, Mrs. | Cyrus Street New Montrose, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9836 | $121.12 | Keizer, Norma, Mrs. | Cyrus Street New Montrose, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9745 | $121.12 | Carr, Lorna Veronica & Carr, Lennox Irving | Cane Hall PO Box 512 Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
6/18/14 | 9469 | $58.25 | Hunkins, Lorna & Hector, Saundra | PO Box 196 Charlestown, Saint Kitts and Nevis |
6/18/14 | 9466 | $12.51 | Govia, Francis & Matthew, Trizell A. T. | Catholic Street, Molineaux, Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 21859 | $7.39 | 1, Shane Hadeed A/C | 101 Orchid Avenue, Victoria Gardens, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23086 | $7.39 | 1, Shane Hadeed A/C | 101 Orchid Avenue, Victoria Gardens, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21860 | $9.83 | Abasali, Shawn | #108 Eleventh Street, Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23087 | $9.83 | Abasali, Shawn | #108 Eleventh Street, Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23092 | $0.16 | Ackbar-Ali, Afraaz | 131 Caroni Savannah Road, Charlieville, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 21254 | $1.47 | Aitken, Angella | Apt. #7, Crotona Mews 1 Crotona Terrace, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19582 | $35.56 | Albury, Alice P. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Marsh Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21238 | $13.13 | Alexander, Sydney George Oliver & Alexander, Irene M. | 382 Lincoln Road Ponders End Enfield EN3 4AB Middlesex England United Kingdom |
6/17/14 | 20102 | $13.13 | Alexander, Sydney George Oliver & Alexander, Irene M. | 382 Lincoln Road Ponders End Enfield EN3 4AB Middlesex England United Kingdom |
6/17/14 | 23110 | $2.95 | Alexis, Cheryl | 172 Mahogany Boulevard, Homeland Gardens, Cunupia, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21886 | $45.77 | Alexis, Theron & Murray-Solomon, Susan | PO Box 1161 General Post Office, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23115 | $14.79 | Ali, Feroza & Ali, Isaiah | 250 Cumuto Road, Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21890 | $14.79 | Ali, Jinnah | 18 Realspring Avenue, Realspring Gardens, Valsayn South, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23116 | $14.79 | Ali, Jinnah | 18 Realspring Avenue, Realspring Gardens, Valsayn South, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22797 | $14.79 | Ali, Soloman & Shaheeda, Ali & Zobeeda, Ali Samantha | 905 Cardinal Road Fairview Oklahoma 73737, USA |
6/17/14 | 24007 | $14.79 | Ali, Soloman & Shaheeda, Ali & Zobeeda, Ali Samantha | 905 Cardinal Road Fairview Oklahoma 73737, USA |
1/2/14 | 22798 | $131.30 | Ali, Tazimudin & Ali, Aneesa | 11535 116th Street, Ozone Park, New York 11420, USA |
1/2/14 | 21897 | $39.65 | Amow, Karena & Hosein, Kim | 92 A Windsor Road, Goodwood Park, Carenage, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21261 | $7.98 | Anderson, Karl C. | 52 Woodmere Avenue, Maypen Clarendon, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21902 | $0.28 | Antoine, Ayodele | 843 Jade Drive, Edinburgh 500, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23128 | $0.28 | Antoine, Ayodele | 843 Jade Drive, Edinburgh 500, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21904 | $14.79 | Archer, Anthony | 16 Arnold Bates Circular Road, Santa Margarita, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22799 | $14.79 | Aurelius, Peter | 101-52 124 Street, Jamaica New York 11419, USA |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 24009 | $14.79 | Aurelius, Peter | 101-52 124 Street, Jamaica New York 11419, USA |
1/2/14 | 21912 | $10.35 | Ayoung, Ronald | PO Box 6279 Upper Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23138 | $10.35 | Ayoung, Ronald | PO Box 6279 Upper Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21266 | $29.59 | Azan, Maurice Michael & Azan, Meekun | Glenmuir Road, May Pen PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20129 | $29.59 | Azan, Maurice Michael & Azan, Meekun | Glenmuir Road, May Pen PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21916 | $2.21 | Babwah, Loris | 28 Kingsley Street, Princes Town, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21917 | $1.62 | Babwah, Margaret | 28 Kingsley Street, Princess Town, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 20130 | $14.79 | Bailey, Audrey | 5 Balmoral Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21925 | $1.86 | Bailey, Ian | # 8 Driftwood Drive, Sam Boucaud, Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23151 | $1.86 | Bailey, Ian | # 8 Driftwood Drive, Sam Boucaud, Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21926 | $0.36 | Bailey, Jennifer | 22 Fort George Road, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23152 | $0.36 | Bailey, Jennifer | 22 Fort George Road, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21268 | $3.93 | Bailey, Orville S. & Bailey, Sophia | 1a Fourth Avenue, Kingston 3, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20131 | $3.93 | Bailey, Orville S. & Bailey, Sophia | 1a Fourth Avenue, Kingston 3, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20530 | $35.56 | Bain, Mary S. | PO Box Cr-56878 Nassau Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19588 | $35.56 | Bain, Mary S. | PO Box Cr-56878 Nassau Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20532 | $21.34 | Baker-Hanna, Kim | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Freeport, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19590 | $21.34 | Baker-Hanna, Kim | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Freeport, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21928 | $7.39 | Baksh, Ajaz & Baksh, Annette | C/O Electro Diesel, 40 Gooding Village, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23154 | $7.39 | Baksh, Ajaz & Baksh, Annette | C/O Electro Diesel, 40 Gooding Village, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21929 | $14.79 | Balram, Liza | Rapsey Street, Curepe, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21932 | $0.44 | Baptiste, Gillian | #50 Pelican Drive, Phillipine, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23159 | $0.44 | Baptiste, Gillian | #50 Pelican Drive, Phillipine, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
DIVIDENDS – USD | ||||||
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address | ||
1/2/14 | 20533 | $35.56 | Bartlett, Bridgette | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank BBC, Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 19591 | $35.56 | Bartlett, Bridgette | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank BBC Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 21092 | $1.42 | Basden, Keith W.A. | 09716 Marsh Harbour Abaco Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 19954 | $1.42 | Basden, Keith W.A. | 09716 Marsh Harbour Abaco, Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 20534 | $28.46 | Basden, Winston K. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Scs, Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 19592 | $28.46 | Basden, Winston K. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Scs, Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 21853 | $28.46 | Been, Curley B, Ms. | Longbay Hills, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands | ||
1/2/14 | 22858 | $21.34 | Benjamin, Jamielyn | PO Box 1169 Valley Virgin Gorda VG1150 Virgin Islands (British) | ||
6/17/14 | 20143 | $13.13 | Bennett, Noel L. | C/O Exec. Linford Howard Facey 10th Floor, The Towers 25 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 23167 | $2.95 | Bereaux, Andrew | 19 Stewart Street, Cocoyea Village, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 20535 | $35.56 | Bethel, Ashley F. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank H. Bay, Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 19593 | $35.56 | Bethel, Ashley F. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank H. Bay, Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 20536 | $21.34 | Bethel, Olivia | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank () Ltd Marsh Harbour Retail, Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 19594 | $21.34 | Bethel, Olivia | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank () Ltd Marsh Harbour Retail, Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 20537 | $35.56 | Bethel, Paul | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Tecis, Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 20539 | $21.34 | Bethel-Haye, Tabitha | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Oper, Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 19599 | $21.34 | Bethel-Haye, Tabitha | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Oper, Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 21281 | $7.39 | Betty, Osmond Alexander | 24 Denver Crescent, Kingston 20, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 20144 | $7.39 | Betty, Osmond Alexander | 24 Denver Crescent, Kingston 20, Jamaica | ||
1/2/14 | 21948 | $73.97 | Bhagwandeen, Sushilla L. | #54 Southern Main Road, Chase Village, Carapichaima, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23174 | $73.97 | Bhagwandeen, Sushilla L. | #54 Southern Main Road, Chase Village, Carapichaima, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21950 | $0.88 | Bickram, Charles | #13 Mon Repos Street, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23176 | $0.88 | Bickram, Charles | #13 Mon Repos Street, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21957 | $1.84 | Bissessar, Gail | 206 Union Road, Marabella, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23183 | $1.84 | Bissessar, Gail | 206 Union Road, Marabella, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21288 | $5.25 | Blackwood, Herbert St. George & Stewart, Esmie | 1 Rosewell Terrace, Kingston 8, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 20151 | $5.25 | Blackwood, Herbert St. George & Stewart, Esmie | 1 Rosewell Terrace, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
DIVIDENDS – USD | ||||||
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address | ||
1/2/14 | 21289 | $2.60 | Blair, Monica & Campbell, Monique A. | 4 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 20152 | $2.60 | Blair, Monica & Campbell, Monique A. | 4 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica | ||
1/2/14 | 21290 | $1.61 | Blake, Heather Dawn | CIBC Ltd 1 King Street PO Box 43 Kingstown, Jamaica | ||
1/2/14 | 21291 | $2.47 | Blake-Brown, Heatherdawn | Software Services – System Integration 23 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 20153 | $2.47 | Blake-Brown, Heatherdawn | 23 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, Jamaica | ||
1/2/14 | 21173 | $7.39 | Bodden, Dyan Robin | C/O Gun Bay PO Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands | ||
1/2/14 | 20541 | $0.14 | Bodie, Deidre Deanne | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ips, Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 19600 | $0.14 | Bodie, Deidre Deanne | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ips, Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 21966 | $0.23 | Boisselle, Therese Anne | #72 Orchid Drive, Edinburgh Gardens, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23192 | $0.23 | Boisselle, Therese Anne | #72 Orchid Drive, Edinburgh Gardens, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21967 | $0.34 | Boland, Vincent | 2b Sapphire Crescent, Diamond Vale, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23193 | $0.34 | Boland, Vincent | 2b Sapphire Crescent, Diamond Vale, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 19601 | $49.80 | Bonamy, Steve | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Obu, Bahamas | ||
6/17/14 | 23194 | $1.47 | Boodoo, Kaisha E. | #70 Muskit Drive, La Romaine, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21969 | $147.95 | Boodoo, Royston P | PO Box 5315 San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21970 | $103.56 | Boodoo, Royston P. | PO Box 5315 San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23196 | $103.56 | Boodoo, Royston P. | PO Box 5315 San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21971 | $44.38 | Boodoo, Russell S.N. | 70 Muskit Circular Drive, La Romaine, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23201 | $1.47 | Boos, Robert James | C/O Y De Lima & Company #83 Queen Street, Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 22803 | $7.39 | Boothe, Grahame | 8761 NW 17 Court, Pembroke Pines FL 33024, USA | ||
6/17/14 | 24012 | $7.39 | Boothe, Grahame | 8761 NW 17 Court, Pembroke Pines FL 33024, USA | ||
1/2/14 | 21297 | $21.34 | Bowen, Roxan S. | Stanmore Heights Red Hills, PO St. Andrew, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 19604 | $28.46 | Bowleg, Mario | #45 Palm Breeze Road Nassau PO Box N-8820 Bahamas | ||
