(Notice under Section 5)

The acquisition for public purposes of the parcel of land described in the Schedule hereto with the appurtenances having been decided on by the Minister responsible for Lands with the approval of both Houses of Parliament it is hereby declared in pursuance of Section 5 of the Land Acquisition Act, Cap. 228 that the said parcel of land has been acquired for a public purpose, namely, education, economic and tourism development.


ALL THAT land situate at Harrison’s Plantation in the parish of Saint Lucy in this Island containing by admeasurement 36 517.3 square metres (3.65173 hectares) Abutting and Bounding on lands now or late of Arlington Griffith (Lot 24) on lands now or formerly of Massy Properties Barbados Limited (Lot 23) on lands now or late of Maria-Rene Aileen Cumberbatch (Lot 22) on lands now or late of Gleeson Carlos Roach (Lot 21) on lands now or late of Neville Ricardo Mason (Lot 20) on lands now or late of Troy Noland Belgrave (Lot 19) on lands now or late of Philmore Medford Brome (Lot 18) on lands now or formerly of W. R. Investments Inc. on lands now or formerly of Barbados Tourism Investment Inc. and on a public road which leads to H.M.P. Harrison’s Point in one direction and to Highway 1B in another direction or however else the same may abut and bound as shown and delineated on a Plan certified on the 4th day of May, 2023 by Alex R. Chandler, Land Surveyor and recorded in the Lands and Surveys Department on the 5th day of May, 2023 as Plan No. 740/2023.

Dated this 24th day of August Two thousand and Twenty-Three.