by crossmedia | Dec 24, 2021 | Acts, Part A
Act 2021-27: Income Tax (Country-by-Country Reporting) Act, 2021. 24th December, 2021 2021-27 INCOME TAX (COUNTRY-BY-COUNTRY REPORTING) ACT, 2021-27 Arrangement of Sections PART I PRELIMINARY Short titleInterpretationPART II REPORTING PROCEDURESBarbados Competent...
by crossmedia | Dec 16, 2021 | Acts, Bills, Part A
Resolution No. 23/2021 to approve the compulsory acquisition of the parcel of land situate at Workman’s, St. George. 2 Resolution No. 24/2021 to approve the compulsory acquisition of the parcels of land situate at Sargeants Village, Christ Church. 3 _ _ _ _ _ _...
by crossmedia | Dec 7, 2021 | Acts, Part A, Statutory Instruments (SI's)
S.I. 2021 No. 87: Proclamation re Planning and Development Act, 2019. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Act 2020-34: Planning and Development (Amendment) Act, 2020. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S.I. 2021 No. 88: Planning and Development (Environmental Impact...
by crossmedia | Nov 26, 2021 | Acts, Resolutions
VOL. CLVI No. 137 Part A BRIDGETOWN, BARBADOS, 26TH NOVEMBER, 2021 Contents Resolution No. 21/2021 that Parliament take note and approve the Charter of Barbados 2021 2-10 Act 2021-25: Gold Award of Achievement (Amendment) Act, 2021. Resolution No. 21/2021 Ref. No.:...
by crossmedia | Oct 28, 2021 | Acts, Part A
VOL. CLVI No. 125 Part A BRIDGETOWN, BARBADOS, 28TH OCTOBER, 2021 Contents Bill re Barbados National Honours and Decorations Bill, 2021. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Act 2021-23: Barbados National Honours and Decorations Act, 2021. Act 2021-24: Prevention of Corruption...
by crossmedia | Aug 26, 2021 | Acts, Part A
Resolution No. 11/2021 for the sum of $103,533,192 2-3 Resolution No. 12/2021 to approve the vesting in the National Housing Corporation of the parcel of land situate at Whitepark Road and Country Road, St. Michael 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bill re Final...