1/2/14 | 21982 | $0.88 | Bridgewater, Shirley | Lot #12 Upper Pentecostal Street, Springer Lane, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23209 | $0.88 | Bridgewater, Shirley | Lot #12 Upper Pentecostal Street, Springer Lane, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 20167 | $4.09 | Brown, Allanso | Lot 154 Rhymesbury, Osbourne Store PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20166 | $11.83 | Brown, Allanso | Lot 154 Rhymesbury, Osbourne Store PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21177 | $8.46 | Brown, Andrea & Brown, Lorenzo & Brown, Leonce | PO Box 1598 Gt Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 20040 | $8.46 | Brown, Andrea & Brown, Lorenzo & Brown, Leonce | PO Box 1598 Gt Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 21307 | $2.60 | Brown, Leon F. | PO Box 159 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21308 | $10.47 | Brown, Leon Ferdinand | PO Box 159 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21310 | $1.96 | Brown, Lorence & Brown, Audrey | PO Box 2928 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20172 | $1.96 | Brown, Lorence & Brown, Audrey | PO Box 2928 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21240 | $1.96 | Brown, Merlene | Flankers, #1 Post Office Montego Bay St. James, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21239 | $2.36 | Brown, Merlene | Flankers, #1 Post Office Montego Bay St. James, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20104 | $1.96 | Brown, Merlene | Flankers, #1 Post Office Montego Bay St. James, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20103 | $2.36 | Brown, Merlene | Flankers, #1 Post Office Montego Bay St. James, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21311 | $0.04 | Brown, Ricknel | 8 Williams Avenue, May Pen PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20173 | $0.04 | Brown, Ricknel | 8 Williams Avenue, May Pen PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20551 | $35.56 | Brown, Vashti | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Itbah, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19610 | $35.56 | Brown, Vashti | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Itbah, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21987 | $1.47 | Bruce, Gary M. | 160 Jay Drive Bon Air Gardens, Arouca, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23214 | $1.47 | Bruce, Gary M. | 160 Jay Drive Bon Air Gardens, Arouca, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21313 | $6.27 | Bryson, Zola-Ann Miranda | 128 North Potterdale Place, Gregory Park, PO St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20175 | $6.27 | Bryson, Zola-Ann Miranda | 128 North Potterdale Place, Gregory Park, PO St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20041 | $28.46 | Burke, Christine Louise | PO Box 406 George Town, 18 Croton Lane Tropical Gardens, Grand Cayman Ky1-1106 Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 21316 | $2.60 | Burke, Gertrude | 5 Lauderdale Close, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20178 | $2.60 | Burke, Gertrude | 5 Lauderdale Close, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21179 | $88.77 | Burke, Louise & Burke, Christine | PO Box 406 Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 20042 | $88.77 | Burke, Louise & Burke, Christine | PO Box 406 Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 20765 | $103.47 | Burlington, Priscilla | C/O FirstCaribbean Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 19819 | $103.47 | Burlington, Priscilla | C/O FirstCaribbean Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 22805 | $2.60 | Burnett, Hartlyn H. & Burnett-Lindsay, Andrew C. | 40b Meadowbrook Place, Maplewood NJ 07040, USA |
1/2/14 | 21317 | $2.60 | Burnett, Joshua S. & Burnett, Lois | Clarendon Gardens Denbigh PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20179 | $2.60 | Burnett, Joshua S. & Burnett, Lois | Clarendon Gardens Denbigh PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20555 | $21.34 | Butler, Tina Maria | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank() Ltd Shirley Street Corporate Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19614 | $21.34 | Butler, Tina Maria | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank() Ltd Shirley Street Corporate Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20186 | $59.18 | CRR Enterprises Ltd. | Shop #8 Sunshine Plaza PO Box 110 Montego Bay St. James, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21325 | $0.02 | Cain, Denniese | Chelsea Court Aparrtment #2, Chlesea Close Kingston 10, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20043 | $35.56 | Campbell, Gail Myra | PO Box 2637 Grand Cayman KY1-1102, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 21329 | $39.94 | Campbell, Julienne Marie | 18 Mountain Spring Drive, PO Box 11 Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20191 | $39.94 | Campbell, Julienne Marie | 18 Mountain Spring Drive, PO Box 11 Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20192 | $6.55 | Campbell, Raymond | 4 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20193 | $3.93 | Campbell, Raymond & Campbell, Heather D. | 4 Ballater Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21181 | $42.69 | Campbell, Tanya | PO Box 10357 Grand Cayman KY1-1003, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 21182 | $60.88 | Campbell, Tanya | PO Box. 10357 Grand Cayman KY1-1003, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 21336 | $0.38 | Campbell-Cole, Lorraine | 127 Sundown Crescent, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20198 | $0.38 | Campbell-Cole, Lorraine | 127 Sundown Crescent, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20984 | $14.79 | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | 161 Bay Street PO Box 500 Toronto Ontario M5J 2S8 Re: Mr. Richard Venn Canada |
1/2/14 | 20985 | $14.79 | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | 161 Bay Street PO Box 500 Toronto Ontario M5J 2S8 Re: J. Beaurivage Canada |
1/2/14 | 20558 | $21.34 | Carroll, Keisha | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Marsh, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19617 | $21.34 | Carroll, Keisha | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Marsh, Bahamas |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 21184 | $28.46 | Carter, Derrylee Lenecia | PO Box 363 Sav Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 19619 | $0.44 | Cartwright, Frederick | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Bdo, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20199 | $34.99 | Carty, Sharon | 6 Taylor Drive, College Green, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21340 | $2.60 | Castello, Carol J. | 55 Mountain View Avenue, Bldg. K5 Apt 9 Kingston 2, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20202 | $2.60 | Castello, Carol J. | 55 Mountain View Avenue, Bldg. K5 Apt 9 Kingston 2, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22861 | $21.34 | Caul, Eslyne Marolyn | PO Box 1320 Valley Virgin Gorda VG1150 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 24072 | $21.34 | Caul, Eslyne Marolyn | PO Box 1320 Valley Virgin Gorda VG1150 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 20203 | $29.59 | Caven, Hopeton | 25 Sutton Street Kingston, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20562 | $8.03 | Celestin, Devin T. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank B’crd, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22009 | $3.07 | Chan Poon, Agatha | 36 O’connor Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23236 | $3.07 | Chan Poon, Agatha | 36 O’connor Street ,Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22010 | $3.07 | Chan Poon, Georgiana | 36 O’connor Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22011 | $6.28 | Chan Sing, Roslyn | 11 Alfredo Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23238 | $6.28 | Chan Sing, Roslyn | 11 Alfredo Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22013 | $59.18 | Chandool, Vishard | 40 Windsor Road, Valsayn, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23240 | $59.18 | Chandool, Vishard | 40 Windsor Road, Valsayn, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23242 | $3.25 | Chanka, Shamilla | #100 St Anthony Drive, Westmoorings, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23246 | $14.79 | Charles, Carol Claudette | #20 Kelly Kenny Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21344 | $3.93 | Chatani, Hotu | C/O Indian Gift Shop 84 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20206 | $3.93 | Chatani, Hotu | C/O Indian Gift Shop 84 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20212 | $41.91 | Chin, Aston & Chin, Adlin | 6 Cumberland Road, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22028 | $73.97 | Chin-Aleong, Victor | 47 Crescent Boulevard, Vista Park, Beaucarro Road, Freeport, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23255 | $73.97 | Chin-Aleong, Victor | 47 Crescent Boulevard, Vista Park, Beaucarro Road, Freeport, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21355 | $13.13 | Christie, Louis & Christie, Ethny | 2 Lucine Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21095 | $1.30 | Clare-Paul, Da’shann | PO Box N-403 Nassau, Bahamas |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 19957 | $1.30 | Clare-Paul, Da’shann | PO Box N-403 Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22033 | $7.39 | Clarke, Gerard | PO Box 224 Plymouth Road, Mary’s Hill, Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23261 | $7.39 | Clarke, Gerard | PO Box 224 Plymouth Road, Mary’s Hill, Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22035 | $0.38 | Clarke, Suzanne | 64 Eagle Crescent, Fairways, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23263 | $0.38 | Clarke, Suzanne | 64 Eagle Crescent, Fairways, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23264 | $52.38 | Clarke, William David & Clarke, Geoffrey | 42 Ashridge Place, Moka, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20565 | $28.46 | Cleare, Marcus | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank JFK, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22041 | $0.59 | Clifton, Emile | C/O Eli-Regor Limited Apt #3, Bel Haven Apartments, Nagib Elias Drive, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23269 | $0.59 | Clifton, Emile | C/O Eli-Regor Limited Apt #3, Bel Haven Apartments, Nagib Elias Drive, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20568 | $21.34 | Collie, Melissa | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank () Ltd Harbour Bay Branch Retail, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19627 | $21.34 | Collie, Melissa | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank () Ltd Harbour Bay Branch Retail, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22043 | $14.79 | Collymore, Anthony G. | 15b Hillside Avenue, Cascade, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20923 | $35.56 | Cooper, Judyann L. | FirstCaribbean International Bank Freeport, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 24112 | $35.56 | Cooper, Judyann L. | FirstCaribbean International Bank Freeport, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22045 | $2.95 | Copeland, Tricia G. | Dos Mapp Lands, Upper Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23273 | $2.95 | Copeland, Tricia G. | Dos Mapp Lands, Upper Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21150 | $2.08 | Coward, Hannah N. | 7 Foord Road Ajax L1S 1K6 Canada |
6/17/14 | 20014 | $2.08 | Coward, Hannah N. | 7 Foord Road Ajax L1S 1K6 Canada |
6/17/14 | 19959 | $2.85 | Cox, Jacqueline | PO Box F44294 Freeport, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19960 | $35.56 | Cox, Sylvia | PO Box F-44205 #77b East Beach Drive, Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21372 | $12.51 | Creary, Odette M. | Creay’s Road, Above Rocks PO St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23280 | $6.42 | Creteau, Caroline M. | “#105 De Montaguae Drive” “Block 6” “Palmiste” San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22053 | $5.17 | Crichlow, Marilyn | 573 Rine Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23281 | $5.17 | Crichlow, Marilyn | 573 Rine Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22054 | $4.43 | Cruickshank, Candice L. | “30 Sanora Park” “Point Cumana” Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23282 | $4.43 | Cruickshank, Candice L. | “30 Sanora Park” “Point Cumana” Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21373 | $2.60 | Crumbie, Winsome V. & Crumbie, Paul Magnus Preston | Lt 6 E-198 Ne 14 Street, Greater Portmore Housing, Greater Portmore PO, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20235 | $2.60 | Crumbie, Winsome V. & Crumbie, Paul Magnus Preston | Lt 6 E-198 Ne 14 Street, Greater Portmore Housing, Greater Portmore PO, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22813 | $21.34 | Cupid, Juliet Maureen | PO Box 3254 Roadtown Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 19634 | $28.46 | Curtis, Beverley Ann | 28 Reef Ct., Bahamia PO Box F-43802 Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22055 | $4.43 | D. Katwaroo, Rishi | 809 Southern Main Road, Point D’Or, La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23283 | $4.43 | D. Katwaroo, Rishi | 809 Southern Main Road, Point D’Or, La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19842 | $21.34 | Dasilva-Johnson, Sheron Erain | C/O FirstCaribbean 23-27 Knutsford Blvd, Kingston, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22069 | $0.29 | Dattoo, Gervais | #3 Quamina Street, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23296 | $0.29 | Dattoo, Gervais | #3 Quamina Street, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21374 | $2.66 | Davey, David & Davey, Bethune | Maidstone Maidstone PO Manchester, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22073 | $14.67 | De Gannes, Cathy & De Gannes, Melanie & De Gannes, Darrice | 9 Royal Palm Avenue Victoria South, Victoria Gardens, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23300 | $14.67 | De Gannes, Cathy & De Gannes, Melanie & De Gannes, Darrice | 9 Royal Palm Avenue Victoria South, Victoria Gardens, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22074 | $29.59 | De Gannes, Phillip G | 5 Newbury Hill Extension, Glencoe, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23301 | $29.59 | De Gannes, Phillip G | 5 Newbury Hill Extension, Glencoe, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19640 | $49.80 | Dean, Gay Y. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Shirley Street, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20582 | $49.80 | Dean, Kathy | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Bdo, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19641 | $49.80 | Dean, Kathy | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Bdo, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22082 | $10.80 | Dean, Ramdeo & Karim-Dean, Jennifer | 16 Bhimull San Francique Road, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23308 | $10.80 | Dean, Ramdeo & Karim-Dean, Jennifer | 16 Bhimull San Francique Road, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 20584 | $49.80 | Delancy, William | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Bdo, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 23309 | $22.19 | Delpesh, Junior Matthew & Delpesh, Hermina J. | #44 Jasmine Avenue, Edinburgh Gardens, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21382 | $12.70 | Donaldson, Damian & Donaldson, Francene | 12 Ladymusgrave Rd., Apt 227 Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20243 | $12.70 | Donaldson, Damian & Donaldson, Francene | 12 Ladymusgrave Rd., Apt 227 Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20244 | $44.38 | Donwis Limited | C/O Ideal Portfolio Services, 17 Ripon Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20245 | $2.60 | Dorman, Kenneth A. | 26 Bowers Estate, PO Box 35 Old Harbour, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20587 | $28.46 | Dorsett, Christopher | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Bdo, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19645 | $28.46 | Dorsett, Christopher | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Bdo, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20247 | $27.48 | Douglas, Earl Desmond & Douglas, Alice Beatrice | PO Box 2 Christiana Manchester, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20248 | $17.87 | Drakapoulos, Yolanda Debra | PO Box 322 Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21388 | $26.27 | Drake, John G. & Drake, Cynthia E. | PO Box 6 Annotto Bay, St. Mary, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20588 | $21.34 | Drakes, Brenee | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Abaco, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19646 | $21.34 | Drakes, Brenee | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Abaco, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21389 | $1.59 | Drummond-Allen, Daunette P. | PO Box #61 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20250 | $1.59 | Drummond-Allen, Daunette P. | PO Box #61 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20251 | $13.13 | Duncan, Gloria E. & Duncan, Lilian G. | 34 Garden Boulevard, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20252 | $95.25 | Duncan, Luke | 5 Summit Heights,Bridgemont Constant Spring PO Box 856 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20253 | $22.19 | Duncan-Soares, Donna | 2 Covington Close, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20590 | $0.34 | Duncombe, Lolita V. