Gazette December 16 2021 – Part A Bills Act

Resolution No. 23/2021 to approve the compulsory acquisition of the parcel of land situate at Workman’s, St. George. 2 Resolution No. 24/2021 to approve the compulsory acquisition of the parcels of land situate at Sargeants Village, Christ Church. 3 _ _ _ _ _ _...

Gazette December 9 2021 – Part A

Resolution No. 22/2021 for the sum of $17,358,475 …………….2, 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bill re Fair Credit Reporting Act, 2021. 2 OFFICIAL GAZETTE December 9, 2021 Resolution No. 22/2021 Ref. No.: M.P.: 6102/5/1 Vol. I HOUSE OF...