by crossmedia | Oct 2, 2023 | Part A, Statutory Instruments (SI's)
Companies Act CAP. 308COMPANIES (EXEMPTION) ORDER, 2023 The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 325 of the Companies Act, makes the following Order: This Order may be cited as the Companies (Exemption) Order, 2023. S.C.G. (Caribbean) Group...
by crossmedia | Sep 29, 2023 | Part A, Statutory Instruments (SI's)
By Her Excellency The Most Honourable Sandra Prunella Mason, Freedom of Barbados, President of Barbados. S. MASON President A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS by section 117 of the Public Procurement Act, ...
by crossmedia | Sep 28, 2023 | Part A, Statutory Instruments (SI's)
Shipping (Incentives) Act CAP. 90A SHIPPING (INCENTIVES) (C.R. CRUISES LTD.) ORDER, 2023 The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 3 of the Shipping (Incentives) Act, makes the following Order: This Order may be cited as the Shipping...
by crossmedia | Aug 31, 2023 | Part A, Statutory Instruments (SI's)
S.I. 2023 No. 58 Miscellaneous Controls Act CAP. 329 MISCELLANEOUS CONTROLS (CONTROL OF PRICES) (GENERAL) (AMENDMENT) (NO. 8) REGULATIONS, 2023 The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 3 of the Miscellaneous Controls Act, makes the following...
by crossmedia | Aug 28, 2023 | Part A, Statutory Instruments (SI's)
SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK (WORKSTATION) (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS, 2023The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 108(1)(a) of the Safety and Health at Work Act, makes the following Regulations: These Regulations may be cited as the Safety and...
by crossmedia | Aug 24, 2023 | Acts, Part A, Statutory Instruments (SI's)
NATIONAL INSURANCE AND SOCIAL SECURITY (AMENDMENT)ACT, 2023-18 Arrangement of Sections Short title Amendment of section 2 of Cap. 47 Amendment of Cap. 47 Amendment of section 12 of Cap. 47 Amendment of section 14 of Cap. 47 Amendment of section 14A of Cap. 47...