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Head Office, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19648 | $0.34 | Duncombe, Lolita V. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Head Office, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20254 | $7.88 | Dyght, Hughlet L. J. | Great Bay, Calabash Bay, P.A. St. Elizabeth, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21242 | $10.50 | Edwards, Romala | 4 Arbour Way Colchester Essex C04 4BD England United Kingdom |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22102 | $14.79 | Edwards, William Herbert | Roxborough Main Road, Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23329 | $14.79 | Edwards, William Herbert | Roxborough Main Road, Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21394 | $0.19 | Edwards, Wilton | PO Box 128 Port Maria PO St. Mary, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22820 | $0.20 | Elliot, Cynthia | 1020 Grand Concours Apt 23C Bronx New York, USA |
6/17/14 | 24030 | $0.20 | Elliot, Cynthia | 1020 Grand Concours Apt 23C Bronx New York, USA |
1/2/14 | 21395 | $7.39 | Elliott, Myrtle E. & Elliott, Bingroy C. & Elliott, Francine | PO Box 342 Mandeville Manchester, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20256 | $7.39 | Elliott, Myrtle E. & Elliott, Bingroy C. & Elliott, Francine | PO Box 342 Mandeville Manchester, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21396 | $3.07 | Elliott, Myrtle Evadne & Elliott, Bingroy Condal | PO Box 342 Mandeville Manchester, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20258 | $6.55 | El-Sharawy, Alice | PO Box 112 Brown’s Town PO St. Ann, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20259 | $7.39 | English-Henry, Shirley Angela & Henry, Shani | Boscobel PO St. Ann, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21399 | $33.52 | Farmcot Limited | PO Box 18 Negril Westmoreland, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22112 | $7.39 | Farnum, Lloyd | 50 Cornello Street, Woodbrook, Port Of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 24222 | $49.80 | Fearon, Joy R. | 1104 St. Gerard Road, Green Acres, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21402 | $1.84 | Ferdinand Ltd. | C/O Stocks and Securities Ltd. 1st Floor 24-26 Grenada Crescent, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20263 | $1.84 | Ferdinand Ltd. | C/O Stocks and Securities Ltd. 1st Floor 24-26 Grenada Crescent, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20595 | $21.34 | Ferguson, Alexandria | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Freeport, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20264 | $1.47 | Ferguson, Brandon & Ferguson, Gillian | 1398 4th Manatee Way Breaton, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19653 | $0.28 | Ferguson, Donahue | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank SCS Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21103 | $21.34 | Ferguson, Najana S, Ms. | PO Box N-149 Nassau, N. P Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19968 | $42.69 | Ferguson, Phelan Paul, Mr. | Apartment #214 1605 NW 91 Avenue, Coral Springs, Florida, USA |
1/2/14 | 20597 | $0.28 | Ferguson, Sharon | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank SCS Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19654 | $0.28 | Ferguson, Sharon | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank SCS Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22121 | $1.47 | Fergusson, Maurice W. | 10 Methuen Street, Woodbrook, Port Of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23349 | $1.47 | Fergusson, Maurice W. | 10 Methuen Street, Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22122 | $8.87 | Ferreira, Karen G., Mrs. | Apt. 22A Rosewood Condominiums, Gordon Street, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23351 | $11.83 | Ferreira, Sharon M., Estate | 45 Tunapuna Road, Tunapuna, Trinidad W. I. Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21854 | $49.80 | Field-Ridley, Joy Pamela, Mrs. | One On Marlin#104 Venetian Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands |
1/2/14 | 21406 | $2.18 | Fisher, Dorothy L. | 17 Stilwell Road, PO Box 830 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20267 | $2.18 | Fisher, Dorothy L. | 17 Stilwell Road, PO Box 830 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21407 | $1.47 | Fisher, Keesha Kimberly | 17 Stilwell Road, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20268 | $1.47 | Fisher, Keesha Kimberly | 17 Stilwell Road, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20601 | $21.34 | Forbes, Gerard | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank () Ltd JFK Branch Retail, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22141 | $1.10 | Forbes, Karlene | Waddell Village, Santa Flora, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23364 | $1.10 | Forbes, Karlene | Waddell Village, Santa Flora, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21855 | $1.56 | Forbes, Throy | PO Box 256 Mellennium Highway, Blue Hills Providencial, Turks & Caicos Islands |
6/17/14 | 23083 | $1.56 | Forbes, Throy | PO Box 256 Mellennium Highway, Blue Hills Providencial, Turks & Caicos Islands |
1/2/14 | 22142 | $0.44 | Fraser, Bernadette | Lp53 Douglin Street, Mt. Stewart, Princes Town, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23365 | $0.44 | Fraser, Bernadette | Lp53 Douglin Street, Mt. Stewart, Princes Town, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20800 | $49.80 | Freckleton, Phillip A, Mr. | C/O FirstCaribbean 23-27 Knutsford Blvd., Kingston, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21413 | $15.26 | Freckleton, Phillip, Mr. | 2 Timber Path, Kingston 19, St. Andrew, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21193 | $35.56 | Frederick, Loisann Alverda | PO Box 1769 Gt Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 20870 | $21.34 | Gardiner, Mila Uylyn | C/O FirstCaribbean International Bank Local Processing Centre Operations, Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands |
1/2/14 | 20603 | $28.46 | Gardiner, Patrick | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Tecis Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20605 | $21.34 | Garvey, Christine | PO Box F-42083 73 Coral Reef Estate, Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21419 | $22.19 | Gatherer, Alwyn F. G. | 3 Toucan Close, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20280 | $22.19 | Gatherer, Alwyn F. G. | 3 Toucan Close, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22152 | $0.73 | Geeta Camps Roach | #48 McDonnell Street, Curepe, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23375 | $0.73 | Geeta Camps Roach | #48 Mcdonnell Street, Curepe, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22155 | $1.06 | Germain, Jenelle | #396 Circular Drive, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23378 | $1.06 | Germain, Jenelle | #396 Circular Drive, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 24034 | $14.79 | Giangregorio, Roy James & Giangregorio, Patricia C. | #1 Leeward Passage PO Box 338 North Truro Ma 0262-0338 USA |
1/2/14 | 22865 | $20.95 | Gill, Mary V. | PO Box 2319 Road Town Tortola S Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 24076 | $20.95 | Gill, Mary V. | PO Box 2319 Road Town Tortola S Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 20283 | $3.93 | Glave, Hugh C. | 8 Quinset Place Three Oaks Gardens, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19920 | $28.46 | Glinton, Becky Polly-Ann | C/O FirstCaribbean PO Box 236 Providenciales, Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands |
1/2/14 | 21424 | $2.60 | Golding, David G. | 1789 Warsop Road, Waterford PO St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20284 | $2.60 | Golding, David G. | 1789 Warsop Road, Waterford PO St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22160 | $6.28 | Gomes, Joseph Stephen | #1 Champs Elysses Road, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23383 | $6.28 | Gomes, Joseph Stephen | #1 Champs Elysses Road, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21427 | $3.38 | Gooden, Mavis | 19 Mandella Avenue, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21431 | $44.38 | Gordon, Anthony | 2 Strathairn Avenue, Apt 115, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21195 | $21.34 | Gourzong, Yenia, Mrs. | #25 Main Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 20058 | $21.34 | Gourzong, Yenia, Mrs. | #25 Main Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 19972 | $1.47 | Grant, Alice | PO Box Ee – 16836 Nassau Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22866 | $21.34 | Grant, Judith | PO Box 3835 Road Town, Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 24077 | $21.34 | Grant, Judith | PO Box 3835 Road Town, Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 21438 | $7.39 | Grant, Ruth Elizabeth | PO Box 98 Meadowbridge, Kingston 19, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20607 | $35.56 | Gray, Ernestine | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Freeport, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20301 | $2.60 | Gray, Marvelette | 64 Annandale Close, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21444 | $2.60 | Green, Sandra P. & Dunkley, Courtney D. | 8 Daisy Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20304 | $2.60 | Green, Sandra P. & Dunkley, Courtney D. | 8 Daisy Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22827 | $0.73 | Greenidge, Worseley & Greenidge, Ula Lee | 137-35 174th Street, Jamaica New York 11434, USA |
1/2/14 | 21445 | $14.79 | Greenwood, Joan Marjorie & Douglas, Julette | Lot 39 Clarendon Gardens, PO Box 419 May Pen PO Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20305 | $14.79 | Greenwood, Joan Marjorie & Douglas, Julette | Lot 39 Clarendon Gardens, PO Box 419 May Pen PO Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21447 | $3.59 | Grindley, Affa N. | Lot 432 17th Marlin Way, Braeton Phase 2, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20307 | $3.59 | Grindley, Affa N. | Lot 432 17th Marlin Way, Braeton Phase 2, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22185 | $2.58 | Guevara, Alan David | 16a Majuba Cross Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23408 | $2.58 | Guevara, Alan David | 16a Majuba Cross Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21451 | $29.59 | Haddad, Arlene Beverley & Ho Sue, Shallemie | PO Box 10 Richmond PO St. Mary, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22191 | $1.47 | Hadden, Melissa Leigh | 8 Holiday Park, St. Lucien Road, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23414 | $1.47 | Hadden, Melissa Leigh | 8 Holiday Park, St. Lucien Road, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22192 | $2.95 | Hadden, Paul James | 8 Holiday Park, St. Lucien Road, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23415 | $2.95 | Hadden, Paul James | 8 Holiday Park, St. Lucien Road, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22193 | $2.95 | Hadden, Rosemarie | 008 Holiday Park, St. Lucien Road, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23416 | $2.95 | Hadden, Rosemarie | 008 Holiday Park, St. Lucien Road, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21452 | $73.97 | Haffizulla, Alfred Abdul & Haffizulla, Cislyn | Annotto Bay, PO Box 24 St. Mary, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20313 | $73.97 | Haffizulla, Alfred Abdul & Haffizulla, Cislyn | Annotto Bay, PO Box 24 St. Mary, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21453 | $7.39 | Haldane, Corrine Lorna | 12 Walford Close, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21454 | $3.93 | Hale, Bertram L. | 25 Wailers Drive, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20315 | $3.93 | Hale, Bertram L. | 25 Wailers Drive, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20316 | $26.27 | Hall, Albert | 17 Albion Heights Crescent, PO Box 183, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 19975 | $42.69 | Hall, Charles William, Mr. | PO Box SS-565643 Nassau. Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20318 | $14.79 | Hall, James | PO Box 345 Kingston GPO Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21459 | $4.91 | Hamilton, Elsada A. & Colyard, Deyon | Marlie Avenue, PO Box 130 Old Harbour, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20613 | $21.34 | Hanna-Beneby, Ebony | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank East Bay, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19669 | $21.34 | Hanna-Beneby, Ebony | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank East Bay, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21464 | $3.65 | Harris, Audley | 12 Robinson Road, Hughenden Kingston 20, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22213 | $0.29 | Harris, Dale Brian Peter | 11 Altorf Street Belmont, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23435 | $0.29 | Harris, Dale Brian Peter | 11 Altorf Street Belmont, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22215 | $0.73 | Hazel, Nathan | #274 Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21471 | $0.19 | Henderson, Norman C. | 27 Eltham View, Pine Way, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20330 | $0.19 | Henderson, Norman C. | 27 Eltham View, Pine Way, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20333 | $131.50 | Henry, Luther Martin & Henry, Sybil M. & Henry, Bernice | 22 Twigg Drive Ajax Ontario L 1Z 1G4 Canada |
1/2/14 | 21475 | $6.55 | Henry, Neville | 4 Wellington Road, Kingston 13, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21476 | $13.13 | Henry-Mitchell, Kethi B. & Mitchell, Tweedsmuir San Carlo | 16 Rosewell Terrace PO Box 1693 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21244 | $41.91 | Herbert, George Dortley, Est. Of | C/O Mr. Richard Griffith E. Flat 37 Lickey House 243 North End Road London W14 9UQ United Kingdom |
6/17/14 | 20335 | $14.79 | Hernould, Rachel Isabel | 25 Paddington Terrace, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20336 | $23.48 | Heslop, Winsome Patricia & Heslop, Clive Delroy | 2 Ridgeway Road, Forest Hill Gardens, Kingston 19, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23440 | $29.59 | Hewitt, Anthony | Pole 92 Ariapita Road, St. Ann’s, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19978 | $1.47 | Higgs, Kerry | PO Box N-9612 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 23443 | $77.23 | Hindmarch, Michael | 3 St Andrews Avenue, Fairways, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21482 | $29.59 | Ho Sue, Kenneth George & Ho Sue, Dennis | PO Box 10 Richmond PO St. Mary, Jamaica |
DIVIDENDS – USD | ||||||
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address | ||
1/2/14 | 21483 | $29.59 | Ho Sue, Milton Oliver & Mrs. Ho Sue, Beverley | PO Box 10 Richmond PO St. Mary, Jamaica | ||
1/2/14 | 22223 | $7.39 | Ho-A-Shu, Ian | 9 Greenvale Avenue, Valsayn, North Valsayn, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23445 | $7.39 | Ho-A-Shu, Ian | 9 Greenvale Avenue, Valsayn, North Valsayn, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 22877 | $20.71 | Hodge, Derek M. | Mackay & Hodge No. 12D Bjerge Gade PO Box 303678 St.Thomas 00803 Virgin Islands (US) | ||
1/2/14 | 21486 | $3.93 | Hoo-Fatt, Noel K. | 9 Allerdyce Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica | ||
1/2/14 | 22224 | $14.79 | Hosein, Asha | 1013 Solado Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23446 | $14.79 | Hosein, Asha | 1013 Solado Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas , Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 22234 | $136.11 | Hosein-Mohan Natascha Otaz | Upstairs 27 Serbian Avenue, La Resource D’abadie, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 21487 | $0.79 | Howson, Delmore D. | Free Town PA Clarendon, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 20348 | $10.50 | Hudson, Heather C. | 13 Spring Park Drive, PO Box 829 Kingston 8, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 20059 | $7.39 | Humphreys, Elaine | PO Box 302 West Bay Grand Cayman KY1-1301 Cayman Islands | ||
6/17/14 | 23467 | $2.95 | Husain, Haroon | 262 Southern Main Road, La Romain, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23469 | $14.79 | Hutchinson, Shannon | Apt 307 Regents Tower, Bayshore, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 19821 | $21.34 | Hylton, Nadine | C/O FirstCaribbean Int’l Bank (Caymans) Ltd Main Street – Retail, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands | ||
6/17/14 | 20357 | $43.33 | Issa (Deceased), Anna K., Estate | Attn: Christopher and Andrew Issa – Executors 2-6 Grenada Crescent, Ground Floor Kingston 5, Jamaica | ||
6/17/14 | 23478 | $3.62 | Jacelon, Simone | #26 Ambassador Court, Fairways, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 22261 | $19.81 | Jagroo, Annand | C/O Aic Securities Limited 24 Stone Street, Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23483 | $19.81 | Jagroo, Annand | C/O Aic Securities Limited 24 Stone Street, Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 22265 | $6.27 | Jennings, Ted A. A. | 72 Coral Gardens, Diamond Vale, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
1/2/14 | 22266 | $7.39 | Joachim, Ricardo & Joachim, Cintra | 14 Hyland Court, Olton Road, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago | ||
6/17/14 | 23488 | $7.39 | Joachim, Ricardo & Joachim, Cintra | 14 Hyland Court, Olton Road, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22267 | $0.14 | Joefield, Barry | PO Box 1766 #92a Wrightosn Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23490 | $1.47 | Joefield, Victor Thomas | 22 Chestnut Avenue, Union Hall, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22878 | $20.95 | John, Cuthbert and Gilbertha | PO Box 2183 Frederiksted St. Croix US VI 00841 Virgin Islands (US) |
6/17/14 | 24090 | $20.95 | John, Cuthbert and Gilbertha | PO Box 2183 Frederiksted St. Croix US VI 00841 Virgin Islands (US) |
1/2/14 | 22832 | $44.38 | John, Vibert & Findlay, Rebecca | 5020n Grand Avenue, Apt 2 Covina, California 91724, USA |
6/17/14 | 24042 | $7.39 | Johns, Miranda | 127 East 59 Street, Brooklyn, New York 11203, USA |
1/2/14 | 22868 | $28.46 | Johnson, Geraldeen | PO Box. 2932 East End Tortola VG1120 Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 20624 | $0.42 | Johnson, Lavelle Y. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Head Office Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19680 | $0.42 | Johnson, Lavelle Y. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Head Office Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22274 | $7.56 | Jones, Sheldon Christopher | #16 Agra Street, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23496 | $7.56 | Jones, Sheldon Christopher | #16 Agra Street, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21520 | $14.79 | Jones, Sybil J. | Rock Hall District PO Box 107 Red Hills, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22275 | $4.43 | Jordan, Lou-Ann A. | 177 Laventille Ext. Morvant, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23497 | $4.43 | Jordan, Lou-Ann A. | 177 Laventille Ext. Morvant, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22869 | $21.34 | Joseph, James Ryan | C/O Lime, Box 440 Road Town Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 23504 | $6.28 | Kabeera, Dinesh | #33 Hin Kin Trace, Cunupia, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20768 | $21.34 | Kelly, Josephine Lyn | C/O FirstCaribbean Int’l Bank (Caymans) Ltd Main Street International Banking Grand Cayman Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 19822 | $21.34 | Kelly, Josephine Lyn | C/O FirstCaribbean Int’l Bank (Caymans) Ltd Main Street International Banking Grand Cayman Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 22289 | $1.33 | Kelshall, Carla | Apt. H3 Pomerose Garden,s Pomerose Avenue, Cascade Trinidad And Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19682 | $49.80 | Kemp, Minerva R. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Queen’s Highway Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22302 | $1.47 | Khan, Zalima | #23 Bejucal Road, Cunupia Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23524 | $1.47 | Khan, Zalima | #23 Bejucal Road, Cunupia Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22304 | $88.77 | Khandelwal, Sita | Cor. Maraj Street & Churchill Roosevelt Highway, Tunapuna Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22305 | $32.87 | Kin, Christopher John Lum, Mr. | 90 Roberts Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23527 | $32.87 | Kin, Christopher John Lum, Mr. | 90 Roberts Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22307 | $5.40 | King, Kristine Lee | 3 Pomme Rose Gardens, Pomme Rose Ave. Cascade, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19981 | $21.34 | Knowles, Monique Terez | Malcolm Road Apt #1 Nassau New Providence N-9556 Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22314 | $1.47 | Kumar, Shalini | 5 Henry Street, Saddle Vale, Upper Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22317 | $1.33 | Lai, Lisa Young & Lai, Anthony Young | “C/O Candice Cruickshank” “30 Sanora Park” “Point Cumana” Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23539 | $1.33 | Lai, Lisa Young & Lai, Anthony Young | “C/O Candice Cruickshank” “30 Sanora Park” “Point Cumana” Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22318 | $0.29 | Lakhan, Jagdesh | Lp. 53 Bissessar Street, El Socorro Road, San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23540 | $0.29 | Lakhan, Jagdesh | Lp. 53 Bissessar Street, El Socorro Road, San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23541 | $44.38 | Lakhan, Wayne & Lakhan, Ann Marie | 23b Circular Road, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23543 | $3.99 | Lalla, Rajeev | #3 La Seiva Heights, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20986 | $14.79 | Lalonde, Ron | #88 South Drive, Toronto Ontario M4W 1R6 Canada |
6/17/14 | 20401 | $26.27 | Lee, Jerome | C/O Dunn Cox & Orrett 48 Duke Street Kingston Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22336 | $1.47 | Lee-Mack, Kendal & Blanchfield, Kimberley | 10 London Street, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22338 | $22.19 | Lera, Frederick | 21 Finland Street, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21551 | $0.97 | Leslie, Norma Melissa | 4 Farrell Avenue, Kingston 19, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20404 | $0.97 | Leslie, Norma Melissa | 4 Farrell Avenue, Kingston 19, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22836 | $5.54 | Lewars, Royston & Sinclair, Erica & Lewars, Jonathan B. | Brae Head District Brae Head PA Clarendon, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21553 | $7.39 | Lewin, Kenneth George & Lewin, Winsome Olive | 3 1/2 Sackville Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20406 | $7.39 | Lewin, Kenneth George & Lewin, Winsome Olive | 3 1/2 Sackville Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22870 | $28.46 | Lewis, Ena | PO Box 3807 Sea Cows Bay, Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 24081 | $28.46 | Lewis, Ena | PO Box 3807 Sea Cows Bay Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 21556 | $1.47 | Lewis, Fabian B. & Lewis, Vilma & Lewis, Bausy | 14 Shaltell Close, PO Box 2890 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20410 | $3.93 | Lewis, Gloria M. & Lewis, Fern E. | 32 Ritchie Avenue, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21560 | $10.35 | Lewis, Patricia Dale | 9 Lindsay Crescen,t Kingston 10, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20413 | $10.35 | Lewis, Patricia Dale | 9 Lindsay Crescent, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21562 | $26.27 | Lightbourne, Dorothy C. | 19 Gloucester Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20415 | $26.27 | Lightbourne, Dorothy C. | 19 Gloucester Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20641 | $0.57 | Lightbourne, Shanty S. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Wall Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19702 | $21.34 | Lockhart, Melinda | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank () Ltd Palmdale Retail Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21118 | $21.34 | Lockhart, Shavonne N. | #42 Dignity Gardens Off Carmichael Road Nassau Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20651 | $42.69 | Lookloy, Jacqueline | Firstc’bean Int’l Bank Commercial Banking Centre Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19707 | $42.69 | Lookloy, Jacqueline | Firstc’bean Int’l Bank Commercial Banking Centre Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22345 | $3.31 | Lorde, Dennis O. & Johnson-Lorde, Janice | 46 Upper Fairley Street Extension, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23566 | $3.31 | Lorde, Dennis O. & Johnson-Lorde, Janice | 46 Upper Fairley Street Extension, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 20419 | $8.87 | Lyn-Isaacs, Joyce M. & Richards, Gail C. | Lot 20 Ridge Estate PO Box 304 Ocho Rio,s St. Ann, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 24082 | $21.34 | Maduro, Kay-Ann Dishon | PO Box 4601 Road Town Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 20891 | $21.34 | Maduro, Paul V. | C/O FirstCaribbean International Bank Road Town Tortola Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 19939 | $21.34 | Maduro, Paul V. | C/O FirstCaribbean International Bank Road Town Tortola Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 22357 | $1.47 | Mahabal, Latchmie Angela | 170 Wilkinson Street, El Dorado, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23578 | $1.47 | Mahabal, Latchmie Angela | 170 Wilkinson Street, El Dorado, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22358 | $1.47 | Mahabal, Nirwantia | Wilkson Street El Dorado, Tacarigua, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23579 | $1.47 | Mahabal, Nirwantia | Wilkson Street, El Dorado, Tacarigua, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22360 | $12.94 | Mahabir, Charles S. | #13 Bougainvilea Drive, La Paille Gardens, Caroni, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22361 | $110.96 | Mahabir, Kenneth Gordon | 37 Waddell Street, Vistabella, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23582 | $110.96 | Mahabir, Kenneth Gordon | 37 Waddell Street, Vistabella, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23585 | $14.79 | Mahabirsingh, Margaret | Lp# 34 Chickland Village, Po Box 146 Upper Carapichaima, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22366 | $1.47 | Maharaj, Chandrabose & Edoo, Bella | 5 Katherine Drive, Ben Lomond, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23587 | $1.47 | Maharaj, Chandrabose & Edoo, Bella | 5 Katherine Drive, Ben Lomond, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22367 | $2.07 | Maharaj, Deonarine S. | #357 New Settlement, California, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23588 | $2.07 | Maharaj, Deonarine S. | #357 New Settlement, California, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22368 | $44.38 | Maharaj, Dhanook | Lot 22 Edinburgh Gardens, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23589 | $44.38 | Maharaj, Dhanook | Lot 22 Edinburgh Gardens, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22370 | $5.17 | Maharaj, Hardath & Maharaj, Challey Ann | 377 Rochard Douglas Road, 5 Scale Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23591 | $5.17 | Maharaj, Hardath & Maharaj, Challey Ann | 377 Rochard Douglas Road, 5 Scale Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22371 | $12.57 | Maharaj, Hardath & Maharaj, Dahlia | 377 Rochard Douglas Road, 5 Scale Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23592 | $12.57 | Maharaj, Hardath & Maharaj, Dahlia | 377 Rochard Douglas Road, 5 Scale Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22369 | $34.76 | Maharaj, Hardath & Maharaj, Vasishth | 377 Douglas Rochard Road, 5 Scale Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23590 | $34.76 | Maharaj, Hardath & Maharaj, Vasishth | 377 Douglas Rochard Road, 5 Scale Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23599 | $23.93 | Maharaj, Thamatee P. | Lp# 14 Joyce Road, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21570 | $11.83 | Mahwingkee, Celli | 13 Dulwich Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20422 | $11.83 | Mahwingkee, Celli | 13 Dulwich Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21571 | $1.47 | Mair, Roderick Oliver | 34 South Monterey Drive, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20423 | $1.47 | Mair, Roderick Oliver | 34 South Monterey Drive, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22871 | $21.34 | Malone, Charlene | General Delivery Road Town PO Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 24083 | $21.34 | Malone, Charlene | General Delivery Road Town PO Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 20426 | $0.73 | Manor House Hotel Limited | C/O C. A. Lloyd Facey, PO Box 38 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22386 | $29.59 | Manrakhan, Shyam | 44 Bell Smythe Street, Curepe, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22392 | $2.95 | Marcus, Keagan E. | Boodram Street Enterprise, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23613 | $2.95 | Marcus, Keagan E. | Boodram Street Enterprise, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 20427 | $47.83 | Marsh, Allan M. | 7 Glendon Circle, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21577 | $14.79 | Marsh, Allan R. M. & Marsh, Orealis | 7 Glendon Circle, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20428 | $14.79 | Marsh, Allan R. M. & Marsh, Orealis | 7 Glendon Circle, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19940 | $21.34 | Martin, Roger Haldane | C/O FirstCaribbean OBC Road Town, Tortola, Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 23619 | $55.11 | Mathura, Zobida & Mathura, Milton | 38 Beckles Street, South Esperance Phillipine, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21580 | $2.60 | Matthews, Joseph | West Port Cottage, Norman Manley Boulevard Negril PO Box 3280 Westmoreland, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21581 | $7.39 | Maxwell, Winsome & Mcfarlane, Marc-Anton | 12 Edinburgh Avenu,e Kingston 10, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20432 | $7.39 | Maxwell, Winsome & Mcfarlane, Marc-Anton | 12 Edinburgh Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22404 | $1.47 | Mayhew, Elicia K. | #18 Dahlia Road, Macoya Gardens, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23624 | $1.47 | Mayhew, Elicia K. | #18 Dahlia Road, Macoya Gardens, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22405 | $11.83 | Mc Bride, Mary Jean | C/O Marina Narinesingh Attorney at Law #19 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23625 | $11.83 | Mc Bride, Mary Jean | C/O Marina Narinesingh Attorney at Law #19 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21584 | $1.84 | McDonald, Alexander C. & McDonald, Winnifred | Kellits PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20435 | $1.84 | McDonald, Alexander C. & McDonald, Winnifred | Kellits PO Clarendon, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 21585 | $7.39 | Mcdonald, Artnell Washington | 2 Farquhar Circle Bull, Bay St. Andrew, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20436 | $7.39 | Mcdonald, Artnell Washington | 2 Farquhar Circle Bull, Bay St. Andrew, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19715 | $21.34 | Mcdonald, Broyde | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Wall, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21120 | $0.41 | Mcdonald, Garth T. | PO Box N-3120 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19984 | $0.41 | Mcdonald, Garth T. | PO Box N-3120 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20438 | $1.47 | Mcfarlane, Cyriline | Lot 60 Nightingale Drive, Bushy Park, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21588 | $51.78 | Mcfarlane, Keith & Mcfarlane, Sonia | 1c Tavistock Close, Kingston 6, St. Andrew, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21589 | $22.19 | Mcfarlane, Sonia | 1c Tavistock Close, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21591 | $2.60 | Mcgann, Kermitt & Mcgann, Andrew | 28 Misty Valley Drive, Salt Hill Mavis Bank PO St. Andrew, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20440 | $2.60 | Mcgann, Kermitt & Mcgann, Andrew | 28 Misty Valley Drive, Salt Hill Mavis Bank PO. St. Andrew, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21121 | $35.56 | Mckay, Margaret | PO Box N-9145 Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20665 | $21.34 | Mckenzie, Terah M. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Marsh Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19721 | $21.34 | Mckenzie, Terah M. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Marsh Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21122 | $1.36 | Mckinney, Nedra | PO Box N-7125 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19986 | $1.36 | Mckinney, Nedra | PO Box N-7125 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20446 | $28.92 | Mcleod, Felix E. | 28 Albion Heights Cresc, PO Box 239 Montego Bay PO 1 Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22411 | $0.07 | Medera, Garvin | Jack Terrace, Lendore Village, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23631 | $0.07 | Medera, Garvin | Jack Terrace, Lendore Village, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23632 | $10.35 | Meighoo, Michele | PO Box 7769 La Romai, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21606 | $55.23 | Meikle, Uriah & Thompson, Andrew | 8 Grove Terrace, Mandeville, Manchester ,Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20455 | $55.23 | Meikle, Uriah & Thompson, Andrew | 8 Grove Terrac,e Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21613 | $40.62 | Millenium Financial Group Limited | Shop 10 Golden Triangle Mall, Ironshore PO Box 822, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20462 | $1.16 | Millenium Financial Group Limited | Shop 10 Golden Triangle Mall, Ironshore PO Box 822, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 19725 | $21.34 | Miller, Tessa | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Rpc Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20464 | $11.83 | Mills (Deceased), Leslie | PO Box 138 Kingston 5, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21246 | $11.70 | Mills, Julie Anne | 42 Portland Road, Holland Park, London W11 4LG United Kingdom |
6/17/14 | 20109 | $11.70 | Mills, Julie Anne | 42 Portland Road, Holland Park, London W11 4LG United Kingdom |
1/2/14 | 21616 | $73.97 | Mills, Noel George | 23 Slipdock Road, Kingston 2, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20465 | $73.97 | Mills, Noel George | 23 Slipdock Road Kingston 2, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21617 | $2.21 | Milner, Harold Webb & Milner, Helen G. & Barnett, Helen V. | Golden Spring PO Box 367 Kingston 9, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20466 | $2.21 | Milner, Harold Webb & Milner, Helen G. & Barnett, Helen V. | Golden Spring PO Box 367 Kingston 9, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20467 | $6.55 | Minott, Faith A. & Minott, Annette E. | 2 Carmel Close, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22418 | $73.97 | Mistry, Dipakkumar T. & D. Mistry, Pravina | #71 Faralon Drive, Bel Air, La Romain, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22421 | $1.47 | Modeste, Carlyle & Vitalis, Cherry Ann L. | 25 King Orange Avenue (S), Santa Rosa Heights, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22425 | $103.56 | Mohammed, Fazal | 4 1/4 MM Tumpuna Road, San Rafael, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23645 | $103.56 | Mohammed, Fazal | 4 1/4 MM Tumpuna Road, San Rafael, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22430 | $13.72 | Mohammed, Mantab | 125 Sugar Road, Bronte Village, Cipero Road Via San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23650 | $13.72 | Mohammed, Mantab | 125 Sugar Road Bronte Village, Cipero Road Via San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22439 | $152.39 | Mohammed, Yusuff | 4 1/4 Mile Mark Tumpuna Road, San Rafael, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23659 | $152.39 | Mohammed, Yusuff | 4 1/4 Mile Mark Tumpuna Road, San Rafael, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21160 | $0.35 | Mohan, Vineta | 81 Gilder Drive, Suite 504 Scarborough Ontario M1K 4P7 Canada |
1/2/14 | 21623 | $7.39 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
4/2/14 | 19524 | $4.89 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
4/2/14 | 19525 | $4.89 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
4/2/14 | 19526 | $4.89 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
4/2/14 | 19527 | $4.89 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
4/2/14 | 19521 | $12.21 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
4/2/14 | 19522 | $12.21 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
4/2/14 | 19523 | $12.21 | Morgan, Azim K. B. | 16132 SW 147 Lane, Miami Florida 33196, USA |
1/2/14 | 21625 | $7.39 | Morgan, Kamilah Dia | 3805 Houma Boulevard, Unit C – 211 Metairie Louisiana 70006, USA |
4/2/14 | 19531 | $4.89 | Morgan, Kamilah Dia | 3805 Houma Boulevard, Unit C – 211 Metairie Louisiana 70006, USA |
4/2/14 | 19532 | $4.89 | Morgan, Kamilah Dia | 3805 Houma Boulevard, Unit C – 211 Metairie Louisiana 70006, USA |
4/2/14 | 19533 | $4.89 | Morgan, Kamilah Dia | 3805 Houma Boulevard, Unit C – 211 Metairie Louisiana 70006, USA |
4/2/14 | 19528 | $12.21 | Morgan, Kamilah Dia | 3805 Houma Boulevard, Unit C – 211 Metairie Louisiana 70006, USA |
4/2/14 | 19529 | $12.21 | Morgan, Kamilah Dia | 3805 Houma Boulevard, Unit C – 211 Metairie Louisiana 70006, USA |
4/2/14 | 19530 | $12.21 | Morgan, Kamilah Dia | 3805 Houma Boulevard, Unit C – 211 Metairie Louisiana 70006, USA |
1/2/14 | 21626 | $7.39 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
4/2/14 | 19537 | $4.89 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
4/2/14 | 19538 | $4.89 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
4/2/14 | 19539 | $4.89 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
4/2/14 | 19540 | $4.89 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
4/2/14 | 19534 | $12.21 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
4/2/14 | 19535 | $12.21 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
4/2/14 | 19536 | $12.21 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20473 | $7.39 | Morgan, Shamita N.A. | PO Box 2769 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21627 | $7.39 | Morris, Hugh Theodore | Apt. 178 Block C4 Victoria Court Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20474 | $7.39 | Morris, Hugh Theodore | Apt. 178 Block C4 Victoria Court Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20674 | $28.46 | Mortimer, Lisa | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Bay Street, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19730 | $28.46 | Mortimer, Lisa | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Bay Street, Bahamas |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22450 | $1.47 | Moses, Michael | 173 St. Anthony’s Circle Westmoorings, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23669 | $1.47 | Moses, Michael | 173 St. Anthony’s Circle Westmoorings, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22879 | $14.23 | Moxey, Bernice | C/O FirstCaribbean Int’l Bank, Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 24282 | $14.23 | Moxey, Bernice | C/O FirstCaribbean Int’l Bank, Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19989 | $1.71 | Munroe, Chanelle | # 230 Blue Hill Road, PO Box CB-11692 Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20678 | $35.56 | Murphy, Dudley | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Bay Street, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21632 | $20.95 | Mutual Agency Insurance Limited | 5f Hagley Park Plaza, PO Box 206 Kingston 10, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20479 | $20.95 | Mutual Agency Insurance Limited | 5f Hagley Park Plaza, PO Box 206 Kingston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22456 | $28.88 | Nahous-Sabga, Helena | Regents Point, Regents Park, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22457 | $14.79 | Naisa Brand Products Limited | 23 Bejucal Road, Cunupia, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21645 | $81.37 | NCB Jamaica (Nominees) Ltd. | 18 Trafalgar Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23684 | $5.91 | Neale, Geoffrey Daniel | #7 La Croix Avenue, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22468 | $2.95 | Nero, Patti Roberts- | 15 Cayenne Drive, Edinbrugh 500 Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23687 | $2.95 | Nero, Patti Roberts- | 15 Cayenne Drive, Edinbrugh 500 Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21128 | $28.46 | Newbold, Tabitha Maria Christina, Mrs. | 9 Portage Road, Oakes Field Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22474 | $33.28 | Noel, Roger | C/O Marcia Stewart 5 Pinewood Gardens, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21649 | $1.47 | Northover, Dennis & Northover, Olivene | C/O CIBC Ltd. 78 Half-Way-Tree Rd Kinston 10, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20496 | $1.47 | Northover, Dennis & Northover, Olivene | C/O CIBC Ltd. 78 Half-Way-Tree Rd Kinston 10, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21650 | $1.96 | N’toutoume, Jasmin & N’toutoume, Sybil | 1 Marley Road, Chateau Lingfield Townhouse #6 Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20497 | $1.96 | N’toutoume, Jasmin & N’toutoume, Sybil | 1 Marley Road, Chateau Lingfield Townhouse #6 Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21652 | $7.39 | Nugent, Carol Dawn Maxine | 22 Orchid Path Kingston 6, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22479 | $0.29 | O’Brien, Kerry-Ann Marisa | 14 Cactus Street, Macoya Gardens, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 24052 | $1.47 | Odinga, Kamau & Odinga, Tamanika | PO Box 259 Luling Louisiana, Louisiana, USA |
1/2/14 | 22484 | $0.47 | Okezie, Samuel | 18 Fourth Street, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22005 | $1.52 | Oliver, Tiffanny Adanna | #90 Woodford Street, Apt #4 Newton, Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 22890 | $147.95 | Omphroy, Gloria | 4 Widcombe Close, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23703 | $35.43 | Osouna, Lester | 7 St Lucien Road, Blue Range, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22489 | $8.84 | Ottley, Gavin A. | 1 Alyce Glen Townhouse’s, Morne Coco Rd., Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23706 | $8.84 | Ottley, Gavin A. | 1 Alyce Glen Townhouse’s, Morne Coco Rd., Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21664 | $0.97 | Parker, Wesley George, Estate | 15 Queen Drive, PO Box 157 Kingston 19, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22899 | $0.97 | Parker, Wesley George, Estate | 15 Queen Drive, PO Box 157 Kingston 19, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21209 | $21.34 | Parsons, Josh | PO Box 11372 Apo, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 20072 | $21.34 | Parsons, Josh | PO Box 11372 Apo, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 22498 | $76.93 | Pascal, Anand | PO Box #4574 St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20681 | $42.69 | Paul, Dashann | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Commercial Banking Centre Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19737 | $42.69 | Paul, Dashann | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Commercial Banking Centre Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22844 | $4.43 | Payne, Meredith R. | 681 Jerome Street, Brooklyn NY 11207, USA |
6/17/14 | 24055 | $4.43 | Payne, Meredith R. | 681 Jerome Street, Brooklyn NY 11207, USA |
1/2/14 | 21247 | $14.79 | Payne, Sonya L. | 2 Weald Close, Shalford Guildford Surrey GU4 8HX England, United Kingdom |
6/17/14 | 20110 | $14.79 | Payne, Sonya L. | 2 Weald Close, Shalford Guildford Surrey GU4 8HX England United Kingdom |
1/2/14 | 20683 | $21.34 | Pennerman, Terrinique | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Marathon, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19739 | $21.34 | Pennerman, Terrinique | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Marathon, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21674 | $1.62 | Pennycooke (Deceased), Michael & Pennycooke, Cecille | 14 Plumbago Path, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22508 | $3.69 | Peters, Patricia Caron, Ms. | 21 John Shaw Avenu,e Arim,a Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23723 | $3.69 | Peters, Patricia Caron, Ms. | 21 John Shaw Avenue, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20684 | $21.34 | Pierre, Jack | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Palmdale Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21210 | $0.69 | Pilgrim, Derick Dacosta | Apt 215 420 Larry Uteck Blvd Halifax NS B3M 0G5, Canada |
6/17/14 | 20073 | $0.69 | Pilgrim, Derick Dacosta | Apt 215 420 Larry Uteck Blvd Halifax NS B3M 0G5, Canada |
1/2/14 | 20686 | $21.34 | Pinder, Daville | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Shirley Street, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19742 | $21.34 | Pinder, Daville | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Shirley Street, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20687 | $35.56 | Pinder, Tammy | Pinderi<S Point, Grand Bahama, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21678 | $0.38 | Pinnock, Merville | 33 Sheffield Road, Kingston 2, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22913 | $0.38 | Pinnock, Merville | 33 Sheffield Road, Kingston 2, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20893 | $21.34 | Potter, Milton | C/O FirstCaribbean Road, Town Tortola, Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 19941 | $21.34 | Potter, Milton | C/O FirstCaribbean Road Town, Tortola, Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 20074 | $28.46 | Pouchie, Stephanie Ophelia | PO Box 92 NS Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 21212 | $21.34 | Powell- Francis, Katherine Lenecia, Mrs. | PO Box 663 Bodden Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1603 Cayman Islands |
4/1/14 | 19508 | $32.46 | Powell- Francis, Katherine Lenecia, Mrs. | PO Box 663 Bodden Town Grand Cayman KY1-1603 Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 20075 | $21.34 | Powell- Francis, Katherine Lenecia, Mrs. | PO Box 663 Bodden Town Grand Cayman KY1-1603 Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 22522 | $14.79 | Prescott, Lisa | 146 Andre Avenue, Mootoo Land, Marabella , Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23736 | $14.79 | Prescott, Lisa | 146 Andre Avenue, Mootoo Lands, Marabella , Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21687 | $1.18 | Pringle, Marva & Brown, Linda | 12 Abernathy Drive, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22925 | $3.93 | Pusey, Dora A. & Pusey, Jonathan E. | 25 Stafford Drive, Greensdale Spanish Town PO Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22926 | $9.18 | Pusey, Jonathan E. & Pusey, Dora A. | 25 Stafford Drive Greensdale Spanish Town PO Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22530 | $1.81 | Ramasir, Lynton, Mr | 132 – 134 Point a Pierre Road, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23743 | $1.81 | Ramasir, Lynton, Mr. | 132 – 134 Point A Pierre Road, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22533 | $7.39 | Rambaran, Myrna | East Street, Fanny Village, Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23746 | $7.39 | Rambaran, Myrna | East Street, Fanny Village, Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21165 | $14.79 | Rambharat, Clarence Kerry | 5952 128th Street, Surrey British Colombia V3X 1T3 Canada |
6/17/14 | 20028 | $14.79 | Rambharat, Clarence Kerry | 5952 128th Street Surrey British Colombia V3X 1T3 Canada |
1/2/14 | 22537 | $1.47 | Ramdhanie, Sharda | 85a Lower Poonah Road ,Williamsville, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22540 | $5.40 | Ramjattan, Randi Rishi | 142 Papourie Road, Diamond Village, Via La Romain, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23753 | $5.40 | Ramjattan, Randi Rishi | 142 Papourie Road, Diamond Village, Via La Romain, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22541 | $73.97 | Ramjohn, Faizul | #1 Ramatally Park, Pepper Village, Fyzabad, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23754 | $73.97 | Ramjohn, Faizul | #1 Ramatally Park, Pepper Village, Fyzabad, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22542 | $1.47 | Ramkhelawan, Vidiah | Lp#29, Rajbally St., Bank Villag,e Carapichaima, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23755 | $1.47 | Ramkhelawan, Vidiah | Lp#29, Rajbally St., Bank Village, Carapichaima, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22550 | $8.06 | Ramnarine, Neila Nalini, | 20 Immortelle Avenue, Balmain Couva, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22560 | $11.09 | Rampersad, Ryan Rohan Anand | #119 St Clair Road, Arouca, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23773 | $11.09 | Rampersad, Ryan Rohan Anand | #119 St Clair Road, Arouca, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22561 | $14.79 | Rampersad, Shanty | #16 Mission Road, San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22565 | $0.51 | Ramroop, Ramona | 52-54 Siparia Old Road, Fyzabad, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23778 | $0.51 | Ramroop, Ramona | 52-54 Siparia Old Road, Fyzabad, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22566 | $14.79 | Ramsaran, Torrance | 5 Rest House Trace, St Mary’s Village, Moruga Road, Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23779 | $14.79 | Ramsaran, Torrance | 5 Rest House Trace, St Mary’s Village, Moruga Road, Barrackpore, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22572 | $14.79 | Ramsingh, O’Neil K. | 203 Eastern Main Road, Barataria, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22573 | $3.13 | Ransome, Cecil H. | Moses John Avenue, Pt. Ligoure, Pt. Fortin , Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23785 | $3.13 | Ransome, Cecil H. | Moses John Avenue, Pt. Ligoure, Pt. Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19995 | $35.56 | Reckley, Jacqueline Theresa | #41 Inspiration Road, Impertial Park, Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20077 | $21.34 | Record-Graham, Ann | PO Box 1689 Gt Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 23828 | $14.79 | Reid, Malcolm | 87 Thick Village, Siparia, Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21706 | $49.31 | Reid, Radley & Reid, Beverly | 1 Glenalmond Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21709 | $26.27 | Repole, Dahlia W. | 5 Lanark Close, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22942 | $26.27 | Repole, Dahlia W. | 5 Lanark Close, Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21710 | $26.27 | Repole, Franz-Joseph | 21 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22943 | $26.27 | Repole, Franz-Joseph | 21 Dominica Drive, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21711 | $70.57 | Repole, Herbert D. | 32 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21712 | $13.13 | Repole, Herbert D. & Repole, Kenzo K. | 32 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23841 | $31.04 | Richardson, Joan | 22 Blue Basin Gardens, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23842 | $61.40 | Richardson, Rawle | 22 Blue Basin Gardens, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19931 | $21.34 | Rigby, Cynthia Claudette | C/O FirstCaribbean PO Box 236 Providenciales Turks & Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands |
1/2/14 | 20697 | $21.34 | Roberts, Jamal | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Wall Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19752 | $21.34 | Roberts, Jamal | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Wall Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 22948 | $13.40 | Roberts, Kelvin | 23 Norbrook Acres Drive, PO Box 906 Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19753 | $21.34 | Roberts, Kendrea R. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Super Support Cente, Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22873 | $21.34 | Roberts, Zephaniah Amariah | C/O Inland Massenger Box 160 Road Town, Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
6/17/14 | 24085 | $21.34 | Roberts, Zephaniah Amariah | C/O Inland Massenger Box 160 Road Tow,n Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 21721 | $14.79 | Robinson, Karl Hugh | Dept. of Computer Science, University of The Kingston 7, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22952 | $14.79 | Robinson, Karl Hugh | Dept. of Computer Science, University of The Kingston 7, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22641 | $7.39 | Rocke, Elizabeth L. | 741 Radix Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23854 | $7.39 | Rocke, Elizabeth L. | 741 Radix Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22642 | $1.25 | Rocke, Gervais | 741 Radix Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23855 | $1.25 | Rocke, Gervais | 741 Radix Road, Lange Park Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22644 | $21.63 | Rodriguez, Stacey-Ann | 21 Carlos Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23857 | $21.63 | Rodriguez, Stacey-Ann | 21 Carlos Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22645 | $3.44 | Rogers, Mark D., Mr. | Lp#57 La Baja Road, Maracas St. Joseph, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20702 | $28.46 | Rolle, Terrell | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Freeport – Pioneers Way Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19757 | $28.46 | Rolle, Terrell | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Freeport – Pioneers Way Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20703 | $21.34 | Rolle, Valdalia | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Cable Beach, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19758 | $21.34 | Rolle, Valdalia | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Cable Beach, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22646 | $7.39 | Romano, Andrew | 45 Eight Avenue, Barataria, Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23859 | $7.39 | Romano, Andrew | 45 Eight Avenue, Barataria, Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 19759 | $21.34 | Romer, Gia | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Bay Street, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22849 | $7.39 | Sahadeo, Una May & Sahadeo, Michael | 1212 Broad Rock Blvd, Richmond VA 23224 USA |
1/2/14 | 22665 | $43.05 | Samlalsingh, Kirt J. | #19 Rostant Street, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23879 | $43.05 | Samlalsingh, Kirt J. | #19 Rostant Street, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21133 | $2.81 | Sampey, Maria | Little Blair Box SS6045 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19997 | $2.81 | Sampey, Maria | Little Blair Box SS6045 Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22668 | $1.18 | Sanchez, Nicholas | 26a Egypt Avenue, Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20707 | $35.56 | Sands, Brenda | Eastwood Estates, PO Box N-9813, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20708 | $28.46 | Sands, Jermaine A. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Super Support Centre, Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19763 | $28.46 | Sands, Jermaine A. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Super Support Centre, Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21249 | $7.39 | Sandy, Zita | 23 Atkinson Road, Custom House, London E16 3LP England United Kingdom |
6/17/14 | 20112 | $7.39 | Sandy, Zita | 23 Atkinson Road Custom House London E16 3LP England United Kingdom |
1/2/14 | 20709 | $0.34 | Saunders, Janette O. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank IPS, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19764 | $0.34 | Saunders, Janette O. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank IPS, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19999 | $28.46 | Saunders, Philip L. | Yonder Road PO Box 555461 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19766 | $21.34 | Saunders, Vonnette | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Shirley Street, Nassau, Bahamas |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 21747 | $0.73 | Security Brokers Limited | Attention: Mr. Philmore Ogle Liquidator – Security Brokers C/O 7 West Avenue, Kingston 4, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22977 | $0.73 | Security Brokers Limited | Attention: Mr. Philmore Ogle Liquidator – Security Brokers C/O 7 West Avenue, Kingston 4, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22679 | $4.30 | Seeberan, Charles Harriraj & Seeberan, Gregory Steven Bede | #49 Kenneth Drive, Union Park West, Marabella , Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23892 | $4.30 | Seeberan, Charles Harriraj & Seeberan, Gregory Steven Bede | #49 Kenneth Drive, Union Park West, Marabella , Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21748 | $1.47 | Segree, Gareth | Tecis 78 Halfway Tree Rd, Kingston, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22978 | $1.47 | Segree, Gareth | Tecis 78 Halfway Tree Rd, Kingston, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 20079 | $26.63 | Seymour, Celia | PO Box 2866 Gt Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 23898 | $340.29 | Sharma, Pravin | 10 Woodlands Road, Valsayn North, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21752 | $18.40 | Sharp, Collette A. & Sharp, Paul A.l. | PO Box 2007 Constant Spring, PO Kingston 8, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22982 | $18.40 | Sharp, Collette A. & Sharp, Paul A.l. | PO Box 2007 Constant Spring, PO Kingston 8, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21753 | $3.66 | Sharpe, Sheridah & Sharpe, Jason | 35 Mountain Spring Driv, PO Box 422 Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22983 | $3.66 | Sharpe, Sheridah & Sharpe, Jason | 35 Mountain Spring Driv, PO Box 422 Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22690 | $1.03 | Siboo, Neal A., Mr. | #467 Southern Main Road, Rousillac, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23902 | $1.03 | Siboo, Neal A., Mr. | #467 Southern Main Road, Rousillac, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 20714 | $21.34 | Simmons, Rico | 550 Flemming Way, 206 Maitland, Florida 32751 USA |
6/17/14 | 19769 | $21.34 | Simmons, Rico | 550 Flemming Way, 206 Maitland, Florida 32751 USA |
6/17/14 | 23903 | $2.95 | Simmons, Stefan | Lot 9 Lp 56 Stoer Drive, Morne Coco Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22693 | $1.47 | Singh, Krishaan, Mr. | 44 Sunset Ridge, La Romaine 650809 Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23905 | $1.47 | Singh, Krishaan, Mr. | 44 Sunset Ridge, La Romaine 650809 Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23906 | $14.79 | Singh, Ranjit | Lp #64 Endeavour Road, Cunupia, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21761 | $1.39 | Singh, Sharon | Hopeton PO St. James, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 22991 | $1.39 | Singh, Sharon | Hopeton PO St. James, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22700 | $7.39 | Smart, Rodney | Apt2 Block 2 Flagstaff Hill, Long Circular Road, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
6/17/14 | 23912 | $7.39 | Smart, Rodney | Apt 2, Block 2 ,Flagstaff Hill Long Circular Road, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21765 | $3.07 | Smith, Karlene Evadney | PO Box 234, Port Antonio Post Office, Portland ,Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20717 | $21.34 | Smith, Latoya | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Harbour Bay Branch, Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19772 | $21.34 | Smith, Latoya | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Harbour Bay Branch, Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20718 | $35.56 | Smith, Linda H. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Oper Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19773 | $35.56 | Smith, Linda H. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Oper Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20719 | $0.28 | Smith, Lynden | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank SCS Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19774 | $0.28 | Smith, Lynden | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank SCS Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22704 | $21.34 | Solomon, Cheryl | #19 Fort Dundonald Villas, Long Circular, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23915 | $147.95 | Solomon, Cheryl & Solomon, Warren | # 19 Fort Dundonald Villas, Long Circular, St. James, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22706 | $7.39 | Soogrim, Indrawatie | Poowah Road, Williamsville, Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22708 | $2.21 | Sookhan, Melissa Jasmine | .5 Mm Reyes Trace, Syne Village, Penal Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23920 | $2.21 | Sookhan, Melissa Jasmine | .5 Mm Reyes Trace, Syne Village, Penal Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23922 | $7.39 | Sookraj, Mona | #57 Kassie Street, El Dorado, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22712 | $0.53 | Soyer, Winston | 1 Team Drive, Majuba Cross Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23924 | $0.53 | Soyer, Winston | 1 Team Drive, Majuba Cross Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22713 | $0.75 | Soyer, Winston & Soyer, Jeremiah | 1 Team Drive, Majuba Cross Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23925 | $0.75 | Soyer, Winston & Soyer, Jeremiah | 1 Team Drive, Majuba Cross Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21776 | $2.60 | Stennett, Thelma | 10 Fairbourne Driv,e Kingston 2, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23006 | $2.60 | Stennett, Thelma | 10 Fairbourne Drive, Kingston 2, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21218 | $42.69 | Stoll, Paul | PO Box 930 Grand Cayman KY1-1102, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 20081 | $42.69 | Stoll, Paul | PO Box 930 Grand Cayman KY1-1102, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 20722 | $21.34 | Sullivan, Tonya | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Madeira, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19777 | $21.34 | Sullivan, Tonya | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Madeira, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 23939 | $2.95 | Supersad, Sabrina | PO Box 7316 TT Post Office, Cunupia, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22732 | $0.73 | Sylvester, Roger M. | #59 Olivier Avenue, Coconut Drive, San Fernando , Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23944 | $0.73 | Sylvester, Roger M. | #59 Olivier Avenue, Coconut Drive, San Fernando , Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22147 | $1.47 | Tack, Annabella Shrimati Chan | 259 Gopaul Circular Drive, Gopaul Lands, Marabella , Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22738 | $16.27 | Taitt, Andre Garvin Trinidad and Tobago | Lp#55 Meade Street, El Dorado Road, Tunapuna |
1/2/14 | 22740 | $6.50 | Talma, Bret A. | #2 Mora Heights, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22745 | $0.88 | Telemaque, Akeena Sara | 87 Pineview Gardens, Welcome Cunupia , Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23956 | $0.88 | Telemaque, Akeena Sara | 87 Pineview Gardens, Welcome Cunupia , Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22852 | $1.47 | Thesiger, Dominic Ramon | 19148 SW 64th Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33332 USA |
6/17/14 | 24063 | $1.47 | Thesiger, Dominic Ramon | 19148 SW 64th Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33332 USA |
1/2/14 | 21788 | $5.25 | Thomas, Dian Samantha | Eltham, PO Box 432, Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23018 | $5.25 | Thomas, Dian Samantha | Eltham, PO Box 432, Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21790 | $2.63 | Thomas, Muriel | 35 Dawn Avenue, New Haven, Kingston 20, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22853 | $10.47 | Thomas, Sharon & Thomas, Luigi & Thomas, Morian | 124 Watercress Court, Stockbridge Georgia 30281 USA |
6/17/14 | 24064 | $10.47 | Thomas, Sharon & Thomas, Luigi & Thomas, Morian | 124 Watercress Court, Stockbridge Georgia 30281 USA |
1/2/14 | 20727 | $21.34 | Thompson, Adelpho B. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Shirley Street, Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19782 | $21.34 | Thompson, Adelpho B. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Shirley Street, Nassau, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21793 | $7.39 | Thompson, Alfred | 1 1/2 Delacree Road, Kingston 13, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23023 | $7.39 | Thompson, Alfred | 1 1/2 Delacree Road, Kingston 13, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20728 | $35.56 | Thompson, Carolyn | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Palm Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21798 | $7.39 | Thorburn, Marigold Julia | 25 Paddington Terrace ,Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23028 | $7.39 | Thorburn, Marigold Julia | 25 Paddington Terrace, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21799 | $7.39 | Thorpe, Roy Alexander | 8 Caymanas Place, Box #7 Meadowvale Gregory Park , PO St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23029 | $7.39 | Thorpe, Roy Alexander | 8 Caymanas Place, Box #7 Meadowvale Gregory Park , PO St. Catherine, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 21138 | $0.34 | Thurston, Sherry Doris | PO Box EE 15361 Nassua, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20002 | $0.34 | Thurston, Sherry Doris | PO Box EE 15361 Nassua, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21221 | $21.34 | Tibbetts, Audrey | PO Box 94 Sav Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 22754 | $1.47 | Tittle, Ann | 40 B P Street, Vance River, Guapo, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23965 | $1.47 | Tittle, Ann | 40 B P Street, Vance River, Guapo, Trinidad andTobago |
1/2/14 | 22854 | $10.35 | Todd, Stanley P. & Todd, Alicia | C/O Arlecia Todd 5434 County Highway 181E Westville FL 32464 USA |
6/17/14 | 24065 | $10.35 | Todd, Stanley P. & Todd, Alicia | C/O Arlecia Todd 5434 County Highway 181E Westville FL 32464 USA |
6/17/14 | 24086 | $21.34 | Todman, Doris | PO Box 3194 Road Town Tortola VG1110 Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 21800 | $1.73 | Tomlinson, Paul V. | Lot 130 Westgate Hills, Fontana Fairview, PO Box 206 St. James, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20731 | $21.34 | Tomlyn, Tanya | Sandilands Village Road, Sheila’s Court, PO Box Fh-14064 Nassau, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20115 | $334.37 | Trust Co Guyana Ltd For N&M Pension Fund | C/O Demarera Oxygen Company Old Road Eccles, East Bank, Demarera, Guyana |
1/2/14 | 20733 | $21.34 | Turner, Jarad S. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Frep. Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19788 | $21.34 | Turner, Jarad S. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Frep. Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20734 | $21.34 | Turnquest, April G. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Obu. Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19789 | $21.34 | Turnquest, April G. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Obu. Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21139 | $21.34 | Turnquest, Bernadette | Monastery Heights, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 20003 | $21.34 | Turnquest, Bernadette | Monastery Heights, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20735 | $21.34 | Turnquest, Eddrin | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Barf. Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19790 | $21.34 | Turnquest, Eddrin | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank Plc Barf. Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 20980 | $28.46 | Usher, Michelle Martina | PO Box 214 12/14 Tangelo Street Belmopan, Belize |
6/17/14 | 24168 | $28.46 | Usher, Michelle Martina | PO Box 214 12/14 Tangelo Street Belmopan, Belize |
1/2/14 | 22766 | $2.95 | Vincent, Heidi | Perdmontemps, St. David’s, Grenada |
6/17/14 | 23976 | $2.95 | Vincent, Heidi | Perdmontemps, St. David’s, Grenada |
1/2/14 | 22768 | $1.47 | Vitalis, Cherry-Ann | 25 King Orange Avenue (S), Santa Rosa Heights, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23978 | $1.47 | Vitalis, Cherry-Ann | 25 King Orange Avenue (S), Santa Rosa Heights, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 22856 | $3.93 | Walker, Inez S. | 8528 Society Drive, Apt. 528 Claymont, Delaware 19803 19703 USA |
6/17/14 | 24067 | $3.93 | Walker, Inez S. | 8528 Society Drive, Apt. 528 Claymont, Delaware 19803 19703 USA |
1/2/14 | 21813 | $21.34 | Walker, Paul Augustus | New Hall Road, Royal Flat District, Mandeville Manchester, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22876 | $21.34 | Warren, Joycelyn | Josiah’s Bay, General Delivery East End PO VG1120 Virgin Islands (British) |
1/2/14 | 21226 | $21.34 | Watler, Yvette | PO Box 11827 Apo, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 20090 | $21.34 | Watler, Yvette | PO Box 11827 Apo, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 19830 | $35.56 | Watson, Denise Kay Ann | C/O FirstCaribbean Int’l Bank (Caymans) Ltd Main Street – Retail, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 21821 | $0.93 | Webb, Derrick | 13 Farringdon Drive, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23048 | $0.93 | Webb, Derrick | 13 Farringdon Drive, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21824 | $0.19 | Welds, Audrey & Welds, Dennis | 2 Daisy Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23051 | $0.19 | Welds, Audrey & Welds, Dennis | 2 Daisy Avenue, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19793 | $35.56 | Wells, Nellie B. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank, Plc Wall, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21827 | $26.02 | West, Wayne A. | 4c Greenvale Road, Mandeville Manchester, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23054 | $26.02 | West, Wayne A. | 4c Greenvale Road, Mandeville Manchester, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 21831 | $7.88 | White, Gerdine | 6 Corner Lane, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23058 | $7.88 | White, Gerdine | 6 Corner Lane, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 24284 | $21.34 | Williams, Anthone | PO Box S.P. 61835, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 22778 | $1.02 | Williams, Jude Nicholas | #36 Endicott Drive, Homestead Gardens, Sam Boucaud Santa Cruz, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22779 | $73.97 | Williams, Michael Jay | Santa Paula Nelson Mandela Drive, Maracas Valley, St. Joseph, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23989 | $73.97 | Williams, Michael Jay | Santa Paula Nelson Mandela Drive, Maracas Valley , St. Joseph, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 20095 | $0.20 | Williams, Tanya Aretha | PO Box 10799 Apo, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 20096 | $7.39 | Williams, Tanya Aretha | PO Box 10799 Apo, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands |
6/17/14 | 23068 | $13.13 | Williams, Tricia | 19 Main Street, May Pen, PO May Pen, Jamaica |
Cheque Date | Cheque Number | Cheque Amount | Beneficiary | Address |
1/2/14 | 21841 | $1.09 | Williams, Wellesley & Evans, Fredrick | 1 Julian Drive, Kingston 13, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23069 | $1.09 | Williams, Wellesley & Evans, Fredrick | 1 Julian Drive, Kingston 13, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23070 | $1.47 | Wilson, Anique Latoria | 554, 4 East Greater Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 22780 | $1.42 | Wilson, Anthony J. | # 80 St. John Road, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 23990 | $1.42 | Wilson, Anthony J. | # 80 St. John Road, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago |
6/17/14 | 20101 | $50.71 | Wilson, Jennifer D & Wilson, Herman L. | PO Box 2695, Georgetown, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands |
1/2/14 | 20747 | $21.34 | Wilson, Shonel T. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Marathon, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19801 | $21.34 | Wilson, Shonel T. | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Marathon, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 23994 | $19.48 | Wise Nominees (2001) Limited – A/C 004 | PO Box 259, 23A Chacon Street, Port Of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 22785 | $2.79 | Wolffe-O’Neil, Gillian M | “Lp#87 Airapita Road” “St. Anns” Trinidad and Tobago |
1/2/14 | 21844 | $0.38 | Woods, Anthony B. | 44 Highland Drive, Kingston 19, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23073 | $0.38 | Woods, Anthony B. | 44 Highland Drive, Kingston 19, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 19804 | $35.56 | Woods, Deidre | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank Ex-Barclays Bank, Plc H. Bay, Bahamas |
6/17/14 | 19806 | $21.34 | Woodside, Yocasta | FirstC’bbean Int’l Bank, Abaco, Bahamas |
1/2/14 | 21849 | $14.79 | Wynter, Brian Hector John | PO Box 731, Kingston 6, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23079 | $14.79 | Young, Phillip | Main Street PO Box 233, Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica |
1/2/14 | 20519 | $35.56 | Young, Sandra Angela | Van Buren Dr #2 Cole Bay, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles |
6/17/14 | 19577 | $35.56 | Young, Sandra Angela | Van Buren Dr #2 Cole Bay, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles |
1/2/14 | 21851 | $1.73 | Young, Seymour | Lot 102 Hillside Drive, Johnson Hill, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
6/17/14 | 23080 | $1.73 | Young, Seymour | Lot 102 Hillside Drive Johnson Hill, St. Catherine, Jamaica |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
1-Nov-13 | $300.00 | United Caribbean Trust The WIS | 3241475 |
8-Nov-13 | $98.49 | Ena Weekes | 3249483 |
8-Nov-13 | $15.90 | Gloria Murrell | 3249484 |
15-Nov-13 | $1,000 | Elegant Properties | 3234937 |
18-Nov-13 | $310.00 | Ian Daniels | 3242798 |
19-Nov-13 | $61,594.20 | Bhanmatie Rikhiram | 3243035 |
19-Nov-13 | $102.35 | Harley S. L. Moseley | 3247718 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-09-01 | $1.90 | Mr. Dane Stephen Greg | 00169978 |
2014-03-06 | $29.15 | Dan Morgan | 00169635 |
2014-09-01 | $30.91 | Dan Morgan | 00169977 |
2014-09-03 | $43.98 | Mr. .B L. Oumarally/ Mr. | 00170002 |
2014-01-16 | $74.22 | Bourse Securities Lt. | 00169534 |
2013-12-23 | $200.01 | RBC Ministries | 00153000 |
2014-07-01 | $1,077.24 | Mary Horsford Headle | 00155432 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-03-17 | $1,000.00 | Asst. Commissioner O. | 00156208 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-09-02 | $0.05 | Martina Brown | 00824047 |
2014-03-07 | $1.63 | Noe Reyes | 00813017 |
2014-03-07 | $1.63 | Mr. Nyall Henderson G. | 00812973 |
2014-03-07 | $1.63 | Estate Effie V. Ifill | 00812979 |
2014-03-07 | $1.63 | George L. Sobers | 00812999 |
2014-03-07 | $1.63 | Beulah Griffith | 00812975 |
2014-03-07 | $1.63 | Francisco Antonio Ma | 00813011 |
2014-03-07 | $1.63 | Mr. Nicolas Calvin Dr. | 00813005 |
2014-03-12 | $1.63 | William E. Straughn | 00813030 |
2014-03-12 | $1.63 | Marcelle E. Clarke | 00813036 |
2014-03-12 | $1.63 | Alicia A Williams/ C. | 00813031 |
2014-03-07 | $2.13 | Joshua Gibbs | 00812972 |
2014-03-13 | $5.03 | Kim Marie Smith | 00813064 |
2014-01-15 | $6.24 | Malva O. Cobham/Ingri | 00811738 |
2014-03-07 | $6.29 | Mr. Vincent St Elmo K. | 00813009 |
2014-03-12 | $6.29 | Hubert Anthony King | 00813040 |
2014-09-03 | $8.95 | Miss Mirrell Eureta | 00824135 |
2014-09-02 | $10.06 | Mr. Roy Ifill | 00824069 |
2014-09-02 | $10.06 | Beulah Griffith | 00824063 |
2014-09-03 | $10.06 | Alicia A Williams/ C. | 00824100 |
2014-09-03 | $10.06 | Eugenie Todman-Smith | 00824101 |
2014-09-03 | $10.06 | Mr. Nicolas Calvin Dr. | 00824103 |
2014-09-03 | $10.06 | Elridge C. Walters | 00824098 |
2014-09-02 | $10.21 | Colleen Brathwaite | 00824045 |
2014-09-02 | $10.21 | Ervine S. Ifill | 00824068 |
2014-09-02 | $10.21 | Marva Gittens | 00824062 |
2014-09-02 | $10.21 | Iris V. E. Leach/ Lana | 00824075 |
2014-09-03 | $10.21 | Christine Welch | 00824109 |
2014-09-03 | $10.21 | June A. Sauvage | 00824106 |
2014-09-02 | $10.56 | Joshua Gibbs | 00824061 |
2014-03-07 | $11.69 | Jeanne Hunt | 00812978 |
2014-03-07 | $11.69 | Iris V. E. Leach / Lan | 00812984 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-03-07 | $11.69 | Colleen Brathwaite | 00812967 |
2014-03-07 | $11.69 | Ervine S Ifill | 00812980 |
2014-03-12 | $11.69 | Mr. Roy James Giangre | 00813063 |
2014-03-12 | $11.69 | June A Sauvage | 00813032 |
2014-03-07 | $11.85 | Marva Gittens | 00812974 |
2014-09-03 | $13.73 | Mr. Rolf Romer | 00824132 |
2014-09-03 | $16.55 | Mr. Newton R Thomas/ | 00824136 |
2014-03-07 | $16.72 | Kelly M Parris | 00812989 |
2014-03-07 | $16.72 | Rasheed Chandler | 00812962 |
2014-03-12 | $19.23 | Roy Giangregorio/Pat | 00813033 |
2014-09-02 | $19.42 | Mr. Nathan Alastair M. | 00824051 |
2014-09-02 | $20.27 | Harold P. Bryant | 00824048 |
2014-03-07 | $21.75 | Harold P. Bryant | 00812968 |
2014-06-27 | $27.50 | Georges M. De Montreu | 00821917 |
2014-07-22 | $29.00 | Accountant General | 00821950 |
2014-01-29 | $30.00 | NYC Dept of Health & | 00813759 |
2014-03-07 | $41.87 | Doris Richards-Gitte | 00812996 |
2014-02-10 | $42.00 | A & L Eastern Labora | 00747625 |
2014-01-15 | $43.98 | Rodney Husbands/Deni | 00811744 |
2014-09-03 | $48.32 | Icens | 00852162 |
2013-11-04 | $50.00 | R. Wilson | 00811386 |
2014-07-09 | $50.00 | Matthew Mitchell | 00821968 |
2013-12-31 | $51.41 | Rai International Lt | 00813626 |
2014-05-30 | $55.65 | Samuel C Barrow | 00821793 |
2014-03-12 | $64.81 | Mr. Kelly Macdonald P | 00813051 |
2014-01-15 | $64.93 | Delores Jardine | 00811746 |
2014-04-30 | $73.98 | William Mckillop | 00822686 |
2014-09-24 | $83.00 | Embassy of India | 00820463 |
2014-03-19 | $83.35 | TSX Inc. | 00812197 |
2014-07-07 | $91.00 | Embassy of India Sur | 00820301 |
2014-06-12 | $92.00 | State of Colorado | 00821888 |
2014-03-07 | $92.17 | Cleveland Appia/ Mrs. | 00812964 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2013-12-20 | $100.00 | Dkwame Babb | 00813605 |
2014-04-04 | $100.00 | Public Treasury – BAH | 00819704 |
2014-05-16 | $104.25 | (USA) In | 00820010 |
2014-09-03 | $115.85 | Mr. Ulric Dawson | 00824137 |
2014-09-03 | $115.85 | Mr. Julian E. Cox/ Mis | 00824122 |
2014-01-16 | $130.19 | Jean Graham | 00811763 |
2014-05-27 | $147.84 | Novartis Pharma Ag | 00821716 |
2014-09-16 | $150.00 | Caribbean Cruisin Lt | 00824376 |
2014-07-04 | $151.76 | Cleveland & Bellie A. | 00821967 |
2014-07-04 | $151.76 | Cleveland & Bellie A. | 00821966 |
2014-03-12 | $159.25 | Mr. Ulric Dawson | 00813059 |
2013-12-05 | $160.00 | Randall Worrell | 00810570 |
2014-05-12 | $160.00 | Sharmaine Melville-E. | 00812596 |
2014-08-07 | $160.00 | US Embassy | 00776780 |
2014-09-02 | $172.09 | Philip O. Pilgrim | 00824085 |
2014-09-02 | $191.30 | Messrs. D.V. Scott & | 00824077 |
2014-03-07 | $192.78 | Messrs. D.V. Scott & | 00812986 |
2014-05-30 | $195.84 | Norma Stanton | 00821792 |
2014-07-31 | $200.00 | Bank of Nova Scotia | 00821610 |
2014-01-06 | $230.00 | The Institute of Int | 00794674 |
2014-07-02 | $300.00 | Jennifer Moore | 00821481 |
2014-09-16 | $300.00 | My Dees Restaurant | 00824374 |
2014-09-18 | $330.00 | La Vista Azul Resort | 00851886 |
2014-09-16 | $348.00 | Sarah Simmons | 00824375 |
2014-07-31 | $417.46 | Cortina Safety Produ | 00822077 |
2014-03-11 | $418.00 | Drillco | 00748391 |
2014-09-04 | $420.00 | Our Lady of Florida | 00824403 |
2014-02-25 | $427.66 | Burmac Machinery | 00821701 |
2014-03-07 | $494.60 | Patricia Ann Coltart | 00812963 |
2014-02-14 | $495.00 | Common Sense Publish | 00819532 |
2014-10-23 | $500.00 | Calder Hall Medical | 00824317 |
2014-05-26 | $558.40 | Alivium Inc. | 00820003 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-10-09 | $700.00 | Emma Lee Clark | 00812824 |
2014-04-01 | $720.00 | Steede Medical Llc | 00809357 |
2014-09-12 | $780.00 | Air Turks & Caicos | 00851865 |
2014-01-17 | $785.16 | Church of God World | 00813653 |
2013-12-13 | $931.50 | Excel Dental Lab Co. | 00813483 |
2014-01-31 | $1,016.16 | Church of God World | 00819466 |
2013-12-06 | $1,052.76 | The Guardian Newspap | 00811920 |
2014-05-29 | $1,530.00 | Creative Storage Sys | 00821782 |
2014-05-26 | $1,674.52 | Addendum Inc | 00820002 |
2014-07-11 | $1,800.00 | Melinda Hardy | 00794884 |
2014-06-25 | $2,221.00 | Evans Mangar | 00795617 |
2014-03-10 | $2,860.00 | Caribbean Diagnostic | 00813019 |
2013-12-20 | $3,925.00 | Diocese of Jamaica | 00794595 |
2013-11-08 | $5,000.00 | Lideres Globales Cor | 00810513 |
2014-03-03 | $5,500.00 | George W. Walters Jr. | 00812172 |
2014-01-31 | $12,743.01 | Church of God World | 00819515 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-03-07 | $0.32 | Elizabeth A Gedling | 00107341 |
2014-09-01 | $0.32 | Elizabeth A Gedling | 00152801 |
2014-03-07 | $4.09 | Albert F. Fruen | 00107336 |
2014-03-07 | $4.09 | Eleanor A. Khan | 00107330 |
2014-03-07 | $4.09 | Mrs.cherie Winsome W. | 00107338 |
2014-09-01 | $7.14 | Eleanor A. Khan | 00152807 |
2014-09-01 | $7.14 | Mrs.Cherie Winsome W. | 00152816 |
2014-09-01 | $7.14 | Albert F. Fruen | 00152800 |
2014-06-27 | $28.96 | Mr. Headly Hughes | 00148438 |
2014-01-03 | $30.00 | Michelle Touissant-B. | 00152545 |
2014-07-16 | $100.00 | Stephanie Kent | 00151700 |
2014-10-10 | $100.00 | Barclaycard | 00163640 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-10-28 | $100.00 | Lisa Taylor | 00153090 |
2014-02-12 | $120.00 | Lisa Taylor | 00146816 |
2014-09-10 | $150.00 | Irenaeus Vincent | 00148512 |
2014-03-06 | $200.00 | Enid Nelson | 00152577 |
2014-01-13 | $939.25 | Steven Browne | 00152915 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-03-06 | $5.61 | Bruce W. Osbourne | 00115861 |
2014-03-06 | $5.61 | Mr. Gregory Ian Drayt | 00115844 |
2014-09-01 | $10.92 | Heather Bradshaw | 00116476 |
2014-09-01 | $10.92 | Ryan Bradshaw | 00116477 |
2014-09-03 | $13.83 | Mr. Byron Desmond Wil | 00116507 |
2014-09-03 | $16.02 | Mr. Michael Norman Wa | 00116520 |
2014-09-01 | $19.22 | Anita Mcintosh | 00116493 |
2014-07-24 | $20.00 | Western University | 00080855 |
2014-08-20 | $20.00 | Jennifer Clarke | 00130772 |
2014-03-06 | $22.26 | Anita Mcintosh | 00115849 |
2014-03-07 | $26.91 | Michael Norman Warne | 00115875 |
2014-03-07 | $33.87 | Daniel Stephen Godda | 00115871 |
2014-07-31 | $50.00 | Worldvison Canada A/ | 00115709 |
2014-04-30 | $53.97 | Robert Gray | 00130831 |
2014-01-10 | $57.00 | The Estate Of Lynn A. | 00112583 |
2014-10-24 | $100.00 | Nicholas Greaves | 00113885 |
2014-06-03 | $150.00 | Canadian High Commis | 00082099 |
2014-09-16 | $388.22 | Elizabeth Austin | 00116524 |
2014-05-30 | $632.65 | Elsie M. Riches | 00080801 |
2014-03-07 | $897.42 | Paul Michael Goddard | 00115872 |
2014-09-26 | $1,533.61 | Oneworld Accuracy In | 00130906 |
2014-06-18 | $1,932.30 | Stewart Clyde Consul | 00115897 |
2014-06-23 | $2,000.00 | Hazel Chow | 00130851 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-09-04 | $6.81 | Mrs. Phyllis Romana A. | 00170073 |
2014-03-11 | $18.81 | Mr. Martin Jagroop | 00169687 |
2014-09-04 | $20.05 | Mr. Columban Ellis | 00170028 |
2014-09-04 | $20.05 | Mr. Patrick Valentine | 00170017 |
2014-09-04 | $20.05 | Mrs. Joycelyn Patrici | 00170021 |
2014-09-04 | $20.05 | Mr. Clyde & Mrs. Prisc | 00170071 |
2014-09-04 | $20.86 | Mr. George Browne | 00170075 |
2014-03-11 | $22.58 | Mrs. Phyllis Romana A. | 00169740 |
2014-09-04 | $28.37 | Mr. William Yarde | 00170057 |
2014-03-10 | $29.90 | Miss Lucy Silvani Kn | 00169652 |
2014-01-15 | $33.51 | Brenda Fleming-Flois | 00169522 |
2014-01-15 | $33.51 | Heather Floissac | 00169523 |
2014-03-10 | $40.24 | Mr. Columban Ellis | 00169672 |
2014-03-10 | $40.24 | Mrs. Hermina Dubois/D | 00169668 |
2014-03-11 | $40.24 | Clyde Stevens/ Prisc | 00169714 |
2014-03-11 | $41.32 | Mr. George Browne | 00169721 |
2014-09-04 | $45.08 | Mr. Thomas Lurice | 00170058 |
2014-09-04 | $56.79 | Mr. Adrian Ivon Eugen | 00170032 |
2014-03-11 | $73.61 | Mr. Thomas Lurice | 00169702 |
2014-09-01 | $76.57 | Gisele Michael | 00169966 |
2014-03-06 | $83.30 | Gisele Michael | 00169626 |
2014-09-04 | $89.57 | Damien Marius Franco | 00170035 |
2014-03-11 | $90.41 | Mr. Terryl Alister Mo | 00169709 |
2014-03-10 | $96.33 | Damien Marius Franco | 00169678 |
2014-10-14 | $100.00 | Augustus Laurent | 00156715 |
2014-01-15 | $104.16 | Margaret Odili / Ada | 00169516 |
2014-09-04 | $106.45 | Mr. Joel Augustus Pro | 00170088 |
2014-09-04 | $181.54 | Mr. Creswick Winville | 00170048 |
2014-03-31 | $232.88 | Island Catering | 00157017 |
2014-03-11 | $255.56 | Mr. Creswick Winville | 00169695 |
2014-09-01 | $302.66 | Lady Gloria Phillips | 00169967 |
2014-03-06 | $309.40 | Lady Gloria Phillips | 00169627 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-09-04 | $383.41 | Creswick Winville Ki | 00170049 |
2014-03-11 | $524.72 | Creswick W King / Th | 00169696 |
2014-06-02 | $800.00 | The Yuniq Group | 00154496 |
2014-09-04 | $1,000.15 | Mr. George Dickson Ro | 00170014 |
2014-02-11 | $1,281.96 | The Chronicle Co. | 00154969 |
2013-12-27 | $1,740.17 | The Rt Rev`D L Errol | 00152743 |
2014-05-05 | $2,600.01 | Marcellus Prospere | 00169895 |
2014-10-09 | $3,910.00 | Antigua & Barbuda Br | 00168688 |
2014-03-07 | $7,609.00 | 4 Dominica Ltd | 00168450 |
Issued Date | Amount | Payee | Serial Number |
2014-09-01 | $8.88 | Eva Lotta Anita Mars | 00169973 |
2014-03-06 | $10.29 | Eva Lotta Anita Mars | 00169624 |
2013-12-27 | $40.00 | University College C. | 00156342 |
2014-04-14 | $50.00 | University College R. | 00169458 |
2014-02-21 | $1,646.40 | Calmel & Joseph | 00156458 |
2014-09-30 | $29,726.13 | Amcor Flexibles Perg | 00157191 |